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Rosetta Stone 3.4.7 + Crack(VasiaZozulia)




Software PC


Rosetta Stone 3.4.7 + Crack(VasiaZozulia)




2010-09-25 (by VasiaZozulia)


Rosetta Stone Personal Edition contains everything you need to give the voice inside of you a new language. The method used recreates the natural way you learned your first language, revealing skills that you already have. This approach has won numerous awards, and has been adopted by countless organizations, schools and millions of users around the world. Join the language revolution today. Only with Rosetta Stone. The comprehensive language-learning solution that fits your life. Learn Naturally Learn your next language the same way you learned your first language. Dynamic Immersion empowers you to see, hear and comprehend without translating or memorizing. You already have this ability. Rosetta Stone simply unlocks it. Engage Interactively Get feedback to move forward. You learn best by doing, and you'll apply what you've learned to get to the next step. Rosetta Stone adapts to your individual needs and skills, because you drive the program with your progress. Speak Confidently Start speaking immediately. From the very first lesson, you'll speak. You'll begin with essential basics, which form the building blocks of the language. Soon you'll create new sentences on your own, using words you've learned. Have Fun Best of all, Rosetta Stone is addictive. With every entertaining activity, you'll feel success. You'll want to use Rosetta Stone to have that next moment, that next breakthrough. So you'll keep using it, and you'll learn more! That's language-learning success. That's Rosetta Stone. No translation or memorization required. The most effective way to learn a new language is to be surrounded by it. When you were an infant, your parents taught you this way, by intuitively associating words with images. That's the ultimate language lab, but most language-learning programs completely ignore this. Think about all of the ways you've tried to learn a language: classes at school, tapes and cassettes, even software that uses your native language as a base for your next one. What do they all have in common? Translation and memorization. Instead of taking a "direct flight" from your brain to your new language, translation and memorization connects you to your old language. You always have to "fly" from your brain, to your native tongue ... and then translate what you've memorized to communicate. That might work for a few words, but what happens when you get to a sentence or phrase? When you have to change tenses? You're going to make a lot of "connecting flights." That's why those other methods are so frustrating ... and why they fail. Enter Dynamic Immersion. This method encourages you to think like a baby. You'll pair words with vivid, real-life images and make connections between things you know and the new language. Soon, you'll be thinking in a new language, stringing words together into phrases that you create. Innovative technology. Rosetta Stone places this Dynamic Immersion method at the core of a suite of software that works with you to develop your skills. The simple, intuitive interface helps to keep you engaged in the solution, while advanced speech recognition technology makes certain that you're speaking correctly and accurately. Best of all, Rosetta Stone never leaves you behind. You'll only move forward when you're ready, when you've become comfortable and confident.


  1. Rosetta Stone
  2. VasiaZozulia

Files count:



128.24 Mb




xun213 (2010-09-26)

Thanks for this release, always happy to see new, awesome uploads from you!

 VasiaZozulia (2010-09-26)

You're welcome. Next release will be better... ;)

BennyUrquidez (2010-09-26)

Will this work with this

BennyUrquidez (2010-09-26)

Will this work with this

citizendonny (2010-09-26)

are the languages included? I need latin america spanish. thank you.

 VasiaZozulia (2010-09-26)

BennyUrquidez - Yes.
citizendonny - No,

BennyUrquidez (2010-09-26)

Thanks Vasia, that's brilliant.

denizzo (2010-09-26)

vasia do u hear me
pls upload french l4 l5
all posted but these two

denizzo (2010-09-26)

french l444444

pasacota (2010-09-27)

Thanks for the upload, it worked perfect. Where can I get French and Italian Levels 4 & 5?

leading (2010-09-27)

Any chance for version 4?

almi726 (2010-09-28)

VasiaZozulia--Kudos to you! You have no idea how much good you have done to us who look to advance our lives and those around us by learning another language. I am a teacher who opted to dload the program for some of my ESL students as opposed to buying it. I used your application and crack for mac, however I am not successful at installing discs 4 + 5 of American English. I get error code 3221 which asks for an update. I download the updates but to no avail. Any idea to get past this problem. I appreciate your help and wish you the best in life! You have no idea how much you are changing these students' lives!!!

Kyle_Rector (2010-09-29)

How do I know if my Rosetta Stone Application CD is compatible with my Rosetta Stone Language CD?
Please see the chart below to see if your Application CD is compatible with your Language CD. You will find the version number for each printed on the face of the CD. You only need to install the Application once and then you can use any number of Language CDs, so long as all the Language CDs are compatible with that Application. If you have multiple Language CDs of different version, you must have a compatible Application installed for each Language CD.
Rosetta Stone Version 3
Application Version Language Version
3.4.3 7.1.x - 7.5 *
3.3.5 - 3.3.7 7.1.x or later **
3.2.11 7.1.x - 7.3.x ***
3.0.57 7.1 only
3.0.42 7.1 only
3.0.35 7.1 only
3.0 7.1 only

* - The following Version 3 languages require a 3.4.3 or later application CD: Latin, Filipino (Tagalog), Turkish, Vietnamese.
** - The following Version 3 languages require a 3.3.5, 3.3.7 or later application CD: Dutch, Farsi, Greek, Hindi, Korean, Polish and Swedish.
*** - The following Version 3 languages require a 3.2.11 or later application CD: Chinese, Hebrew, Irish, and Japanese
Yes, I know you don't have the original CD, but try browsing through the CD image for the information.
P.S. Version 4 on on the market.

Kyle_Rector (2010-09-29)

Let's try that again
Application Version ....... Language Version
3.4.3 ............................ 7.1.x - 7.5 *
3.3.5 - 3.3.7 .................. 7.1.x or later **
3.2.11 ........................... 7.1.x - 7.3.x ***
3.0.5 ............................. 7 7.1 only
3.0.42 ........................... 7.1 only
3.0.35 ........................... 7.1 only
3.0 ............................... 7.1 only

BennyUrquidez (2010-09-30)

@almi726 You are not supposed to ever update of register as I understand it.

HeadShotD (2010-10-03)

I really appreciate this crack! It works perfectly! I used to have a legal version but it deleted itself during an update so I downloaded this and it works all the same. Thanks a lot!

adamtogo (2010-10-05)

how do i get this to work? i downloaded it and i did the crack file copy over the file that got installed and then it opens and tells me to add a language and then when i do it says please enter a language cd. I downloaded arabic levels 1-3 and i put it on a cd and i tryed loading it from the cd and it didnt work still. Any ideas on how i can load languages to the program? Please help. Thank you

sifuconman (2010-10-07)

Hi VasiaZozulia,
Have you got Rosetta Stone v 4 ?

sifuconman (2010-10-07)

Hi VasiaZozulia,
Do you have Rosetta Stone v 4 ?

sifuconman (2010-10-07)

Hi VasiaZozulia
Do you have Rosetta Stone v 4 ?

bymamo (2010-10-07)

Thanks for upload RS.
I need Vietnamese to support this version.
Can you help me?

Prayera (2010-10-10)

Absolutey wonderful upload! Works perfectly and easy. Thanks a lot!!! :)

PAHansen (2010-10-11)

Perfect. Not a problem to talk about so far!

attkmast3r (2010-10-11)

tysm for this torrent, i figured out what i did wrong.

scroll down about 1/3 of the way and you will see instructions on how to install the application and crack properly. if you dont do this properly you will only be able to use most of unit 1 and nothing else.

tryhosting (2010-10-13)

Is there any way to find audio for Russian
language comanion?

tryhosting (2010-10-13)

thank you for the upgrade everything works great!!!!!:)

sh4dd0w (2010-10-14)

Whoa, i been looing for this everywhere. but i need the indonesian language pack and cannot find it anywhere.

hubjubjub (2010-10-22)

I installed it and did everything right, but whenever i try to run it, it freezes up. I'm on windows 7. Any help?

sifuconman (2010-10-24)

What is the difference between the V 3.4.5 and V 3.4.7 ?

geckotooth (2010-10-27)

It's not working for me. I followed all the steps but when ever I run Rosetta Stone, it says that it could not run the application. Please help. I used to have it and I got a good distance and then it got deleted so i need to install again, but won't work. VasiaZozula, please help. I used your language pack for Swedish, now i have to start over again.

akassassan (2010-10-28)

well all i get is Fatal error 5108.
even the crack won't open

akassassan (2010-10-28)

you should tell people it won't work with Win7....just wasted 2.38 mins downloading it

letjim (2010-10-28)

thanks, works great for me on vista
also thanks to attkmast3r for link to install instructions.
will seed as long as I can.

skywat (2010-10-30)

almi726, you sound proud that you are stealing something - like you are entitled to it. Rosetta spent a lot of money to create and market this program. What kind of example are you setting for your students. Make them buy a legal copy if it is useful to them. I have a legal copy but lost one of the disks - that's why I'm copying it.

D3xsT3r (2010-11-02)

@skywat your still stealing dipshit!! go buy it then get off tpb with you dumb ass excuse!! i hate little fuckers like you..

3nd3r84 (2010-11-03)

Thanks for the great upload!
For anyone getting errors when starting the program or loading new language levels, have you tried:
1) Enabling the viewing of hidden folders and files
2) Going into the previously hidden C:\ProgramData and under Rosetta Stone deleting the tracking.db3
I've found once I restart after doing this, Rosetta Stone will allow me to add the new levels. The only downside is that I lose my saved progress but that's not really an issue.
Any chance for a Welsh language pack? That would rock!

3nd3r84 (2010-11-03)

and it's worked perfectly on my Win7 64 :)

LifeBringer (2010-11-08)

I always get suspicious when the crack executable is larger than the original. It smells of a new trojan, like the original. Also, I've had problems with VasiaZozulia's software as well.

almi726 (2010-11-16)

@skywat. First off, the fact that you are even REGISTERED for a site that offers pirated material for free dload refutes your point which makes you 1. a hypocrite. Instead of promoting the educational interests of my students who have just moved into the country and cannot clearly speak English, you criticize them which makes you 2. irrational. Given these two facts, I can safely assume that you do not in fact own an original copy of the software which makes you 3. a liar. So VasiaZozulia keep up the good work! And please, haters full of negative energy, please keep your thoughts and wallets in their respective places.

kcbay (2010-11-22)

it works, using win7 32bit
this app is pretty much the latest version of V3, don't need update
installed the german V3 L1 disc, suggested a 15MB update, but I think you are not supposed to do update
haven't start the course yet, but so far all runs well

rashers18 (2010-11-23)

Hi VasiaZozulia
Downloaded and installed RS +levels 1 to 5 Spanish
but they only allow a few lessons then the mic won't work and i can't move on.Can you help,

weejes (2010-11-25)

So can you not upgrade your stuff with this torrent?

saf7uk (2010-11-26)

Thanks a lot, this is a great app!!

janh2 (2010-11-27)

If you're having trouble adding the languages and the program doesen't even try to access the cd drive, restart your computer! I've spent hours trying to get it to work, only to realise all that I needed to do was restart.

carouselboy (2010-12-03)

thanks a lot for this m8, you are a credit to the scene! -- question, does anyone knows how to bypass the product activation prompt you get after completing lessons 1 and 2? -- tryed Xs and 1s in offline and phone activation but didn't work, grateful for any tips!

yeyeka82 (2010-12-07)

It is working with Windows7 !

rashers18 (2010-12-10)

had problem but sorted now mic was at fault
thanks great program,has anyone got welsh

annabelle31 (2010-12-12)

Thank you, VasiaZozulia. Not so much for uploading this, but for all the things you shared so far. You are really one of the great sharers and I thank you for that.
I have no way to get in touch with you, but please know that you have a special place in my thoughts. Thanks, for all you do.

NerdsterX (2010-12-12)

This Works Great!
thanks so much

jacksolo (2010-12-13)

hi im trying to get this to work but i keep getting a *2102 error when i try to run the crack? any ideas what im doing wrong? any help or a step by step guide walk through of installation would be superb thnx

rashers18 (2010-12-14)

works fine until level 3 won't let me in just get the activate box and it then returns to level one.
Help please

rashers18 (2010-12-14)

Ref my last working fine just had a senior moment LOL

PigPopper (2010-12-22)

Excuse my ignorance as I've just gotten into using the torrents but I'm confused as to how to use this program.
I downloaded it and the crack, installed the program and stopped it before launch as instructed. Then it tells you to replace the original .exe with the cracked one in the folder. However, in the folder there is only a 7.7 MB flash program and not the rosettastone3.exe program that is supposed to be there.
What exactly am I missing here? Any help would be appreciated.

Death-Dude-72 (2010-12-24)

Doesnt work Aaaaah. Would it kill you to include more detailed instructions on what to do? What does overwrite mean? Copy+paste? Drag n' drop? Which one do I paste over which? Fuggit, I'm downloading a different torrent and deleting this one.

Shaamaan (2011-01-14)

Works fine on my PC, on my laptop it keeps telling me it can't find the language CD. I think it's a problem of the application tho, not this release or the crack.
Still, if someone had a similar issue and managed to solve it (or has general ideas about what could help), I'd gladly listen. :)

physicalgravy (2011-01-21)

Working on Win 7 64 bit. After install and crack copy, Rosetta stone couldn't find the language CD in my disk drive, but I restarted my computer and it worked fine.

physicalgravy (2011-01-23)

Not working anymore. Downloaded it 2 days ago and now im getting a "My Flash Application has stopped working" error. Any ideas?

dnhc (2011-01-26)

PLEASE HELP! I understand the download process.. but when i try to install the application it always fails. "there is a problem with this window installer package. a program run as a part of this setup did not finish as expected. contact your support personnel or package vendor." then it rolls back and nothing is installed. any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

GGGugered (2011-01-26)

@VasiaZozulia Can you upload the italian level 4 and 5. I know you have them because there is an unseeded torrent that have the archives? Please! I would be (and many others) very grateful.

EnBelli (2011-01-28)

I cant find my mic on the program any help? i set it on defould and is brand new yes i made sure it working but rosetta wont find it what can i do?

rod.ikana (2011-02-01)

ive seen a torrent of french 4&5 with VasiaZozulia in the name could does sommeone has download it??? if soo could oyu seed!!111 thank yo

straightflushin (2011-02-04)

It would be nice if someone stumbled across Italian and French 4&5. Those are eluding me.

Coruscating (2011-02-05)

This is working perfectly aside from some trouble I'm having with my microphone. Thanks!
I'm on Win7 64 and Rosetta Stone allows me to set up my microphone perfectly, but does not recognize my voice during the actual activities. I don't get an error or anything, it just does not hear me speaking. Though it does seem to work if I go to the Control Panel and configure my mic before every single time I speak, but that isn't very helpful. I've tried using a different microphone and that doesn't solve the problem. Has anyone else had this problem or know how to fix it?

boogoo (2011-02-06)

We never update this product right? The last rosetta stone I had we weren't supposed to, so I won't on this one either...I love this one because I can finally play level 4 and 5 languages >_

Chaocat (2011-02-13)

I updated with the japanese language v3 lvl 1(Disk 1) and it works haven't been stopped yet.
The only thing that worrys me is that rosetta stone shows the program as registered but the language it self as unregistered any one else's like this?

Chaocat (2011-02-13)

Thank you VasiaZozilia!
seeding for a while

straightflushin (2011-02-17)

Yeah, even though the language is shown as unregistered, it will still work fine. That's to be expected. The crack keeps the program from stopping you even though it's unregistered.

rugburn11 (2011-02-19)

Works 100 % thank you ...Thank you
Still looking for v4 ....

elival7 (2011-02-22)

I would like to know if you have French 4 & 5, I'm going to France in May and I really need it!! Thank you so much btw! Your torrents are fantastic!!

some-young-guy (2011-02-24)

Overwrite means to replace an existing file with a different file of the same name so copy/paste drag/drop will both have the same result.
Language CDs are ISO images that need to be mounted into a virtual CD-ROM drive such as DAEMON Tools. A Virtual CD-ROM functions the same as an actual ROM drive with the exception that it exists only in the computer's memory and in like fashion does not mount actual CDs but rather virtual CDs such as ISO images.

some-young-guy (2011-02-24)

Also, there is a torrent file in this torrent that has a video tutorial for RS installation. Locate "Rosetta Stone DL -n- Install" torrent file and download the avi therein.

some-young-guy (2011-02-24)

some-young-guy (2011-02-24)

In this torrent is a folder of many other torrents that I trust, one of which is a video tutorial for downloading Rosetta Stone (RS) via uTorrent and installing everything. That torrent file is titled "Rosetta Stone DL -n- Install". It's about 35MB in size.

eagle3o (2011-02-28)

Does anyone know how to fix the 2123 error?

ednum5 (2011-03-01)

Hey Vasia, I can't believe you don't have RS Totale yet!

jcampos82 (2011-03-05)

I can't get this to work on Windows 7 64-bit. It installs fine, I replace the .exe with the crack, I can install all of the discs fine, but it afterwards it just leaves me on a blank screen and does not allow me to set up a user account.
Anybody have a suggestion?

MrTTAO (2011-03-07)

works great

 muzik62 (2011-03-09)

Do you have L4 and L5 french?

scandal0us (2011-03-15)

Just wanted to say this works great on Win7. No problems at all. It was referenced to delete a db3. file. Don't do that. It contains all your If anyone is having problems make sure you right click and run as administrator during install.

scandal0us (2011-03-16)

Just wanted to update. I was on the last part of latin spanish l2 and i ran into an error. Couldn't find a lesson in the core lesson. So i couldn't get credit for completing it. So I updated the languages which I was scared to do at 1st. Fixed my problem and still works. Thanks Vasia.
Lesoleil - try going into control panel in windows and see if you can update the drivers on your microphone or set it as default. That should hopefully fix your problem. Rosetta stones website probably has some answers to these common problems. I installed on Win7 flawlessly. Not a single problem. And when in doubt restart your computer!

Devil_Advisor911 (2011-03-20)

I had troubles finding crack but ... your the man . It works perfectly after 2 failed tries ^_^ ... THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH
Windows 7 / 32 bit ... Thank you

ThorpeEli (2011-03-21)

if you can't get it to detect your mic, check the compatibility mode settings. mine was automatically checked for windows XP service pack 3 and the rosetta stone live support guy told me to uncheck it and then it worked!
if that doesn't work for you, go to and try talking to a live support person. You have to register a free account, and they don't ask for serial codes or anything like that. That's assuming you are able to get the program installed and are just having problems with it starting up or error codes or something.

ThorpeEli (2011-03-23)

does anyone have any idea how to get an activation code? The program stops me after a certain number of lessons because it says I need to activate it. Is there some kind of keygen that's available somewhere, or did I miss something in this torrent?
Also, I think I updated the language files. Not the program itself, just the languages. Will this cause the whole activation code problem I had? If so, what should I do, just remove the languages that I updated, then reinstall them without updating?

chris9772 (2011-03-28)

absolutely brilliant thanks!! seeding now :)

livejuanrios (2011-04-01)

For those who are having the error 2123 or the 2122 message make sure that your antivirus is on game mode or turn it off and that should do the trick

Camerlengo (2011-04-02)


Archie2821 (2011-04-04)

Is there anyway that you can use this on a ipod because I do a lot of traveling and I know that there is an app.

Eddie369 (2011-04-13)

Worked great man!! Thanks :D

forsaken47 (2011-04-18)

Hey all ,
Just finished installing Rosetta 3.4.7 along with 3 levels of Arabic which all work great, so thank you for that.
My problem is, I cant install any languages on any other computer, including the same Arabic.
I burned Image to Disk and the languages installed fine on my laptop, but refuse to be recognized on any other computer. Any help would be appreciated.
Useful info :
-Win7 64 bit on all machines.
-The image DATA was burned, not the image file. (Image file didnt work anyway)
-I hav'nt tried using any mounting software, because I want the languages on CDs. Hopefully the issue can be resolved using CDs.
-Rosetta stone was installed on the other machines using a CD copy burned from the original download, and the same steps were taken(install, overwrite crack, restart, etc)

black_hol5 (2011-04-25)

i cant get this to read any of the language files ive downloaded/mounted/burned to cd. ive tried your dl and other languages from defferent people still nothing it says it cant locate the cd ive looked around on the net and none of the advice helped at all =/ please help

murtu007 (2011-05-08)

thanks man

arcael (2011-05-27)

I have the same problem as black_hol5 i have Virtual driver and does not read the language cd How can I deal with this problem?

Shadowstorma (2011-06-06)

well, maybe im dumb or something,
i installed the Programm have the .exe overwritten with the Crack .exe then i installed Japanese level 1,
so far so good yet the real problem is i can't chose the Lesson, i also didn't start the programm after the installation like it was recommended
plese help mee i'm frustrated

Sarg338 (2011-06-06)

Program and crack work perfectly. Thanks for the up!

dianalov3 (2011-06-06)

Everything works great, including the microphone and all. It even asked to update to version 4. I allowed the update, it said it was successful, but it still says it is version 3. Oh well. Thank you, everything works perfect!

james_mel (2011-06-13)

Reboot the PC and then restart Rosetta Stone, and ir should work. I had to reboot for it to work for me, otherwise had a blank screen as well. Hope that helps anyone getting a blank screen after load and crack. Brilliant software.

captincalpol2 (2011-06-14)

Hi VasiaZozulia, I've been using this torrent for about two weeks, but now when i load it it just says error in application...have you or anyone else any idea why and how to fix it?....thanx.

KlasKlettermus (2011-06-17)

Works like a charm! I'm running Arch Linux so I run Rosetta Stone through VirtualBox, since I had problems to get it to work through Wine. But as I said, it works great! Thanks for the upload!

KlasKlettermus (2011-06-17)

I have added Japanese to RS, and it asked me if I wanted to update it. I clicked no, but I wonder, is it possible to run the update without breaking anything? Anyone here who have tried?

magic1987 (2011-06-18)

how about you try the update and let everybody else know?

Zander_Kadra (2011-06-23)

I would like to note that updating the software DOES work, however do not let it register. It will find out that you are using a cracked version of this software and ask for a proper key. :)

ammonation (2011-07-02)

I am having problems getting the crack to work. I am running windows 7 x64.
I install (do not let it launch)
Copy crack in the c:/program files/rosetta stone and let it overright the rosettastone.exe
I go to launch the app and "application error: code 5118".
Never get to the part where it asks to install languages. (I can get that far if I do not copy the crack).
Thats it, I've literally tried installed/uninstalling 5-6 different torrents, no luck.

ammonation (2011-07-02)

the other error I get after installation/crack is datebase out of date? Anyway to patch/update?

HJDRT (2011-07-10)

Thanks alot. I tried another v3 torrent that ended up being a hassle. This install is plain and easy.

ilevakam_swat24 (2011-07-14)

so i followed the directions repeatedly restarted my computer tried to run the app and im getting a load disk for languages message along with an error 5120 or sumn what am i missing??? runing win7

ilovepuss (2011-07-16)

i dont like downloading executable files.. someone should upload it as a dmg or iso file just to be more secure.

amishbuggy116 (2011-07-16)

Thanks alot, works like a charm on both win7 64 & 32 bit.

amishbuggy116 (2011-07-16)

Thanks alot, works like a charm on both win7 64 & 32 bit. I built a pc from landfill parts specifically for torrent downloads but I believe if you are vigilant about checking the quality of someones torrents that you can have piece of mind downloading and running .exe files on any machine.

amishbuggy116 (2011-07-19)

For those of you who are having problems installing the language packs go to thethingy and get Power iso, I've mounted the packs on several pc's without a problem. FYI, I updated the languages on my pc and the program quit working so I had to reinstall it.

jedivon (2011-07-25)

can some one help with adding these languages. I extracted the files and get 4 folders data documentation languages and speech. none of these have ISO files in them only .rsd files. can some one advise. thanks

jedivon (2011-07-25)

never mind I figured it out just had to burn it to cd.

Visenrye (2011-07-27)

Awesome torrent, works perfectly! Thank you :D

Mayohnee (2011-08-03)

Thanks for this, great torrent.

Farzin67 (2011-08-08)

Thanks for the upload.
It worked fine, no malware infection, compatible with older version 3 languages.

pezed (2011-08-09)

Thank You. Works fine

sunshineb13 (2011-08-12)

hi, i'm looking for a thai v3 that will work on my RS 3.4.7 can anyone help me?

billjohnson4911 (2011-08-29)

it worked great for when i just used the spanish. then i added chinese and after that it stopped working. it gets me to the user screen, i click my name and then nothing happens. does anyone know how to fix this?

DCCLXXV11 (2011-09-09)

Question... This installation worked flawlessly (thanks to the uploader). I then downloaded this Italian language pack:

It wanted to update the langues upon installation, will I be able to do so?

Parbod (2011-09-13)

Hi all. Do you know if I can find the 3.4.7 for Mac? I have downloaded the French levels 4 & 5 but I need to update my Rosetta Stone from 3.4.5 to 3.5.7. Any ideas?

Espionage724 (2011-09-16)

Installing This + Crack + Japanese Language Discs 1-3 + Updating Languages = Sucess on Windows.

z4uQxYa4 (2011-09-17)

Hey guys - I am not an expert by any stretch of the imagination but I downloaded everything as per the directions - yes, I even printed them to make sure I wasn't missing anything. I did the 'crack' copy over the original RS '.exe' file (it was larger) then. I did a reboot of my system. Then attempted to run RS but it stalled and gave me a 'application error 2123'. Now, Windows 7 placed it in the Program Files (x86) - not sure if that makes any difference. I have deleted the program and removed registry keys and started from scratch - got all the same as before. Like I said, I am no expert and I am still considered a novice to this torrent stuff. Any positive suggestions, advice and guidance would be truly appreciated!
If you are one of those types who are planning on 'flaming me' - don't waste your time or mine.
Be mature and grown up - we are all at various levels of competency when it comes to this stuff - having someone 'dump' or 'flame' you serves no purpose.

SumeklamKidd (2011-09-19)

z4uQxYa4, a few possibilities. Are you installing as administrator, without the Internet hooked up and without your virus program running? This might help. Also, make sure your virus program blocks RS before your fire up the Internet, it will connect every time and ruin your chances. The last thing I can think of, is if you were tagged by RS on the Net, you will likely have to do a fresh install before you can try it again. Hope that helps.

kedaxx (2011-09-26)

thank u for UL :).
after rebooting my pc rosetta stone program recognized my language pack (mounted on daemon tools) and installed it.
thanks again

B1ood4B1ood (2011-10-01)

Running windows 7. Keep getting Fatal Application Error: #5118. Tried restarting. nothing helps

hettinger (2011-10-07)

I tried it after installing. This version is very glitchy. I'm not sure how normal that is. I'm running 64 bit windows 7 on 4 gigs of ram and a 5.6ghz processor. I know it's not my computer.

ap1983 (2011-10-20)

Hey guys..I'm using a MAC and I was wondering if anyone has the update so that I can use Spanish(spain) 4 & 5.

smellymoo (2011-10-24)

Works fine on xp, updated language files, still works.
good torrent.

nane (2011-10-30)

Good one! Works perfectly on Win 7 64,thanx.

jeanpiaqp (2011-11-02)

If obtain error "There is a problem with this Windows installer package. A program run as part of the set up did not finish as expected", this error is due to the windows firewall service not running. If the service is not running the software will give this error. Go through the services and turn on the firewall.

Llanero100nj (2011-11-07)

Do you have english level 1 and 2?
thanks in advance

Llanero100nj (2011-11-07)

I had error when I installed 3.4.7 version. I fixed the error when I used the crack file from version 3.4.5. from the same vasizozulia

Llanero100nj (2011-11-07)

I had error when I installed 3.4.7 version. I fixed the error when I used the crack file from version 3.4.5. from the same vasiazozulia

burritochakito (2011-11-10)

Super Frustrated!! Great download but after much research and TONS of troubleshooting . . . still can't get past activation after first two levels. No matter what I do I am locked out of the majority of lessons 3-5 on each language level. Am I not doing the crack right? Or am I missing something else? Going crazy and am close to giving up on Rosetta Stone =/ Has anyone really gotten it to work fully with unrestricted access? ANYONE WHO CAN OFFER HELP PLEASE PLEASE POST HERE OR EMAIL [email protected] with rosetta stone as subject. Please and thank you!! =)

mansakuini (2011-11-15)

And 3.4.7 for Mac?? Any news? French 4&5 does not work with 3.4.5... :(

AD350 (2011-12-02)

worked perfect with windows 7 64 and all levels are working fine e.g Spanish from 1 to 5 thanx up loader

sickmuse (2011-12-18)

Thought I'd share what I know about installing/using Rosetta Stone and the associated language packs.
To Install:
Install Rosetta Stone program using the built in installation program BUT be sure NOT to luanch the program when the installation is complete.
Go to C:Program files/Rosetta Stone/Rosetta Stone Version 3 and delete the blue Rosettastoneversion3 luanch file. Replace this with the file of the indentical name from the crack folder you download as part of this torrent.
*VERY IMPORTANT* Before you launch the program you MUST disable your internet connection otherwise the Rosetta Stone program will automatically search for updates.Even if you cancel the update search the program will probably usk you for an activation key afterwards. You MUST disable your internet connection EVERY TIME you use the program to avoid hassles.
*Installing Language Packs*
Once you have downloaded the language packs you want to install, you need to use a program like DAEMON TOOLS to help you load them into Rosetta Stone (there are several other free programs that will do this also). Just google DAEMON TOOLS to find the download site.
The Rosetta Stone program wants to look for language packs on a CD ROM. Daemon Tools creates a 'virtual CD ROM' to which you can add the language pack files.
Open Daemon will see "add images' as one of the tool bar options. Use this function to add the language pack files. Once you have added the files you need to "mount" them (one at a time) on the "virtual CD ROM". Once a file is mounted it is ready to be loaded into the Rosetta Stone program.
Make sure you internet connection is disabled and then open the Rosetta Stone program. Up in the right hand corner there is an option to "Add or Remove Languages" Select this an then go ahead and add the language pack you mounted on the virtual CD ROM in Daemon Tools. Once the language pack is loaded, Rosetta Stone may ask you about updates and you can chose to "never update". If you want to add another language pack, go pack to the Daemon Tools program and "mount' another language pack file, then follow the same steps. Viola! ready to use.
ALL lessons of the language pack should be accessible provided you have always had your internet connection disabled whenever you've used Rosetta Stone. If you open Rosetta Stone with while still connected to the net the program will try to update the language packs. Once this has happened Rosetta Stone will ask you for an ACTIVATION CODE whenever you try to use the language packs. If you don't provide it, you will be locked out of most of the lessons.
If the program is asking you for activation codes, then the quickiest solution is to uninstall the Rosetta Stone program and then reinstall it. When you reinstall MAKE SURE YOUR INTERNET CONNECTION IS DISABLED. You'll have to load all the language packs again.
I've seen that some people had success with entering XXXXs and 11111 asked for activation codes, but i never had luck with that. Re-installing doesn't take long. As long as you don't let the program update, you shouldn't be asked for activation codes and you should have access to all lessons.
Hope this saves some of you some time and effort.
Happy learning!

skugga7 (2011-12-22)

plz crack v4

netnomad25 (2011-12-29)

worked fine, i'll try to add Korean language and post later :p
thx VasiaZozulia

huracan13 (2012-01-29)


modysavary (2012-02-03)

hi all , i ve RS V.3.3.5 , it works , but for only levels 1,2 and 3 of french course , how to upgrade to this version ?? i have to remove the old version befor installing this one ? or what to do ? plz help i need to continue to french level 4 and 5 , merci d'avance

bonkai (2012-02-05)

Worked a treat. Many thanks.

pyroclastPRO (2012-02-06)

can someone help me?
I did what is written in instructions. I installed it, and did not let it launch at the end of install. I also copied the crack afterwards.
I opened it and a window showing add or remove language option is there. I mount my language files iso to daemon tools but Rosetta Stone cant seem to find it. As it always say "The Language CD was not found to install. Please make sure your CD is in the drive"
I tried it on my every language iso file but the same thing happens. Please someone help me. Thank you in advance..

xmod777 (2012-02-07)

If the language pack gives an error saying something like Not Found... restart your computer!!

Toastermd (2012-02-12)

Worked Great!! All the other versions prior to this didn't work.
I installed, cracked, rebooted, installed language, installed mic, then never registered. Perfect.

prophetessjanet30 (2012-06-17)

For all those who received the message "Application error" "5118"
I followed the following instructions off another torrent website
anonymous • 24 Jun 2011, 18:23
this one works great i had trouble in the beginning like im sure plenty of you had so im gone give you a good step by step help the torrent
2.install exe file (next important)
3.ok here where it got tricky for me soon as you start the installation look for when it says extracting files with the blue status bar going across the screen.
5.the blue bar will go across the screen 2 times ok. soon as the first round of blue bar starts press ctrl+alt+delete and choose start task manager as fast as you can you got to be fast with this.
7.choose the rosseta stone installation process in the applications tab to highlight it and just be ready to click end task but dont. this is what your looking for. on the secound round of the blue status bar going across the screen right before the status bar gets right to the end or a blank dos screen keeps popping up then click end task in the task manager.
9. the reason for this step is because if you click cancel it will rollback and erase all the files and folders that was installed.
10. next is the same as usual dont start program go to your progam folder on c: drive in rosetta folder replace the application file with the app file in the crack folder
11. now this is the only rosetta i can find that will load mounted iso files after these steps i tries all the rest and got rosetta to work but would not find the mounted image file
12.start deamon tools lite mount iso
13. start rosetta add language
I did up to instruction 10 and now it is working. I didnt even have to restart. If you need any help just sent me a message

xstfusarahhh (2012-07-11)

okay... grabbed rosetta stone base from here...
installed, did not run, replaced with file from crack folder, ran program, installed these french language packs - everything seems good.

problem is, it is not backing down on the activation codes. it lets me do all of the lessons that don't require activation, but a bunch of them a grayed and locked out. tried to do the whole xxxx's and 1111's by phone activation - no go. tried a couple of keygen's i found on assorted other torrent pages - no luck.
i'm a total noob - surprised i've even gotten this far - any suggestions? :(

pbmaster2k89 (2012-07-13)

this torrent works great for windows 7. anyone have a link to a large language pack torrent that works for windows 7?

pbmaster2k89 (2012-07-13)

also how do i add language packs once i download them. i can only add packs with a cd

mo63090 (2012-07-27)

10/10! This was a fast download, and super easy to install! Took 5 minutes to install and apply the patch. Already have 2 language packs installed with it. Just remember when you use the program to disconnect from the web and never update!!

Gnuber (2012-08-04)

Ok, I had everything installed and working perfectly last night. This morning I woke up and went to check it and the program was gone like I never installed it. I went to install the program again and the .exe and the patch were gone, the rest of the dl was still there. Anyone else have this happen?

pirateex (2012-08-10)

This worked perfectly, thanks so much.

kocktricking (2012-08-12)

ok so it seems some people have been successful in installing Rosetta Stone and having FULL access to a language level. I do not know how to achieve that, so SOMEBODY PLEASE, write a step by step process for me on how EXACTLY to do this.
Also, ignore the whole process for getting the language packs (iso's) and mounting them into rosetta stone. I already have my desired language packs in seperate disks.

heritshah (2012-08-13)

My first comment on ThePirateBay!!!
and almost Perfectly Awesome Torrent!!!!
REPssss... Thxsss :)))

dtx86 (2012-08-13)

If you don't want to deal with disabling your internet connect every time you run the program:
After installing, and before opening, simply block Rosetta Stone by:
1. Type "Windows Firewall with Advanced Security" into the start menu and open the program.
2. Select "Outbound Rules"
3. Right click > Properties > "Block the connection" for every rule listed with "Rosetta Stone" in the title.
This will work in Windows 7 at least. I'm sure the steps are similar in other versions.

AN0N_YM0US (2012-09-04)

Thank you very much. Works perfectly with the instructions in the comment a page ago. +1

popovichh (2012-09-23)

Thanks a bunch!

kembalian (2012-09-27)

to ppl getting error 2123, here is how i fixed mine (windows 7, 64 bit):
1. make the owner you: right click on rosetta stone folder in C:Program Files (x86) open properties, then security tab - advanced button - owner tab - edit button - check replace owner on subcontainers and object
2. go to program data folder in C drive : if you dont see it, open my computer, click organise and then folder and search options, go to view tab and in the advanced section look for show hidden files, folder and drives.
3. delete the tracking.db3 file.
4. execute rosetta stone.
you should get the 'register or not' question.
before you restart/turn off your computer keep cut&paste the tracking.db3 file somewhere so that you can keep your progress.
Make sure that before you run the rosetta stone, the db3 file should not be in the program data folder. Only after you execute rosetta once, then you can repaste the db3 file back to C:program data rosetta stone.
Enjoy & happy learning!!!!!!

happyguy666 (2012-11-01)

Hello all. I need help please. I did the first two lessons in lesson 1. Then I got to lesson 1 three and its prompting the activation code. I am stuck.. Help please!! TY

Ghost1945 (2012-11-07)

I got it to work perfectly. I uninstalled it through revo uninstaller pro... reinstalled it/followed directions (don't launch app after setup)/replaced with crack...Then I went in to my antivirus software (bitdefender) and made a denied connection to rosetta stone. I use PowerISO to mount the languages and it works perfectly!
This isn't a tut for those who have no clue, just a suggestion for people that have done this sort of thing before.

brandon_gears (2012-12-28)

it won't let me go past the microphone test. it's quite annoying. any help?!

brandon_gears (2012-12-29)

i tried to delete the tracking file but couldnt find it. help?

evaderum (2013-01-02)

I was getting the error at the end saying there was a problem with the Installer Package.. I got past it by turning the Windows Firewall service back on [i'd had it disabled since I don't use it]
I think it must auto add an exception to Windows firewall during the install and if the service is disabled, it fracks the install

ORANGESH (2013-02-17)

I am getting that 2123 error, but as I'm in Windows 8 the path seems different. I am asked to choose from a list of possible owners, most of which are linked to my admin name. None of them fix the error. Do you or anybody else know what to select here?

borce (2013-02-27)

woooow, 2MB/s! thanks Vasia!

jbslayer13 (2013-03-09)


guevarraro (2013-04-09)

Simple and easy installation.
1) Install. Uncheck box at bottom right corner at the end of installation. Open "cracked" folder from Rosetta Stone you just Downloaded
2) Go to "Computer"/"My Computer" to access Local Disk (C:)
3) Go to Program Files folder and enter the Rosetta Stone folder
4) Copy and Paste RosettaStoneVersion3 from "cracked" folder into the folder you now have open. OVERWRITE the Rosetta Stone already in the folder
**Do Not Update, Activate, or Register anything...ever, or you will have to uninstall and do this all over again**

amy_amaral (2013-05-10)

my program wont let me regester like it lets me add languages but I can't learn anything because I cant get into the actual program... help?

PegLegDan (2013-05-16)

So I installed this the other day. Installed 2 language packs and decided to do the rest today. Now it isn't even recognizing the disc. I've tried several fixes, restarting, different versions, etc. Someone help please! I've been trying to get it to work for hours with no success. It seems like others have had the same issue but no one has answered their problems.

lucitado (2013-06-30)

both installer and the program are in Chinese

arians84 (2014-05-05)

thanks you!
* just follow the instruction for installation
* block/deny any attempt of the software to connect online
* again, just follow the instruction for installation. if the instruction does not tell to register or activate, don't make your instruction
* in windows xp, unblocking the "Multidmedia Limited/My Flash Application" in firewall rules makes the program unusable
* blocking the said firewall entry will give you "error 1117" but you can continue and use the program...


1. Rosetta Stone 3.4.7/Crack/RosettaStoneVersion3.exe 7.22 Mb
2. Rosetta Stone 3.4.7/Crack/readme.txt 238 bytes
3. Rosetta Stone 3.4.7/Rosetta Stone 3.4.7.exe 121.02 Mb