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Lost (2004) S2 E12 (Abc7 TVRip - Dansk Tekst).avi






Lost (2004) S2 E12 (Abc7 TVRip - Dansk Tekst).avi


Video/TV shows


2006-01-29 (by z_collector_z)


Sæson 2 afsnit 12

Files count:



366.60 Mb




z_collector_z (2006-01-30)

I'm not sure what this guy is talking about. The link refers to DVD rips and this surely isn't a DVD rip.
Besides the subs is added for people who prefer subtitles in their native language. That is if it's the subs he is barfing about.

bcravn (2006-02-01)

There are so many Lost episodes out every week, so just let him release with hardcodede subs. If people want it without the subs, the can just pick one of the other torrents.

bogrkr (2006-02-07)

please keep up the nice work... want more!!!!

Solaba (2006-02-08)

I dont understand why you make such a big deal out of it.
If people want "the real scene" (or what you could call it) then they can go out and search for that.
But there still are newbies that that don't know about winRAR and how to use seperate sub-files.
So ONE file with hardcoded subs makes it easier for many people.
But it would still be cool, if someone could post the subs in a single file.

g4ngst3r (2006-02-09)

Just keep up the good work z_collector_z :-) @maako : Scene-release... Maybe it's his own rip and what about all the other .avi torrents there are on PB???
.... there are no rar on this one either. or this one:

g4ngst3r (2006-02-09)

....and you don't have to let the subs be in a file. If people want them without hard-coded they can get one of the other avi's here on PB (fx Lost.S02E13.HDTV.XviD-LOL.avi), and then search for the subs and do it temselves.

jwholm (2006-02-09)

Keep up the good work, and please post more, if released.

Cybersprire (2006-02-10)

Hvor bliver afsnit nr. 13

bogrkr (2006-02-11)

Måske der snart er tid til et nyt afsnit lost eller hva?????

z_collector_z (2006-02-11)

Hvis I ser på, så kan I se at afsnit 13 blev vist i torsdag morgen/nat dansk tid. Der skal også lige være tid til at nogle skal oversætte tekster og derefter skal jeg mixe tekst og film. Så hav tålmodighed lidt endnu, den er på vej.

souls-seb (2006-02-11)

Det glæder vi os til :D

z_collector_z (2006-02-11)

Hvis I mener, at I kan gøre det hurtigere skal I være hjertelige velkomne til at lave den. Jeg skal nok give jer instruktioner til hvordan man gør.
Her er en vejledning til hvordan man kan gøre det.

Det er dog ikke den metode, som jeg bruger.
En anden metode, som ligner mere den metode jeg bruger er

g4ngst3r (2006-02-11)

Det kunne være de brokke-hoveder skulle checke at serien kører nu, derfor kan afsnittene ikke komme ud får de er vist.

fatstein (2006-04-07)

Hvis nogen af jer har ale afsnit af denne slags med danske tekster på vil jeg gerne have fat i dig / jer ;) har en masse at bytte med kontakt mig på msn håber der er en der kan hjælpe mig :) ..

goatboy32 (2006-04-26)

Firstly.. Thanks z_collector_z loads for the upload, tried the other Losts & have a major problem burning them i.e the voices out of sync but no probs here.!
There seems to be an 'IN CLUB' dictating how & what sort of uploads there should be but without telling us how to solve the out of sync prob... Are we not a 'community' isn't this what it's all about??? Well done again...!!