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[OFU] Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars OSX in Mac






[OFU] Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars OSX Mac




2008-12-01 (by MOSTARR)


Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars for Mac OSX. No crack or serial needed just drag to Applications! if for some reason it asks you for one, slap in 5CXX-35DE-H23E-5R5K-QHWG !Enjoy! plz seed. =D [OFU KRU] - GAME INFORMATION: - Minimum Macintosh System Requirements Mac Processor Type: Intel Core Duo processor Mac Operating System: Macintosh System 10.4.9 Mac System Memory: 1GB RAM Mac Video: 128MB ATI RADEON X1600 or NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT or higher video card


  1. Conquer
  2. Tiberium
  3. Wars
  4. OSX
  5. MAC

Files count:



5153.73 Mb




brukerdose (2008-12-02)

Intel GMA950 chipset (MacBook) not supported

Kennosuke (2008-12-06)

This may be a dangerous torrent ... I got a Cease and Desist letter for downloading it. Be aware.

ddragovi (2008-12-06)

please elaborate...

MOSTARR (2008-12-06)

this isnt a dangerous torrent mate

MOSTARR (2008-12-06)

and im not sure why it got the warning anyone else get this let me know

dwiditya (2008-12-11)

need more seed... 44 kb/s...about 1 day....?? i will be a seeder after this..

MOSTARR (2008-12-11)

yeh i kno man no ppl r thankin and no ppl seeding after takes the piss

dwiditya (2008-12-11)

MOSTARR please seed me at 400 kb/s.. after this i will be a seeder i promise.. thank you..

Lisa Hotleg (2008-12-12)

Thank you all my love :-)

ktalebian (2008-12-12)

Umm, what's the serial number?! :)

MOSTARR (2008-12-12)


dynamitesteel (2008-12-22)

seeeeeeedddddddddddddddddddd plzzzzzzz i beg you

No1Mind (2009-01-04)

Hello this one doesn't need 'No Dvd' patch/crack?

MOSTARR (2009-01-06)

nope, is already done

fjedjik (2009-01-07)

How do I open this? When I drag the sitx. file to programs, nothing happens? And it says uncompress....with what? Thanks in advance

FillilutteN (2009-01-09)

I'll guess this game won't work on Leopard? :/

No1Mind (2009-01-12)

Doesn't run for me, MacBook Pro 2.16 17'' intel core duo. Leopard 10.5.5.
When I click to play, the screen remains black and nothing more.

IAMCan (2009-01-24)

Received a mail from my ISP in Canada(Videotron) stating that I cease doing what I was doing saying that the copyright holder(EA) had filed a complaint under suspicions that I had obviously done something wrong with their property. My ISP informed me that they could not reveal to EA any of my personal information just as much as they couldn't reveal it was EA and followed with a statement about EA being able to get a judgment to have my ISP give them all my information. So what happened to this torrent not being under surveillance?

LongLivePiracy (2009-02-03)

Complete waste of fucking time.
wtf is a .stix file?
It's just 5 gb of shit

dukedude (2009-02-06)

What a waste of time:
a) this is NOT for Mac OSX. It might be in a .sitx file, but when you extract it, it extracts all the files of a WINDOWS installation. It includes .bat and .exe files which are useless on Mac OSX unless you are using bootcamp.
b) the readme simply says, 'extract and put in applications folder'. Put what, the entire 5 gb of WINDOWS files you just extracted into your apps folder? And then what? What will you run the .exe file with? It doesn't work with crossover games.
This torrent is useless! It doesn't even work on my windows computer.

dukedude (2009-02-06)

Seriously, anyone who says they got it to work, please do tell how you managed to make a bunch of windows files work on your Mac OSX.

IAMCan (2009-02-17)

.sitx files are a mac specific I assume. I did get the mail about ceasing to share but I never said the game did not work. The game worked great and ran without a hitch. Dukedude the troll.

MOSTARR (2009-02-27)

if you think this is not for MAC OSX and is for WINDOWS u r an idiot! people have already got it to work so fuck off

Azriel6290 (2009-04-01)

Is this a file that needs to be downloaded all in one go? I only ask as I left my laptop on overnight downloading it. Got up this morning and shut the laptop down for a bit - I closed Vuze down properly - and when I turned everything back on again, the download rest back to 0.0%.

georgeuk (2009-04-04)


Azriel6290 (2009-04-07)

Well, finally finished downloading this. Had a problem transferring it to my iMac, didn't seem to want to know when I tried with a USB Pen, so used a Firewire cable.
Now when I attempt to extract the files I get an error stating that the file is damaged. This is utter BS, I have never downloaded a Mac game and had this much trouble with it, why the hell couldn't you upload it as a .dmg!? At least they work.
Four days downloading for nothing, waste of time. Thanks.

MystikPoet (2009-04-15)

I agree with some. THIS TORRENT IS DANGEROUS. Videotron, my ISP, sent me an alert to stop illegal download. EA is behind this complaint.

tommywing (2009-04-19)

Hey Minus the bullshit has anyone got this workin in OSX?

Ricknederland (2009-04-22)


Ricknederland (2009-04-22)

This torrent is not dangerous i downloaded it without warnings. Maybe you should put your mac on STEALTH mode. With that mode it looks like your mac doesn't even exist.

shelleyerest2000 (2009-04-23)

im starting to download, how do you put it in stealth i forgot :]

MOSTARR (2009-04-24)


Iggy.stooged (2009-04-29)

When i downloaded this, the icon for the game is just a blank piece of paper. How do i get the game to really show up?

akindo (2009-05-27)

This torrent DOES work. In Leopard, OS X told me the archive was too big when double clicking on it. I then downloaded Stuffit and used that application to extract. It took about an hour to unstuff, but after that the game works. Though I did get crackling audio with my M-Audio FireWire soundcard, so am using the laptop's built-in audio which works fine.

HelloAnia (2009-06-20)

If you have issues unstuffing this file, like I did & get an error message, please delete your old version and get the latest one for free here:

lachrymal (2009-11-09)

I don't know who to believe...
Please seed. I don't care if I have to wait 10 days... I'd just prefer not to.
Thank you for the upload and seeds.

oxygens (2009-11-12)

Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge VMware Appliance (works on OSX with Fusion any version):
Full game (NOT rip) with working cracks preinstalled, hamachi for LAN over internet play and other goodies:)

lachrymal (2009-11-18)

Thank you for the download MOSTARR!! Works like a charm.
Took just over 8 full days. I'll seed it as long as possible. Respects to the µTorrent user that fed me at 150kb/s.

hiromi_777a (2009-12-07)

Hi MOSTARR! Thanks for the upload!
I have a problem however, I tried multiplayer with 2 macs but it says, the serial is already in use. I can't go join the server of the game. Do you have any fix for this? Thanks so much!

fisher11 (2009-12-27)

After 20 hours of downloading and one hour of expanding it worked like a charm! Thanks for the download!! will seed for a couple of hours
The guy below me must have fucked something up but thank you HelloAnia for the stuffit link

earofcorn (2010-01-22)

This torrent couldn't be easier. Thanks alot to mostarr. For everyone struggling here is exactly how I got it working. Granted you know how to start the torrent (it takes a little while due to not many seeders) Once it's done, download the mac app that HelloAnia posted which I will post again (thanks HelloAnia)

Once this is done, right click the main (5gb) file you downloaded, open with the newly installed stuffit expander. Once your stuffit expander is done you should have a playable copy! all you have to do is double-click and mostarr has done the rest. Thanks again mostarr.

renaudparisfrance (2010-02-25)

dosen't work for me/
Don't we have a keygen somewhere ?
the one from razor doesn't work for mac's serial numbers.

xedath (2010-03-11)

YOU ALL ARE F*CKING RETARDS ... torrent stuffit pro

then drag the sitx onto stuffit pro and an hour later you have ur CnC ... the only problem is serial key conflict when trying lan ... anyone got around this?

XGaMbLeX (2010-06-15)

Ok i unstuffed the Sitx using Stuffit expander it worked fine i put the game into my applications folder it started great now i am just stuck on a black screen. Did i do something wrong or what? Please help out

Themata (2010-10-18)

I'm not entirely sure how someone could get this wrong:
1. Get Stuffit Expander.

2. Expand the .sitx file.
3. The entire game will be expanded as one application file, "Command and Conquer 3."
Drag and drop it into Applications.
4. Bam.

Themata (2010-10-20)

I'm having a problem with sound on my system, but only because my soundcard is external / third party, or my computer itself is not powerful enough to run the game.
I'm having the same problem with Command and Assassin's Creed.
If your computer is awesome, though, get this torrent.
100% win.

sika6 (2010-12-08)

Could you seed please? I'm stuck at 89 % and even though there are seeds it won't keep going. Thanks

baba8333 (2011-03-29)

good torrent . you need stuff it expander which is free to download . use that to expand the file. game wors like a charm
great upload great game

MR.NieNie (2011-04-27)

ok first mac can't get viruses second get THE UNARCHIVER and expand the sitx file drag to applications if the SN doesn't work use KCNScrew and get 4

nezeq (2011-05-14)

I need help, i committed all the instructions, i expand the sixth file with stuffit expander and now i am stuck on black screen despite the fact that i read on other websites"when the arrow of the mouse appears on the top left of the screen it means that you install this game correctly" what to do,how i avoid from that black screen and operate this game???!!! 
P.S.--- this is the link that i read on black screen

kngat3 (2011-06-16)

hey just to let you know this torrent worked perfectly but i was wondering as i have multiple macs i thought we would have a LAN game but when i go to join a game i created it says serial in use .... so i was just wondering as i was never prompted about the serial ... could you please tell me how to change it muchly appreciated

tomclancy411 (2011-08-14)


tomclancy411 (2011-08-14)

PS Torrent is dangerous for Canadian Downloaders. US Downloaders not sure.

tomclancy411 (2011-08-14)

@MOSTARR Hey can you help me? Anyone? dwnloaded it, didnt stop for 2 days straight. Got the expander, deluxe 2011, (from torrents of course) and it says that "The Stuffit Engine Was Unable To Determine The File Format" am I using the wrong version? any help would be apreciatted.

brwowsrs (2011-09-17)

Great game! Downloaded slow, but updated stuffit to the 2009 version, right clicked the Command and Conquer 3 OSX [OFU KRU[.sitx file and selected to open with stuffit expander. Took an hour then moved the opened app to my applications and it started right up no problems. Running an old ass iMac Yahoo with 2gb. Works great, and it even has the total recall guy!

brettferris (2012-01-31)

any way to speed up the download? or just slow cos not many seeders or my net stinks?

Kneegrows (2012-09-02)

hey MOSTARR i downloaded and unarchived but when i open it just closes the icon on the dock straight away, ive been downloading for a week and am seeding. thx for you help

SPerish (2012-12-18)

Mac osx 10.8.2 i5... Screen flickering all the time.. Just dragged it to aps folder.. Any solytions?

brate326 (2013-01-10)

What I did:
1. Navigate to the Applications folder
2. Right click on the Command and Conquer 3 app and hit 'Show Package Contents'
3. Navigate to Contents -> Resources
4. Again, right click on the Command and Conquer 3 app and hit 'Show Package Contents'
5. Navigate to Contents -> Resources -> Preferences
6. Right click on the file named 'config' and open it with TextEdit
7. Find the line "fbobackbuffer" = "Y" and change the "Y" to a "N"
8. Save the file.
9. I also did the same to the 'config' file in ~/Library/Preferences/Command and Conquer 3 Preferences
I don't know if it's necessary to change the files in both locations. In fact, I think I only did it to the file in the Library folder to start with.
I hope that helps!

hassanite (2013-02-23)

can someone please seed am at 98.2%

jonathanheierle (2013-03-24)

Please help me! I downloaded this unzipped it, and put it in the application folder and ran it but it doesnt even run, it immediatley closes before the app even opens...please help

dchan1 (2013-07-02)

Hi, the game worked perfectly after some minor screen shuttering but i managed to change the setting said by one of the comments and it works prefectly now. I tried playing multiplayer->network, which is a lan game, however whenever someone tries to join my game it shows 'connection timed out'. does anyone got it working? and if so could you pls explain how? p.s : i tried using hamachi but it still shows the same message. thx

Spudboy2012 (2013-07-18)

Works great. Thanks.

WhoDoeS2012 (2013-09-24)

hi my screen is flickering....
i followed this instruction but...
1. Navigate to the Applications folder
2. Right click on the Command and Conquer 3 app and hit 'Show Package Contents'
3. Navigate to Contents -> Resources
4. Again, right click on the Command and Conquer 3 app and hit 'Show Package Contents'
5. Navigate to Contents -> Resources -> Preferences
6. Right click on the file named 'config' and open it with TextEdit
7. Find the line "fbobackbuffer" = "Y" and change the "Y" to a "N"
"THERE IS NO "Preferences FOLDER in my content"
only "content/resources/
(english.Iproj/readme/eula/cdkey.txt and images)
please help....

crion1 (2013-09-29)

Don't change the package contents. Launch the program once, quit it, then go to "~/Library/Preferences/Command and Conquer 3 Preferences/" and edit the "config" file to change the "Y" on the line with fbobabackbuffer to "N".

RedMajor213 (2013-10-22)

OK so when I opened it it flashed in the dock then disappeared. I did the changing of "Y" to "N" like the comments said but I can't find the config file in ~/Library/Preferences/Command and con... I searched my Mac and there is no folder named Command and conquer in my ~/Library/Preferences/

RedMajor213 (2013-10-22)

Does this work with internal graphics card (Intel 3000HD) ?