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Battlestar Galactica Season 2




Video TV


Battlestar Galactica Season 2


Video/TV shows


2006-03-29 (by dlr69)


The full season 2 of The New Battlestar Galactica :) BSG S02E01 Scattered BSG S02E02 Valley Of Darkness BSG S02E03 Fragged BSG S02E04 Resistance BSG S02E05 The Farm BSG S02E06 Home, Part 1 BSG S02E07 Home, Part 2 BSG S02E08 Final Cut BSG S02E09 Flight Of The Phoenix BSG S02E10 Pegasus BSG S02E11 Resurrection Ship, Part 1 BSG S02E12 Resurrection Ship, Part 2 BSG S02E13 Epiphanies BSG S02E14 Black Market BSG S02E15 Scar BSG S02E16 Sacrifice BSG S02E17 The Captain's Hand BSG S02E18 Downloaded BSG S02E19 Lay Down Your Burdens, Part 1 BSG S02E20 Lay Down Your Burdens, Part 2 -diileri-

Files count:



7122.65 Mb




dlr69 (2006-03-30)

Seeding starts in 5 mins... (30.03.06 @ 01.05)

dlr69 (2006-03-30)

Does it work?
plz tell me :)

captainspanky (2006-04-04)

Please keep seeding!

aveerara (2006-04-07)

Can someone tell me if this is a DVD rip or a TV rip? Thanks.

anaalitappi (2006-04-07)

Tv-rips mostly, i think it might have a few dvd rips as well..not sure. Great quality though.

osmog001 (2006-04-12)

The "previously on battlestar galactica" intros do on several occasions display scenes that are not included in the actual episodes. I'm assuming that a couple of minutes here and there were lost in the recording process of or something.

(tuesday) (2006-05-02)

no osmog, that happens in a number of episodes -- scenes that ended up being cut from the show are shown in the 'what will happen in this episode' bit -- it doesn't mean there's anything missing in the recording.

yioula (2006-05-19)

wow! -----> that's tv series! please help me with your seeds! greetings!

mindcraw (2006-05-23)

Can someone please seed?
Thank you

lärke (2006-06-24)

YES!! i have been looking for this, thx man.

zulusixactual (2006-09-08)

Srry for noob question but when I tried to play this its all pixelated. what codec do I need?

Naxon_255 (2006-09-21)

i heard the third season is being aired early october on the scifi channel.
however, those outside the us are doomed to wait 'till the dvd box comes out.
so i ask you; any plans on uploading a tv version or something just after the air date?

AnotherBrian (2007-02-14)

09 DVD
10 DVD
11 TV
12 TV
13 TV
14 TV
(I haven't downloaded the others).

denthetrader (2007-03-25)

Kiiti Diileri! Hyvä liideri... Mulla olikin vain downattu "complete season 2" jossa oli sit se 10 osaa, ja kelasinkin miten vitussa season voi jäädä sellaseen "cliffhangeriin" (Fuck the s.o.b. Renny Harlin btw.. ;) kesken...
Odottelin sit hikipäissäni kolmoskautta liian, liian pitkään. Enkä tajunnut ennen season 3 downloadausta mistä olin jäänyt paitsi, kun tsiigasin "previously on bsg..." KOVIN paljon oli tapahtunut "mustassa aukossa" sillä välin...
Blaah! Helvetti kun nykyisin löytyy näit kaikennäkösii "rippaajia" jotka kehtaa postaa season torrentin MAINITSEMATTA et VAAN puolet episoodeista puuttuu. Fuck 'dem. Moista paskaa ei BBS aikoina hyväksytty alkuunkaan, muistanet.. Oishan sitä tietysti voinut ottaa varmuuden millon vaan, mut kun kaikki PC-aika menee muissa diilauksissa ja DDO-Onlinessa, Hmm... Hyvä et Suomessa osataan ;-)
...Anyways cheers fellow dealer! I WILL STAY ON SEEDING for a long time when completed. (U kinda saved Me from frakkin' nervous breakdown by posting this M8).

johanponken (2007-11-10)

I say invest in - double the size, but no glitches and no blips of commercials in cuts. The picture is also rather muzzy. I have season 1 in 350MB episodes, and that picture was clear. Haven't found that for S2; maybe single dowloads of course...

kralcx (2007-12-05)

Thanks for this! I've just learned about Battlestar Galactica and was looking for this. Good quality and it downloaded for me quickly.

K^ (2007-12-15)

Seed pls, dowloading this ~10kb/s

Kigre (2008-02-23)

Awesome!!! Thanks alot "dlr69"
Requesting Battlestar Galactica s02 with SWEsub...
Hope someone got it!!! :)

Kigre (2008-02-23)

Will seed when i can and seed for each episode++
Thanks again!!!
-Peace to all-

Kigre (2008-02-23)

Er... that came out totally wrong. Understand it those who can.
-Peace to all-

toonman361 (2008-03-05)

Thanks. Wanted to introduce this to A friend.

piersrippey (2008-04-08)

C'mon guys! We can do it if we all work together. Now, on the count of three, seed!

zzzactionzzz (2008-04-13)

im uploading higher than im downloading grr well i just leave it going this is my dedicated pc for downloads on a 10mbit line an its 20kb up 19kb down crazy arrgghh.. :-) zAz

zzzactionzzz (2008-04-17)

gr8 got it at last thank you great series zAz

bj02454 (2008-04-18)

Does anyone have the 59-minute uncut version of Pegasus (S2E10) from the Season 2.5 DVD? I can't find it _ANYWHERE_!!!

Phaegian (2008-05-05)


gherk (2008-05-29)

So say we all.

iticu (2008-06-22)

Can someone please seed?
There's a 171 of you. =-\

MagicMule (2008-07-02)

Can somemore ppl please seed at this rate it will take me 1 week 4 days ! thx.
P.S. I really want to watch it :p

Karaxx (2008-07-21)

I've been downloading this for the past 4 days and its going incredibly slow. The maximum speed its been is 56kb/s. Please seed. I am 79.7% done.

knirkeli (2008-07-26)

pleas seed

dark9mail (2008-08-17)

common yall.. please seeddddddddd

Cicer0 (2008-08-20)

It may be seeding a little slow, so all I'd recommend is going into Utorrent and doing the following:
Turn the first five into priority HIGH
Next five NORMAL
And the rest to LOW
Then the first five will dl first and you can enjoy them and as you watch one, turn another to HIGH priority and at the same time, one to NORMAL.
It helps a lot. Trust me. And also, is it just me, or BSG just way too fucken good? Seriously. Too good.

classic23 (2008-09-06)

ppl plz seed... i've been downloading this for over 3 days now and i'm still geyttin speeds like 10kbps or so... i promise to seed for a month...

sepp88 (2008-09-13)

I'm seeding, thanks so much for the upload.

tolwyn86 (2008-09-15)

This torrent is going so damn slow for me, average of 10kb/s download, and 20kb/s upload. I've downloaded 5.31gb and uploaded nearly 8, I just want it to be done so I can watch the damn thing and I will seed it for at least a few weeks lol.

grunh (2008-09-18)

Only took about a day, quality so so. I much prefer hd rips or the like. I just have seen much better quality for the size file is all. Thanks for making a nice neat package tho!!

vauLtone (2008-12-05)

SEED please

killller54 (2008-12-13)

very nuce upload, but, unfortunately, i have to cut the seeding.
i uploaded 2.399:1

s_t_o_r_m (2009-02-02)

Unfortunately, the video quality is not good.
I recommend you to download first episode and find out for yourself.
You have been warned.

matteo9969 (2009-02-03)

Anyone knows where we can find the English subs ?

Trancelover (2009-02-25)

imo quality sux on this one.. there are better ones

nickrogers (2009-04-20)

24 peers and 7 "seeds" and all but one are choking me to death. You people really suck.

nickrogers (2009-04-20)

Seriously, they should call this Triclestar Galactica becuase of all the leechers taking theirs and not sharing with anyone else. Humanity IS doomed!

abhijit_net (2009-04-23)

Is there a DVDRip version of this one ?
I have DVDrip of Season 1, i am trying to get a DVDrip of Season 2.
DVDrips are a lot high quality that TVrips.

b1203782 (2009-08-05)

Excellent quality, real DVDrip, highly recommended!

huggums537 (2009-09-16)

Thanks! Good Rip!
Check out my torrents:

MrBlankBlank (2009-10-25)


rebelBodhi (2009-11-10)

first torrent dl'd from TPB since the tracker was brought down, and guess what, worked just fine! good to see it's back, but for how long..
anyway the episodes work great, 576x320 XVID 933kbps, looks and sounds great, thanks!

tushanga (2010-01-11)

guys this is the link for the english subs:

i just watched the 1st episode and it's a sync.

tinny112 (2010-04-19)

good audio and video. no problems.

lordwatty (2010-04-21)

video 7
audio 8.5
a lot worse quality than season 1 rip available on tpb. disappointing but hey you cant complain when youre not paying!

 Juan.Too (2010-05-29)

Episodes 9 and 10 are actual DVDrips and the rest are TVrips.
Not sure why those two are the only DVDrips but the quality of the TVrips isn't bad at all.

zerosk8a (2010-07-06)

2 episodes of scrubs 1 episode of sarah connor chronicles.. hey uploader FUCK OFF.. asshole.. quit seeding this people.. pure trash