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The End of Dollar Hegemony






The End of Dollar Hegemony


Video/Movie clips


2006-09-15 (by braskamin)


Ron Paul is a Republican member of the United States House of Representatives. In this speech before the US House of Representatives Ron Paul goes through the real reasons for USA´s warmongering policy. He points out that Saddam Hussein had switched to Euro instead of Dollar, threatening the Petrodollar and the Dollars role as the world currency. Iran use Euro when they sell oil to Europe and Asia - but most importantly they are about to open an oil bourse selling oil for euro instead of dollar. This is probably the real reason for the upcoming war against Iran - Iran is threatening the Dollar Hegemony. It's a very educational speech

Files count:



111.75 Mb




braskamin (2006-09-15)

Ron Paul starts talking after about 2 minutes.

Peaknik (2006-09-15)

This is seariosly interesting stuff. Ron Paul is one of the few sensible people left in the US. The Iran oil bourse seems a fizzle though. It was supposed to open March and then end of September this year and things are just dead quiet. Or are there things happening behind the curtains? Currently there is a huge fleet of US naval ships in ME waters: See

Is the Hizbolla issue used as a reason for US to control the ME oil market? Despite all crap going on Dollars and sharemarket is propped up and gold/silver price is pressed down to make all look OK.

braskamin (2006-09-15)

You're right about the Iran oil bourse - it seems to be some kind of hide-and-seek game where Russia also plays on a fiddle. Russia has passed Saudi Arabia as world number 1 in oil production. Putin is also talking about opening ruble-denominated oil and natural gas stock exchange (
Actually, you could also see US war in Afghanistan as a Dollar Hegemony perspective. The Taliban's had erased all opium fields and stopped the production - now, after the invasion, the opium crops are bigger then ever. Opium is sold in dollar and hence prop up the demand for dollars. I don't defend the Taliban's or say it's the only reason but I do think it's one of the major reasons for that war.

Olphus (2006-09-15)

Wow, a Republican!? It's nice to know some aren't corrupt.

DeepPirate (2006-09-15)

Ron Paul is probably the most principled member of congress; which is why you rarely see him featured in the main stream media.

abuAmar (2006-09-16)

to those of you interested, you will find at the link above a major university paper on the real reason for the iraq war and it is exactly what is stated in the above video. the paper however, being 24 pages long has quite a bit more detail in it. enjoy.l

Halbermunken (2006-09-17)

"Ron Paul is probably the most principled member of congress; which is why you rarely see him featured in the main stream media."
Agree, would add Cynthia McKinney as well. To good people from "both sides".

tremello22 (2008-03-24)

you missed an l on the end