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The Wheel of Time






The Wheel of Time




2005-07-21 (by narnach)


The FPS WoT game.

Files count:



1308.65 Mb




slindfors3 (2005-07-22)

Det finns ju en seeder, det är det som är konstigt. Har stått på bortåt ett dygn nu och inte fått ner något trots att det finns en som har det :/

FreeflyerMe (2005-07-29)

Please seed.

mclorkus (2005-08-10)

Im 51.2 percent done with this download, I think this d/l has been going for at least two + weeks. narnach! I make this plea to you! SUPER SEED THIS FILE! IT WILL GO M U C H FASTER!

kasseey (2005-08-11)

LOL :/

mclorkus (2005-08-11)

Every time someone picks up this torrent we have to wait for them to catch up to the percent we are at! I could probably buy this game for 5 bucks, but I dont want to, narnach is a stupid ass whipe! thats all I have to say, IF YOUR GOING TO UPLOAD A FILE FOR PIRATEBAY, DONT BE A STINGY BASTARD ABOUT IT!

kasseey (2005-08-11)

Narnach: Idea is very well, but the way of realization is not so good. Instead of giveing us 1%/24h, you schould send us at least 10%/24h, than all of us can get file in real time.
:) :)

mclorkus (2005-08-13)

WELL HALLAYLOOOYAH I got five percent today already! I might get more if that asshole keeps it up. Stupid prick narnach....

kasseey (2005-08-13)

53.1% -> 68.1% WoW :-) :*

kasseey (2005-08-16)

no seeds 2 peers 0.0%

RyuRanX (2006-05-02)

And I'll help to... It must be a great game... super high scores on Gamespot !!!

NuttaTorrent (2006-05-24)

how do u get this game to work, just keeps asking for cd 2

dryps (2006-05-27)

Please seed i need this game im only 56.6%!

Gabrill (2006-08-14)

Please seed! im a big fan of Jordan's and i would really like to play this game.. I promise i will seed for 72 h if someone can let me finish!

 aarthas (2006-09-08)

Verkar gå långsamt, men förhoppningsvis är det värt det...

 aarthas (2006-09-13)

I'll help seeding this 'cause I'm a big Jordan fan...

devon_rexx (2006-10-03)

Detta spelet är ju så himla grymt häftigt synd bara att det är så få som laddar ner repektive seedar det.

Godfatha (2006-10-04)

Can we get another seeder on this, i'm getting 2kbps

Godfatha (2006-10-06)

I'm at 95.5% and can seed until sometime tomorrow to get as many people done as i can.

Godfatha (2006-10-06)

If i can get one solid seed for the last 60mb's that is

NenPhillin (2006-11-14)

Has anyone gotten it to work?
if so, where did you get the crack? I can't seem to locate it in the files I downloaded or anywhere on pirate bay.
please someone help:)!

JubilexPrime (2006-12-18)

Anyone be nice and seed this game for me.
I want to surprise a friend of mine with a nice Xmas gift.
Those still lookin for a crack, send me a private msg and I'll toss ya a location.
All will be Prime.

JubilexPrime (2006-12-18)

Please ppl !
Im stuck at close to 60% and wont get any further.
Seed me, please! As with any torrent where I comment, it will be seeded back for at least a month, and on demand by private msg after that.
Help support the seeding community!

rågerdätt (2007-01-21)

Please seed, can't see anyone seeding atm =/
I would really appreciate someone seeding ths game, I will keep trying for awhile, thanks in advance

torix (2007-02-20)

crack någon?

Chryloz (2007-04-27)

C'mon guys seed this... ill keep seeding this endless later (til i need more harddrive discspace ;)

Steelhaven (2007-06-25)

this is weird...the files are not there...i just burned it but there are no friggin files on the discs....any1 got the same prob?

Anikoti (2007-07-19)

am i the only one who has problems whit the cutscenes?

Chryloz (2007-07-20)

-.- just burned the files on CD but when i put them in my comp it cant find them :O has anyone else that problem and/or knows how to solve it?

Anikoti (2007-07-20)

if you only ose it on you comp you dont need to burn it just get a crack. it workt for me atlest

lacrymosa377 (2007-08-16)

Where can I get a crack for this game?

Nesjejr (2007-12-25)

i have 2kb/s :/
well PLEASE don't stop seeding! I love Jordan's books, and I have tried the demo of this game... Just can't wait to play the full verson!

Nesjejr (2007-12-29)

Finally i've got it :D :D
Thanks, all seeders :P
But CD 2 don't work... So i'll try to re-burn it.
I have vista, and used "Roxio" to burn... Any1 have better ideas? :P

P0llodiablo (2008-02-03)

the hell. how do you send a personal message. i searched and searched but still nothing

macfann (2008-02-05)

Plees send again i am at 50 % and it stopt :O

UglyDucklingxyz (2008-03-02)

I haven't been able to find a crack for this game. Has anyone had any luck?
JubilexPrime - how can I send you a private message?

Striker00 (2008-04-09)

Ther No CD crack is right here:
Once you enter the site, on the right hand side you'll see a heading that says "PC' and 'Game Index' under that. Select 'T-Z' and on that list is the Wheel of Time game. Click on that and it will take you to a page that has the No-CD crack (make sure you select the U.S english one). After you download the crack, follow the instructions and you're done. It won't ask you for the second disk anymore and the game will play just fine. I downloaded it yesterday and it works great.

centime (2008-09-29)

Thank you, Striker00, for the link to the crack, and for providing instructions. It is very nice of you to do that. Saves on a lot of stress poking around to find things and figuring out what to do.
Nice one :)

centime (2008-09-30)

Okay, after downloading this over a few days, I tried to extract the files from the zips, but they were corrupt. Fine - sometimes they get fouled up during downloading. So I downloaded them again... Same thing.
What gives, narnach? Have you done anything that would affect this download? After downloading it twice, it would be nice to have the fucking thing work.
Can you please respond to your comments? Or did you ever intend to? I'm sorry for sounding nasty, but don't just put up a torrent and then when people have questions for you, ignore them.
I know some people were nasty to you in the earlier comments, but you didn't respond to them either. You might not care if anyone downloads your torrents - because I won't any more - but its not very sportsman-like (or pirate-like) to just leave people hanging.
My two cents.
Now, anything about the corrupt files?

elsem88 (2010-04-05)

This doesnt work. Tried unzipping, but there are no files, so im not gonna waste trying to burn it on a CD since there are more comments on this. Dont waste time dl'ing it

hobgoblin1234 (2011-02-06)

Can any1 seed plz??
Love the books, cant wait på play the game!!

bloodmonster (2012-03-15)

i followed what Striker00 suggested, but i get a message that 'input is not supported'.. :( anyone any idea please?

bloodmonster (2012-03-19)

blantman i did the same, the problem was with my pc.. on my laptop it's running fine, only the sound is strange a little, but i think i can live with that as long as the game is good:)