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Metallica - And Justice For All 1988 (Unique Custom Remaster, 20






Metallica - And Justice For All 1988 (Unique Custom Remaster, 20




2007-08-27 (by Tech-Noir)


Metallica - And Justice For All 1988 (Unique Custom Remaster, 2007) FLAC Lossless ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Technical Info ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -Source material: Tracks 1-9: FLAC Lossless -New Encoding: FLAC Lossless (In other words, full quality compressed to generally about 1/2 of an Audio CD size) -Total Size: 481 MB -Total Play Time: 1:05:26 -Tracklist: 1. Metallica - Blackened (Remastered) (6:42) 2. Metallica - ...And Justice For All (Remastered) (9:45) 3. Metallica - Eye Of The Beholder (Remastered) (6:27) 4. Metallica - One (Remastered) (7:26) 5. Metallica - The Shortest Straw (Remastered) (6:35) 6. Metallica - Harvester Of Sorrow (Remastered) (5:45) 7. Metallica - The Frayed Ends Of Sanity (Remastered) (7:44) 8. Metallica - To Live Is To Die (Remastered) (9:48) 9. Metallica - Dyers Eve (Remastered) (5:14) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- General info ----------------------------------------------------------------------- What to say... Of all the Metallica albums, this one is definately the one I dislike the most. The recording is just horrible. The bass guitar is barely there at all, it can just be heard as a presence sometimes. And it doesn't have any lower frequencies to give some fluidity and drive to the bottom end. That is left up to the kick, which is equalized to, as it seems, fill the bass-space the bass should. It doesn't kick (you know, "thump"), it just clicks, followed by a slow surge of subsonics. The recording itself is horrible. Going from "Master Of Puppets" or "Ride The Lightning" to this is like day and night. I suppose someone decided that the ambience and reverbs or those earlier albums sounded way too good, so they decided to stick the drums in a sonically dead vocal booth. Everything is dry as a desert. There is a hint of reverb on some instruments, but even the reverb is thin and crap, and it doesn't help at all in giving some extra depth. The drums are definately the biggest dissapointment here. I also don't like any of the tracks (possibly because the recording sounds like a turd). You would definately be better off just getting hold of the tracks recorded off live performances (official recordings that is), and compiling them to an album. It is amazing when you actually hear for example the title track in a live recording, because it sounds alot better. Just compare the track "One" with the version they recorded for "S&M". There is an indescribable difference, even if you ignore the orchestra. Anyways, I am not happy with this at all. One of the rules I should have when working on stuff like this is that I myself should want to listen to it, but that doesn't apply with this one. I still think it sounds pretty bad, mostyl due to the lack of the bassguitar. This is just for everyone elses sake. :) So what have I done? Well, lots of things. I have just done whatever I could to make this sound acceptable to me personally. I have used a barrage of stuff, experimenting over and over to try and find what best suits the sound. Equalizing: Just to level out the spectrum so that certain things aren't hidden. The Original was described as being "thin", and that's thanks to the low-mid section being hollowed out. This has been corrected. Acoustics: This one I haven't used before, but I felt it could lend a new dimension to the tracks. The worst part about the original is that it is so completely one-dimensional. No room ambience or anything. So I threw on acoustic processors of various kinds (reverbs, and other types) to try and bring some life back into the record (so that it atleast sounds like it was recorded in some kind of room instead of the vacuum of space). The result is a more dimensional sound, with both reverb in the distance, aswell as another dimension in the foreground. Transient Processors: To try and balance the transients (quick attacks) coming from drums and percussive instruments. The transients are important for determining the "closeness" of a sound to the listener. Altering the amplitude of these can also change the character of certain sounds. It can be used as a sort of compression, but it only affects the isolated transients and not the body of sounds. Also it can be used for expansion rather than compression (making the snare drum snap even louder for example). I've used it to make transients more subtle, which makes snares etc appear to be further away. I did this because I also added reverb etc, and I wanted to give a sense of distance and depth a la the older albums. The attenuation of peaks also helps make the tracks flow better (less peaks to break the flow. And it is alot better to use for this purpose than compression which affects the whole signal, not just the transients. Harmonic Processors: Since the bassguitar is completely missing, I have tried to expand the guitars downwards to atleast give some bottom edn and "gut" to this mess. Compression/Lmiting: Because it was sorely needed. The original is very flat. There is no sense of "unity" to the separate parts of the track (they don't "interact" sonically in any way, like slightly push eachother out of the way or such). They also seem to not have been compressed indivudually either. The result sounds alot better than the original (In my opinion ofcourse). But it is still very flat and dull, and this is an album I'd rather not listen to. I even prefer St. Anger, which has alot better production value than this (if that tells you anything). In my opinion, they should have just stuck with the setup they had with Master Of Puppets. It's old, but the reverbs, guitar delay units, ambience and depth they had on that album is on of the most impressive I've heard so far.

Files count:



481.97 Mb




Sl4yer2001 (2007-08-29)

Thanks for your work! Just came across your MoP torrent, and had a look for this - really looking forward to hearing them both. AJFA is BY FAR the poorest production on any Metallica record, but the material is fantastic IMO, if you REALLY like that sort of thing!
Anyway, cheers!

Tech-Noir (2007-08-29)

Yeah, I cam to like some of the songs aswell, despite the poor production.
But this one still sounds like crap, make no mistakes. ;)

Sl4yer2001 (2007-08-30)

Well, you can't put back what isn't there to start with! It's a big improvement anyway, especially in the quiet bits.
Thanks again!

mojn12 (2007-09-09)

OMG 3 new remasters! I have been listening to your MOP remaster and I can't help to be amazed each time I put it on. It sounds so natural. Can't wait to hear the 3 new remaster. Thank you so much, really amazing stuff.

smootht (2008-01-10)

I thoroughly enjoy all your work with these Metallica remasters. While this certainly sounds better than the original, I guess this is proof that you can't polish a turd :)

JoshM22 (2008-01-20)

I am downloading your MOP remaster. Almost two hours to wait, but I am sure it is well worth it. I like natural sounding records. That is why i favor vinyl over CD. Can't wait to hear MOP remaster. Thanx
I would have to agree with you on the production and mixing of the album. James and Lars were probably at fault for some of the problems in the record. I can't wait to hear the remaster of Justice too.

JoshM22 (2008-01-31)

I have all of them and they sound superb. Justice does sound much better than the orig. Thanks for your hard work. What do you plan to do to fix Kill 'Em All?

gonXed (2008-02-13)

Hey man. I am sorta an audiophile (and musician) and got this recommended by a friend - but I have to say that the originals sound better, mostly because you overdid the equalizing which makes it sound stupidly alot like a smiley EQ and airy :(
Sorry, I had expected better, but it's still a "unique" remaster ;)

Tech-Noir (2008-02-14)

Hey and thanks for replying.
Yeah, this one I wasn't too happy about. The source wasn't that bad to begin with, and no matter what I did, there was always some imbalance between the different elements in the mix. I couldn't, for example, boost alot of "meat" in the guitars, because the vocals would follow with that, giving them a very unnatural "canney" low-mid presence that shouldn't be there.
Would have been nicer to have been able to mix and all that myself hehe. Can't win em all I guess. ;) Cheers for the response mate. :)

Jayhoo (2008-02-26)

a great effort, and i am sure that your mix is better in some areas.. but honestly - listen to the last 1/3 of The Shortest Straw. I find your remastered very "high hat" and tinny, where the original remastered version is deep sounding and mixes with the voice better.
What do you guys think?

Tech-Noir (2008-02-26)

Hey Jayhoo. :)
You are probably correct. There are alot of problems with these recordings, and I swear this is the best I could do. I mainly just posted it just in case someone liked it more than the original. But I wouldn't listen to this any day of the week... ;)
Keep in mind I had only stereo mixes handy. Equalizing certain elements had big impacts on other elements, etc.
But cheers for the feedback, very appreciated I assure you. :)

shittingdicknipples (2008-03-06)


maigaard7 (2008-03-21)

I've got nothing on my computer capable of playing these "FLAC"-files.. And my media-converter can't even load them :s
What am i to do?

Tech-Noir (2008-03-21)

maigaard7: The newest versions (version 5 and up probably) of Winamp can play .FLAC files. Probably not older 2.xx version or such though.
As for converting them to MP3, your converter software needs a FLAC codec to be able to use them.
I use dBpowerAMP for converting myself ( The main program has support for WAV, MP3 and such basic formats, and the codec central part of their site has separate codecs for many formats that you can install and that adds support for encoding and decoding that format (so if you install the FLAC codec you will be able to convert from MP3 to FLAC, or WAV to FLAC, or FLAC to MP3 etc etc.

midwestern72 (2008-03-30)

Thank you! I appreciate the effort- anything helps with this catastrophe.

midwestern72 (2008-03-30)

Dude! I just listened to this Re-master and I have to say THANK YOU! Although still not perfect, there is a huge noticeable difference! I can finally listen to this album and enjoy it without the horrible mix getting in the way. You did a fine job with what you had to work with and I have waited for this for 10 years!! You rule! I am never listening to the "official" version again!

Tech-Noir (2008-04-04)

Thanks mate.
I still hate this "optimized" version, so I guess that speaks for how bad the original is.
Still, glad someone thought it was worth it, that's why I did it. ;)

datuyn (2008-04-17)


rusherx (2008-04-26)

Hey Tech-Noir, have you ever heard of Lokire? He's this kid that did his own bass work and added it to the Justice album, there are videos floating on youtube of it. I think you can download the Lokire-enhanced mp3s of Justice as well. Do you think you could manage to isolate Lokire's bass work and add it to this remastering? Because it's great and all, but just needs some bass, and the youtube vids I saw of Lokire's bass-enhanced Justice songs made me go "Whoa!" but being youtube and all it's low quality audio.

Tech-Noir (2008-05-09)

rusherx: I see what you mean, but it is basically not possible. Isolation of single instruments from tracks are generally impossible. I would most likely have to resort to simply lowpassing the bass-enhanced version, and then cutting the low frequencies of the original, and then exactly fitting in the low frequencies (with the bass) into the original recording. And that would only add a low frequency prescence at best, since the twangy upper portion of the bass wouldn't be heard. So I'd be pretty futile, although an idea I had considered. ;)
I think GuitarHero featured some tracks from "Justice", and also Rockband I think. Rockband, being multi-instrumental, would surely require a remixed version of any Justice tracks to be usable (since the bassplayer wouldn't be useful at all with the original recordings). One can only hope that someone comes to their senses and releases a remastered and remixed "Justice" that it atleast listenable. It has some great musical ideas, so it's a shame that it sounds so bad. Alot more to fix than just the bass volume for sure (equalizing the guitars to bring some meat out, fix the drums, fix everything basically...). :)

A-Dubz (2008-05-17)

What the fuck is wrong with you guys?!? The original of this album is my favorite Metallica album by far. Don't bother listening to anything after Black Album though, they sold out and sound like shit. If they only they kept to their roots. Anyway, you guys are fucked if you think Justice sucks.

Metallica93X (2008-05-20)

I've listened to your remastered And Justice For All and the Master of Puppets albums and they sound very good. Tech-Noir you did a great job on them.
I've got a couple of suggestions for you for other albums that could benefit from a remaster. For one, Hurt "Vol. 1." Very good album but the production isn't the greatest. and secondly, Down "Nola," which is Phil Anselmo from Pantera's side band. I would be glad to send them to you in FLAC or WAV. And lastly, a question for you. Is there any way you could extract the vocals from a song or an album? Reason I ask is cause the Metallica album "St. Anger" is sub par but the DVD is pretty good and was wondering if the vocals from the album could be extracted and put onto the DVD audio? Anyways, keep up the great way. You did a hell of a job on the remastered 80's Metallica albums and I do appreciate all the hard work you put into them.

Tech-Noir (2008-05-22)

Thanks Metallica93X.
As for doing other albums, at the moment I am working in a different city in the weeks, so not alot of time at the computer. But I'll check some out and see if they are possible candidates. ;)

Istram (2008-06-20)

good work, but i'd prefer fewer room, it's too far to the sides...

Evil_Demonz_Are_Scary (2008-07-05)

All these people that go around reckoning they know all this crap about audio and different sound qualities like FLAC and MP3 and WAVE need their fucking heads examining. You CAN'T compare them, one is one and one is the other, people need to wise up on the internet. Like for example you can't say that FLAC is better or just as good as WAVE, they're DIFFERENT. I know I'm right and there's not a dam thing anybody out there can say to prove me wrong. So the next time somebody on the internet compares one audio format to another one they need a slap either that or they need their head kickin in for being a cocky arsehole that really knows nothing about audio file formats.

Tech-Noir (2008-07-05)

I'm not sure I am following. Your post has no real information.
FLAC is WAVE compressed. Just like a RAR file is any file compressed. It's all about finding patterns in the file data that can be described using less data. Lossless means that when you convert a FLAC file back to WAVE, the song is identical to the WAVE file that was previously converted to the FLAC file. It's not magic or anything.
FLAC IS better than WAVE, IF you define good as taking less space without loosing any data. IT is NOT better if you don't like the playback of the FLAC file to take the slightly more CPU time needed to do the real-time unpacking of the compressed data back to WAVE.
It's kind of hard to respond to your comment since it mostly contains a bunch of statements, some which seem wrong.
Do elaborate further about the points you are trying to make, and feel free to be a bit more detailed when you make statements that seem completely erroneous. :)

Evil_Demonz_Are_Scary (2008-07-05)

There ya go you see, my comment makes perfect sense and you've just tried to turn it around and make yourself look big so you are an arsehole just like all the others. I did not ask for your reply but you've given it anyway. You're comparing WAVE to FLAC so you're stupid. You can't do that, I really do know what I'm talking about but you just don't get it do you? FLAC is NOT and I repeat NOT NOT better than WAVE you dummy, it's just DIFFERENT. Anybody else who thinks otherwise is a complete arsehole, plain and simple. WAVE is WAVE, FLAC is FLAC, you can't say that one is better because then if you do you're proving that you have no clue about computers and are just plain dumb so better keep your mouth shut in future!

Tech-Noir (2008-07-08)

I admit it, I was wrong. Clearly your argument is stronger than mine both in arrogance and faulty logic, which I guess automatically means that you are right, no matter how wrong your facts are. Happy trolling mate. :)

Evil_Demonz_Are_Scary (2008-07-08)

Fuck off you stupid wanker! Can't you see that you're talking out of your queer little arse? Just because you haven't had a cock up there for some time doesn't mean that you can talk out of it. I don't want to talk to you anyway you fag, you're just like all the others.. "mmmmwwwwwhaaahhhh my FLAC is better than my WAVE stuff, my FLAC is the best mmmmwwwwwhaaahhhh!!" You dumb fucker, you got no brain or what? Dumb little fag face! Get fucked ya stupid retard!

SevenSinsXxX (2008-07-09)

hey both of glad you are both really into audio and stuff its really cool but quit fighting about it. Its just audio. Grow up some. If someone is wrong then let them be wrong. Or if u would like to make a suggestion...just be nice...the evil demons guy is being a complete dick but Tech Noir is just chillin..and tahts how it should be
just chillin

Tech-Noir (2008-07-09)

sevensinsXxX: Obviously I know one should never "feed the trolls", I just figured it was worth one go to see if he actually had something to say on the subject. And now I know. ;)

CaptainSpaulding (2008-07-15)

Have you actually read back what you've put about the description of this torrent? It's absolute nonsense. You're talking about a load of stuff and you don't really know what you're on about. You're just a dummy, plain and simple. This guy Tech-Noir thinks he's real smart but he's just a wanker. I happen to agree with Evil_Demonz, wave isn't better than flac and he's right that you can't compare them, you should have listened to him but I guess you're just a jackass!

Tech-Noir (2008-07-16)

But if you are so sure about why "FLAC isn't better than WAVE", why not post the reason why you think this way.
Obviously I will treat people like trolls if they deliver what is basically an attack on me, and then don't actually tell me why I am wrong and they are right.
Why isn't FLAC better than WAVE? Why is WAVE better than FLAC?
A simple answer that sticks to facts and proves me wrong would be great. I won't be stubborn and maintain I am right about something if my opinion isn't supported by facts. So lay it on me, please. If I am wrong I would really want to know the reason so I don't keep spreading false facts. :)

jfranco1206 (2008-07-19)

Okay finally someone has the balls to say that this album sounds a bit on the basic side. If anyone would listen to the albums after Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets there is no bass to fill the bottom. Why, why are we always asking why? One name says it all Lars Ulrich. The boy in the rear, the smallest of them all has Napoleon Complex. He needs to be heard from the rear. If he could make an album of just drums and no other instrument. He is the reason why Jason Newsted is not playing with the band anymore. Who wants to play bass guitar and not be heard. Anyway, ...And Justice For All is one of the greatest albums. Lyrically it is a gem. Want to hear some real terrible recordings, go listen to some of Slipknot's early stuff. Later.

Tech-Noir (2008-07-20)

Yeah, slipknot's early releases are also recorded on a big budget. I wouldn't even call them recordings, just demos. I believe IOWA was their first "real" record?

Tech-Noir (2008-07-22)

And by "big budget", I mean a small budget. :)

expometty (2008-08-27)

I cannot express how thanful I am for all your Metallica remasters, I just registered to piratebay cause I had to comment here and thank you for this amazing effort.
I've been needing this for a long time, I couldn't listen to the 80's albums anymore because of how weak they are in sound quality compared to my more recent audio collection, especially Megadeth 80's remastered albums cause since they were released and I totally loved them I wished for the same thing from Metallica but no one else seemed interested or talked about it.
Great job on all of them, Mustaine had his multitracks archieve when he remastered the Megadeth albums and did it in a multi-million dollar studio, you had none of that and your remastered sound 80% as good as his, that's just outstanding for me, I wish you get a good break into the sound industry.
What can I say, if I could pay you for these albums, I'd pay you without thinking twice, enough said.

Tech-Noir (2008-08-28)

expometty: Thanks, very kind of you to say. I'm in no way a professional, and I have as much time as I need to do something I feel is OK. Still, glad you appreciate it. :)

Adabisi (2008-09-08)

By god man, this is the worst thing I have ever heard in my life. What a butchering of a classic. Please, learn what you are doing before you do any more. And delete this torrent so no one else has to listen to it.

Tech-Noir (2008-09-09)

Well, to be fair:
"Anyways, I am not happy with this at all. One of the rules I should have when working on stuff like this is that I myself should want to listen to it, but that doesn't apply with this one. I still think it sounds pretty bad, mostyl due to the lack of the bassguitar. This is just for everyone elses sake. :)"
I only uploaded it in case someone DID find it better than the original. I never listen to this, (nor the original, despite the purely musical quality) In your case, you'd only need delete this and keep listening to the original. ;)

metallicafx (2008-09-19)

thanks a lot, is it possible if you can remaster kill em all, st anger, death magnetic, and garage days re re-visisted?

hot4mix (2008-09-23)

Amazing , thanks a lot man
it sounds pure
can u remaster death magnetic by any chance
it needs sum of this work
thanks a lot man

Tech-Noir (2008-09-25)

To be honest Death Magnetic is a bit of a lost case IMO.
The CD release is horrible and noone would be able to salvage that. The Guitar hero rips, while considerably better with no brickwall clipping and lots of air, it has a sort of grating character, and I really dislike the unrefined sound of the instruments, especially the high end of the drums and crash cymbals. For some reason I don't want to listen to it for long periods on headphones. I could EQ it a bit, but that's not the main problem for me, and I don't think there's alot I could do to be honest. Though if you haven't checked out the Guitar Hero 3 version, search for it here on TPB, it is miles better than the CD release in almost all respects.

hot4mix (2008-09-26)

i did chk it , its way better , but still , lead guitar is is sum how buried behind the rhythm
ok , i have a favor to ask , can u do any thing to help the instrumental sound better , the album version though , guitar hero version sucks at the solo !!
either way , thank you dude !

Hej001 (2008-10-11)

Man this is great - now I can get that ipod headbud sound, even while listening through my speakers!! =)

Hej001 (2008-10-11)

Sorry I meant earbuds... Anyway thx!

CaptainSpaulding (2008-11-08)

man, all you that have posted really nice pointless crap about this torrent are all fucking dickwads! You can't fuck around with somebody's music and think it's been improved because really non of you have any idea what you're on about anyway. Like one person said you should delete this cos it's a lot of crap, maybe if you didn't listen to Metallica on your cheap stereos all the time and bought something decent instead you wouldn't have ended up fucking around with audio to try and make it better, buy a decent sound system you cocksucker!!! LMAO

Tech-Noir (2008-11-11)

Spaulding: You are more than welcome to be a bit more specific in your criticism. What you have posted so far could easily be mistaken for obnoxious trolling, which I'm sure isn't the intention.

CaptainSpaulding (2008-11-11)

Well you're entitled to your opinion, I obviously can't take that away from you but it doesn't change the fact that you're a cocksucker that makes shite torrents on the piratebay HAHAHA

Hej001 (2008-11-21)

I'll just clarify my earlier statements and say that Captain Spaulding's comments are on the money, although his mustache is clearly just grease paint!

Tech-Noir (2008-11-21)

Hej001: Sorry, I didn't realize that your earlier comments were made sarcastically. :)
I am not sure I agree with "iPod earbud sound", though I've not used an iPod specifically so I cannot compare the sonical aspects. I am of course assuming that you mean to imply that iPod earbuds are bad sounding? :)
If you'd be able to make some more concise comments, I would be happy to read and comment on them. Cheers. :)

Groottenn (2008-11-29)

Hello Tech-Noir. Like "expometty", i signed in TPB just to congratulate and thank you for your HARD work. I have "Ride The Lightning" on vinyl and i'm showing some real good music to my 12 year brother, and since i don't have the tools to transfer to digital, i was looking for it on the net and found your torrents.
Let me tell : you have made an outstanding work with the Metallica albums.
As you said, you had the freedom studio engineers don't have to experiment and try different settings, levels and stuff like that. You have been creative in your own way and fucking thanks for that.
It's just my opinion, but you improved these albums. And i know, AJFA is A case.
Man, Master Of Puppets sounds SUPERB. OMG, i almost cum listening to it ...
I think even the band should thank you.
Your work is a form of tribute to all these great songs. Besides, if stupid Fred Durst is allowed to perform Welcome Home (Sanitarium) on TV, you have all the rights to give another view to those albums.
Millions of thanks and congratulations. You really deserve a reward.
Two more things to mention : You are an example, not only for sharing a damn hard work, but in posting torrents description and comments with correct usage of language. I hate lazy writing and free insults.
And to the people who complaint about Tech-Noir's torrents : Stick with what you like and shut up. It's in the torrent's title. Unique CUSTOM Remaster. And i love'em all.

Tech-Noir (2009-01-17)

Thanks for the long comment Groottenn. Very kind of you to take the time, I very much appreciate it! :)

ChillyCrossFoot (2010-01-01)

Evil_Demonz_Are_Scary = Troll. With his other friends.
Tech: You are very civilized in your demeanor with these idiots. I'd like to see these foul mouthed morons publish something of their own. Thanks for your work and effort.
Atleast Tech is UPLOADING something he worked on. Some of these people should have to pass a basic TEST before they can get an internet connection...
FLAC = WAV = FLAC you stupid illiterate uneducated fatherless motherless cry babies. Stop swimming in your own diarrhea and start putting up your own work instead of flaming. If you don't like it, go BUY the original. Oh wait, you'd need to get a job for that first. Unemployed burnt necks. All lossless means LOSSLESS. WAV is lossless. WAV is a way to tell your computer how to read CDDA as a FILE format. FLAC is COMPRESSED WAV. Go read a book you stupid idiots. Now why don't you trolls go find Trojans in your PC since you can't afford real condoms which is why you have kids that grow up to be just like you. Last word of advice to you trolls. Stop having sex. Please. For the good of all man kind.

ChillyCrossFoot (2010-01-01)

WAV is also the standard way to edit audio on a PC. There are other formats similar to WAV. The only problem is WAV has no tags, but FLAC, Monkey'sAudio, Apple Lossless, etc allows for tags. Stupid morons. This is exactly why I support higher prices for everything so idiots like you always end up with a lower standard of living. Go stick your mp3 players in your anals and see if they vibrate. Stay off the FLAC.

ChillyCrossFoot (2010-01-01)

CaptainSpaulding = Troll number 2. Why don't you upload something worth while? The way you speak clearly shows your level of education. Decent sound system? You mean LOUD? Is that what you got? LOUDNESS? Do you even know what to look for in an audio recording that is imperfect? Do you know how the recording studios work? Do I need to educate your dumbass on the difference between Recording Artist, Recording Studio, and Record Label?
I love how you idiots group these together into one entity. Metallica may have conducted the songs the way they were meant to be conducted, but this does not mean the RECORDING STUDIO did a great job of mixing. Obviously Tech makes it perfectly clear he is no professional, but IMHO, he does a better job than some professionals. He even states his dissatisfaction with his own work. He's far from the name calling you trolls are subjecting him to. Infact, the more things you claim he sucks on, chances are, you only wish you could suck. Is the UK full of words like "Wanker, and Arse xyz" ? All that rain and bad teeth making you lose your tongue there "matey"? if you don't like it, get off the internet, go to a Record Store, and lose a few pounds "arsehole". Quit moaning about someone else's contribution. He tried. You didn't. End of story. Word of advice, stop having any relations with women, and start with getting a job even if its just holding dicks. Get paid to do it.

ChillyCrossFoot (2010-01-01)

Metallica needs to re-release this in 24bit 96khz atleast since the original master tapes probably have more data than the CD limitations would allow. They need to then REMASTER multiple channels for each piece of equipment used, before they make a stereo remaster. The originals need to be more each master tape on each microphone. This would probably allow for a better clean up and frequency pass where needed (or not needed). The CD itself is not Lossless theoretically speaking. It looses finer details. Coupled with a bad mixing technique and the sounds you want pronounced are altered resulting in listening fatigue. Good clean balanced EQ means one can listen for hours comfortably. Which is clearly not the case here. Tech worked with what he had. A CD. Not the original master tapes. For that I commend him on the effort.

Tech-Noir (2010-01-20)

ChillyCrossFoot; Thanks for the comments. I personally wouldn't give obvious trolls that kind of attention, but... ;)

 480v (2010-03-07)

Unbelievable. Why haven't Metallica remastered an album of their own? (pre Black Album years of course) Or have they??? If they have...I sure haven't heard anything about it. The only closest thing that comes to mind is Garage Days RE-Re-revisited (was it 3 re's?) & I'm not even sure if it was remastered...It just had more cover tunes. I remember buying Justice on cassette at Music+Plus in '89...Just checked Amazon and its still the 1988 print. WTF. Although Lars & Co. seem to annoy the heck out of me now, I still enjoy & will continue to love their classic stuff, but they are really outdated by todays standards and need to be redone. Maybe add a bonus disk & I'm sure it would sell enough to keep Lars two-face happy....I guess it's not that important...whatever. Kudos Tech-Noir, appreciate the attempt.

 480v (2010-03-07)

Okay...I just found out about the remasters (didn't know about them before). DCC remaster version & the Japanese 25DP version. Apparently, from what I read, the Japanese version is way better. Heres the link for "Metallica Audiophile Collection" torrent on Demonoid. It has all (both versions) remasters in lossless flac.

1983 - Kill 'Em All (Megaforce Records MRI CD069)
1984 - Ride the Lightning (SONY/CBS 25DP 5340 and DCC 24k Gold)
1986 - Master of Puppets (SONY/CBS 25DP 5234 and DCC 24k Gold)
1988 - ...And Justice for All (SONY/CBS 25DP5178)
1991 - Metallica (The Black Album) (Japanese 1st Pressing SRCS 5577)

chunky70 (2010-04-30)

could someone reseed this please!stuck on 95%! Great remasters!

darkx312 (2011-02-05)

Excellent job with this album, especially since the original sucked sonically. And don't worry about the bass guitar, I think the band were stupid to mix it that way.

bloodmerc (2011-02-25)

Could you make an mp3 version of this and Master of Puppets please!?

bloodmerc (2011-02-25)

Can you please make an mp3 version of this and MoP please!?

antilunacy75 (2012-03-15)

first of all sorry if sometimes my englis is nothe best....
I admire your work and commitment, but dont you
think james voice (in your remaster) has to much of
depth effect, and the drums althow in the original is slightly more dry, but that adds more impact.
Sometimes the better things has some deffects (own charactheristics) that make somthing special, like jay lo not perfect butt eventhow much desirable, a car with rear traction and not perffect grip. And there is something that i do not agree at all, the fact that you mencioned and justice f all beeing so bad for you that you dont listen to it. It is great album, fucking good.
Ilike the original the way it is.
Thank you for your hard work.
icant wait to try cure, since they got alaid back sound in some albuns, specially roberts voice

grynch1984 (2013-01-22)

I have heard all three of your Metallica remasters and chose to comment on this one, simply because the production sucked so bad, and "justice" definitely needed the most attention. You are a remastering genius. You may not like the end result of this album in particular, but dude, you brought so much life out of that record, it's unreal! I am more than impressed. Keep it up. There are several more albums out there that need your tender care. I would love to hear what you could do to the mess that is St. Anger, or even Death Magnetic. Could you take the Guitar Hero 3 tracks (readily available out on the net) and give them your own special treatment? Please don't use the original CD version, as it's brickwalled and definitely not worth touching. There is a version of DM out there that most people consider to be the best current remaster of the GH3 tracks. It's by a guy who calls himself MarckIII. If you could remaster his version, I'm sure you'd be able to bring it to life even further. Again, thanks for your efforts. You made all 3 of these Metallica albums shine!

grynch1984 (2013-01-22)

For your convenience.

filthy3825 (2015-08-23)

Thank you. Do you have a custom remaster of Kill 'em All?

filthy3825 (2015-08-29)

Thank you. Will you remastering Kill "em All?