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Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)






Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)


Audio/Audio books


2009-01-14 (by picoli)


[Extended edition], [Free Distribute] This is David Duke's shocking book Jewish Supremacism - My Awakening to the Jewish Question (2003) which exposes the plans of the elite of International Jewry. Covering many topics and historical periods, the book is well researched and documented and serves as an outline for one interested in this fascinating subject to go check it out for one's self. Studying Dr. Duke's book will lead the reader into an honest look at the way the world is run and will ultimately be much more satisfying than the lies and bunk one finds in the politically correct, communist university classrooms of today. Heavily footnoted and referenced the fascinating and arcane information he's amassed (primarily from Jewish sources) on the Zionist connection to many of the woes currently facing America is an amazing achievement. As the United States continues it's descent into tyranny, more and more people will start to ask "WHY"? There are certainly many gentiles guilty of greed, corruption and treason who assist the New World Order agenda, but the origins of the most influential movements, which masquerade as "liberty", "freedom" or "equal rights" are Jewish supremacist ideologies. Duke covers the whole history of Zionist manipulation and oppression. Did you know the civil rights movement was Jewish controlled? Did you know that we are at war in Iraq and Afghanistan because Zionist neoconservatives in government called for it long before 9/11 occurred? Did you ever wonder why Israel is almost always a "victim" acting in self-defence even though they are ILLEGALLY occupying Palestine and ignoring U.N. resolutions? Some will defame this book by calling it anti-Semitic. Yet, it is not considered anti-American to examine historical mistreatment of Indians. No one calls it anti-Christian to talk about the excesses of the Inquisition. No one says that it is anti-Muslim to examine extreme elements within Muslim fundamentalism. This book is not anti-Semitic; it simply examines and documents elements of ethnic supremacism that have existed in the Jewish community from historical to modern times. Specifically, Jewish Supremacism examines a long record of Jewish supremacist ideology and history that have had a powerful and damaging effect on both the Jewish and Gentile world. Highly recommended to those who think outside the box, and who can deal with truth.

Files count:



233.25 Mb




SuperBock (2009-01-14)

David Ernest Duke (born July 1, 1950) is an American white nationalist, former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan

m26us (2009-01-15)

To (SuperBock at 2009-01-14 14:59 CET: )
And your point is ... ?? If he is a member of KKK or head of KKK, his views should be disqualified ?? I don't understand.

siegfried0 (2009-08-03)

This is a great book.
Here's the recently completed audio book My Awakening by David Duke:

DrDDuke (2011-03-26)

Just think for yourself and judge this book by its reason and evidence.
There is a better version contained in My Awakening Audio Book 2011 Latest Edition
With music, and much more updated material.
Part III of My Awakening
I suggest you delete this torrent and seed the new My Awakening 2011 Torrent

lostspoil (2011-04-28)

yeah fuck you all.. you fucking americans have no clue what so ever and now you think you can climb in to our perfect Arian asses.. your hole fucking country should be bombed for what you did to us in the second world war.. FUCK YOU!! you are no Nazis you are the descendants of criminals and you are a shit race.. FUCK YOU BIG TIME!

Stanselm (2011-11-05)

Duke went to jail for fraud. Enough siad. He's racist and stupid and from LA. Strike three you're out David.

Zeus0007 (2012-03-20)

Because Christian scholars periodically obtained copies of the Talmud, Talmudic scribes hoped to deceive them by
using the name Balaam to denote Jesus. In The Jewish Encyclopedia, under the heading "Balaam," it says, "…the
pseudonym 'Balaam' given to Jesus in Sanhedrin 106b and Gittin 57a."
The Talmud repeatedly uses obscure words
to denote Gentiles with an assortment of names such as Egyptian, heathen, Cuthean, and idolater.
Herman Wouk, the very popular Jewish writer,
illustrates the influence of the Talmud as follows:

The Talmud is to this day the circulating heart's blood of the Jewish religion. Whatever laws, customs, or
ceremonies we observe — whether we are orthodox, Conservative, Reform or merely spasmodicsentimentalists — we follow the Talmud. It is our common law.
Translation from the Talmud:
Balaam [Jesus] is raised from the dead and being punished in boiling hot semen. Those who mock the
words of the Jewish sages and sin against Israel are boiled in hot excrement. (57a Gittin)
The Talmud's words
are vitriolic:

Only Jews are human. [Gentiles] are animals. (Baba Mezia 114a-114b.)
For murder, whether of a Cuthean [Gentile] by a Cuthean, or of an Israelite by a Cuthean, punishment is
incurred; but of a Cuthean by an Israelite, there is no death penalty. (Sanhedrin 57a) [442]
Even the best of the [Gentiles] should be killed. (Babylonian Talmud) [443]
If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there. (Moed
Kattan 17a.)[444]
Gentiles' flesh is as the flesh of asses and whose issue is like the issue of horses.
If a heathen [Gentile] hits a Jew, the Gentile must be killed. Hitting a Jew is hitting God. (Sanhedrin 58b)
If an ox of an Israelite gores an ox of a Canaanite there is no liability; but if an ox of a Canaanite [Gentile]
gores an ox of an Israelite...the payment is to be in full. (Baba Kamma 37b.)
If a Jew finds an object lost by a heathen [Gentile] it does not have to be returned. (Baba Mezia 24a;
Affirmed also in Baba Kamma 113b.)[448]
God will not spare a Jew who marries his daughter to an old man or takes a wife for his infant son or returns a lost article to a Cuthean [Gentile]... (Sanhedrin 76a.)[449]
What a Jew obtains by theft from a Cuthean [Gentile] he may keep. (Sanhedrin 57a.)
[Gentiles] are outside the protection of the law and God has 'exposed their money to Israel.' (Baba
Kamma 37b.)[451]
Jews may use lies ('subterfuges') to circumvent a [Gentile]. (Baba Kamma 113a.)
All [Gentile] children are animals. (Yebamoth 98a.)[453]
[Gentiles] prefer sex with cows. (Abodah Zarah 22a-22b.)[454]
The vessels of [Gentiles], do they not impart a worsened flavor to the food cooked in them? (Abodah
Zarah 67b.)[455]
Despicable. Jews hate EVERY race except their own. Why does ANYONE have respect for these TRUE RACISTS?

funnyfiddle (2012-09-28)

@ lostspoil
david duke is a scotsman, and he's never identified himself as a NAZI, this sounds more like wishful thinking.
who's talking to you, anyway, german?

as if the germans haven't committed atrocities.. GET YOUR FUCKING LIBERAL HEAD OUT OF THE FUCKING GUTTER. you fuckers slaughtered a million arabs and you're continuing the massacre in afghanistan, so wake the FUCK UP. as if you're fucking perfect, you've got blood on your hands, BOY!!!

cellardoor9 (2012-11-09)

Scotsman? please. He's a proud ancestor of southern american frontiersmen.
Duke joined the Ku Klux Klan in 1967. Duke studied at Louisiana State University (LSU) in Baton Rouge, and in 1970, he formed a white student group called the White Youth Alliance; it was affiliated with the National Socialist White People's Party. The same year, to protest William Kunstler's appearance at Tulane University, Duke appeared at a demonstration in Nazi uniform. Picketing and holding parties on the anniversary of Adolf Hitler's birth, he became notorious on the LSU campus for wearing a Nazi uniform.
Get it right, BOY.


1. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/01-Preface, Part I.mp3 4.60 Mb
2. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/02-Preface, Part II.mp3 4.64 Mb
3. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/03-Preface, Part III.mp3 4.10 Mb
4. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/04-Preface, Part IV.mp3 2.81 Mb
5. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/05-Chapter 1 The Jewish Question, Part I.mp3 4.59 Mb
6. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/06-Chapter 1 The Jewish Question, Part II.mp3 2.75 Mb
7. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/07-Chapter 1 The Jewish Question, Part III.mp3 3.77 Mb
8. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/08-Chapter 2 Jewish Supremacism, Part I.mp3 5.39 Mb
9. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/09-Chapter 2 Jewish Supremacism, Part II.mp3 3.47 Mb
10. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/10-Chapter 2 Jewish Supremacism, Part III.mp3 4.40 Mb
11. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/11-Chapter 3 Judaism And Christianity, Part I.mp3 4.19 Mb
12. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/12-Chapter 3 Judaism And Christianity, Part II.mp3 3.53 Mb
13. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/13-Chapter 3 Judaism And Christianity, Part III.mp3 2.74 Mb
14. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/14-Chapter 4 Jews, Communism And Civil Rights, Part I.mp3 4.80 Mb
15. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/15-Chapter 4 Jews, Communism And Civil Rights, Part II.mp3 4.00 Mb
16. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/16-Chapter 4 Jews, Communism And Civil Rights, Part III.mp3 3.84 Mb
17. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/17-Chapter 5 Jewish Media Supremacy, Part I.mp3 3.77 Mb
18. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/18-Chapter 5 Jewish Media Supremacy, Part II.mp3 4.64 Mb
19. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/19-Chapter 5 Jewish Media Supremacy, Part III.mp3 3.43 Mb
20. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/20-Chapter 5 Jewish Media Supremacy, Part IV.mp3 2.44 Mb
21. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/21-Chapter 6 Jewish Political Supremacy, Part I.mp3 3.68 Mb
22. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/22-Chapter 6 Jewish Political Supremacy, Part II.mp3 3.85 Mb
23. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/23-Chapter 6 Jewish Political Supremacy, Part III.mp3 3.55 Mb
24. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/24-Chapter 7 The Origins Of Anti-Semitism I, Part I.mp3 3.89 Mb
25. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/25-Chapter 7 The Origins Of Anti-Semitism I, Part II.mp3 4.72 Mb
26. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/26-Chapter 7 The Origins Of Anti-Semitism I, Part III.mp3 3.10 Mb
27. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/27-Chapter 8 The Origins Of Anti-Semitism II, Part I.mp3 4.10 Mb
28. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/28-Chapter 8 The Origins Of Anti-Semitism II, Part II.mp3 5.20 Mb
29. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/29-Chapter 8 The Origins Of Anti-Semitism II, Part III.mp3 4.05 Mb
30. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/30-Chapter 8 The Origins Of Anti-Semitism II, Part IV.mp3 3.41 Mb
31. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/31-Chapter 8 The Origins Of Anti-Semitism II, Part V.mp3 3.99 Mb
32. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/32-Chapter 9 Israel A Supremacist State, Part I.mp3 3.46 Mb
33. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/33-Chapter 9 Israel A Supremacist State, Part II.mp3 3.47 Mb
34. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/34-Chapter 9 Israel A Supremacist State, Part III.mp3 3.81 Mb
35. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/35-Chapter 9 Israel A Supremacist State, Part IV.mp3 2.91 Mb
36. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/36-Chapter 10 Israel Supremacy Through Terrorism, Part I.mp3 4.84 Mb
37. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/37-Chapter 10 Israel Supremacy Through Terrorism, Part II.mp3 7.36 Mb
38. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/38-Chapter 10 Israel Supremacy Through Terrorism, Part III.mp3 4.55 Mb
39. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/39-Chapter 11 Israeli Threachery Against America, Part I.mp3 6.90 Mb
40. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/40-Chapter 11 Israeli Threachery Against America, Part II.mp3 3.80 Mb
41. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/41-Chapter 11 Israeli Threachery Against America, Part III.mp3 5.24 Mb
42. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/42-Chapter 11 Israeli Threachery Against America, Part IV.mp3 4.15 Mb
43. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/43-Chapter 12 A Holocaust Inquiry, Part I.mp3 5.98 Mb
44. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/44-Chapter 12 A Holocaust Inquiry, Part II.mp3 7.08 Mb
45. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/45-Chapter 12 A Holocaust Inquiry, Part III.mp3 6.78 Mb
46. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/46-Chapter 12 A Holocaust Inquiry, Part IV.mp3 7.69 Mb
47. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/47-Chapter 12 A Holocaust Inquiry, Part V.mp3 7.21 Mb
48. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/48-Chapter 13 Jewish Led Invasion, Part I.mp3 3.79 Mb
49. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/49-Chapter 13 Jewish Led Invasion, Part II.mp3 4.64 Mb
50. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/50-Chapter 14 Jewish Evolutionary Strategy, Part I.mp3 4.14 Mb
51. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/51-Chapter 14 Jewish Evolutionary Strategy, Part II.mp3 4.70 Mb
52. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/52-Chapter 14 Jewish Evolutionary Strategy, Part III.mp3 4.57 Mb
53. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/53-Chapter 14 Jewish Evolutionary Strategy, Part IV.mp3 4.69 Mb
54. Dr. David Duke - Audio Book - Jewish Supremacism (Full Version)/Playlist.m3u 6.09 Kb