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Mein Kampf.pdf






Mein Kampf.pdf




2009-08-16 (by Goatmaster)


Mein Kampf In English, wonder if it's as boring in German. You'd expect that such a historical tract, by the King Nutter himself, would be more engaging. But it's not, at least I don't think so. Maybe you'll feel differently.


  1. adolph adolf hitler nazi rise

Files count:



1.76 Mb




sistromo (2009-08-16)

The Rush Limbaugh crowd might like to learn that the trash the espouse was developed by this fellow before. Nah, they'd have to make an effort and read - not their penchant.

zhenyafan (2009-08-16)

Actually hitler was a lefty socialist and was labled a right wing by the lefties. He was a socialist thru and thru. If you don't believe me look at his policies and you will find he would fit right in with the dummycrats.

zhenyafan (2009-08-16)

By the way how's that hope and change working out for you? The Zero now enjoys a -8 approval rating. Check out this link dummycrats!,2933,539445,00.html?test=latestnews

zhenyafan (2009-08-17)

Yeah Americans are a funny lot, not like Europe where billionaires buy elections, or the poor brits who can't seem to manage their lives without a ministry of silly walks! Eurabia is doing so well these days isn't it?

zhenyafan (2009-08-17)

BTW you can read this book online without the download.

hissil (2010-02-23)

sistromo=goatmaster= little wanker zionist shill who wanks to mein kampf while blowing david rockefeller haha

hissil (2010-05-11)

The faggot is you goatmaster/ sistromo. A zionist shill queer cocksucker who is afraid of the truth and feels compelled to troll anything that goes against his precious masters. Go back to sucking dick you faggot.

saxony2k (2010-06-26)

Wow - this book really brings the childishness out in people!
I wonder how old the age limit is when you go from bigoted to universally educated...? ;)
Personally, I've heard Adolf was a deep thinking - but that thinking was where his talents stayed. It's good to read these things to understand how the minds of psychos work. You're right though, this one's a bit... basic. Saying that, a Jewish (Was he or was it his general who was Jewish?) brunette Austrian trying to create a perfect race out of brown haired christian Germans kind of demonstrates his thinking capacity!
Goatmaster - for future reference, I don't think you should be objective about American/world politics. Americans aren't apparently great at taking criticism and revert to grasping at stereotypes...!

ElizabethBray (2012-01-27)

I wouldn't say Hitler was completely left-wing! He was a mix. Of course, he wasn't Nationalist (The German Workers Party DAP only became The German National Socialists Party NSDAP because he needed to win favour with Nationalist voters) well, not really anyway. However the notion that he wasn't really right wing I believe to be wrong, with someone so fascist who ran as a dictator, surely this is right wing? He was most definitely NOT a communist and in his 25 point policy of 1928, he clearly states that he loathes Communists. And Communists are left wing! I think many people mistakenly believe that Hitler was left wing because the political extremes (fascism and communism) can look very similar.