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Supergroup, VH1 - Episode 1-7






Supergroup, VH1 - Episode 1-7




2006-08-07 (by JLJ27)


While Ozzfest may prosper and Motley Crue shows sell out, the kingdom of hard rock, still waits for a powerful force to regain dominion over the power chords cut by crunk, pop-punk, and indie rock. Fortunately, VH1 has assembled some of the heaviest rock icons,who stand ready to thrash a new trail of carnage and excess and to lead the hard rock world as their new gods of thunder. VH1's SUPERGROUP: Ted Nugent, Scott Ian (Anthrax), Sebastian Bach (Skid Row), Evan Seinfeld (Biohazard) and Jason Bonham (Bonham, UFO), are poised to re-conquer the rock world (and hopefully spread a little debauchery and black leather in the process) in the ultimate musical experiment. SUPERGROUP will bring together these five hard rocking icons and present them with the opportunity to create the heaviest SUPERGROUP. Ultimately viewers will see whether or not band will come together as hard rock's saviors or simply implode. Over a of period two weeks in Las Vegas, legendary rock manager, Doc McGhee, will shepard the group towards their fate as hard rock heroes. As a respected manager, he automatically commands the respect of the band members and is not afraid to crack the whip. He´s a taskmaster with a two-week deadline that can´t be missed. On day one, Doc will clearly lay out the stakes, goals, and the limited time that the SUPERGROUP truly has to revitalize and rule hard rock. Their quest will culminate with a massive concert at The Empire Ballroom in Vegas. Yet the question remains, hard rock is ready to be saved but is the SUPERGROUP ready to save hard rock?

Files count:



2442.47 Mb




JLJ27 (2006-08-09)

I sure hope someone has downloaded the whole thing and can seed now, 'cause I'm leaving my computer at the shop for service now. Dunno how long it'll be but I'll continue to seed when I get it back.

JLJ27 (2006-08-18)

Now I have my computer back so it's on a roll again.

jesperdirty (2008-03-19)

Hey.. do you wanna set up a trade for this??
Email me :)
[email protected]

diceman84 (2008-09-17)

Hello there, can someone please seed, please please please I'm at 60 percent and I want to watch this shit so damn much.

ericdean2 (2008-12-18)

please keep seeding, i just started this torrent - thanks!!

mrvain32 (2009-07-29)

Pls Seed this torrent I need at least 22 hrs to finish downloading. Pls seed. Anyone? Cos I maintain a ratio 1:1 for each download.

musicvault (2009-08-08)

This torrent is my first experience with "seed request".Though I've downloaded more than 200 torrents.
From last 2 weeks I'm trying to download this. I've got 256kbps line.Somehow I reached 89.8%. All I need 2hr 30m of seeding after that I'm gonna seed it for others. There are atleast 7 in waiting.(4 in 89.7%,1 in 67% and remaining 2 below 20%) Pls understand. And Pls seed. My current share ratio @89.9% is 1.060 and still counting.
Pls seed, It would be greatly appreciated.

musicvault (2009-08-08)

Now....6 people @ 94.5% + me(94.6%). My current share ratio @ 94.6% is 1.309. Dude PLZ do seed atleast for 1 and half hr.

musicvault (2009-08-10)

Man this is really 7 are @ 96.8% plus me at 96.8%. We are slower than snail's pace. Any good soul out there...pls seed for god's sake. Its making us nuts.
Cos when I'm done, I'm gonna be sharing this for atleast a week.

thirteenburn (2009-08-26)

Just as I figured, this was nothing more than a vehicle for VH1 to milk and then shelve. Supposedly, both The Nuge and Bonham want to hold off on releasing any of the material ready for distribution, but no reason given. Supposedly it will interfere with tours or something, but I really think that it's VH1's call and they just wanted to run the show and be done with it.
I for one never had any hope that this would actually become a "Supergroup" as it had the VH1 "reality show" greasy little fingerprints all over it.
For those of you who are still waiting for this "Supergroup" to do something, stop waisting your time and move on. This is a dead issue and will never happen, was never going to happen.

musicvault (2009-08-28)

finally I did it. oh I have 100%. I'm seeding for 4 more days. Peeps if anyone wants it pls drop a comment I'll reseed later too.

The_Evil_138 (2010-09-18)

I had all 7 eppisodes on my DVR for over a year but never got around to put them on my PC. Then yesterday I upgraded my DVR forgetting they were on there and lost them all. I'm so glad to see someone took the time to create this torrent. This is the best reality show ever, so big thanks to the uploader.

The_Evil_138 (2010-09-18)

I had all 7 eppisodes on my DVR for over a year but never got around to put them on my PC. Then yesterday I upgraded my DVR forgetting they were on there and lost them all. I'm so glad to see someone took the time to create this torrent. This is the best reality show ever, so big thanks to the uploader!!!

zero11111 (2012-03-05)

Seed, please...