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Alex Jones THE SHILL






Alex Jones THE SHILL




2009-02-23 (by nIx76)


Alex Jones THE SHILL Prothink Calls Into Alex Jones with guest Alan Watt Mike Delaney from Prothink gets through to the Alex Jones radio show and asks him about if he can identify the ELITE and the fact that gentlemen such as Benjamin H. Freedman and Jack Bernstein have already identified the real threat..., First alex plays dumb and acts as if he does not know who are Benjamin Freedman and Jack Bernstein..., Once Alex realizes who Mike was he goes ballistic and starts dropping the "f" bombs. | Take a listen and decide for yourself: File location: Keep the torrent alive and pass the file around. Alex Jones is not on your side, Alex Jones is on their side... Or on their lap should i say! By the way i should thank someone here that deserves credit from CC, I think his name is pampi or pampini... I do not know as i can't find him at the moment


  1. Alex Jones
  2. Alan Watt
  3. Jewish
  4. Zionist
  5. Shill
  6. Disinfo

Files count:



1.26 Mb




InfoWarmonger (2009-02-23)

I've heard this before and it proves nothing.

nIx76 (2009-02-23)

First of all there is no way that AJ did not know of Benjamin Freedman.
Second of all AJ did not engage in any intelligent argument with the caller instead he resorted to the same old technique whenever anyone hints to the Jew.
And last of all this is not the only proof against good old AJ.

slackOR (2009-02-23)

First sir, its not "the jews". Zionism comes in lots of forms -mostly christian- tho elites really don't need any affiliation with any race/religion group.
They are all used to fill this centuries old agenda.
Is Rockefeller jewish? Don't think all those at the top ARE.
AJ is hardly a jewish shill -he does point out the zionist NWO agenda and Israeli spying, etc...-nearly daily on his show.
Israel (and those self-proclaimed crypto-jews) just happen to be the director of our US foreign policy but you will find other (non-jewish) hidden hands in controlling the destiny of other countries (even Arabs) towards this same goal.
Alex Jones, Alan Watt -even Daryl Bradford Smith himself have to be very careful of what they say ON AIR -otherwise they would be GULAGGED in very short order.
You will find many living in foreign countries are ARRESTED for things like this. Canada has hate-crime laws, and expect the same SOON here in the USA. Get a radio show yourself and see how long you last or how many radio-affiliates remain -like AJ's.
AJ is reaching millions of people by hitting them straight-on and hard with facts. People can draw there ow n conclusions who are enemies are when presented with facts -don't you think?
I congratulate you on raising awareness, but do not be blinded by your hate/fear of ONE group ("the jews") to the exclusion of the real bigger rats....
adios mi amigo.

Femacamper (2009-02-23)

LOL...Alex Jones, a Jewish shill...sounds as ridiculous as being a lizard being from planet Klukon!

nIx76 (2009-02-23)

slackOR; Thank you for the post. I can not address it now because i got to eat, make some coffee & other stuff like that... besides it is a bit windy here at the moment.
Please check here again in a 24 hours or so because you made some valid points that i like to respond to.
bye for now and See ya in less than ~24 hours...

l1t3sh0w (2009-02-24)

Yeah sounds as stupid as 9/11 being an inside job, or FEMA planing to kill you.

AJEF10 (2009-02-24)

Are all the famous leaders of the "truth movement" shills? They might as well be:-

slackOR (2009-02-24)

Folks, look past all of AJ's human shortcomings and look at his ACTIONS instead of on things he will or can not say.
I am not an AJ fanboy, I rarely listen to complete shows and simply TURN-OFF his show when its a topic or guest of
no interest to me. As in interviewer, AJ sucks and mostly talks over or interjects his nonsense onto the guest.
However to call him a SHILL for JEWS/ISRAEL/ZIONIST (or this...or that...) is misplaced -IMHO. I heard his interview with the
Rothschild family member heavily involved in the Global Warming con/swindle and AJ repeatedly addressed and slapped-
down his holiness as "RED SHIELD". How many hours has AJ spent discussing KISSINGER, MADDOFF, RAM "THE CRUEL"
EMMANUEL, MAIN-STREAM PROPAGANDA, WALL STREET (ZIONIST) takedown of our country and treausry and countless
other zionist criminals?
The hyper-critical AJ detractors haven't even begun to pay their dues or taken the arrows in the back like AJ has. He has
spent the last DECADE PLUS on the front-line doing radio/TV shows, making videos and giving them away for FREE while
incurring huge personal expense of his time and his money for this infowar. AJ even just cashed in his KIDS own college fund
for a new studio and gear to escalate his assault on the NWO. I would call that backing your mouth with your own money.
And yet, according to these one-liner SHILL screeching parrots (you know who they are) - that is still not enough.
Its easy enough to be downloaded with disinfo, or simply adopt somebody else's opiniion without ever having to think thru
something for yourself (look at TV). Disinfo backstabbing parrots are everywhere in this truth/patriot movement (I hate that term)
but nevertheless these mouths with agendas do great divisive dis-service and fracture a movement they have NO personal
investment in (like AJ). Snippets can be taken out of context to prove AJ (or anyone else) is a this..or that. There are also
videos on the net that prove that AJ is a shape-shifting REPTILIAN from zeta-reticuli too.
In the early 90's, BILL COOPER (ex-Navy Intel) had a shortwave radio show that went into many of these topics and historys still
brought up today (you can still find his BEHOLD A PALE HORSE series as MP3 torrents now). He was KILLED in a shoot-out
with local authorities at his house in AZ.
You are standing in the middle of a WALL of thousands of TSUNAMI WAVES bearing-down on you from all sides (the economy, the
move to global governance, police state, martial law, GMO and poisoned food, mercury-laiden shots and foods, flouride water,
a government out of control, bank meltdown, global depression, unemployment, more and more socialist/nazi laws and orders,
fema camps, global warming scam and a thousand others I could list....). And yet, folks in fear can only point to ONE WAVE
as the cause - the JEWS (or AJ....or THIS... or THAT).
Jesus himself personally threw out the money changers from the Temple, and also SPOKE in PARABLES to his flock. He was
criticized and ultimately crucified. Must we still continue to do the same for anyone that steps-up and seeks to disseminate truth?
I am not here to defend the super-race of JEWS when I don't understand it all myself ("the jews" have even killed "the jews") or
even defend AJ. Killing the messenger would surely delight some parrots that at the end of the day add NOTHING but negative
to this fight for our lives.
Without anymore pointless AJ debate, this is all I can say:
Work and LIVE in the POSITIVE and be your own seeker of truth as its all out there waiting to be revealed to you my friend.

slackOR (2009-02-24)

P.S. Sorry for the word wrap of my editor.
Peace my brothers and sisters.

nIx76 (2009-02-24)

* slackOR at 2009-02-23 15:21 CET: "First sir, its not "the jews". Zionism comes in lots of forms -mostly christian- tho elites really don't need any affiliation with any race/religion group. They are all used to fill this centuries old agenda."
** Zionists makeup: slackOR, True Zionists are a pool of Jews, crypto-jews and others yet the Jews are the seed of Zionism and there is no such of a thing as Zionism without the Jews also bear in mind that the movers and shakers are the Jews and whatever Puppets that Jews install. The Gentile Zionists are merely fluff doing the Jews' bidding: Puppets, Mercenaries, Paid Help & Aid.
* slackOR at 2009-02-23 15:21 CET: "Is Rockefeller jewish? Don't think all those at the top ARE."
** Maybe the Rockefellers are not pure Jews nor Jews at all but they are doing the Jews' bidding. Actually Rockefellers are small fish compared to their masters, You can research that yourself. What are the Rockefellers to The Rotchield's but a tool! Also you can check this title "The Money Masters" total runtime 03:35:20
And many at the top are already Jews and crypto-jews and like i have mentioned before just puppets like the Bush family and now Obama. Do not tell me that you really think that Bush Jr. is the Master mind. So goes for Richard Cheny

nIx76 (2009-02-24)

Cheny is just another puppet acting as a puppet master but he is just a damn tool. Also you can check
* slackOR at 2009-02-23 15:21 CET: "AJ is hardly a jewish shill -he does point out the zionist NWO agenda and Israeli spying, etc...-nearly daily on his show."
** Even a good lackey like good old AJ from time to time is going to mention Israel in a negative manner so that not to be so obvious specially when he simply can not dodge it. He has to suck it. Imagine if lately AJ never did mention Israel at all while others including mainstream media are prepared to eat the bullet from time to time and slap Israel on the hand just to prove that they are no Israeli/Jewish shill as almost everybody knows they are. It is pure pshycology slackOR, Come on you know that, even in our day to day lives you would find someone who will condemn something that he personally is tainted with just as a miserable attempt to deflect the pointing fingers.
Also bear in mind that Jews and Israel are so arrogant that at times they leave no room for their media whores to defend them so what happens is that their slaves do suck it when ever they can not dodge it just to be inline with everyone else.
But AJ will never go as far as to point a finger at the Jews neither other lackies like mainstream media. Their is a red line that no lackey ever cross. Just like with any other controlled opposition or any other rubber band parliament.
* slackOR at 2009-02-23 15:21 CET: "Israel (and those self-proclaimed crypto-jews) just happen to be the director of our US foreign policy but you will find other (non-jewish) hidden hands in controlling the destiny of other countries (even Arabs) towards this same goal."
I think i have already addressed that point, As for Arabs they are stupid tool. I mean if there is a good lackey and a bad lackey Arabs would be the bad lackey, No sophistication no finesse just plain stupid. Look for instance the role that Arabs are playing now to push the Zionist/Jewish/Israeli agenda and get the IRAN thing in motion.
* slackOR at 2009-02-23 15:21 CET: "Alex Jones, Alan Watt -even Daryl Bradford Smith himself have to be very careful of what they say ON AIR -otherwise they would be GULAGGED in very short order.
* slackOR at 2009-02-23 15:21 CET: "You will find many living in foreign countries are ARRESTED for things like this. Canada has hate-crime laws, and expect the same SOON here in the USA. Get a radio show yourself and see how long you last or how many radio-affiliates remain -like AJ's."
** Well, I can say a lot of things here but i rather point you to my torrent "American Dissident Voices on The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith" since William Luther Pierce said it best and remember:
"ADL" does not stand for "Anti Defamation League"
"ADL" does stand for "A Defamation League"
One more thing Americans are no chicken shit, Americans are the most vocal against Jews/Zionists so if good old AJ is afraid may be it would be wise of him not to portray him self as the champion of the people and drop his tough guy act since it is not working, The man is a coward not only that since a coward can be more respectful by not giving our enemies ammunition and shut up about it. But no AJ is one back stabing coward since he is actively aiding our enemies and protecting them.
Oh and Daryl Bradford Smith is no shill as far as i am concerned, Daryl Bradford Smith and AJ can not be put in the same basket at all.
* slackOR at 2009-02-23 15:21 CET: "AJ is reaching millions of people by hitting them straight-on and hard with facts. People can draw there ow n conclusions who are enemies are when presented with facts -don't you think?"
** The difference between AJ and Rush Limbaugh is this: RL is a controlled mainstream media voice while AJ is a controlled alternative media voice.
* slackOR at 2009-02-23 15:21 CET: "I congratulate you on raising awareness, but do not be blinded by your hate/fear of ONE group ("the jews") to the exclusion of the real bigger rats...."

nIx76 (2009-02-24)

slackOR my post is here
I do not why it is not showing on TPB!

nIx76 (2009-02-25)

Just one thing i forgot to mention, Ancient Ladybug from Canada has more guts than AJ the Bully so don't talk with me about Canada laws or Americans living abroad, Check Daryl Bradford Smith radio broadcast tuesday.pt1.18.02.2009 for an example. DBS is fighting the good fight and men like DBS and Eric Hufschmid for an example did fight and sacrificed effort and resources.
And we should never forget our hero Benjamin H. Freedman.
As for Bill Cooper, Check Mr. Coopers take on AJ's 1999 shtick. AJ has no what so ever credibility, It is all an Act.

nIx76 (2009-02-25)

I also forgot to mention Jeff Rense, The man did change, He seems to be on the side of the rest of the people now a days.
AJ again does not have Rense balls. And JR is an American slackOR, So what is your excuse for AJ now.
And i just want to understand you correctly. Are you saying that AJ wants to cowboy up and go against the Jews but he is afraid to do so?
AJ is a showman slackOR, The man is nothing but an entertainment number that some people takes it for real...

nIx76 (2009-02-25)

Friends, brothers & sisters.
Something a bit strange here at the pirate bay, Whenever i type a link to Daryl Bradford Smith's website it never get posted neither in torrent description nor in the comments section.
Is Daryl Bradford Smith's website is banned or blacklisted by The Pirate Bay our Champion?!
You can all try it out and tell me if you get different results...

l1t3sh0w (2009-02-25)

wow your all idiots!

nIx76 (2009-02-25)

* slackOR at 2009-02-23 15:21 CET: "I congratulate you on raising awareness, but do not be blinded by your hate/fear of ONE group ("the jews") to the exclusion of the real bigger rats...."
** slackOR, No one gets born with a predispositioned hate for anyone or anything. Hate just as with Fear are things that gets developed and for a good reason most of the times.
There are no bigger rats slackOR, Jews/Zionists and their henchmen are the end of the line.
They are our ultimate enemy and they have us all on their cross-hair.
That is not to say that AJ/AW and others are wrong about everything or that they do not make a good point from time to time but the thing is they are not honest. And the same goes for people that do tackle the Jewish/Zionist threat, They are not right about everything either but at least they are honest and could be trusted to be on our side.
By the way does anyone know for a fact if AJ's wife is Jewish because i keep hearing that but i can not vouch for.
And l1t3sh0w, Since you are already here with us, Why do not you make your self useful for once and do translate this file for me, You keep avoiding this file like the plague.
Shimon Peres Boasts About Jewish Dominance hosted at

nIx76 (2009-03-01)

TalmudTimmy, Thank you.
Whenever i type a link to Daryl Bradford Smith's website it never get posted neither in torrent description nor in the comments section.
Can you try this your self and tell me what result you get.

nIx76 (2009-03-02)

TalmudTimmy, But i do not understand why TPB would ban DBS website, I can not even post it in the description section while for instance i can post other like minded websites!

nIx76 (2009-03-02)

By the way TalmudTimmy, Do you have any thoughts on how come both Alex Jones and Jeff Rense works under the same GCN outfit yet Rense is openly going against the Jews/Zionists/Israel?

nIx76 (2009-03-02)

TalmudTimmy, Thanks for the Alex Jones wife info.
As for Rense, No he does not mask his attacks towards the Jews by blaming only the Zionist part. On many occasions he goes against the Jews for being Jewish and acting as Jewish so goes for some of his regular guests.
And you can check many examples from
Tuesday February 24, 2009 hour 2
Monday February 23, 2009 hour 3
Wednesday February 18, 2009 hour 3
Monday February 16, 2009 hour 2
Thursday February 12, 2009 hour 2
And many many other examples, Not only that but he is aggressive towards the Jews/Zionist/Israel to the point that he may sometimes slip it in even when few of the guests try and mask it with other terms.

nIx76 (2009-03-02)

There is a video of Rense talking about his favorite singer, Mario Lanza on youtube and the word is that this is the only video available of Rense.
Link of video: watch?v=hAOT7rY1WZg
As for Texe, You have to remember that many people did not really knew a lot about Alex Jones in the beginning of their interaction with him. And to add when a lot of people get on the Alex Jones Show as guests they are their as such and it does not mean in many cases that they are inline with him, They treat him as just another Talk Radio Host, Unfortunately for all of us he is not just a talk radio host. The man is working based on an agenda. And he seems to be very well financed actually.
His radio program is not just a makeshift kind of an operation, It is very well produced and same goes for his films and the websites that they erect constantly promoting AJ and his co.
As for Rense, I have to tell you i have respect for the man and i just fail to understand what sort of an operation would it be if he is not what he seems to be!

nIx76 (2009-03-05)

TalmudTimmy, I used to listen to JR in the past but stopped doing so till December of 2008 and since then and i am a constant listener and i assure you that the content of your 2006 wingtv file is not the case anymore.
You can listen to any of the examples that i have provided and i am sure that you would come to the same conclusion.
However if you needed a response exactly to the file that you linked to, I recommend that you listen to the beginning of this file 2009.02.12 Hour-2 from chakra71

moloko7 (2009-05-04)

Jesus was a black Jew.

InfoWarmonger (2009-05-23)