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Video/Movies DVDR


2009-03-23 (by WhiTeHaT08)


***THIS IS NOT THE MOVIE DISC*** MOVIE DISC : This is the second disc to the 2-disc special edition that was just released. Ripped and burn tested the exact same way as the first disc. Enjoy! Oh, both are NTSC

Files count:



4318.10 Mb




DM(DK) (2009-03-24)

thx for sharing this, i really wanted to see all the ekstra's :)

WhiTeHaT08 (2009-03-24)

My pleasure.

tuppturupp (2009-03-24)

Wow, u're gorgeous ty for this^^

vickuchia (2009-03-24)

i'm loving you

No1sangel1316 (2009-03-24)

Your dazzling!

missywissy78 (2009-03-25)

Thanx sooooooo much for sharing this with us on TPB !!
But can everybody seeeeeed Please !

missywissy78 (2009-03-26)

Please ppl !! seeeeed !
My download is going sooo slow !
Please WhiTeHaT08 seed all you can !

natyxxo (2009-03-26)

Thank you thank you thank you...
Does anybody have the 3-disc version? lol

natyxxo (2009-03-26)

Um guys, please seed... there are only 2 seeds avaliable, and only 1 is active :(

WhiTeHaT08 (2009-03-26)

My PC has been on for three days straight just so I can seed for y'all and I won't shut off til it's good and shared! so no worries... you will all get to complete your download, even if it IS a little slow.
lmao@ 3 disc version NICE lol

natyxxo (2009-03-27)

yeah lol you can order it at Target, it has Edward's piano concert on it as well as Edward's daydream to bite Bella in the classroom the first time they meet lol

vickuchia (2009-03-27)

and also becoming edward and bella
yeah it was at target

WhiTeHaT08 (2009-03-27)

OMFG that's awesome!! I didn't know there was a 3 disc version. Maybe someone will put up the third disc. If I can get a hold of it I'll for sure rip and share.

natyxxo (2009-03-27)

Yeah, it'd be great if someone uploaded the third disc :D

eucebo (2009-03-27)

hi, I'm new here and I can't seem to find a way to open the file... do I need to have a special program or something?
thanks a lot!

natyxxo (2009-03-27)

@ eucebo: you have to have a program like bittorrent installed on your system...
Here's the link:

After you've downloaded and instaled it, just open the link to the torrent and the program will ask you if you wanna download the torrent and you click yes or ok or sth like that

eucebo (2009-03-27)

can anyone help me please? I'm from Argentina and the double disc will not be release here because is not a good market (apparently there isn't enough fans here.... like I care if I'm the only one!! I want to see the second disc!).
please guys, anyone knows what i should be doing to be able to see this?

eucebo (2009-03-27)

ohhhhh thanks natyxxo, i didn't see your comment!!!! I guess we were writting it at the same time, haha
thank you soooooo much!!!

natyxxo (2009-03-27)

@eucebo: np, I'm from Slovenia, and I'm in similar situation like you are in.
Have fun! :)

eucebo (2009-03-27)

it's working!!! thanks natyxxo!!! hahahahah I'm so happy!!
love ya!!

cclark613 (2009-03-27)

Seed please? It's stuck at 66%

natyxxo (2009-03-27)

yeah I'm stuck at 61 %... :(
@ eucebo: great :)

WhiTeHaT08 (2009-03-27)

I'm still very much seeding it's just slow going I'm sorry!!

eucebo (2009-03-27)

hey guys, like I said before, i'm new so bare with me, ok?
ummm..... what's seeding? I see that you all complain about it, I also see that there are seeders, and I understand it has something to do with being able to open the archive... at least I think so because mine just ended downloading and says "status seeding"... but nothing's happening. Is there anything I can do to help seeding???

WhiTeHaT08 (2009-03-27)

eucebo: a seeder is a person who has completed the download and is continuing to share it. i ripped the disc and started the sharing in the first place so currently i am the only seeder. when others complete the download, if they decide to continue sharing, it will add to the seeders and help speed things up for the downloaders (i hate the term leechers but that's what downloaders who haven't completed it yet are called)

krj82 (2009-03-27)

please seed! I am desperate for this..... we dont get it for another 4 weeks!

eucebo (2009-03-27)

ok whitehat, thanks for explaining that (sorry, it was another file that was complet, not this one). But, if you don't mind my asking, how do I keep sharing it once its done? Do I have to just stay online or do I have to uploaded somewhere so people can use it...?

natyxxo (2009-03-27)

@ eucebo: You have to stay online and keep bittorrent open so that other people can download it from you.

WhiTeHaT08 (2009-03-27)

eucebo: your torrent software should let you keep uploading/sharing/seeding after the download is completed just leave it open and stay online as much as you can :)

eucebo (2009-03-27)

alright, thanks for the info guys and for the files. I promise once it's done downloading I'll seed as much as I can... even if I'm out, I'll leave it on.

natyxxo (2009-03-27)

yeah, me too :) I just hope it downloads in the next few days... :)

vickuchia (2009-03-28)

eucebo cualquier cosa preguntame a mi, yo hablo español

eucebo (2009-03-28)

gracias vickuchia, lo tendré en cuenta!

eucebo (2009-03-28)

Now that we have all this seeders my download got stuck at 71%! how can this be?? I was doing just fine when there was only one - a bit slow, yeah, but steady! now is stuck!

eucebo (2009-03-28)

never mind that... is moving againg... although slower than it used to

natyxxo (2009-03-29)

@ eucebo: I don't know, it's downloading pretty fast to me, maybe you've got a program that takes most of your bandwidth or IE tabs opened...

tuppturupp (2009-03-29)

Hey Eone!^^
help me pls, who knows, this disc contain the audio commentary or that's the first one?

natyxxo (2009-03-29)

@ tuppturupp: the audio commentary's on disc 1, the one with the movie :)

eucebo (2009-03-29)

well, i have nothing open and is still really slow.
but anyway, does anyone here has dowloaded the disc one from whitehat?? if you have, PLEASE SEED! that's up to one seeder for 375 dowloaders!!!!

WhiTeHaT08 (2009-03-29)

eucebo - my seeders on the first disc have now jumped! things should be a lot better now on both downloads. thank you to everyone who is still sharing!! we're working on getting the third disc to you. we have it!

vickuchia (2009-03-29)

WhiTeHat08 do you really have the disc 3? I DEFINITELY LOVE YOU

WhiTeHaT08 (2009-03-29)

i really have disc 3!! :-) i have it ripped too just gotta put it up lol i PROMISE i'll do it in a few hours

vickuchia (2009-03-29)

you're perfect man/woman!

natyxxo (2009-03-29)

yaaaaay, the 3rd disc, I can't wait :D
I've downloaded disc 2, and I'm seeding it :)
@ WhiTeHaT08: please put the link to the 3rd disc after you've uploaded it into the description of the 1st nd 2nd disc :D
Thank you for all sooooo much *hug*

natyxxo (2009-03-29)

I've burt the 2nd disc to a DVD and it works perfectly :D

tuppturupp (2009-03-29)

@ natyxxo ty for the answer(=

WhiTeHaT08 (2009-03-29)

vickuchia - am a woman :)

WhiTeHaT08 (2009-03-30)
There it is... the third disc... FULL DVD!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU ALL

eucebo (2009-03-30)

whitwhat you're the greatest!!! I have teh 2º disc and I'm seeding, I'm waitting for the 1st disc (its almost done downloading), and now I can have the 3rd disc?!?! LOVE YOU!!!
btw, whitehat, I'm having problems with the menu on the 2nd disc. I mean, I can't load the subs and, to me is fine, but my friends and family can see it without them. Do you recon this can be a problem with my player on the computer and once I burn it it'll be just like the DVD? Also, I'm not sure if I've seen it all... some of the files do not open anything, but I'm not very good at computer stuff anyway, so..

WhiTeHaT08 (2009-03-30)

eucebo it could very well be a problem with your pc. perhaps what you are using to open the files on your pc? try burning and playing in the dvd player, i haven't had any problems with my burned copy... hopefully it's okay for you and just a fluke codec or something!

eucebo (2009-03-30)

yeah, I'll try that now. Thanks!!

eucebo (2009-03-30)

thabk you whitehat for all your help and for delivering this disc because it wasn't going to be released in here. Yet, unfortunately, I've burn the second disc and it doesn't have a subtitle menu, I don't know why. Maybe because is an american version, so it doesn't need them or something. I hope the movie does.
Either way, you've been the greatest. Thank yu very much for everything!!

WhiTeHaT08 (2009-03-30)

So glad I could help eucebo :) That really sucks about the lack of subtitles on the second disc. Keeping my fingers crossed for you that at least the movie has everything you need :)

natyxxo (2009-03-30)

@ eucebo: have you tried burning the movie with Nero 9? I used that program to burn it to DVD and I used Nero ShowTime to open and watch the movie and the other discs.

eucebo (2009-04-03)

natyxxo: I don't have nero 9 and I'm not exactly sure how I burn the disc, hahahah, although it's allright. The second disc don't even mencion a subtitle option, so... it's ok, anyway. Now what I need is help with burning the first disc, the actual movie (yes! it finally ended downloading!! I've been having trouble with my internet connection this past few days).
Anyway, like I said, there was a small file that nero wouldn't burn on the disc 2, because it wasn't video (it was called denoid, or something), yet everything else was fine. I'm afraid that if I burn the movie the same way and the subs are in a diferent type of file, it'll not burn them. There are other options on nero (like DVD-ROM ISO or UDF or start....) but I thought the best option was on DVD-Video, wich is what I used.
Can anyone tell me what is the right way of burning the movie so all files will be in the disc??
thanks a lot!

WhiTeHaT08 (2009-04-04)

eucebo i posted to you on the comments page for disc 3 about the burning ;)

Petrusch (2009-07-07)


alex0008 (2011-01-01)

h264 version (1.16GB):

crazyjazzz (2012-01-29)

I really becamo a Twilight fan just a week ago and I need desperate this dvd Please SEED !! thanx tons

NuNu12 (2012-02-07)

Thank you SO much for this! I wish more people would upload special features of films. I'll be seeding this for a while!
A: 9
V: 9