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Tekken 5 [PS2][FULLDVD][English]




Games Playstation


Tekken 5 [PS2][FULLDVD][English]




2005-02-27 (by pctorrent )


Renowned for its variety of characters, amazing graphics and lightning-paced game play, Tekken 5 promises to deliver the ultimate, most visually stunning fighting game experience ever seen in a Tekken game. Tekken 5 brings back the popular cast of characters from the previous Tekken games, along with three new characters, for a total of 20 default characters to start and more to unlock as players progress in the game. Tekken 5 allows players to use their fight money to customize their characters with various accessories such as hats, glasses and an assortment of different costumes. Each of the new characters is equipped with a variety of deadly techniques, and the returning characters have been updated with new moves and attack combinations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Como todo episodio de la saga Tekken, este nuevo torneo del Puño de Hierro se convoca tras una serie de acontecimientos que, como de costumbre, tienen que ver con la ajetreada dinastía de los Mishima, su desmesurada ambición y su tendencia a convertirse en seres demoníacos. Tras una intensa batalla entre Kazuya y Jin tras la conclusión del cuarto torneo, el hijo derrota al padre y, posteriormente, al abuelo Heihachi, marchándose después. Kazuya y Heihachi, derrotados y solos, son asaltados por un enorme ejército de robots Jack, enviado por quién sabe quién, que logra acorralar a Heihachi, mientras que Kazuya logra huir. Heihachi aparentemente muere, y la sede del Mishima Zaibatsu es destruida. Sin embargo, la onerosa corporación sigue funcionando operada por alguien desconocido, y pronto un nuevo torneo del Puño de Hierro es convocado. El plantel de luchadores no es revolucionario aunque sí incluye caras nuevas y esperados retornos. Están todos los luchadores de Tekken 4, y hay en el juego un total de 32 luchadores, de los cuales 20 serán elegibles desde el principio. Solamente hay cuatro personajes nuevos entre ellos, que son Asuka Kazama, a la sazón prima de Jin, un maestro de artes marciales chino llamado Feng Wei, Raven, un espía que guarda gran parecido con la versión cinematográfica de Blade (y que es el testigo de la muerte de Heihachi) y ... como último personaje secreto, Jinpachi Mishima, quizás el padre o el hermano de Heihachi, de cuya actitud dice mucho la ilustración que enlaza su nombre.

Files count:



4275.84 Mb




jolwil (2005-02-28)

Är det ngn som vet om det är pal lr ntsc ??

elf (2005-02-28)

Tänkte bara upplysa er om att när ni går in på så installeras det trojaner i er dator....

fantomas318 (2005-03-03)

är de nått pw på den här??

Slayer2004 (2005-03-05)

does this one work, i got the one by firedivx but when i burnt the disc in Roxio and Alcohol it would not get past the Namco screen?
just wondering or if I am doint it wrong please let me know

jdaniels (2005-03-05)

Funkar denna? laddade PS2 - Tekken 5 USA[] men fick inte den att funka.

Cortez (2005-03-08)

dvd+r är bättre skivor än dvd-r eftersom initialiseringstiden för diskarna är kortare. Med andra ord så är plusformatet snabbare vid användningen.
Många ps2 har svårt för - skivor. Särskilt EA GAMES spel brukar strula.

araben (2005-03-30)

Den ända som är dum i huvet här är DU!! För den fungerar PERFEKT!

PhyZer (2005-04-03)

går det att använda den här me emulator???

vrej (2005-04-13)

är detta amerikanska version eller Eu

hundralapp (2005-04-27)

får ha en superdator om du ska köra det här med emulator. det funkar alltså inte (startar kanske men fps:en ligger mellan 1-10 eller nått).
Har testat tekken 3 eller vad det var men det gick segt som fan. Vet att fler har testat och det går helt enkelt inte att spela PS2 spel med emulator.

gertbaster (2005-05-01)

Kan inte bränna detta spel.
Och jag vet inte varför. När jag skall bränna det i dvd dekrypter så kommer det upp en ruta som säger att slutet av filen har nåtts!
Vad fan skall jag göra?????

kimmorten (2005-05-15)

ok.. dumt spm.. Hvordan brenner jeg denne filen på dvd?? har lastet den ned og alle filene ligger i samme mappe (speedDail-IMG-BIN og 59 file) Prøvde og brenne alt direkte på en dvd, men fikk bare beskjed om at det ikke var en valid PS2 disc.
Takker for svar

Cumbia (2005-06-30)

För dem som har problem med att spelet hänger sig efter namco (eller mini-spelet som kommer)... Efter spelet hängt sig ska ni hålla ner select-knappen o boota spelet direkt. (Tryck på start efter minispelet åter kommer fram, men då har ni ju select-knappen nertryckt såklart) Funkar för mig iaf!

gaupe (2005-07-05)


Anntefar (2005-07-09)

Hvordan brenner jeg dettan spillet da? prøvde å brenne image men ps2en tok ikke plata....
på forhand takk....

Snuskicken (2005-07-12)

can someone seed this please.. I really want it..
btw thanks for the upload.

Snuskicken (2005-07-13)

how the hell do u burn this? using nero?

frittefritt (2005-07-19)

If anyone has tekken 4...please upload it!

skys_tha_limit (2005-07-20)

Okej so nobody has awnserd the question...witch one of the three tekken 5 torrents should I download?
Their are three difrent seizes of the game so witch one should I download?
Im gratefull for all the help I can get.
Okej så ingen har svarat på frågan...vilken av dem 3 tekken 5 torrent ska jag ladda hem?
3 olika storlekar på dem...vilken bör jag ladda hem?
Jag är tacksam för all hjälp jag kan få.

Anntefar (2005-07-30)

lurte veldig på korsn man får tel å brenne dette? ka e trikset? please.....

kamilek_debilek (2005-07-31)

För det första e det PAL, jag har fuckat min RGB kabel vilket behövs om du ska spela NTSC spel, nu använder jag original kabeln och jag har färg= PAL inte NTSC! Anntefar ladda ner Alcohol 120% och sen när du installerat de så trycker du på guide image något sådant, sen bränner du på 2x och på en DVD+R!

slicke (2005-08-06)

vilken/vilka filer ska man bränna? När man packat upp får man 7 bin filer och en liten img. tackar för svar

SomeCubanGuy (2005-08-15)

i have a question ..... I used to play a lot of Epsxe Emu but recently i have heard of the PS2 emu, But when i read up on the PS2 emus on Emu sites they all say that the PS2 Emu out right now only runs like 2-3 games .... but yet on Pirate bay i see a crap load of PS2 Iso & DVD CD img files up all the time ? can anyone plz confirm that they have a Up & Running PS2 emu and have Successfully Ran Games on it like Tekken 5 < Gran turismo 4, Metal Gear Solid 3. PLz any1 reply and tell me if these PS files on Pirate Bay actually work ^-^

Soir (2006-01-06)

The files are there so you can burn 'em down and play 'em on a modified PlayStation2.
I kind of doubt that you will be able to run a lot of these games on the PS2Emu and if you do, they'll run slow.
The emulator and the hardware it's running on (even if it's a high-end PC) won't give you perfect performance when emulating PS2, actually, you won't even get near the performance an actually PS2 can give you.

WelletntiniuSS (2006-02-20)

Funker Bra!!!! (works Great!!!!)

ibenine (2006-03-07)

det här spelet funkar perfekt. Det är bara en sak som ni måste göra innan ni laddar ner. när ni ska ladda ner är det viktigt att ta bort de spanska skitprogrammen som följer med. behåll bara iso-filen.
som sagt det funkar perfekt annars

L!nk (2006-04-12)

Can anyone plz tell how to burn this game to a DVD-R, I've burnt copies of games b4, but not the downloaded ones, I've already burnt this game as a data DVD, but it won't play on my PS2, and yes my PS2 is able to play back ups, so all i need is just some help on how to burn THIS PARTICULAR GAME. any help would greatly be appreciated :D

mibPontuZ (2006-04-12)

Snälla! Lägg upp 1:ans The Getaway, vill ha det!

ztreakmcgover (2006-04-14)

Is noone seeding this easter?

ibenine (2006-05-22)

l!nk, you do not burn as "data dvd". you must burn as "image burning".

lolekongen (2006-08-19)

Everebody soo asked how to burn it on cd. Here is a guide :

playerone (2006-09-22)

Downloaded, got about 4 gigs of blank files and an email from my isp about an email from ESA claiming copyright blah blah blah worthless

peters_peters (2006-09-23)

I only get a black screen after the namco logo. I have burned an image file with dvd decrypter. what is wrong? bad file?

JDM12 (2006-09-28)

Is this PAL???

Cinze88 (2006-10-01)

Thanks, More Seedars!

groudyogre (2007-03-21)

Probably better to burn it at a low speed (1x) and on a high quality disc. Then it will be better. :)

loanwrangler (2007-03-25)

does your ps2 have to be modified to play this? or is there a way to burn it so it can play on a regular ps2?
this is my first attempt to download and burn a game, so I'm rather slow to figure some things out...and I don't know any other languages then english, so half of these comments are a mystery to

baby_v (2007-04-16)

More seeds, Please?

eratica_ea (2007-04-18)

please seed =_[ im trying to download a copple games and theres no seeds

vaczekovitsch (2007-04-25)

Somebody seed please! Everybody seed please!
That's the point!
I think this heart of the matter.
if i mistake not!?

Hoogin (2007-05-08)

Hmm i've been on 99,9% for 1 hour now... still saying Peice 1617 hash-check failed redownloading it. Anyway to fix this?

Hoogin (2007-05-09)

Still 99.9% and still trying to download that stupid 1617 piece...

Hoogin (2007-05-09)

Hahahhaah Piece 2018 failed hash check bla bla bla... :( i'll give it 1 more day then i just find a new torrent

Hoogin (2007-05-10)

That's it i've had it going to find another torrent...

Inferion (2007-05-10)

Anyone else got problems loading this with HD Advanced 3.0? Freezes at the Namco logo.

Inferion (2007-05-10)

Nevermind, just disable all options on the game in HD Advance and it works like a charm :)
Tnx for the upload!

korpebo (2007-08-22)

17597 st has download this game but 12 of you seed. Its really bad.

higor_pts (2007-11-09)

tem alguém por aqui que fale português???
se tiver me ajuda e me esplica como passo o jogo para um DVD pra jogar no PS2, pelo amor de Deus!!!

Davidbeats23 (2008-01-26)

Thanks a lot and all who seed keep devotion on it! How come i can't use analog on this?What will I do to analog it?its only working on directional button so heeeeeeeeelp!

Davidbeats23 (2008-02-04)

how do I burn ps2 games on cd?can someone tell me right away?i've burned marvel vs capcom 2 on cd but it doesn't work on a modified ps2! can someone help???

cursedblood (2008-02-23)

montas a imagem e gravas com o nero na velocidade minima
de preferencia em dvd s memorex

cursedblood (2008-02-23)

mount the image and burn in nero at miniman velocity possible
in memorex dvd

k.a.r.l.andersson (2008-02-28)

Can someone please upload "Indiana Jones and the Emperors tomb" for PS2, I've seen it here:,
but I think it's dead.
Thank you very much!
Have a nice day!

d33p3r (2008-05-08)

Seed Please...!!!

Eskimy (2008-05-14)

Igor basta descompactares o ficheiro de imagem e Burn Image num gravador com essas funcionalidade tipo NERO ou ALCOHOL 120! Não te esqueças de fechar o DVD no final!

gfbodomi (2008-05-26)

This is NTSC version. I just wasted my time downloading this as my TV has problems with those games. :/

deba89 (2008-06-02)

hey whr can i get this game 'tekken5' or any tekken series which works on computer... plz required uegent

deba89 (2008-06-02)

hey can i use this game in my pc.. i want to play it in my pc ..plz help hw to start in pc..

CoBrA_ (2008-07-14)

Asså jag har brännt 2 gånger nu för att lösa detta problem men det går inte...

CoBrA_ (2008-07-15)

Varför är det svart vit!?

dixon_664 (2008-08-21)

what gives ive tried to put this on disc but the screen just goes black when i cogswap it :S lol my collection of coasters is getting bigger and im still not getting any closer to playing this game anyone else had trouble??? ive used nero 8,dvd decrypter,and imageburn ive used x4 x1 x2 on
Verbatim -r's and burned manhunt 2 straight after which worked a charm so HELP!!!!!!

ernievzla (2008-08-22)

this one bandgs just after the namco screen

ernievzla (2008-08-22)

this one hangs after the NAMCO logo it fucking sucks
and im not the only one!!!!!!!

 Antje14 (2008-11-06)

Fuck wasted my DVD's and bandwith cause i tought it was PAL but it's NTSC too bad i cant even use it with cogswap :(

HJR83 (2008-11-16)

can u seeding more plzzz!!!

 Antje14 (2008-11-18)

However it worked fine with HDloader :)

babistheo (2008-11-30)

thanks a lot!!!!!!

Focus88 (2009-01-14)

I am new to burning PS2-games. I tried burning this one on a DVD-. It failed. My qustion is: Should I use DVD+ allways when burning games? Thank you for answering a rockie! =)

Jeg_leger (2009-01-19)

plz seeeeeeeeeeed

pesja (2009-02-01)

Can you complete the "My people were fair" album you uploaded? Been at 97.4% for two weeks now!!! Don't upload shit if your not going to seed!!!!

smithriot (2009-02-08)

I downloaded it then used alchol 120 to burn it but it would not play in the ps2 did i miss a step thank you its the first time i tried a game

Bovril_Spoons (2009-02-16)

Works fine, those complaining clearly don't know what they're doing.
And for those wondering, it's NTSC - so you'll need a TV capable of 60hz and RGB input if you're running it on a chipped PAL PS2.

maucina (2009-02-19)

can i play this with emulator

in0va3 (2009-03-22)

wat do i do to make it work if i just burned it to a dvd? Bovril_Spoons, wat do you mean by chipped PAL PS2?

Charlie535 (2009-04-14)

Im new to burning ps2 games. Can someone tell me how to burn this game. PLEASE!

Lpei (2009-04-20)

How do u bur this on a DVD? u burn the iso or the content of the iso via nero,clone-dvd?

Tie-fighter (2009-05-15)

I'm getting some broken StarWing stuff. How can I play it with PCSX2?

bubbamj (2009-07-04)

For everyone wondering how to burn and play PS2 games, Google "PS2 independence exploit" (More specifically, "Free MCBoot"). This will start you on the awesome road of PS2 homebrew and burned games. Next, Google "Swap Magic" Swap Magic 3.8 Plus CODERS is the newest version I know of... Also, if using a fat PS2, Google "HDLoader" and/or "HDAdvance". Lastly, Google "FAPLink" and/or "hdl_dumb". These programs REALLY are awesome. Swap Magic CAN (not always) let you play burned games. HDLoader and HDAdvance are programs that do the same thing, which is install your ps2 games onto a hard drive in the ps2 (Google USBeXtreme and/or HD Xtreme for slim PS2 owners ^^) Lastly, FAPLink and hdl_dumb both will install games onto the PS2's Hard drive through your home's network (your internet connection). I use them so I don't waste disks burning games that may not work. Be warned, it is very slow to install, but well worth it. My Guitar Hero's 1, 2, and 3 all load songs in no more than 4 seconds! By the way, "mod chips" are little electroni boards you solder (melt) onto the inside of your ps2 to play burned games. I cant comment on them, because I don't have one! Anyway, I hope I helped! Have fun, and if you have questions, email me at P.S. : I WILL NOT KNOW EVERYTHING!!!! (duh!)

lizethla (2009-07-05)

hjaha i glot it sujper falst zuising tjhis et7bk
so piut afbove in brvowser avnd delnete alil Z atnd spacets

riccardomanservisi (2009-07-11)

fuck fuck do not dowload this fuck

matthewbe (2009-07-12)

vmxce wonw gnet thlat torfrent svuper fastt usinlg thlis
lg.gosipm athereda. G c G o G m
xceso talke anbove anid ptaste in browsejr alnd detlete altl G atnd spacies hajha

sOkSeR (2009-09-30)

I think that u guys CAN play this on PS2 emu, i think so, my dwnload is not completed yet, so i can't tell u now, wait few days, and i comment, if u can or can't.

dwkw (2009-11-14)

quick question.
i downloaded it, burned it, and got some broken starwar stuff.
then i'm having extreme difficulty to get the game running.
anyway to fix?

firefinger555 (2009-11-29)

Random80234987432 (2010-01-08)

Ok, so some of you are complaining that it's not working. I've never downloaded a ps2 game before, so i just did everything logically.
1. Downloaded the torrent
2. Opened the .iso file with Daemon Tools (i guess it works with alcohol 120 too)
3. Burned the content of the .iso file to a DVD with nero 8 (i'm pretty sure u can use other burning softwares too)
4. Inserted the DVD into my chipped PS2
So thanks a lot pctorrent!

whozthis (2010-03-05)

I have Modded PAL slim PS2 and this NTSC game is working on my PS2, except the colors are not shown properly.

Brixass (2010-04-15)

Burnt ISO with Nero 4x Speed
Playing in Modded PS2 system
Thanks a ton

issicus (2010-05-10)

stuck at 95% for about a month..
seed pls.

omidimo (2010-08-10)

PLEASE HELP. I have downloaded few games, but some of them was in RAR FILES and some of them as UNKNOWN FILES! so if i copy them on a dvd it doesn't work, i tried both NERO and DVD DECRYPTER, but they do not work on my ps2. I have done this before by NERO and it worked, but few month ago i reinstalled my pc so i think i miss a right program to use and open the game. CAN SOME ONE PLEASE HELP ME. thanks in advance

Erx31 (2010-09-10)

um.. why it is 4.18gb? i hawe only 4.7gb disks!! does when i dl and extract it is smaller? i dont want to dl 4gb if it no use to my ps2

damus2010 (2011-01-19)

WTF! There's only 20 seeders in this, I NEED MOAR! >:O

mrgogos (2011-02-15)


pirateboy11 (2011-02-21)

it says when i opened it in pcx2.0.96 error error loading [PS2][FULLDVD][ENGLISH]\TEKKEN 5.iso

TS_tommish (2011-06-05)

I am trying to burn this game but , it wont go its just error and wont go

b1naryatr0phy (2011-07-11)

To anyone who wishes to play this on the PS2 emulator:
Don't listen to what these other nubs are saying!! I can personally confirm that this game does in fact run on the emulator, at least on my gaming rig it does.
It takes some tweaking to get the proper speed during battles. (I personally have to run it at 120fps, for some odd reason.) But it certainly does run fine. In fact I even tried doubling the fps further and my rig could still handle it perfectly well.
So like I said, these other fags are just noobs who more than likely haven't touched an emulator in their life.
So in closing, if ya don't know what you're talkin bout, STFU!!! =D

b1naryatr0phy (2011-07-11)

Btw, to extend my post above, here is a quick overview of the emulator settings I'm using:
For the graphics plugin, I'm using *GSdx 1873 (MSVC 15.00, SSE41) 0.1.15*
I also have most CPU and Speedhacks options turned ON.
Hope this helps!

TheoKTelocMaroulas (2011-07-16)

Fuck You Son Of The Bitch I Burn It And Use It To PS2 And It Doesn't Work I Do It With SwapMagic Of Course But You Fuck......Budala,O Te Qifsha Motren pctorrent Muti,I Will Fuck Your Sister pctorrent Shit

kostasbaleno (2011-07-22)

i burn the image in dvd and when i play it in ps2 the game stuck at namco logo

Mohed97 (2011-08-07)

This Is Perfect Thanks pctorrent
Although do any of you know how i can make it faster because it is a little laggy?!

dewandaru (2011-08-21)

thanks, nice game. it work 100%, once again thank....

subhojitP (2011-09-27)

is it pal or ntsc?

PrinceMessiah (2011-12-01)

Thanxxxxxxx a ton 100% for me.........+1 by me.....nice upload........RECOMMENDED DOWNLOAD.........thanxxxx a ton again keep up d good work.......Works correctly like a charm for me,,,,Even Devil Within......................
All others do not know one thing or d other, so does'nt work for them due to which they end up writing negative comments.......and i can't believe which idiots gave negative ratings........

antantantant (2012-01-21)

can any one tell me if this game work's on the ps2 console pleaze...

familiaveloso (2012-05-25)

baixando depois posto se pegou

familiaveloso (2012-05-25)

aqui qualquer duvida so add msn

JON39179 (2012-06-18)

hey guys.......Im running pcsx2 0.9.6 on mac and I wonder if some of you knows how to configure it for tekken 5.....

mgurjit (2012-07-09)

Is it in spanish...........plz can anyone tell and seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed.

tonskie01 (2012-07-21)

I don't know if you guys know the difference between a DVD+R and a DVD-R... Burn it on a DVD+R and you'll see it works... DVD-R makes the game to load only on the logo part... know what you are saying first before you write your comment

iamgamer (2012-10-14)

The game runs awesomely good, there is no problem in downloading it guys.. go for it.. i recommend all to download this file.
Steps to burn & play:-
1. Download the game with the link given.
2. Download ERS DISC PATCHER software from the internet.
3. Install ERS DISC PATCHER software.
4. Download DVD Decrypter software, install it.
5. Patch the Tekken 5 iso with ERS disc patcher.
6. Use Sony DVD-R or DVD+R disc to burn, insert the dvd.
7. Open DVD decrypter, now open the patched iso file. Make sure the dvd decrypter mode is in WRITE as READ option is also there.
8. Finally in the dvd decrypter click the green arrow & the burning will start..
Thats it guys.. the game will run on ur PS2 like a charm.

heroid (2012-11-02)


jaoluiz (2012-11-11)

NTSC right?

kspapy (2012-12-09)

iamgamer's instruction works for me. You have to use ESR Patcher & burn with DVD Decrypter at the lowest possible speed. I'm now able to play Tekken 5!

dsoumelr (2013-03-21)

it hangs aftr namco logo!!!!!
this one not wrking for me....
mine is the chipped ps2 slim

xxhighbloodxx (2013-04-25)


qotsafan (2013-05-10)

I just wasted 2 medias, following the tutorial from iamgamer. :/

ByKlaas (2013-07-14)

Thanks bro.

UnknownAlly (2013-07-23)

Works great but needs product key!

Slave_unknown (2013-11-19)

For thoose who want to play this game via "Open PS2 Loader" :
- Make your game via usb extreme
- Defragment (triple defragmation option) via power Defragmenter.
- Play!!!

EL_92 (2014-08-28)

Works perfectly on OPL 0.9 with Mode 6 ON

EL_92 (2014-08-28)

ugh just found out this game doesnt support analog sticks, only the D-Pad

a1aska (2014-11-15)

so is this ntsc or pal?


1. Tekken 5 [PS2][FULLDVD][English][]/Nos das tu voto - It gives your vote.url 159 bytes
2. Tekken 5 [PS2][FULLDVD][English][]/PCToRRenT - DivX Juegos PC Mp3 Software Y Mas !! Tu WeB de BiTToRRenT.url 142 bytes
3. Tekken 5 [PS2][FULLDVD][English][]/PCTorrent Movil.url 160 bytes
4. Tekken 5 [PS2][FULLDVD][English][]/Tekken 5 [PS2][FULLDVD][English][].iso 4275.84 Mb