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The Jews - 100 Facts
The Jews - 100 Facts
2009-03-01 (by red_gonzo )
This is the revealing booklet The Jews - 100 Facts which intends to show without any opinionated bias, a documented factual summation of the race and religion known as the Jews. Facts are presented without any further explanations or remarks in such order that the reader may look up the evidence himself if he or she has any questions. To the right of each fact, in parenthesis, the reader will find a number which will refer him back to the bibliography page where the reference was taken. Let it be noted that these are only 100 of the multitudes of facts which could be presented. Further studies on the part of the reader will establish the fact that much more could be said concerning the Jew in history and today. Find out what jewish religious books have to say about humanity and what people have to say about Jews, the list includes such persons as George Washington and Benjamin Franklin. 50 pages. A must read for everyone.
Files count:
2.74 Mb
FurryHamster (2009-03-02)
Jews ? The guys in the Old testament are indeed Jews . And they are God's people .Today bastard state of Israel and the various people that call themselves " Jews " are nothing more the traitors to Christ , pure and simple . All who call themselves Jews today are nothing more then traitors to God and will Burn in Hell .
The Last Jew died on the cross close to 2000 years ago .
As long as a single vile heretic ( " Jew " ) still draws breath there will be no peace . These traitors are nothing more then a sinologue of Satan .
kappi8 (2009-03-02)
Thanks red_gonzo, you're truly an idiotic conspiracy theorist if you believe and disseminate this piece of hate trash.FurryHamster (2009-03-02)
Either the guy who uploaded this or i are idiots is meaningless and besides the point . The " Jews " ( well those that call themselves Jews anyway ) are bad fuckers , real bad . . .they are responsible now for fucking up America and the World . You will see the effects of there work soon enough .Righteous Hatred is purpose in itself ! Go ahead heretic hate back , is not that big of a deal .
Who cares ? Apparently you do since you took the time to criticize . Moron !
Unsocial ? Are you afraid of been alone ? I am never alone , Christ is with me .
Leechers / No Seeders - Is it not a free site ? M i braking any rules ? Then what the fuck is your problem ?
idiots ? come on you can come up with better stuff then that !
GoldStandard (2009-03-02)
FurryHamster.Not sure if you know but a large percentage of the jews in the world are not bloodline of Abraham but the Khazars. So strictly from a DNA perspective you are right that they are not descendents of 'the chosen people'.
FurryHamster (2009-03-03)
I know , and the jews themselves are acutely aware of this irony and it bugs them to no end . Anyone in the universe can become a " chosen people " , is not that big of a deal . Accept Christ and obey him and he will grant you eternal life and happiness . Although you will have a hard deal in this life .The " traitors " that call themselves Jews today will repent in the END , when Christ returns . However i am not sure how many will be saved , i think is something like 144.000 from the original tribes .
ray07382 (2010-12-24)
hey Gonzo can you start seeding your ebook torrents again?I love your posts and have some but am trying to download alot more of them but no seeders.Files:
1. The Jews - 100 Facts.pdf 2.74 Mb