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Terraria Alpha Leak






Terraria Alpha Leak




2011-05-13 (by Duhya2)


Terraria full version. Seems like the same build Pbat had in his earlier videos. Works perfectly and is awesome. Terraria is released May 16th for 9.99USD


  1. leak terraria real save items

Files count:



5.55 Mb




bglamb (2011-05-13)

Another fake.

poorbots (2011-05-13)


swankles (2011-05-13)

Im having trouble getting this to work, it crashes immediately. is there anything else i need to do besides extracting it?

brandonlol (2011-05-13)

this works just delete a few files and its playable. saves work too. falling stars dont appear for me though. :( i wil be buying this just cuz there will be so many updates. and i wanna support.

brandonlol (2011-05-13)

this works. saves work too. falling stars dont appear for me though. :( i will be buying this just cuz there will be so many updates. and i wanna support.

Duhya2 (2011-05-13)

I had a version that didnt work but i got this one and it works if you have the 4.0 XNA shit installed.
If you do not have that then get it from here:

I am trying to make sure some people can get the REAL leak instead of those damn fucking virus' scattered over the web.

brandonlol (2011-05-14)

the other one that was posted that said beta on it, i got that one to work, idk why it was removed...

Duhya2 (2011-05-14)

The beta one does not work for all people.
The one here works on most of my friend's PCs so
i decided to remove the other one so everyone gets a version that works.

Duhya2 (2011-05-14)

This torrent is now the only Terraria alpha download on TPB. It seems someone removes every single one that isn't mine.

Duhya2 (2011-05-14)

Sorry nvm im AM BACON
and have no clue whats going on. lol

dbee16 (2011-05-14)

so the one is the exact same as this one?
except without framework?

rpg500e (2011-05-14)

OOOOO someone deletin all the torrentssss haha

Duhya2 (2011-05-14)

I must have friends at TPB because every torrent except my torrents are going down for Terraria.

dbee16 (2011-05-14)

anybody who is gonna download this
i am making a server
password is" thebigt "
join !!

wormy217 (2011-05-15)

what files do you have to remove to get it to work?

mahyaz96 (2011-05-15)

Why did the other torrent get removed?

mahyaz96 (2011-05-15)

also,stars don't appear on large size worlds,dunno about medium.also,there are no dungeons.

Duhya2 (2011-05-15)

You do not need to remove any files to play the game.
The other torrent had a virus.

Casaundra (2011-05-15)

It crashes no matter what I do. How do I play this?

brandonlol (2011-05-15)

wait, what virus did it have? cuz i am using the other one and i havent seen a virus and the game works fine.

brandonlol (2011-05-15)

ps dbee16 i cant join your server :(

Figinator (2011-05-15)

Is it just me, or does it take really long to load?

Figinator (2011-05-15)

Agh, it wont even boot up, i double-click and then nothing happens. Help?

MeFromNorway (2011-05-15)

I'm making a server, but will not be 24/7:(
ID: TerrariaServor
no password required;)
I'll goive you IP in Hamachi.

christonian (2011-05-15)

i cant get a merchant for the life of me i have like 4 rooms(1 already for guide uses) lots of gold and other stuff
played probably 3hrs+ on lvl
big world build if that helps

Daidraco (2011-05-15)

Whats your IP man? Id love to see what its like with other people.

draxlt (2011-05-15)

I have 3 rooms, every with full walls, background walls, torches, chandelliers, tables and chairs, doors and still no merchant. I think this version doesn't have NPCs

shadsy (2011-05-15)

NPCs work perfectly.
So far tested helper, merchant, nurse and demolitions expert. Waiting for Weapons expert.
The first gun you get you have to find, either in a chest or by smashing a shadow orb. Then the salesman moves in and you get more options.
Dungeon also works, i've got a green one and tried beating the skeleton twice so far with no luck.
Hell world works, as does corruption and shadow orbs + meteor stuff.
For NPC's make sure you meet the requirement before you make the room or else there's a chance they may not recognize it. So, first get 50 silver, THEN make a room complete with back wall, source of light (torches will do) 1 table and 1 chair.
The only bug i've found so far other than the falling star problem is that at one point it spawned two of the same merchant for me, but i had loads of extra rooms so it's not a big deal.

shadsy (2011-05-15)

P.S: Stone walls don't count as viable background walls, nor does dirt. It has to be wood or the different tipes of brick, NOT stone wall.

ZeroFr3aK (2011-05-15)

When i try to run the "Terraria.exe" file nothing happens... help please.

lycanwarrior (2011-05-15)

so i cant get it to work it crashes when i try to start it with the terraria exe and well i didnt find any other way to start it so can some1 help me plzz

lycanwarrior (2011-05-15)

so it seems my comment disepeared so well terraria crashes when i start it with the exe neeed help

NoLiveNoPain (2011-05-15)

guys please help me i really need that game...first i had an .net framework 4 error i download it now i have a DONT SEND ERROR please help :( btw Duhya2 i heard you had uploaded an other not surely working version upload it again please i want to try it.

christonian (2011-05-15)

thanks alot to above posts i had all the above except wood walls i have brick not stone and within minutes I had my merchant
wonder if it is a error should work no matter what background material

lycanwarrior (2011-05-15)

can some1 tell me how to get it working it just crashes every time i start it plzz tell me how to start this thing plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Vidiot58 (2011-05-15)

To get this to work you have to delete all the files in the folder with the file extension ".cdf-ms" I figured this out because the previous version of the game that this guy uploaded did not have these files and it worked fine. For example: "terraria.exe.cdf-ms" is one of them.

Ubes (2011-05-15)

4.Light Source
5.Recieved 50 Silver
6. All of the background wall is filled in and no pieces are missing
7. Make sure the guide isnt living in it
Need more information or answers just send me an email at [email protected] hope i helped

eriks14042 (2011-05-15)

I've been playing one and a half days and I'm completely overpowered already... I have full meteorite armor, meteorite pickaxe, meteorite bow, shitload of gold,silver,copper,iron bars, all NPCs, most guns, Fiery greatsword, masumasa(the superfast sword)... All I want is falling stars though

NoLiveNoPain (2011-05-15)

I MADE IT WORK XD finally xD dows someone have a Cracked server or something but no hamachi please i really want to play with other peoples

Kronox001 (2011-05-16)

Did everyone els here download Visual pro 2010 to make it work? since i need it to install XNA

Duhya2 (2011-05-16)

BTW this will not work if you have integrated graphics.
Sorry laptop people.

zman133 (2011-05-16)

Just made a brand new server with a new character. anyone else who wants to explore this new world with me can come on over.
pass: amazing

Someone4956 (2011-05-16)

Yeah, so it crashes every time you try to join a server, so to those trying to host a game, I doubt you'll get anyone.

Duhya2 (2011-05-16)

It does not crash everytime, try 2 or 3 times and you will get in. I have been playing online the last 3 days.

EliteASH_11 (2011-05-16)

So this doesnt work on laptops, but will the proper release work?

dbee16 (2011-05-16)

@Duhya2 same, what hamachi netwoprk you in?

deviantdigi (2011-05-16)

Scanned clean AVG 2011, sandboxie clear. Runs great on Win7 32 bit after installing Visual and XNA 4.
Thanks for the ups Du and seeders

AudioBox145 (2011-05-16)

There is 2 problems the goblin army wont stop coming.and i cant play multiplayer

deviantdigi (2011-05-16)

After quite sometime and restarting the game. I have gotten a AVG 2011 notification for the Terraria.exe.
Threat name Unknown
security level 4
No description
the infection is either a conflict or is crypted. I haven't seen any suspicious background processes, yet.

deviantdigi (2011-05-17)

No one else got a infection notification?
Be cautious , kind of a generic infectious torrent with tags like "real" and up loader only having 1 upload total.

Duhya2 (2011-05-17)

Deviant, people have been playing this torrent for days and the comments are mostly good, i have no viruses either.

Duhya2 (2011-05-17)

It works on laptops that have a directx 9 or above graphics card, the laptops i tried it on all got errors saying something about the graphics card.

FerocityX (2011-05-17)

I have a server that doesn't require Hamachi if anyone wants to come join us. The address is The most people we've had on at once was 6.

iGotaPistola (2011-05-17)

It doesn't even start up for me. Anyone else have the same problem? Windows 7 64bit

TheNonFlyZ (2011-05-17)

What should i drive it with ?

Luxas-kun (2011-05-17)

I've got the problem of not being able to create any kind of Hammers. Axes, etc etc, I can make. But no hammers at all.

Duhya2 (2011-05-17)

Everyone download the Theta terraria torrent, it is the latest steam release and works from my experience. This torrent is outdated.

Momssi (2011-05-18)

Doesn't work :S when i try to run it it crashes.

Duhya2 (2011-05-20)

Do not download this, it is outdated. Download the THETA release and install it, it works and is virus free. DOITFAGGOT!