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Holy Bible (KJV)






Holy Bible (KJV)




2008-07-15 (by SancteSpiritus)


Word (doc\'s) and Pdf formats Enjoy!!!

Files count:



14.82 Mb




demuffinman (2008-10-07)

"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:" Hebrews 9:27

tpbsuxx (2009-07-21)

jesus never existed, your petty little jealous vindicative god doesn't exist, all the bible is a pile of shit, the worst mythology ever

venmon (2010-01-27)

hey tpbsuxx like i said why fight a god that you claim doesn't exist

kjv1611 (2012-01-20)

(this probably doesnt need to be said... but) He fights for the simple fact that he does in deed believe in the God, that he claims does not exist. Even a blind person can see in his relentless ambition to pursue his consistent "rolling" of a Christians torrent page. I would be flabbergasted to find out that if even one of the accounts he is spamming with his close minded, bigoted hate mongering, nonsensical, atheistic agenda, had even once thrown the first punch.

kjv1611 (2012-01-20)

believes in* my apologies for the spelling


1. KJV/1 Chronicles.doc 202.50 Kb
2. KJV/1 Corinthians.doc 100.00 Kb
3. KJV/1 John.doc 38.00 Kb
4. KJV/1 Kings.doc 208.00 Kb
5. KJV/1 Peter.doc 40.00 Kb
6. KJV/1 Samuel.doc 211.50 Kb
7. KJV/1 Thessalonians.doc 34.50 Kb
8. KJV/1 Timothy.doc 39.50 Kb
9. KJV/2 Chronicles.doc 221.00 Kb
10. KJV/2 Corinthians.doc 71.50 Kb
11. KJV/2 John.doc 21.00 Kb
12. KJV/2 Kings.doc 194.50 Kb
13. KJV/2 Peter.doc 32.00 Kb
14. KJV/2 Samuel.doc 177.50 Kb
15. KJV/2 Thessalonians.doc 27.50 Kb
16. KJV/2 Timothy.doc 34.00 Kb
17. KJV/3 John.doc 21.00 Kb
18. KJV/Acts.doc 220.00 Kb
19. KJV/Amos.doc 51.00 Kb
20. KJV/Colossians.doc 36.00 Kb
21. KJV/Daniel.doc 107.00 Kb
22. KJV/Deuteronomy.doc 238.50 Kb
23. KJV/Ecclesiastes.doc 65.50 Kb
24. KJV/Ephesians.doc 46.00 Kb
25. KJV/Esther.doc 62.00 Kb
26. KJV/Exodus.doc 282.50 Kb
27. KJV/Ezekiel.doc 323.00 Kb
28. KJV/Ezra.doc 80.00 Kb
29. KJV/Galatians.doc 45.00 Kb
30. KJV/Genesis.doc 331.50 Kb
31. KJV/Habakkuk.doc 30.50 Kb
32. KJV/Haggai.doc 27.00 Kb
33. KJV/Hebrews.doc 78.00 Kb
34. KJV/Hosea.doc 61.00 Kb
35. KJV/Isaiah.doc 315.50 Kb
36. KJV/James.doc 38.00 Kb
37. KJV/Jeremiah.doc 402.50 Kb
38. KJV/Job.doc 195.00 Kb
39. KJV/Joel.doc 34.50 Kb
40. KJV/John.doc 177.50 Kb
41. KJV/Jonah.doc 28.50 Kb
42. KJV/Joshua.doc 168.50 Kb
43. KJV/Jude.doc 24.00 Kb
44. KJV/Judges.doc 164.00 Kb
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48. KJV/KJV_pdf/1 Kings.pdf 189.97 Kb
49. KJV/KJV_pdf/1 Peter.pdf 46.42 Kb
50. KJV/KJV_pdf/1 Samuel.pdf 195.45 Kb
51. KJV/KJV_pdf/1 Thessalonians.pdf 41.25 Kb
52. KJV/KJV_pdf/1 Timothy.pdf 45.87 Kb
53. KJV/KJV_pdf/2 Chronicles.pdf 202.93 Kb
54. KJV/KJV_pdf/2 Corinthians.pdf 76.12 Kb
55. KJV/KJV_pdf/2 John.pdf 22.65 Kb
56. KJV/KJV_pdf/2 Kings.pdf 178.42 Kb
57. KJV/KJV_pdf/2 Peter.pdf 38.10 Kb
58. KJV/KJV_pdf/2 Samuel.pdf 165.04 Kb
59. KJV/KJV_pdf/2 Thessalonians.pdf 34.08 Kb
60. KJV/KJV_pdf/2 Timothy.pdf 39.90 Kb
61. KJV/KJV_pdf/3 John.pdf 23.13 Kb
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67. KJV/KJV_pdf/Ecclesiastes.pdf 68.60 Kb
68. KJV/KJV_pdf/Ephesians.pdf 51.09 Kb
69. KJV/KJV_pdf/Esther.pdf 65.98 Kb
70. KJV/KJV_pdf/Exodus.pdf 244.59 Kb
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72. KJV/KJV_pdf/Ezra.pdf 79.98 Kb
73. KJV/KJV_pdf/Galatians.pdf 51.11 Kb
74. KJV/KJV_pdf/Genesis.pdf 296.89 Kb
75. KJV/KJV_pdf/Habakkuk.pdf 37.67 Kb
76. KJV/KJV_pdf/Haggai.pdf 32.90 Kb
77. KJV/KJV_pdf/Hebrews.pdf 82.73 Kb
78. KJV/KJV_pdf/Hosea.pdf 58.96 Kb
79. KJV/KJV_pdf/Isaiah.pdf 295.83 Kb
80. KJV/KJV_pdf/James.pdf 44.08 Kb
81. KJV/KJV_pdf/Jeremiah.pdf 319.01 Kb
82. KJV/KJV_pdf/Job.pdf 179.79 Kb
83. KJV/KJV_pdf/Joel.pdf 39.33 Kb
84. KJV/KJV_pdf/John.pdf 166.05 Kb
85. KJV/KJV_pdf/Jonah.pdf 33.35 Kb
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90. KJV/KJV_pdf/Leviticus.pdf 186.10 Kb
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93. KJV/KJV_pdf/Mark.pdf 138.65 Kb
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97. KJV/KJV_pdf/Nehemiah.pdf 101.63 Kb
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105. KJV/KJV_pdf/Romans.pdf 101.15 Kb
106. KJV/KJV_pdf/Ruth.pdf 43.73 Kb
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110. KJV/KJV_pdf/Zephaniah.pdf 36.68 Kb
111. KJV/Lamentations.doc 48.00 Kb
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113. KJV/Luke.doc 234.50 Kb
114. KJV/Malachi.doc 32.00 Kb
115. KJV/Mark.doc 145.00 Kb
116. KJV/Matthew.doc 218.50 Kb
117. KJV/Micah.doc 42.50 Kb
118. KJV/Nahum.doc 29.00 Kb
119. KJV/Nehemiah.doc 106.50 Kb
120. KJV/Numbers.doc 291.00 Kb
121. KJV/Obadiah.doc 24.00 Kb
122. KJV/Philemon.doc 22.50 Kb
123. KJV/Philippians.doc 37.50 Kb
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125. KJV/Psalms.doc 451.00 Kb
126. KJV/Read Me !!!.txt 670 bytes
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128. KJV/Romans.doc 100.50 Kb
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130. KJV/Song of Solomon.doc 42.00 Kb
131. KJV/Titus.doc 27.00 Kb
132. KJV/Torrent downloaded from 47 bytes
133. KJV/Zechariah.doc 68.00 Kb
134. KJV/Zephaniah.doc 31.00 Kb