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2006-12-06 (by masseur)


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Files count:



709.16 Mb




 Knaster (2006-12-06)

Why wont americans just let there children be children why dress them up as adults and such as these. America is sick and perverted!

 HallanD6 (2006-12-06)

Easy now, Knaster. It's just a movie.

Gestalt (2006-12-06)

anti-americanism is so fresh and spunky, sort of like anti-semitism in the 30's. meanwhile, 12-years old girls are forcible married to old smelly perverts in the muslim world and no one accuses them of being "sick and perverted". or if someone does, he is accused of "racism". but feel free to unload on americans...

paragon9 (2006-12-06)

12-years old girls are forcible married to old smelly perverts in the muslim world and no one accuses them of being "sick and perverted".
yeah........and woody allen too, the dirty old paedo =)

PaP1 (2006-12-06)

I agree with Knaster, it's sick ffs!

Almaxaquattl (2006-12-07)

Depending on view, most of the world is sick and perverted...

 Knaster (2006-12-07)

Gestalt as a matter of fact i hate moslem's too but it's illegal in Sweden to hate the perverts in middleeast, so instead i hate the perverts in USA! There's no law against that i think ^^

imizrahi (2006-12-07)

wow...what an enlightened bunch...
swede hates the muslims...others hate the americans...
american hates the swede...
let's cure the planet of guys can be the leaders...
god knows we've done our time...
if the haters can't figure out that THEY're wounded, we're dead already...
don't wanna play this game?
that's ok. i'm patient...and there seem to be plenty, and i mean PLENty of other 'players'...
carry on...
btw, i liked the comment, 'it's only a movie...'
as if the movie really had much to do with these accidents waiting to happen...
can i get an Amen?

imizrahi (2006-12-07)

oops, yeah, and I'M a genius...
thanks upper(masseur)for making this available...been trying to get this to d/l from other sites like 5 or so times...this is the first one that's worked...actually, some of the others DOWNloaded, but then there was nothing to see...and very little of THAT, considering the size of the file...weirdness abides...
thanks again...

shoeshoe (2006-12-07)

Nice movie, nice quality. Thanks!
P.S. the majority of Americans would probably agree that these little kid beauty contests are pretty sick and creepy.
P.S.S. I would like to visit Sweden and chase chickens around with a meat cleaver while saying 'Bork Bork Bork Bork'.

godest (2006-12-08)

usa sux big time, their laws are shit and they are all fucking fat ! -.- jeez, comon, stop eating and stop being stupied !

imizrahi (2006-12-08)

hey people...
check out this last one...
notice the spelling of stupid...
the address originates from the uk. no fat people THERE...
all these 'this place/person sucks' generalities are just simple ways of talking about complex issues...your emotional ages are showing...
hey...wanna see a good movie folks? wanna see something REAListic about how where this sort of attitude leads? person vs person vs person?
'children of men'.
we're just a few steps from this...if that...
there's no such thing as 'perfect'...that and lots of other concepts. mind tricks.
but they're mind tricks that we've built cultures, much less lives around...
i guess you folks are just soooo scared of each other that you'll eventually make being at each other's throats a self fulfilling prophecy...
i wish i had a pill you could take to take the REAL pain away...or the fear. same thing when one leads to the other...
the blind bludgeoning the blind...

crazyfingerz (2006-12-24)

"spirit knows no color,either youre a hater or a lover"
I dont have time to waste on hate, those that do should find a a hobby or something to channel some of that negativity into. people are fucking people, there are bad people in every shape, color, nationality, religion, and good people as well. anyone who thinks otherwise is a fucking ignorant, lethargic, racist peice of shit who is a waste of air, and the reason why humans cannot progress, and why we will not evolve into more concious beings. reading shit like this on a fucking torrent site under a fuckin comedy makes me want to throw up. all you people saying how thesee people are this way, cuz they live this place or whatever(yet you only know what you are spoonfed through the mediua about other cultures, and have no actual experience with the shit youre talking about), should check yourselves and take a damn look in the mirror. maybe its YOU who is the shitty person.

Siovhan (2006-12-25)

You mother fucker.

Metacom (2006-12-26)

Are laws are shit? HAH!
Unless you have been here, lived here, talked to all the many kinds of people in so kindly shut your fucking mouth.
I have never been to Mexico...or Sweden, infact Ive never been outside of the states. But im not hating other countries of idiotic reasons. I dont generalize other countries based ona few scewballs that may happen to inhabit it.
Untill you learn people are people everywhere and you and me are not so diffrent keep your nationalistic shit to yourself.