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The Holocaust( and what som people call the \"Holohaux\






The Holocaust( and what som people call the "Holohaux




2008-01-08 (by hej123hej)


This is intended as an educational video regarding the alledged ww2 nazi concentration camps. it also gives an insight into why so many people dislike the jews. it also gives some information regarding certain lobbying groups around the world.

Files count:



563.79 Mb




 Knaster (2008-01-08)

bobdaslob we all already know you're an commie so lay off the nazi insults already.
Nice upload! A good documentary if its the one im thinking of, i have it too somewhere at home.

Balfor (2008-01-08)

Some inked-up fuckwit skinhead's idea of an 'intelligent documentary'. Go drink a bottle of cough syrpup and stay off the internet you nazi pig fucker.

 Knaster (2008-01-08)

well im no skinhead

 Knaster (2008-01-08)

i got a wife and a job, dont do drugs. Drugs are for wankers and commies.

 Knaster (2008-01-08)

....or weak people

vargpojke (2008-01-08)

Well, beating your wife doesn't really count as a job, and impregnating your cousin doesn't make her your wife. Just though you should know.

 Knaster (2008-01-08)

vargpojke you must be a pervo only a filthy subhuman would have such thoughts. Funny how ppl prove me right all day.

kingazzak (2008-01-08)

Well Mr Knaster, you pretend to be well educated enough. Then why do you keep calling everyone "commie". It has been established through study and expertise that the only thing that is wrong in communism is the absolute power given to the state, which in time corrupts it. Sort of reminds you of another political trend huh? Nazism is solely based on the idea of despotism. Now you can go and look up despotism. And in time, after reading a lot, you just might realise how much of a congenital retard you appear to be.

 Knaster (2008-01-08)

kingazzak if someone calls me nazi im gonna call em' commie. So what? Do you have any qualms with that? Oh btw im no nazi im a nationalsocialist.
The problems we are seeing all over the civilized world are nothing but the result of democracy a failed democracy at that and nationalsocialism is the cure.

teesy (2008-01-08)

no whats scary is you retards believe this nazi shit .thats scary .

 Knaster (2008-01-08)

Believe what? That there where concentration camps? Well i didnt say there wasnt did i? No im perfectly aware about that.

hej123hej (2008-01-09)

my bet is that some of the peoplein here are hired to search for this kind of information and make sure that documentaries like these will not be viewed.

 Knaster (2008-01-09)

Yes indeed they are. I see this all the time.

 Knaster (2008-01-09)

Yes they are brainwashing good decent folks everyday. It breaks my heart to see it so clearly.

kingazzak (2008-01-11)

First off, Nazi is National Socialism. The name if the National Socialist party headed by Hitler was the Nazi Party, before he even took control. It isn't name calling, it's stating the obvious. Whereas if you call those people "Commie" as in Communist, they might not be communist, and that'd be name calling. Second, watch whatever you want, but "it also gives an insight into why so many people dislike the jews". What is that supposed to mean? Third, blond hair and blue eyes are associated with the Aryans, who were an Indo-European tribe, it is the theory of Aryan Supremacy that is associated with nazi elitism. When I was a kid, your average Disney flick would portray the evil dude with black hair. You associate "jewish religion" with "enemy". And now we associate terrorism with bearded black haired people. That's just the same. Finally, "brainwashing decent folks"? Can I remind you that the founding fathers of techniques of brainwashing and mass propaganda are the Nazis. Did you ever study Nazism? Have you ever seen Nazi posters? Nazi TV programs? It pisses me off to see that in this day and age there are cushy little bastards, sat behind their computer screens, who haven't the sightest idea about what happened in the 2nd WW, that chat in a positive way about things like Nazism. Go speak to someone who was there, who lost father, mother, child, spouse, sister, brother; entire families, decimated for bullcrap reasons. Democracy is not the problem of the world. Lack of education is, as you clearly demonstrate.

 Knaster (2008-01-11)

kingazzak hey what did i say about name calling. You dont know shit about me, my gramps was untersharführer in waffen SS. So i have heard alot of ww2 from him most of it were horror stories. Contrary to what you'd think i wasnt indoctrinated by him i made up my own mind read alot of history when i grew up.....And as i said "nazi" is a term not used by nationalsocialists and if you insist using that word ill discharge you as yet another victim of a so called 'democracy'!

ripperism (2008-01-14)

Hey no seeds for this torrent I really want to see this. Combat 18

ripperism (2008-01-14)

Just watched this, I personally thank anyone who is brave enough after all this time to still be asking questions. A must have, if you deny the facts then you are blind.

asgard67 (2008-01-16)

Why deny the thruth 6millon never died in concentration camps untill u give proof for it

 Knaster (2008-02-13)

Well maybe 6 million jews did die in the camps so what. Stalin killed about 60 million during his lifetime im pretty sure some of them were jews too.

mobbed0 (2008-06-20)

well am not into the fights folks..
but i really wish to know.. if everything on this documentary is true[if assumed] then what do we reason for oskar schindler's story and everything like that..??
am confused with the confusion brought in by the confused confusers...

spyinDacab (2009-04-24)

Knaster - "Well maybe 6 million jews did die in the camps so what" paprika69 - "But i dissaprove the of the facts (exaggeration)" Along with 6 million Jews, another 8 millions were killed in the camps; non-Jewish Poles (over three million), communists or political opponents, members of resistance groups, homosexuals, the physically handicapped and mentally retarded, Soviet prisoners of war (possibly as many as three million), Jehovah's Witnesses, Adventists and Neopagans, trade unionists, and psychiatric patients were killed.
Well i just hope that if you get your revolution, you'll one of your limbs before, or that they'll will discover that you are mentally restarted (since you are). or a better one; they will discover your romance with your grandfather.
I'll be there to put you in the crematorium you subhuman shit.

spyinDacab (2009-04-24)

Knaster - "Well maybe 6 million jews did die in the camps so what" paprika69 - "But i dissaprove the of the facts (exaggeration)" Along with 6 million Jews, another 8 millions were killed in the camps; non-Jewish Poles (over three million), communists or political opponents, members of resistance groups, homosexuals, the physically handicapped and mentally retarded, Soviet prisoners of war (possibly as many as three million), Jehovah's Witnesses, Adventists and Neopagans, trade unionists, and psychiatric patients were killed.
Well i just hope that if you get your revolution, you'll lose one of your limbs before, or that they'll will discover that you are mentally restarted (since you are). or a better one; they will discover your romance with your grandfather.
I'll be there to put you in the crematorium you subhuman shit.


1. Regarding ww2 holocaust/Findley-wmv-large.wmv 110.18 Mb
2. Regarding ww2 holocaust/jrm.wmv 40.51 Mb
3. Regarding ww2 holocaust/Kopia av JDW.wmv 116.81 Mb
4. Regarding ww2 holocaust/the_persecution_of_revisionists.wmv 22.96 Mb
5. Regarding ww2 holocaust/UAS-WMV2.wmv 167.05 Mb
6. Regarding ww2 holocaust/ZWC.wmv 106.28 Mb