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Half-Life, Opposing Force, Blue Shift
Games PC
Half-Life, Opposing Force, Blue Shift
2009-05-10 (by edplane)
First torrent, let me know if it dosent work. simply open the exe, and play! HD pack included!
the serial is aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa.. whatever, just fill in all a's
Files count:
420.57 Mb
rebel_spartan (2009-05-11)
Prob. one of the best Half Life Torrents- good job :)zzbeers (2009-05-23)
need verfy codeTakashi_Yuza (2009-05-24)
as zzbeers said need the cd key1totl (2009-05-26)
It's not working for me.whenever i click on the .exe and it tries to extract,it says one of the sound files is corrupted
GoldStandard (2009-05-26)
Mine makes the screen look like a pixelated vomit and then it terminates.flipswitch5pt (2009-06-11)
awesome, i lost my original copies and black mesa source is taking foreverrrStickfodder (2009-06-28)
Once you get a working serial this works great. I had a little trouble getting OpFor and Blue Shift but once I reinstalled it they worked great. Great torrent.ives1337 (2009-07-13)
Needs a CD key, what the hell is it?ives1337 (2009-07-13)
GoldStandard is right, it looks like pixelated vomit or something.FlurreH (2009-07-18)
didet you guys read the description..."the serial is aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa.. whatever, just fill in all a's"
FlurreH (2009-07-18)
fucking idiots...scythexand (2009-07-20)
If you can't get it to work, you probably don't deserve it.Rage323 (2009-07-27)
damn, its orks perfect but...wat is the cd key and i did wat FlurreH said it didnt work, is it all numbers, letters, both? or a real cd key please!Rage323 (2009-07-27)
yo, rebel_spartan, if you say it is 1 of the best HL torrents, how did you get a cd key?7h30wn3r (2009-08-01)
Awesome downloading full speed taking like 5 mins =)7h30wn3r (2009-08-01)
Best HL Download on TPB!And the serial is just aaaaa-aaaaa-aaaaa-aaaaa
and 1totl.. try run it as admin if youre on vista!
stationmiek (2009-09-24)
Works on Windows 7 too. Just accept the 'incompatibility wizard' and it sorts it out. ;)Eskimonian_Kid16 (2009-10-05)
yeah, this one is goin' pretty fast. like 10 min. for me which is fuckin' amazingx4rtemx (2009-10-09)
Script errors all over the game......Tryed to play, but over scientists just dying around without a reason and shield is always going down....(((((((
edplane (2009-11-28)
Thanx for seeding, everyone! This has to be one of the best HL torrents on here.....And fot those having problems, Its probebley your computer. If I play this on a 1GHz AMD - based Compaq, it will cash for some reason. Compared to a 2.8GHz HP, which will play it, no problems...
bjornfra (2010-03-08)
Thanks for the torrent.I've scanned files with Avira AntiVir, viruses not found.
Works perfect for me. It even haven't asked for the serial number.
kirbyguy22 (2010-05-10)
Awesome. Great torrent, runs fine on Windows Vista.edplane (2010-05-26)
WHERES THE SEEDERS!!!!!!!!! Last time, I looked, there where like 40 seeders! COME ON PEOPLE!!!!!!! SEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDD!DrewDown5728 (2010-07-31)
Awesome download...installed..keygen i got to work GAS9-DAB2-PUR3-BAP7-6587...working on windows 7(compatible mode) awesome to bring halflife back! Much love to uploader...seeding for 30days!Donofallliars (2010-08-09)
you are awsome everything works great for mety ty ty ty ty so happy now
tonikiller (2010-09-04)
omg if this works im gonna rate this 9999/9and im gonna be very happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
steelfist (2010-09-05)
how come it says something like "cannot run less than 15MB !!!!!!" ??? i have like 14gb on my harddrive ?.....steelfist (2010-09-05)
so how come oppsoign force or blue shift dont work ? they both give me "AVAILABLE MEMORY LESS THAN 15MB !!!!!!!" or something error ? why ???edplane (2010-10-12)
For all of you having errors, I have no idea what any problem is. It just seems to be hit and miss. And this can run on wine? Ironic, I was just wondering. Every time I play a game, it crashes on wine. I'll download my own torrent again and see! ;) Thanks to all you seeders, BTW! Love you guys!sergeant0101 (2010-12-26)
WOW it come down with 1.5 Mbit/sbrickedmeat123 (2011-01-07)
For those who got problems 'cannot run if less than 15mb', try deleting the registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve (the whole folder). If it doesn't work, I'll be damned...umairbutt24 (2011-02-27)
For those who got problems 'cannot run if less than 15mbRight click on game shorcut=>Goto Properties=>Switch to Compatibility tab=>Enable "run this program in compatibiliy mode for:"=>And select windows xp sp3.
manhi40 (2011-08-19)
@steelfist it probably means ram not hard drive space, go to task maneger and close up a few processesSarethW (2011-09-23)
I already have Half-life 1 but I want to try out Opposing Force and Blue Shift :DThanks for seeding guys!
poopdaloop (2011-09-27)
wheres exe.amitc1612 (2012-08-08)
awesome torrent!!!took about 15-20 minutes to download and very easy installation.
for those who have the 15mb problam, just right click the game > properties > compatibility > choose windows xp (service pack 2).
now you can play the game.
P3rttiz (2012-09-05)
For those who got problems 'cannot run if less than 15mbRight click on game shorcut=>Goto Properties=>Switch to Compatibility tab=>Enable "run this program in compatibiliy mode for:"=>And select windows xp sp3.
zaxcrazy1994 (2012-11-16)
10/10 nice jobuploder
Darksteel165 (2013-07-10)
Works perfect, playing on win 7 with D3D graphics mode. Compatibility mode for win xp sp 3HyeMuaz (2013-08-06)
can play multiplayer ???Vietcong44 (2013-09-16)
Couldn't connect to steam, you can't play mp on this guys, even if you have steam runningFiles:
1. Half-life all/Half-Life Setup.exe 420.57 Mb