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Change Your Eye Color.rar






Change Your Eye Color with Hypnosis




2009-03-25 (by crunkflash)


Not happy with your eye color? Simply sit back and listen to this powerful hypnosis session, as Change your Eye Color will enable you to naturally and safely change the pigmentation levels of your irises to suit your personality More info: -- Don't know if this actually works, try it, and let me know the results in the comment section. And remember to seed.


  1. hypnosis
  2. change
  3. your
  4. eye
  5. color
  6. iris
  7. colors
  8. eyes
  9. guided

Files count:



84.91 Mb




crunkflash (2009-03-25)

Actually it does, the original mp3 is 87.2Mb the rar is 84.9Mb, that's 2.3Mb worth of compression ;)

koronus15 (2009-03-28)

If you think this will work, you don't understand hypnosis.

neetas11 (2009-04-14)

is this download the audio?

neetas11 (2009-04-14)

you have it stored under audio. I am downloading the file but it shows as adobe. :S

Charism (2009-04-25)

i haven't try it yet, but people please humans are more than killing each other, we can do things with our will. jusr do what u want to do and be
everything is possible

Herkimer (2009-10-26)

Jesus Christ! My fucking eyes are black!! How do I fucking change it back!!!
Stupid hynosis stuff!!

dragondeathlord (2009-11-25)

You can say what you like but I been able to change my Eye color my entire life.When I was kid used think everyone could do it.No different than some people can wiggle and even curl there ears.Stupid human pet trick maybe but do not say you don't understand hypnosis if you think this works. I can do it and last checked I was not a Skrull so my guess is with practice and enough biofeedback anyone can learn. It takes me in real life about 20 minutes.But I can go green to brown no problem in 20.And Blue if given about a week or deep blue (that hardest about 2 months,and my eyes feel sore after deep blue and I leave like that.)
So this might work that the good news, here the bad I am personally very very near sighted and photo sensitive.Not Bull Sh#ting .I can do this for real and My eyes are crap and I often wondered if there a link.So I do not do it as often as I use to. LOL
So maybe this works but but do you real want screw with your eyes?
Evolution might greyed this switch out for a reason. So if if your eyes start getting fussy stop..
This post is the only reason I sighed up and registed . So go head call me bullshitter. Just wanted to give fair warning. There your eyes and if this works you might wind up like me .And I got a scar from walking into a Stop Sign.
I am scared of going blind not bullshitting anyone. Doctors are less than useless.

l_uke89 (2010-02-11)

dragondeathlord, do u have windows live messenger? i would like to speak to you about ur skill

Neutron407 (2010-07-30)

@kluelos I'm interested in these investment opportunities that you speak of.

Landplacker (2010-08-07)

Me, too.^^

chaucerchris (2010-08-11)

What a load of crap!
Anyone foolish enough to believe this nonsense needs a serious wake up call. Sounds more like something from the TV series charmed. Clearly people willing to upload this shit has no clue about hypnosis.
I would suggest people using either Richard bandler or Paul McKenna hypnosis files which can be bought from a certified NLP website NLP Life Training.

retado (2011-08-08)

Sooooo, anyone that actually tried this saw any actual difference in the eye color, even slightly?

tdiamante (2011-08-29)

This really works!!! I listened to it for 36 hours straight and my eyes went from Blue to Bloodshot!

Dominatrix (2011-10-06)

I'm guessing contact lenses got too expensive?

Hacking-Wizard (2011-10-08)

is it to change eye colour ?
is it possible ?
please contact in my email:- (facebook)
i would like to know is there anyone who has changed eye colour by this way

blucexxree (2012-01-24)

DO NOT DOWNLOAD!!! This is not the product the uploader claims! After 3 days, my eyes have not changed colour BUT MY PENIS HAS GROWN 2 INCHES!

Audi0zzz (2012-03-23)

lol at all these ppl. im downloading this and i'll report back with results in the next month. i dont really expect anything to happen anyways.

Tweeters (2013-05-16)

Its workin'? I wanna bloodred eyes,so i can make it with this?:O

bLaStErMiNdS (2013-07-06)

Could Anyone Help Me With This I Know Many Of You WIll Think Im Dumb But I Dont Know WHat To DO During The Hypnosis Session There Is This Time Where He Makes You Visuallise Waking Through Stone Slabs Then MAkes You Go Contact Your Energy center (Chakra Or Ki Or Chi) Im Ususally Pretty Good At Learning Things But The More I Understand The Better I DO Can Anybody Please Dedicate Their Time To Explain This Entire Process Of The Session Cause Then I I Know I WIll Be Able To Do Better
Thanking U In Advance

bLaStErMiNdS (2013-07-06)

Could Any One Please Explain This Session To Me You probably Think Im Dumb But I Just Dont Get It And Am Not Sure Wheather Im Doing It RIght I Do Something Better When Im Aware WHat Im Doing IS Right And He Makes You Walk Throught Stone Slabs And Go To Your Energy Center Chakra Ki Or Chi Could Any One Please Explain This To Me In Detain And Tell Me Exactly What To Do I Can Understand Him Its Just I Dont Understabd In Detail So Could You Please Help Me Out And Tell Me So That i Can Understand in Detail Someone who already did this and experiances positive results Would be Good Altought I Dont Thnk I Anyone Actually Achieved Results Would Come Back To This PAge Thanking you in advance My email Is blaster