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The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict Over Palestine




Audio Audiobooks


The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict Over Palestine


Audio/Audio books


2011-10-26 (by neil1966hardy )


From Time Immemorial: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict Over Palestine by Joan Peters (Unabridged) This monumental and fascinating book, the product of seven years of original research, will forever change the terms of the debate about the conflicting claims of the Arabs and the Jews in the Middle East. The weight of the comprehensive evidence found and brilliantly analyzed by historian and journalist Joan Peters answers many crucial questions, among them: Why are the Arab refugees from Israel seen in a different light from all the other, far more numerous peoples who were displaced after World War II? Why, indeed, are they seen differently from the Jewish refugees who were forced, in 1948 and after, to leave the Arab countries to find a haven in Israel? Who, in fact, are the Arabs who were living within the borders of present-day Israel, and where did they come from? Joan Peters's highly readable and moving development of the answers to these and related questions will appear startling, even to those on both sides of the argument who have considered themselves to be in command of the facts. On the basis of a definitive weight of hitherto unexamined population and other historical data, much of it buried in untouched archives, Peters demonstrates that Jews did not displace Arabs in Palestine-just the reverse: Arabs displaced Jews; that a hidden but major Arab migration and immigration took place into areas settled by Jews in pre-Israel Palestine; that a substantial number of the Arab refugees called Palestinians in reality had foreign roots; that for every Arab refugee who left Israel in 1948, there was a Jewish refugee who fled or was expelled from his Arab birthplace at the same time-today's much discussed Sephardic majority in Israel is in fact composed mainly of these Arab-born Jewish refugees or their offspring; that Britain, the Mandatory power, winked at and even encouraged Arab immigration into Palestine between the two World Wars; that by disguising the Arab immigrants as "indigenous native Palestinian Arabs," the British justified their restrictions on Jewish immigration and settlement, dooming masses of European Jews to destruction in the Nazi camps. Joan Peters also unfolds a historical record to shatter the widely held belief that Arabs and Jews harmoniously coexisted for centuries in the Arab world-the fact is that the Jews, along with other non-Muslims, were second-class citizens, oppressed in the Muslim world for more than a millennium. And this continuing prejudicial tradition of hostility underlies, as well, every Arab action toward the state of Israel. In addition to her pioneering archival researches, Joan Peters has frequently traveled in the Middle East, conducting numerous interviews and gathering the personal observations of the first-rate reporter she is. The result is a book that has already had a major impact on policy discussions of one of the most vital and intractable of the world's problems, shrouded until now in a fog of misinformation and ignorance. Enjoy and Seed!!

Files count:



562.07 Mb




xksmh (2011-10-26)

To many porkies to make this book kosher.Didn't go down to well in Israel! but western right wingers loved it.Suitable for people who think Fox news is the light of the world

GeorgeWest (2011-10-26)

I will not get near any material that makes "Jewish" look like a nationality. That is the root of all the disinformation. For example: "God gave the land to the Jews". Nope! Even if you buy that event as true, then he gave it to the Hebrews at a time when all Jews were Hebrews and all Hebrews were Jews. Hebrews were very dark, almost black. The Jews in control of Israel today are Caucasian Ashkenazi from central Asia. In 740AD they merely adopted the religion of the indigenous Hebrews and, by fraudulent identity theft, laid claim to the land and spread the disinformation that THEY were there in biblical times. I'm calling BS on that because there were no whites there in biblical times. Also, Tay-Sachs Disease is not found anywhere in the genetics of the region because it is strictly an Ashkenazi gene. If they were there when god promised the land, that gene would be everywhere after about 80-100 generations. The public has cleverly been fooled into believing that Tay-Sachs is a Jewish disease. This would be the first ever genetic disorder based in religion. This and many other clever tactics have been deployed to keep anyone from making distinctions between Jewish, Israeli, and Hebrew. This author starts off right away with the concept of "Arab-Jewish". You can have "Israeli-Arab" or "Jewish-Muslim". See how they get you mind wrong at the foundational level? Don't get fooled. If you become Roman Catholic, are you now a Roman? If 50,000 Chinese become Jewish tomorrow, do they have a claim on Israel? Why not? That's what the Ashkenazi did.

beowoulfe (2011-10-27)

Get over yourself

GeorgeWest (2011-10-27)

Its reassuring that you don't dispute a single allegation. "Get over yourself", which is rather meaningless, is one step away from "anti-Semite". That's usually the final card played for anyone that doesn't like to hear the truth but can't credibly oppose it.

beowoulfe (2011-10-27)

I'm sorry, GeorgeWest, I just really don't care what you think. All that ranting...........Get over yourself.

reflexes (2011-10-27)

even if u cared, what it would have changed? u would still be the same non-entity going with ideas held en-mass by the crowd who need even more mediocre tv anchorpersons for guidance..
and thanks to the other commentators for the info about "God gave the land to the Jews" side. now cant give Australia to the aborigines, the Americas to the red Indians and even india to the Dravidian..
jews are damn lucky to get some land on that flimsy

beowoulfe (2011-10-28)

Yeah, well................whatever. Both of you are nuts.

logan-xart (2011-11-04)

...another zionist propaganda book...all based on make-believe, lies and outright obfuscations... white wanna-be jews have claim to Palestine...
...they should take their khazarian asses back to russia, poland and germany... such thing as hebrews...they were wiped out thousands of years ago...
...anyone claiming to be a jew is just a fraud and a shyster...

nothing000001 (2011-11-11)

How in the hell did the U.N. create a country (Israel) based on a religion (Judaism). Nations have their basis on common tribal roots, not on common religious beliefs. Can the Buddhists demand a country be created based on their common religion? Fk no! No one can, except the jews. What a scam that was.

Roboooh (2012-01-17)

All you lunatics realize the Jews have archaeological history in Israel dating back some three thousand years give or take a few centuries?
Its frightening to think about how many people here think the Protocols of the Elder of Zion were really by Jewish conspirators.