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ACS-Law leaked emails




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ACS-Law leaked emails




2010-09-24 (by Anonymous)


To whom it concerns, Over the past years, we have borne witness to a technological revolution. The individual has become free, in the most extreme anarchistic sense, to share ideas. Some of these ideas are shared behind proxies, darknets, or similar "closed doors". Nevertheless, the ideas are out there. There have been similar instances of such revolutions of the mind. Their effects on society are inestimably great. As in past times with the invention of the printing press, so it is today that the people embrace this revolution, this new "anarchy" of freedom to share, while their autocratic rulers seek to crush this freedom. In spite of censorship in the form of copyright law and other restrictions, the people have succeeded in distributing content to the poor, the underprivileged and the oppressed. The most numerous pirates are Chinese, as content filters restrict a vast amount of information in their country. Pirates are also numerous among the poor, as this demographic cannot afford things like college books or entertainment. Indeed, while often ignored by those interested only in bread and circuses, a vast amount of educational literature is available to the everyday pirate online. Piracy democratizes knowledge and makes education affordable. History repeats itself. There was a time when powers that be attempted to silence the printing press, the blank cassette and the recordable CD. All of these previous attempts at censorship have failed, and future attempts of this nature are doomed to failure. Indeed, the sequestration of human knowledge for the benefit of extremist capitalism is treason against the whole of humanity. All should have the right to listen to a melody, experience a plot and learn from the aggregate of human knowledge available online. The man on the street already knows this. He knows it when he illegally [1] gives his unused software to a friend or acquaintance. He knows it when he gives that old college book to a person in need. However, he also knows that something is wrong. He knows that something is wrong when the artwork of little girls is raped in the name of copyright [2]. He knows that something is wrong when solicitors use copyright to blackmail thousands of people sharing information [3]. He knows that something is wrong when corrupt organizations seeking to stem the free flow of information lie through their teeth, produce false documents and spread misinformation about their opponents [4]. He knows that it is not right when his leaders inexplicably support massive capitalist enterprises over the majority opinion of their own people [5]. He know they are wrong when they use illegal means to get what they want, while hypocritically deprecating their opponents for doing the same [6]. If one were to pursue the propaganda of various community-reputable organizations such as... * The Motion Picture Association of America [MPAA] * The Recording Industry Association of America [RIAA] * The B. Phonographic Industry [BPI] * The Australian Federation Against Copyright Theft [AFACT] * Stichting Bescherming Rechten Entertainment Industrie Nederland [BREIN] ...they would come across many a morality play suggesting that, if they 'pirate' a film or an album, they are depriving a simple artist, actor or crewmember of their rightful wage. This worker won't be able to break even for their next lot of groceries because the pirate robbed them of their money. Of course, these organizations carefully omit the fact that only a small percentage of the profits made by big media ever make it to those who actually produce it. Do they ever disclose how small of a percentage most script writers, novelists, etc., actually make? Of course not, and there is a reason why. Do these anti-piracy organizations truthfully disclose how much they receive in donations, and from whom? Of course not, and there is a reason for this also. In the end, our DDoS efforts have been compared to waiting for a train [7]. What must the people do to be heard? To what lengths must they go to have their pleads taken seriously? Must they to take to the streets with noose and handgun before those in power take notice? You are forcing our hand by ignoring the voice of the people. In doing so, you bring the destruction of your iron grip of information ever closer. You have ignored the people, attacked the people and lied to the people. For this, you will be held accountable before the people, and you will be punished by them. We will not stop. We will not forget. We will prevail. We are anonymous. [1] [2] [3] [4] We DID NOT attack the Pirate Party, we ARE NOT affiliated with anti-Scientology activism, and The Pirate Bay has not organized this. [5] [6] [7]

Files count:



365.26 Mb




theloston3 (2010-09-24)


acs123 (2010-09-24)

To all fellow pirates sharing this torrent, please do your part to get back at ACS:LAW and have fun, too!
1. Thumbs up / add a definition for ACS:Law at Urbandictionary:

2. Educate anyone being bullied with Andrew Crossley's legal letters by linking them to:

3. Consider joining in on the current DDoS operation to drum up more media attention:
4. Post news of this torrent and the truth about the ACS:LAW scam on your blog, twitter, website, social networking site, whereever you can.
Excellent work everyone!

 MAFIAA. (2010-09-24)

Awww Operation Payback?
Anyhow nice leaks will seed this till internet ends...

timxmoby (2010-09-25)

this is well worth the seed!

acs123 (2010-09-25)


qwizie (2010-09-25)

These emails were very interesting to read.

acs123 (2010-09-25)

Antivirus is picking up the virus attachments in the spam emails. Simply read only html/text - this database is untouched.

timxmoby (2010-09-25)

There aren't any viruses in these files, you must have gotten false positives.

nukethep (2010-09-25)

Seeding on my 1gbit seedbox. Enjoy!

Chronom (2010-09-25)

quick and dirty:
1) get a client

2) get a file rename tool (windows) –

3) rename all files in the ‘cur’ folders so that they have a .eml extension and drag&drop them into thunderbird.
you can make seperate folders for each email account.
4) enjoy
(Source: a comment on TorrentFreak)

chittybang (2010-09-25)

Good job man. I am surprised to see so much seeder. :D

db112nl (2010-09-25)

Pirates rejoice!

acs123 (2010-09-25)


davelaw (2010-09-25)

Just look at him in that picture. looks like a fat bastard paedo, nothing but fat where his neck should be

Chibicho (2010-09-25)

God bless ThePirateBay
And thanks for the Payback internet! They need a swift kick from the people about what we think.

DeltaPan (2010-09-25)

*Big frackin' smile*
Well done whoever leaked!!!

ibsp (2010-09-25)

hmm some passwords for online services if you look around the emails fellow anon - one even with a credit card linked

Zoara (2010-09-25)

This is so fucking funny.
And Graham Linehan (UK comedy writer & director, geek, celebrity) has just Tweeted this
Can we collaborate and get a cleaned up version on some bulletproof webhosts (like Wikiealks)

KrAzY_nikomo (2010-09-25)

How about some easy way to read these babies? I just simply couldn't figure out a way to rename all the files in the cur folders into .eml for Thunderbird usage.

includao (2010-09-25)

seeding this on my 2 1gbit servers.

Zoara (2010-09-25)

Ladies & Gentlemen,
I wonder if a journalist would like to interview Louise Crossley.
My guess is that she split up with Andrew because he's such a cunt.
This info is publicly available on the internets:
Business Address:
Blackwell Farm, Chandlers Lane, Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire SN10 2JZ, UK Tel: 01380 860 044
Also try tel: 44.1380860044
Fax: 01380 860 066
:D )
If someone doesn't mind forking out £1 (One pound - approx $2) we can get more (moar) info from Companies House. Look for the details of the directors for Company 04146148 [note 3]
[note 3]

Zoara (2010-09-25)

The denial letters from accused file-sharers are hysterical:
They are like:
'I deny illegally downloading "6 Nurses take it up the Ass" '
---> This is all lulzy
Tip for MacFags: I am able to use "Renamer4Mac" to automatically add *.eml to files in the CUR directories. I can then view the files using QuickLook (press spacebar whilst in finder)
Off topic:
To trolls who got bored of Chanology. There's an epic BBC Panorama on Tue 28 Sep 2010! The lulz is still going strong ;)

Zoara (2010-09-25)

I've been perusing through more content. This leak is beyond epic. Can I suggest we (somehow) collaborate to edit this and get it up on Wikileaks
It would be good to make it more accessible to the public (i.e. extract the text and attachments from all the *.eml files). A bonus is that Google (and other search engines) will be able to crawl and index the data.

Zoara (2010-09-25)

Hello my /b/rothers.
1. PDF Files : We need to get these PDF files OCR'd, if they haven't been already. (So google can crawl the contents ;D )
2. These GMAIL email addresses are used by this odious company:
[email protected]
Nikki Moss
[email protected]
(Lol @ how they are putting sensitive data on Google servers!)
3. Oh look, who's address is this:
Mr Crossley
5 Oak Way Ifold,
West Sussex
RH14 0RU
4. Their offices are really near John Lewis on Oxford Street!!
/r/ Londonfags do some IRL trolling. i.e. 'Hi Andrew!!! How's it going!?!?'. I wonder if he'll be in tomorrow (Sunday 26 September 2010)
Also, some journalists might like to go down and say 'hi'. There's probably no need to ring in advance - just turn up, I'm pretty sure he won't mind ;)
5. The stuff this guy is up to seems legally (not to mention morally) dodgy. Actual educated journalists, skilled in legalese need to look at this shit. Andrew Crossley appears to be an extortionist. Shady, shady man.

dilbert8056 (2010-09-26)

The smug-looking git. he needs to have a 'meeting' in a dark alley somewhere.

very_bad_man (2010-09-26)

RE: URGENT: BSkyB Letters For Processing - High Priority
My view is that an internet account holder has some opportunity for avoiding
legal responsibility for damage resulting from the acts of a third party
person when they have no explicit knowledge that their internet connection
is being used by the third party in a manner that causes damage to our
clients. This is well established case law (Smith v Littlewoods and
subsequent cases).
However, as detailed in Smith v Littlewoods, when a person has specific
knowledge that there is a risk that, or there is a high probability, their
premises will be used in a manner, which is known, by third parties to cause
damage to our clients and they had a capability to take action to prevent
such action by third parties, then they are liable for that damage.
It should however be noted that the awareness of the risk is constrained by
the Data Protection Act.
In my opinion the red patch applies - that is, no quarter....

This andrew crossley guy, supposedly running this is a moron. He keeps having to ask common sense questions about the law to this Adam fellow. Wanker.

nuvoix (2010-09-27)

I will seed this foorever :) ermmm just need to get in lol......anyone tell how to view theese mails? do i need outlook or something?

br33br33 (2010-09-27)

Thanks, but how do I read these files?

5iTH (2010-09-27)

Beautiful :D

will_goodfellow (2010-09-27)

"From:Lee Bowden [email protected]
You seem to have ignored my previous e-mail, I am not happy and want some revenue in account.
Everyone is getting eir bit and I am owed £17k ffs.
Sent from my iPad"

DeltaPan (2010-09-27)

From Torrentfreak.

88 Sep 25, 2010 at 05:34 by Anonymous
@68, 73
quick and dirty:
1) get a client

2) get a file rename tool (windows) –

3) rename all files in the ‘cur’ folders so that they have a .eml extension and drag&drop them into thunderbird.
you can make seperate folders for each email account.
4) enjoy
- - -
Peace. : )

will_goodfellow (2010-09-27)

From:[email protected]
Subject:August Rent Due
To:[email protected]
CC:[email protected]
Hello Andrew,

Kindly note your DD for the August rent has been returned unpaid.

Please make immediate arrangements for payment via bacs or at reception.

If you have any queries please liaise with Soili on Monday.

Regards – Irem

Irem Khan | Business Centre Manager
T: 020 3008 8604 |M: 07703 131 845 |F: 0207 763 7101 |W: |E: [email protected]
For and on Behalf of Avanta Managed Offices Ltd (T/A Avanta Dover Street)

slider34UK (2010-09-27)

I cant get this to work. Can someone explain in a step by step process.
A;so what is ' ‘cur’ ' I cant find those files?

slider34UK (2010-09-27)

which inbox has the list of people?

ananus (2010-09-27)

So it's all just porn?!

Zoara (2010-09-27)

Yo, where's this alleged email to his ex-wife ([email protected]), where he says :
"You are fucking joke. Happy? You? With Kevin the drug addled hermit who has nothing to do with you or his family. You are the saddest person I have ever met."
Where is this email in the RAR file? Has this been made up? It doesn't appear to be in the Andrew Crossley/CUR directory.

ananus (2010-09-27)


Zoara (2010-09-27)

Oh, I *see* filenames that start with a period (.) are invisible on Macs. Duh!
Thanks for the reply

poada1975 (2010-09-27)

Ouch !! Bye Bye Career, you nauseous cunt.

Zoara (2010-09-27)

In an email regarding his Jeep Compass order, he has forwarded to Tasmini there is a Word Document: Methods of Payment & Delivery Details.DOC
It is password protected. Any 733t h4xxors able to open this? :D Maybe a dictionary or brute force attack?
Reminder for MacFags -
this is an a subdirectory that starts with a period. You can use TinkerTool[app] to 'unhide' hidden folders.

slider34UK (2010-09-28)

I cant find the Sky list of names. Idea anyone?

dezontk101 (2010-09-28)

ACS have been owned. For the second time.

RS_232_UK (2010-09-28)

The Spreadsheet of "porn" downloaded by Sky customers is in file,S=4569275_2,S.eml

in directory
filename="Completed Output File ACS LAW Media Cat Phase 3 Part 1 5358 Records.xlsx"

leera2 (2010-09-28)

Not so smug now you cocky little cunt - making a living out of fining people !!!
well guess what how does £500k sound? I hope you fucking choke on it !!

goodbye1 (2010-09-28)

I wonder if poor Issey (isseycrossley at googlemail com) realises what an a--ehole of a dad she has? She should be told!

goodbye1 (2010-09-28)

Andrew Crossley, the head of ACS:Law, told The Register the attack was "typical rubbish from pirates".
"Big whoop," he added.
"It was only down for a few hours. I have far more concern over the fact of my train turning up 10 minutes late or having to queue for a coffee than them wasting my time with this sort of rubbish."

...Ha! Well we'll see about that!!

goodbye1 (2010-09-28)

Andrew Crossley, the head of ACS:Law, told The Register the attack was "typical rubbish from pirates".
"Big whoop," he added.
"It was only down for a few hours. I have far more concern over the fact of my train turning up 10 minutes late or having to queue for a coffee than them wasting my time with this sort of rubbish." (2010-09-28)

pmsl. (The fat fucker even broke his own sofa, not more than two months after having it.
From: Andrew Crossley [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 02 August 2010 17:40
To: Info - Darlings Of Chelsea
Subject: Re: Participate in Darlings of Chelsea's Survey

A leg has broken on one of our sofas, so my response too your survey will be poor unless someone comes to repair it please. Can you organise this? We have had the sofas not two months. Very disapointing.
Andrew J. Crossley
ACS Law Solicitors
20 Hanover Square
London W1S 1JY
Tel: 020 7898 0571
Fax: 020 7898 0572
Mob: 07816 990073

denilsonuk (2010-09-28)

Computer n00b here, how do I view this list of Sky users? I've found the directory for it but can't open it...

leera2 (2010-09-28)

see message

in the attached pdf from rbs.
honestly what sort of fuckwits leave themselves this open ?

g8aso (2010-09-28)

People who pay up to these greedy gobblers, need their heads testing. Innocent until proven guilty, and what is more, it has absolutely nothing to do with this private company.
I see they are about to be handed a £500k fine for data breaches.
Couldn't happen to a nicer bloke!

rfx2 (2010-09-28)

Hahaha! I've just filtered the spreadsheet on Title for women (Mrs, Miss,Ms) and had a look down the titles.....dirty women!!! (2010-09-28)

Team Viewer anyone?
User: 764 598 996
Pass: acslawlm123

-----Original Message-----
From: leyla mehru [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 01 June 2010 17:06
To: Jonathan Miller
Subject: team Viewer

Please set up a Team viewer for my new Pc in the Corner, Thanks very much.

Mulreay (2010-09-28)

I hope they string the fucker up for this... cunt. Lets see how ACS-LAW like it when they get fines sent through the post to them. Fucking robbing shit bags.

sxp64 (2010-09-28)

Could someone please ask me to correct the language for these pamflets and descriptions and calls for action BEFORE you publish them? It looks so silly with all those mistakes, like they're all written by kids without education and such. If you want to be taken seriously, you need to learn how to write properly.

RS_232_UK (2010-09-28)

It's a goldmine of legal information!!!
If you live near someone who is listed in either
Allan Kopie & Others (Phase 1) Master Complete.xls
Completed Output File ACS LAW Media Cat Phase 3 Part 1 5358 Records.xlsx
Go round and tell them
* Not to say anything when ACS phone
* ACS must prove that you up/downloaded, allowed to be up/downloaded or you acted negligently in allowing the file to be up/downloaded.
By the way.... they are doing you for UPLOADING the file.... not downloading. Hence trying to get £500!
Hope this helps.... go and help your neighbours!!
PS Yea I noticed one woman near me who downloaded "O THE POWER OF SUBMISSION"... I'll be knocking on her door later *wink* j/k!

ticking12 (2010-09-28)

"Thank you for these... That Deborah Prince is a total idiot. I am going to sue her. Every three months she posts an article saying I am a bully blah blah."
Haha, He really doesn't like Which? He was also getting angry at FACT for referring people to Which? Because they're the enemy!

yodaz77 (2010-09-28)

hey my Grandma wants to get in touch with some of those guys who downloaded "FREDDIE'S BRITISH GRANNY FUCK"

very_bad_man (2010-09-28)

That teamspeak account is no longer working. I've tried it the past couple of days.

anonmx (2010-09-28)

Reason for dropping
Infringer is a 70 year old pensioner. Only her and her husband live there.
They only use the internet to occasionally read the news and they are very confused about this.
Pieces of shit.

ICanHaz (2010-09-28)

I just searched for my own name in the BSkyB records.
I actually breathed a sigh of relief when I wasn't in there.

capricasix (2010-09-28)

Hey guys, check out the file,S=4153223_2,S
in andrew crossley cur and look at the pdf attachment...ugly fat fucker was going to buy or rent a country mansion! with the money he gets from bullying innocent people. UGLY fat fuck...someone string the cunt up from the nearest tree

sxp64 (2010-09-28)

from Andrew's inbox:
"Hi Andrew
I have spoken to a producer Omar Williams who wishes to come on
board. Some of his material is the best selling in the Uk. Can i give
him your details?
Obviously, boycot Omar Williams from now on ;-)

sxp64 (2010-09-28)

"Hi Andrew,
I currently have some documents that I need to send to Barbados urgently via
international courier. Can I send it with Avanta and reimburse you for all
costs incurred?
Only huge scammers avoiding taxes need to do business with Barbados. This looks extremely fishy to me.

capricasix (2010-09-28)

Dear Mr Crossley
Re: MED1/DAR/10801902
Letter of Claim dated 26th Jan 2010 – Received 29th Jan 2010.
Addressed to Mr N Lewis, Retreat Boatyard
I am writing in reply to the above, stating that this company’s connection was used in an
infringement of copyright, using P”P networks which you allege occurred on 11th July 2009
and concerns a movie sold under the name
“Sodomy Cream Pies” (“The Work”).
LOL at 'Sodomy Cream Pies'

paters936 (2010-09-28)


check out this one

paters936 (2010-09-28)



Somedude69 (2010-09-28)

ACS is guilty of not disposing their trash properly but throwing their trash on the streets and have received a fine for it.
"As expressed to you over the phone on the 20th July 2010, ACS Law paid the original fine of £50.00 in good faith, without actual knowledge of how our office waste ended up in the public highway. "

heylicky (2010-09-28)

Here's one:
From: [email protected]
Subject: Make her wet instantly
To: [email protected]
04/08/2010 13:03
College girls polled all say they like longer poles.

williehmmm (2010-09-28)

Just been reading:
in .andrew_crossley@acs-law_co_uk folder.
Found this in a rar file. It's an index of all the communication with a guy they tried to get. But I found this on the form.

Flagged for Court?
Proceedings Issued?
Wireless Claimed?
Sensitive Infringer?
Politically Sensitive?
Why would they want to know if it was politically sensitive, other than to perhaps blackmail that politician. As the basis for what they were doing seems to be get people to pay up to avoid going to court and having their sexual interests displayed out in the open for all to see, in itself a form of blackmail. To have a tickbox on their own internal forms which indicate when a target is politically sensitive just shows what these fuckers were all about.
I have no doubt that the settlement figure for those who are 'politcally sensitive' would be 10 times that of everyone else.
Dirty robbing bastards. I've not got a lot of sympathy for politicians but these crooked ACS:law fucks are so getting what they deserve.

yodaz77 (2010-09-28)

what a shitbag sleazy law firm they are. they're targetting people who download porn solely because they think they will pay up without any fuss to avoid publicity. i hope they get sued into bankrupcy over this.

KEV1MAC1 (2010-09-28)

I am a Cisco security expert here in London and i cannot get a job because of bastards like him keep hiring foreigners on working visas that are happy to work for a pittance before going home with 'worked in London' on their CV! people like him are not the guardians they make themselves out to be! rather the policemen who work on the behest of modern day slave owners! i hope this fucker and more like him are exposed for what he is!

williehmmm (2010-09-28)

Some info about how much they've raked in through threatening to expose people.
Q1 Questions Answers correct as at 30th June 2010
1.1. The number of letters of claim sent out by your firm (correct to 7th July 2010). 20,323
1.2. How much money has been recovered from alleged infringers by your firm in relation to file sharing matters. £936,570.72
1.3. How much of this money has been paid to each of the Clients as damages.
Allan Eshuijs, Manuel Reuter & Yann Peifer £29,718.96
Media C.A.T. £103,235.35
Digiprotect £171,282.08
Topware £10,880.48
Reality Pump £3,519.16
Techland £795.93
1.4 How much money has now been paid to your firm in costs. £341,078.92
1.5 The number of claims where alleged infringers have agreed to pay costs/damages either in part or in full.
Full 1547
Part 518

KEV1MAC1 (2010-09-28)


john902101 (2010-09-28)


yodaz77 (2010-09-28)

Sky said they have "suspended all co-operation with ACS:Law with immediate effect" and that the suspension would "remain in place until ACS:Law demonstrates adequate measures to protect the security of personal information".

yodaz77 (2010-09-28)

How can I get a phone number for the lady who downloaded "Two.Cocks.In.The.Booty" ?

88mm (2010-09-28)

The BBC are reporting that a new list of 8,000 Sky Broadband users has surfaced today, but I can't find any torrents for it? Anyone know about this?

ntts (2010-09-28)

williehmmmm - I suspect "politically sensitive" is more one to avoid - ACS:Law and similar have always been on thin ice over the legality of what they do and the last thing they want is a reason for the government to crack down. Equally, I'm guessing "sensitive infringer" is for lawyers and IT experts who they want to avoid for a test case.

ntts (2010-09-28)

Quick tip - look for anything in the emails that could be reported to FAST or the BSA. Given the slack attitude to payments etc that they've shown, I doubt they'd pass a software audit, and seeing these bastards sunk for piracy would be hilarious.

dant101 (2010-09-28)

lol som1 accused of downloading pregnant porn
"Due to a lack of detail in your letter, I had to Google search the title to find information on what I’m being accused of downloading. I was astounded to find it to be PORN of pregnant women. Sick!"
go fuck yourself andrew

Chronom (2010-09-28)

There is no new leak at all. This is the only leak. The BBC are just being idiots and not reporting accurately.

88mm (2010-09-28)

Thanks, Chronom.

padstar (2010-09-28)

Oh look Andrew....your bank details!
# Bank name and place – Royal Bank of Scotland PLC, Blackfriars Branch, 36-37 New Bridge Street, London EC4V 6BJ
# Account number - 10113743
# Bank Id – 16-00-19
# Account name: ACS Law Solicitors

bullets_feet_hornets_nest (2010-09-28)

Hmmm .... there were just three File-Sharing case lawyers in the UK before this data was leaked. The data is in fact a DIY kit for any self-respecting young lawyer with a few media connections to set himself up as one. I am sure ACS Law are hurting bad and hell, they may even fold under the strain of this, but he who laughs last and all that ... there are 25 of these firms in Germany. How many in UK next year I wonder with this freely downloadable leg up to hitherto unimagineable riches?

dk500 (2010-09-28)

OK you guys. apparently, the leaked list has 13,000 people on there. apparently 1 in 3 people will just pay up the £500 because they don't understand it or are too scared to confront it.
That is 4333 lots of £500
Thats £2,166,500.
Is he really gonna be bothered with a £500,000 fine?!?!
Someone should drain his accounts now those details are on here.

olliegee (2010-09-28)

From their staff handbook:
Employees are expected to preserve in absolute confidence all information regarding the company and its clients. Also, ACS Law prohibits the removal or copying of any company records, reports or documents without prior approval.
Certain information is vital to the company, and any breach of confidentiality will seriously injure the company's reputation in the profession and damage its relationships with those who have entrusted it with confidential business information.
HAHAHAHA! Dear oh dear....

robbieirish (2010-09-28) does not seem to be working. mmm i wonder why...

robbieirish (2010-09-28)

by the way folks dont forget to watch panorama on the backs of Scientology again tonight also available on iplayer. unfortunately for those outside, you will have to wait, not for long hopefully.

yodaz77 (2010-09-28)

what ACS have been doing is nothing short of blackmail. they send letters to people demanding £495 or they will reveal details of their sexual inclanations....
I hope the sleazy bastards are sued + fined into bankrupcy.

yodaz77 (2010-09-28)

Hopefully in addition to the £500k fine ACS will be getting, all 13,000 people who's details have been leaked will sue the arses off of them.

dcbear (2010-09-28)

I registered on here (long time user however) to share this that I found in the cur folder:

(search for it in the folder it'll be quicker)
This is absolutely unbelievable. What horrible, selfish people.
This is unbelieveable.

kk11pp (2010-09-28)

Hi Andrew,
I was in with Mike Wallace last week and he was explaining to me about what you're doing with the on piracy.
I would like to meet up for a chat and maybe get the ball rolling the same as Mike.
Im in London on Thursday as i live in Liverpool and hopefully we could meet up ad have a meeting?
My number is 07890 269478.
Hope to speak to you soon,
Omar Williams.

pudseybear (2010-09-28)

To initiate the password reset process for your
[email protected] Google Account, click the link below:

If clicking the link above doesn't work, please copy and paste the URL in a
new browser window instead.
If you've received this mail in error, it's likely that another user entered
your email address by mistake while trying to reset a password. If you didn't
initiate the request, you don't need to take any further action and can safely
disregard this email.
Thank you for using Google.
For questions or concerns about your account, please visit the Google Accounts
Help Center at
anyone want to have some fun?

blueboy2419 (2010-09-28)

To pay for Skype credit using the PayPal option in the Skype payments
option, insert the following account details:

Email: [email protected]
Pass: ajc123qweasd

Andrew's Visa Debit card details are stored here now so more credit can be
easily added in future.

Jonathan Miller
ACS Law Solicitors
20 Hanover Square
London W1S 1JY
tel 020 7193 2493
fax 020 7990 9099
DX 44643 Mayfair

blueboy2419 (2010-09-28)

To pay for Skype credit using the PayPal option in the Skype payments
option, insert the following account details:
Email: [email protected]
Pass: ajc123qweasd
Andrew's Visa Debit card details are stored here now so more credit can be
easily added in future.
Jonathan Miller

kk11pp (2010-09-28)

RE: London PC Access:
Using teamviewer:
Under 'create session' box on the right of the teamviewer window, type:
ID: 171 645 848
Pass: acslawed123
Jonathan Miller ACS Law

Turk-uk (2010-09-28)

Turk-uk (2010-09-28)

Andrew Jonothan Crossley
personal Tel: (01279) 816500
home address:
Sion Ho Birchanger La,
Bishops Stortford,
CM23 5PU
Nice house,+Hertfordshire+CM23+5PU,+United+Kingdom&gl=uk&ei=zGOiTIfRAovNjAfao_n8Ag&ved=0CBYQ8gEwAA&t=h&ll=51.889753,0.185636&spn=0.001483,0.003449&z=18

bob_doled (2010-09-28)

No point now Andrew !!!
I know and will pay it. Thank you for the reminder.
Andrew J. Crossley
On 11 Aug 2010, at 10:37, "Jonathan Miller" wrote:
> Reminder: Your Data Protection expires in 7 days!
> Jonathan Miller

kk11pp (2010-09-28)

Check out the pdf in
File size is 10,533KB
Pay special attention to Point 3 in the email and you'll see why. Basically says it all really.

bob_doled (2010-09-28)

From: Andrew Crossley [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 10 August 2010 18:03
To: Jonathan Miller
Subject: Re: XXXX's CV
Importance: High
He went to my son’s school. We’ll take him.
Nice selection process there - sure that abides by employment law...

kk11pp (2010-09-28)

Statement of Account as at : 30 March 2010
Client no. 39001813
Name 02 UK LTD
Bill No. Bill Date Matter Description Amount Due
1126965 16/12/2009 39001813-000032 DigiProtect £1,868.75
1128416 15/01/2010 39001813-000032 DigiProtect £1,232.58
1130537 18/02/2010 39001813-000032 DigiProtect £972.90
1130538 18/02/2010 39001813-000036 Media CAT £511.13
From Richard Johnston
Credit Manager
Revenue Control Department
Baker & McKenzie LLP
100 New Bridge Street
London EC4V 6JA
Direct: + 44 (0)20 7919 1629
Tel: + 44 (0) 20 7919 1000

jammo2k5 (2010-09-28)

sky broadband music sharer list is located here

kk11pp (2010-09-28)

I see Terence Tsang is still in contact with ACS:Law then.
From: Terence Tsang [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 15 June 2010 12:13
To: Jonathan Miller
Subject: Meeting
Let’s meet up ahead of tonight’s conference call.
You up for lunch at 1:00?
Terence Tsang
Trainee Solicitor
Cramer Pelmont Solicitors
33 Cavendish Square, London, W1G 0PW
Phone No : 020 7016 3011
Direct Fax : 020 7016 3026
Mobile No : 07565 946 654

lennoxasl (2010-09-28)

anyone seen these csv files in
looks like ip audits are been done ZEN: 42
O2: 1901
BSKYB: 5718
BT: 5840
looks like its been sourced by who the hell are they?

kk11pp (2010-09-28)

Thank you for these... That Deborah Prince is a total idiot. I am going to sue her. Every three months she posts an article saying I am a bully blah blah.......

CapSiZe (2010-09-29)

Hey Whadd ya Know......
Fat boy joined eHarmony!! There's a surprise!
email 19/08/2010 1:02am
"Congratulations on taking the first step
Dear andy,
Welcome to eHarmony UK. By registering, you're already on your way to finding a happy, successful relationship. "
Think you might wanna put that search on hold for a bit fat boy, at least until this shit storm blows over (which i doubt it will).
Shocking really, this bloke is so full of his own shit (re:emails) and is clearly not struggling financially but yet doesn't have the bottle to approach a chick and chat her up face to face. The lesson of the story is: money cant buy you a real set of balls.
If you want my advice fat boy, just do what all your other pudgy little pencil pushing mates do and go pay for a hooker to sit on your fat greedy face.
Bet you wish you hadn't wasted that money on the joining fee for eharmony after receiving utterly sobering advice like that free of charge.....??

bigdipper32 (2010-09-29)


bigdipper32 (2010-09-29)

Mr Abraham is operating under the misunderstanding of the nature of the infringement. He has not denied that he may have file sharing software and the fact he has a secured wireless networkakes him more likely to be personally responsible. We need to make him understand the infringemt is uploading, not downloading.
I have an idea. We should send a factsheet with all loc's answering all the usual questions and dispelling some common misapprehensions as I think it will better inform people and increase revenue.
Andrew J. Crossley
ACS Law Solicitors
20 Hanover Square
London W1S 1JY
Tel: 020 7898 0571
Fax: 020 7898 0572
Mob: 07816 990073

very_bad_man (2010-09-29)

Someone needs to get win on his daughter Issey Crossley. She's on facebook, and probably others. That would really fuck him up.

MossadUK (2010-09-29)

Article on ACS.

Page 2 the angered reply from an accused. Fucking goes nuts lol:
But perhaps most creative are the letters that make no attempt at argument. These are sheer vitriol. One stands out among the rest:
Go f— your mum you stupid pakistani black jew. You zimbabwean immigrant.
So listen up fat f—, don't send me another letter. If you do send me another f—ing letter, I will rape your mum against the wall and I will blow up your house and kill you all in a terrorist attack.
In addition, I want a £3500 cheque written to me for the inconvinience [sic] you have caused me.
*If you do not reply to this email with a confirmation that you will pay me, I will hunt you down and stab you in the back and blow your d— up.*

westonpf (2010-09-29)

I really have led a sheltered life; I now realise I need to see some of these movies that these people have been accused of downloading.
I find it totally plausible that a 70 year old couple would download a film called 'Big Black Shaggers'. The elderly like to watch fuck-fest as much as anyone else.
This has to finish ACS once and for all; if the fines and possible lawsuits don't finish them they must have lost all credibility with the very copyright holders they claim to be representing.
Got to feel sorry for the people who have had their details leaked (yes I checked, there wasn't anyone I know on the list) but lets hope this is a lesson to any other law firms who see this as a good money spinner, best that they go back to ambulance chasing.

2040m (2010-09-29)

guys i have read this and converted them to .eml file so how can i open them all at once... i have also found a few people who live near me on here..... downloading naughty stuff

2040m (2010-09-29)

can some one tel me how to open them in one hit i have converted them to .eml only open one at a time in thunderbird?.
Have also located a few people who live near me on this database.....

strann (2010-09-29)

Try this one:,S=9721_2,S

He's bought a Bentley Arnage and expects to get a Ferrari. Well, he did in May!

strann (2010-09-29),S=12425_2,S

My account details are
ACS Law Solicitors Client Account
Sort code 16-00-19
Account no. 10113743
RBS Blackfriars branch.
Reference (please quote): PIR001-002
Andrew J. Crossley
ACS Law Solicitors

yodaz77 (2010-09-29)

Does anyone know how much of the 500 quid people are being extorted for even gets back to the copyright holders? I'm guessing its no more than 20%, the remainder of it will go directly up Andrew Crossley's fat arse..

yodaz77 (2010-09-29)

@ 2040m I don't use thunderbird, but can you drag and drop multiple files into it?

ToneEQ (2010-09-29)

I read on one of the older e-mails that 50% goes to the copyright holder, 12.5% goes to the data mining company leaving 37.5% for the fat guy.

sxp64 (2010-09-29)

For those unable to open the stuff and grab the attachments, go here:
For some nitty gritty verifiable details:
And for the shizzle about the whole thing:

yodaz77 (2010-09-29)

"I would like to formally refute the claim and the contents of your letter dated 15 April 2010. As discussed with you today I would like to confirm that we have not downloaded any videos or indeed the video stated in your letter, titled latino spunk gobblers.avi......"

ram666 (2010-09-29)

What do you get when you have Andrew Crossley and Omar Williams in a meeting:
A big fat ugly bastard taken up the arse by a big black cunt.2010.DvDrip.BluRay-UK-ENG.Ac3 Sub..

isopen (2010-09-29)

Can I comment now?

isopen (2010-09-29)

It seems that I can only post very short comments - if I try to post long comments I get "Database error" appearing! :-(

robbieirish (2010-09-29)

i see the ACS website has been down since ( Nice work ladies and gentlemen.

yodaz77 (2010-09-29)

looks like BT are getting their arses kicked as well:
"BT has admitted it sent the personal details of more than 500 customers as an unsecured document to legal firm ACS:Law......

yodaz77 (2010-09-29)

What an utter shithouse this Jasper Feversham guy, [email protected], sounds:
"Lee, Please add these titles ASAP - license paperwork on the way. By the way, we were catching about 50 a day and then zip… is everything running OK ? Much looking forward to sending letters to these fuckers. All best. Jasp."

strann (2010-09-29)

For anyone recieving a letter, take note of this one:,S=15871

Malicious Communications Act 1988 :)

gujiman (2010-09-29)

Why are people with Sky???
If Sky didn't give out the personal details to these law firms, then we wouldn't have these law firms in the first place!!!
Why did Sky give out the details of these individuals to these law firms, when Virgin Media didn't!
The following is a step by step guide on how you can get back at Sky!
1) These law firms sue individuals for downloading/uploading copyright contents.
2) They trace the indivuals via their IP address.
3) Sky then gives the address's of these individuals to these law firms.
4) These Law firms then sue the individuals for downloading/uploading copyright contents.
5) However if someone else uses your internet connection to download illegal content without prior knowledge, then that individual must be sued by the law firm.
6) However the Law firm will blame you for the security of your internet connection. making you responsibe for the illegal download.
7) However anyone with little or now knowedge of internet security will say they they were not advised about this.
8) It is the responsibly of the Internet Provider (Sky) to explain this to them before they sign up to them, because if they don't then they are responsible for the fines!
9) Cancel Sky Broadband and join Virgin Media!

ToneEQ (2010-09-29)

The worst thing about Sky at the moment is they have said they will be happy to deal with ACS Law again in the future once they have their house in order!
Bye bye Sky...

CapSiZe (2010-09-29)

Related article from the Daily Mash

funny as hell

public.e.number.1 (2010-09-29)

Dear Sirs
Infringement of Copyright – Evacuate the Dancefloor
Thank you for your letter dated 16th August 2010 and we respond using the same
1. As far as "fake" or "spoofed" IP addresses are concerned, whilst such faking or spoofing
is possible, our client has received advice from its experts, which has confirmed that it is
not possible to enter into a successful transaction on a peer to peer network whilst
using a fake or spoofed IP address. Our client's experts will also not gather torrents
containing fake or spoofed IP addresses as a result of the technical methods they
employ. The processes and methods employed by our client's IT experts to produce
the evidence which is then submitted to the ISPs, has been the subject of a number of
detailed investigations and reports prepared by a qualified information technology
consultant including a UK expert and which has been provided to the High Court of
Justice in London following which it felt able to make an order against your client’s ISP
to disclose your client’s name and address to us. We therefore remain of the view that
there has been no mistake and that your client's internet connection was used for the
infringing act identified. Should it be necessary to issue proceedings against your client,
full details of our client's expert report will be made available as part of the disclosure
2. We are unsure of the purpose of this point however, please be assured that should it
be necessary to issue proceedings against your client full details of all evidence
gathered by the monitoring system will be made available as part of the disclosure
3. The work identified as being made available by your client was the Album ‘Evacuate
the Dancefloor’ which was released in the UK on the 17th July 2009.
Andrew J. Crossley
20 Hanover Square
London W1S 1JY
tel 020 7193 2493
fax 020 7990 9099
DX 44643 Mayfair

public.e.number.1 (2010-09-29)

" From: Andrew J. Crossley
06 July 2010 18:18
To: Louise Crossley
Re: ice and bed
Your email has been marked as blocked sender. No further emails from you will be received by me. Do not ever attempt any form of contact with me again as long as you live.
Andrew your ex husband of 14 years. "
What a lovely example of the human race is our Andrew. If this is the mature and unbiased way he deals with family matters God knows how he deals with his BUSINESS of the law? Odious fucking rat in my opinion!

gujiman (2010-09-29)

NEWS - ACS:Law approached internet service providers such as Sky and BT. The ISPs then provided the personal details of the account holders associated with the IP address at the time of the alleged infringment.
A Virgin Media spokesperson said the company scrutinised any legal demand for the disclosure of personal data very carefully.
"To protect our customers we can and do oppose applications for disclosure. As such, we have not and do not intend to support requests from ACS:Law," a VM spokesman said.
My advice is to leave SKY and join Virgin Media!

btb101 (2010-09-29)

lets see if this works...
i do not download, i cache information onto my system in the same way that i cache any webpage i look at.
its a legitimate program that also allows other users of the program to cache the same information on their systems. this saves the main server having to provide all the cpu power and drain its systems when demand get high...
i an NOT a d/l er.. i cache.
think it would work???
on a side issue...
any smart lawfirm should download this file and approach the people concerned with an offer of no win/ no fee to hit ACS with a law suit of thier own...
now that would get them right where it hurts....

yodaz77 (2010-09-29)

what the ACS staff handbook says about Internet Usage:
"Data that is composed, transmitted, accessed or received via the Internet must not contain content that could be considered discriminatory, offensive, obscene, threatening, harassing, intimidating, illegal or disruptive to any employee or other person."

CapSiZe (2010-09-29)

Not sure how many of you have seen this one yet but it's a real cracker:
email sent from AC to JM 20/06/2010 2:45pm:
"I am trying to think of ways of wrong-footing the SRA and taking the wind
out of their sails. Sorry for the mixed metaphor. My latest wheeze is to
contact schools or local authorities and offer to give talks to teenagers at
schools about file sharing and why we do what we do. I would offer to do
this free of charge and offer it as a service to educate young people not to
file share, to prove that the work we do is not all about the money. What do
you think? If you like it or have any other ideas let me know and we need to
get someone to cold call.write to school authorities to offer this free
service. It will improve our profile with the SRA, educate young people and
in time reduce file sharing, which will in turn benefit the creative
industries. "
He's even prepared to lie and use school kids as a cushion to divert the attention away from the SRA about the real reason he is doing what he is doing, which is of course: exploiting the justice system to shaft everyday people out of money so he can buy flashy motors and extravagant properties.

yodaz77 (2010-09-29)

Andrew Crossley sample emails:
"You are fucking joke. Happy? You? With Kevin the drug addled hermit who has nothing to do with you or his family. You are the saddest person I have ever met. Now get the fuck away from me forever you complete washed up drug addict loser."
"Fuck off and keep out of my life. Andrew"

underworldjoe (2010-09-29)

I hope Andrew J. Crossley his colleagues at ACS Law get sued out of existence. It beggars belief the utter incompetence required to let this type of leak happen. I hope this parasitic cyst on the arse of society aka Andrew ‘the sack of shit’ Crossley has another stroke but this time he does everyone a favour and dies. On a lighter note… really enjoying reading your emails Andrew, some are funny as fuck. :o)…

isopen (2010-09-29)

Andrew's daughter Issey Crossley is somewhere around 16 years old and attends the GBP 15000/year Dauntsey's school five miles south of Devizes where she is studying A levels in Psychology and French and probably one other subject too. She can be found on twitter as IsseyC and also on formspring under the same name.

isopen (2010-09-29)

Louise Crossley works for pukka-j - a company that makes medical imaging equipment - she's the company secretary. I'm guessing but I think the Kevin mentioned in the email might be the dude who founded the company - you can find his picture on the company website.
Tamsin Logan is Andrew Crossley's girlfriend. They are looking to rent a large country house together and he has just bought her a black jeep of which she is very proud (she SWABS around in it - lol). The license plate is OV59 BUW and it's a Jeep Compass 2.4CVT.
Apparently we are not to mention to Tamsin that Andrew has been in touch with an ex-girlfriend called Jo Rafferty. She is a drama teacher and a musician and had written a musical called Binworld which she is going to try to market to the BBC. Andrew is assisting.

strann (2010-09-29),S=38525

Stacey Birdsey sounds like a nice girl ;)

kk11pp (2010-09-29)

Lol, look what they called their fantasy football team:
Terence Tsang ([email protected]) has invited you to play in their Fantasy Premier League called The ACS Pirates.
If you aren't already playing the game then you can register at
Once you have logged in and entered your team, click on the 'Leagues'
link you can find on the right of the page. Now enter the code 776653-162573 to join the private league.
Enjoy the game.

CapSiZe (2010-09-29)

Yeah I agree.... The family should not be blamed for this giant turds shortcomings as a decent human being.

CapSiZe (2010-09-29)

If you're reading this Andrew, we all know how difficult the past few days must have been for you;
All the negative media attention..…. The repeated prank calls and abusive emails you have received….. The looming shadow of darkness on the horizon caused by the mountain of paperwork piling up on the desk of the Information Commissioner as he diligently builds a flawless case against ACS Law which will inevitably result in a new arse hole being torn for you in addition to the original one you already had from birth….. Both of which he will continually penetrate until blood is flowing like the Thames…… Not to mention all the fun filled days that lie ahead of you, receiving legal action from many of the people whose personal data wound up on the internet for millions to see because you were too busy worrying about which 27 bedroom property you were going to live in next instead of keeping your corporate network security up to scratch.
And all the while Andrew, there you are, working your man tits off, trying to help those poor, unfortunate Porn directors as they slave away watching two or more strangers fuck the living daylights out of each other all week, only to make an insignificant amount of money because their work of art is being passed around, willy nilly, by a pensioner named Doris in Blackpool using Bit Torrent.
What truly ungrateful bastards we all are Andrew. I feel for you…… I really do.
[(A small tear is running down my quivering cheek as I type)]

CapSiZe (2010-09-29)

So anyway I thought I would do my bit for humanity and offer you a temporary reprieve from all the misery and heart ache that is now otherwise known as: your life.
Whenever I’m feeling down, I like to listen to a bit of music and I thought this particular song would really strike a chord and relate to your current situation, helping you to feel like you really aren’t alone in this hell hole of a world.
(I just realised by pasting these lyrics, I could be guilty of copyright infringement…. But then I let out a deep sigh of relief because I remembered ACS Law aren’t doing too well lately.)
So here it is, let the healing begin with words from the Godfather of Soul himself !!….
Mr James Brown, song entitled: The Boss
1-2-get down
Paid the cost to be the boss
Paid the cost to be the boss
Paid the cost to be the boss
Look at me
you know what you see,
you see a bad mutha
Look at me
you know what you see,
you see a bad mutha
Paid the cost to be the boss
Paid the cost to be the boss
Look at me
you know what you see,
you see a bad mutha
heh!told you so!
told you so!
Havin fun, fooling around
Havin fun, got money to boot
Cause I paid the cost to be the boss
Paid the cost to be the boss
Paid the cost to be the boss
turned my back uhh!
turned my back uhh!
Paid the cost to be the boss
Im a bad mutha, heh
Im a bad mutha
Head for the turn around
Head for the turn around
told you so!
Paid the cost to be the boss....

kk11pp (2010-09-29)

Fellow Paralegals,
From now on, if you find a response to a third party letter, do not send a security letter. Instead, please move the letter into the ABANDON HOPE folder in General Paras.
This is because Andrew and Adam will be drafting a new letter so we can drop a couple of hundred cases over the next couple of weeks, putting pressure on those who we do not drop to settle.
If you find someone who is blind, one legged and dying, and you think they are not worth pursuing due to the possibility of bad PR, please also put them in there. However, the majority of cases will be continued.
Enjoy your evening,
Rob Heelas

ACS Law Solicitors

kk11pp (2010-09-29)

[one of the stranger emails]
I have the shits today.
Terence Tsang
Fri, 11 Sep 2009 12:36:16 +0100
Jonathan Miller , J Futures

kk11pp (2010-09-29)

[wow. what a dimebar]
Re: Hiya, pls can some1 restart my pc? i cant seem to connect.. thanks
We're having Internet problems today so nothing is working. Terence is due at lunchtime and I don't think we'll have it fixed until then at least.
Sent from my iPhone
On 12 Nov 2009, at 10:58, leyla mehru wrote:
> --
> Thanks
> Leyla

bob_doled (2010-09-30)

This is great - someone contacts him randomly to ask with help defending against a P2P sharing claim, from the other company doing this. At least he had the sense to say no to this money making op....

For that, have you got his e-mail address please?
From: Andrew Crossley [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 16 August 2010 14:27
To: Katie Steel
Subject: Re:

Dear Ms Steel
Thank you for your email of earlier today.
I am sorry, but I am unable to assist you. I am one of two law firms in the country that carry out file sharing litigation work (the other firm being Gallant Macmillan). As such I am not in a sufficiently independent position to provide advice to you on how to respond to any letters from Gallant Macmillan.
However, I am aware that there is a firm called Lawdit Solicitors (ask for Michael Coyle, 023 8023 5979), who specialise in responding to cases of the type you have received. Good luck!
I was wondering if I could ask for a bit of advice.

I have received a letter from Gallant Macmillian accusing my IP address of infringements against Ministry of sound. I have replied within the 21 days and they have replied to me stating that I have given them a form of template letter and still have to give more explanation as to why I should not be accused.

What steps do you think I should now take?

Caponchick (2010-09-30)

Help! Sorry guys, i'm a newby.. I downloaded this but still cant read the mails.. can somebody please tell me what to do? Thanks for your help! :o)

pentagramz (2010-09-30)

What are these passwords for I wonder?
Passwords in order from 1 to 8:
Jonathan Miller

strann (2010-09-30)

For reference:,S=195705

"As regards your reference to a ‘crime’, we do not (and have never alleged) that you are guilty of committing a crime. Our client’s claim is that your internet connection has been used to commit a civil wrong by infringing our client’s copyright for the reasons set out in our letter of claim."
So go on - prove it in court :)

yodaz77 (2010-09-30)

So this Stacy Birdsey lass basically spends all day composing letters that begin:
"Dear Madam, We refer to previous correspondence regarding infringement of our client’s copyright in ‘HER 1ST MONSTER DICK’...."

chazdawson (2010-09-30)

Who is Miss T Logan who lives at Bunters address and why did Bunter buy her a nice black jeep?

robbieirish (2010-09-30)

FROM:[email protected]
TO: [email protected]
Sorry Andrew, I thought my reply covered this issue. As long as they agree to drop everything completely, then we will live with our costs, but it has to be absolute.
We will then consider if we are going to take any further action against then, but at this stage all we want is a full stop to all of their actions.
Thanks again
--- On Tue, 17/8/10, Andrew Crossley wrote:
Date: Tuesday, 17 August, 2010, 9:53
No longer need any more information. I just need your indication over what we are to do over costs. Let them go or fight for them?
See my earlier email.

ToneEQ (2010-09-30)

The girlfiend!

RODDERS790 (2010-09-30)

i have just recieved an email from correction, i have just recieved 6.783 emails from acs:flaw

strann (2010-09-30),S=35021_2,S

Another smoke screen attept...
I have come across a service designed to protect reputations damaged by the internet. My own IT guy is involved. This is how he describes it; it may be of interest: There are 2 aspects to the work:- Prevention and Removal. The basic principle is that we identify the clients key properties to protect:- Company Name; Director Names; Staff Names; Product Names; Service Names. For prevention, we aim to dominate the first 5 pages of Google with search results to pages we control. We build mini websites, social media profile pages, articles, hub pages, to flood the internet with positive information. We create it in such a way that no one suspects it is done purposely for brand protection. If there is negative press (any website) that is already published, we use tactics to move those web page results off the first 5 pages of Google. Normally no one searches past the first 5 pages. We also help manage their brand/reputation on social media sites (Facebook/Twitter etc..) by registering all available profiles in their name and holding them to prevent anyone getting them and publishing negative information. We also monitor Staff commentary on social media sites about their “work” to ensure they are not writing negatively about their company, boss or clients. The cost is typically £150 per month for a minimum of 12 months, as it can sometimes take 3 – 4 months to see any results. (due to the way Google works)

CapSiZe (2010-09-30)

So Gallant Macmillan are the other ACS:Law type scumbags operating in the UK...?
I smell a second attack campaign in the oven.........

pentagramz (2010-09-30)

Hello Mr Crossley,
I hope all is well with you today. I have attached a copy of the order for the Jeep Compass 2.4CVT. The registration number of the car is shown on the on order and it should read OV59 BUW.

pentagramz (2010-09-30)

Hey gorgeous, how is the iPad?
Grandma’s number is 01403 822285.
Where and when do I pick you up tomorrow? Can you find out and let me know.
Really looking forward to seeing you.
By the way my work number during the day is 020 3178 8606. Call whenever you like.
Love you billions,
Dad xxx

pentagramz (2010-09-30)

The breakdown of revenue is as follows:
12.5% Technology Partner / Web Monitoring
15% Media CAT Ltd
20% Copyright Owner
52.5% ACS Law

gujiman (2010-09-30)

@pentagramz Have a heart my friend, and keep the family out of this!
Andrew Crossley is scum, but his daughter and her grandpa isn't.
Publicly humiliating these Law firms is Good thing but insulting and humilating the family is a bad thing.
some one should be modirating these comments!

yodaz77 (2010-09-30)

i hope all the people who're still paying ACS via instalments realise to go and cancel the payments immediately.
i agree people shouldn't go targeting crossley's daughter here, shes not responsible for what her shithouse father does.

isopen (2010-09-30)

OK, but think of the little old ladies this guy has scared with his letters. Some may have even lost a significant portion of their savings because of this. I don't think granny will suffer anything except a change in phone number.

pentagramz (2010-09-30)

Fair enough.
Sorry about that, had a big salary run and the rent has gone this month. However, I am working on this and should have it sorted by Monday/Tuesday at the latest.
Many thanks

Adventure950 (2010-09-30)

46 Trojans! Nice!
Not sure why this is the only torrent being seeded - ideas?

chazdawson (2010-09-30)

The fax messages that can be found in\info\cur are really excellent to read, from other lawyers, in particular check out the firm Lawdit (Southampton), if ever I need a lawyer Im going to them, they are superb!

larasoft (2010-09-30)

My AVG detects 24 infected files, in reality only 3 types of vira
1) Trojan Horse Cryptic.PJ
2)Trojan horse Downloader Generic10.HPO
3) Trojan horse Cryptic.ASU
But I am not worried. The mails are spam and they are not the funny readings. Its more fun to read stuff like this:
That should be fine. See what you can arrange x
Sent from my iPhone
On 23 Aug 2010, at 22:38, Andrew Crossley wrote:
> How about Monday 13th, probably evening.
> Regards
> Andrew
Did Tamsin know about this meeting?

larasoft (2010-09-30)

Oh I forgot to write that Crossley set up a meeting with Jo Rafferty. She seems to be a creative and nice person and she even uploaded 8 mp3 songs which you can hear. I particulary like the song
Biggest Mistake.mp3 LULZ
Somehow I feel that the family and whom might be acquainted with mr. Crossley should know what and arse he really is

larasoft (2010-09-30)

Andrew Crossley set up a meeting with Jo Rafferty. She seems to be a nice person and she uploaded approx 4 songs for you to listen to. I like
Biggest Mistake.mp3 LULZ

robbieirish (2010-10-01)

"We also help manage their brand/reputation on social media sites (Facebook/Twitter etc..) by registering all available profiles in their name and holding them to prevent anyone getting them and publishing negative information. We also monitor Staff commentary on social media sites about their “work” to ensure they are not writing negatively about their company, boss or clients. "
his email address folks is as follows.
[email protected]

onlyme2k10 (2010-10-01)

thanks for this hope the scum bag gets all he deserves and more

robbieirish (2010-10-01)

oh and andrew hooper's ([email protected]) website is
just basically a front page of himself really. pretty pointless but all the same. An advisor to corrupt criminals.

chazdawson (2010-10-01)

Ive just realised that because Bunter Crossley is a sole trader and not a limited Company, if he does get a huge fine becasue of the leak he's going to have to stump up the money himself..... Anyone want to buy a second hand Jeep??

Henry53 (2010-10-01)

Check this out. All the poor bastards that were attacked with letters from this unscrupulous bastard:

yodaz77 (2010-10-01)

On 24/08/10 10:41, Jonathan Miller wrote:
"Ali, just one more thing concerning the LoC generation, would you kindly remove password protection on the PDFs, as requested by the fufilment centre during the last run of data. Thanks."

yodaz77 (2010-10-01)

even other solicitiors seem to think crossley is a useless cunt
"Andrew thank you for your email. I also emailed you four times last week without response. With no disrespect intended the following is for clarity and in bold print and upper case also for that purpose. You must not have read my previous as I previously said. I already know all of what your email...."

pentagramz (2010-10-01)

Seems he isn't all bad.
"I have not read the letters, but may I suggest we make the £30 donation to the charity ourselves on their behalf. No publicity thanks."

robbieirish (2010-10-01)

O2 porno list folks.

by the way guys, keep updating your spreadsheet folder if you have one created.

underworldjoe (2010-10-01)

Regarding the comments about leaving Andrews family out of the picture… Personally I think open season should be called on them also. Surely if Andrews family is happily living their lavish and privileged lifestyles in the knowledge of where the money has come from, (via the blackmailing / extortion, be it rightly or wrongly) from suspected file sharers and their family’s then as far as im concerned screw them too. The innocent families of the accused are being put through much more hardship, pain and suffering than the Crossley family. Andrews happy sitting on his fat arse fucking people over, time to return the favour make this cunt earn his money. I hope the other law firms take this recent incident in ACS Law as a warning, and ensure they don’t have any skeletons hidden in their closets as im sure if they mess with the wrong people their personal business will also become public knowledge one way or another. Just my opinion…

Gum_Boot (2010-10-01)

OK, it looks like someone else is going for it:

Also, is there any evidence that anybody has been taken to court by the scum-bag? I haven't really looked to far into the files, but I haven't found any mention of actual court procedings...
Also big thanks to SXP64.

robbieirish (2010-10-01)

post honeymoon masterbation?
Dear Sirs,
I am writing in regards to a letter I have received from yourselves today Reference: M2DA10825197, regarding the matter of Infringement of Copyright.
I am totally unaware of the allegations you are making towards myself in this case, at no time have I sought to download or upload a movie under the name of 'Xcalibur - The Lords Of Sex'.
On the date you have said this offense happened, I had only just arrived back in the UK from being on my honeymoon, the only thing that would have been connected to my ISP at the time to my knowledge, would have been my Blackberry mobile, which is unable to use P2P, let alone store 12GB of file.
I have been very alarmed at the aggressive nature of your letter, I understand the seriousness of the infringement but to be held responsible or to be I told I knowingly allowed someone to commit this act is not true, I was fast asleep at 5 am recovering from lack of sleep from my return flight.
I have today reported your firm to the SRA, and am currently writing to BBC Watchdog after reading all the reports about your firm online, as I don't seem to be the only innocent party that is being accused.
In light of my testament above, I can not sign the UNDERTAKINGS or pay the fine of £495 as I am not and never have been in possession of the alleged file.
If you have any further evidence that can physically point to the file being within my property at the said time, or that I knowingly allowed this to happen, then I would be interested in seeing it, although seeing that I know the infringement never happened I doubt this would be the case.
Yours sincerely
ATT: The copies of my flight details.

yodaz77 (2010-10-01)

"Dear All, I will let you know this in person also - Please be alert for the infringer below who is likely to call in today. She has threatened suicide, please be careful in what is said and assure her that a letter will go out to her tomorrow. Many Thanks. Leyla."
Yes folks, we wouldn't want her to top herself before she has chance to send us a cheque...

yodaz77 (2010-10-01)

Dear Customer,
We received a request for the Cartridge Save account password for the email address [email protected]. The password is:
[email protected]

yodaz77 (2010-10-01)

Dear Andrew,
Having thought seriously about the SRA list of paralegal details you have asked me to compile I do not consent to being identified in any way, by initials or full name....
Kind regards
Emma-Jane Sleator-Rollinson

pentagramz (2010-10-01)

The next target for Operation Payback?

gujiman (2010-10-01)

Check this out:

looks like SKY got paid for handing out the details behind the IP address's.
And there is no mension of ACS Law on their news website!!!
I still can't belive people are thick enought to join SKY broadband!

Gum_Boot (2010-10-01)

@ pentagramz
Would be the obvious thing to do. Either before they get the High Court order or once that has been confirmed...
But I wouldn't think that this kind of exposure will happen again (sadly).
And I do hope that someone is frying the almonds off that greedy git, there must be someone who has the expertise, credentials and knowledge to do it.
Also it seems nobody has found any signs for actual court cases???

longknives (2010-10-02)

gujiman said:
@pentagramz Have a heart my friend, and keep the family out of this!
I disagree, if my father was a low life scum sucking leach like Crossley I would rather know all the details in order to make the informed choice of disowning the worthless piece of shit.
And then I might also gain an insight into why so many people are hoping that somewhere out there theres a psycho relative of one of the many thousand families that Crossley has terrorised intimidated and harassed, who has about as much respect for the law as Crossley himself has, and is more than willing to administer his own form of home grown justice on the louse which the worthless cunt so desperately deserves.

yodaz77 (2010-10-03)

oh dear, it looks like is now offline.
lol that didn't take long to happen

larasoft (2010-10-03)

Atm no website for
Guess they have lost their goodwill too. Working with was not a wise move!

cwgate (2010-10-04)

If you are using Outlook (as opposed to Outlook Express) you will need to convert the files to .msg format not just rename them to .eml Windows 7 has a preview that works with .msg files so can browse the files directly once converted.

cwgate (2010-10-04)

In case anyone is wondering who "Norwich Pharmacal" is its the name of a case.

for details.
It does state that:-
"The person seeking the court order must have a genuine intention of commencing proceedings. "
In other words if they are using this judgement to get folks names and addresses with a view to merely "putting the frighteners" on them, then they are using it incorrectly and should be taken to court themselves!

yodaz77 (2010-10-04)

ACS are in today's Metro:

cwgate (2010-10-06)

Why no more comments?

robbieirish (2010-10-06)

Lood at this one.
from [email protected]
to [email protected]
I was wondering if I could ask for a bit of advice.
I have received a letter from Gallant Macmillian accusing my IP address of infringements against Ministry of sound. I have replied within the 21 days and they have replied to me stating that I have given them a form of template letter and still have to give more explanation as to why I should not be accused.

What steps do you think I should now take?

cwgate (2010-10-07)

The template letter referred to

cwgate (2010-10-07)

cwgate (2010-10-07)

comments not working again

Tropius__B (2010-12-13)

These are dirty pieces of shit, living off the work of others contributing nothing to the art itself.
The RIAA and MPAA makes all copyright holders look like devils.

Carillon3 (2011-05-17)

7zip compress it to 160 MB instead of 374 MB, you shouldnt use this shit of winrar