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Cost of following Christ in India






Cost of following Christ in India




2008-10-18 (by IndianChristian )


Many westerners remember MK Ghandhi and think that hinduism is a very serene religion. But it is not so. Being an Indian Christian, I can assure you hinduism is the most dangerous religion for Christians in India. Priests are hacked to death, nuns are raped, missionaries are burned alive, Churches are torched, Bibles confined to flames and ordinary christians harassed at every juncture in their lives. This is everyday news in India. (Just last month we had the gang rape of a nun in Orissa in front of 10 hindu policemen who were enjoying the scene. I would not have been suprised if they had partipated in the crime also). All for following Christ as Jesus had prophesized in the Bible. The alibi is offered that hindus are doing this because christians are converting hindus by fraud. When in truth hindus are converting because of the demonic caste system (which the hindu religon claims as designed by God). The hindu caste system considers and treats a certain section of hindus (the backward castes - similar to the gypsies of Europe and the red indians of america) as well as Christians and Muslims worse then animals. The real issue is the clash of ideolgies. Christianity and hinduism are the most diagonally opposite religons. If we go by the Bible there is no difference between the ancient canaanite religion and hinduism. People who are born and brought up in India are very much aware of this as occultic practices such as human sacrifices to Gods (like Kali), idolatry (330 million gods), worship of self, worship of money and wealth, worship of penises for vitality (called Lingam), black magic, wife burning, witchcraft defines this religion. Since Christians are aborrent to such things and do not particpate in them, they are a hated lot in India. And that is why the hatred is directed against Christians. The following pps depicts the cost of following Christ in India. Please pray for Indian Christians. Uploaded by Indian Christian


  1. Christianity

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2.54 Mb




indian666 (2008-10-19)

Dear Indian Christian, Uploading these kinds of torrents will only tarnish the countries image, BTW it?s a great country made completely messy by the bloody politicians and their stupid followers, it?s not a Hindu who is killing Christian it?s the Guy who is motivating the effort. Point is to completely ban these outfits the reassure peace this is something our politicians cant do.
Your torrent also tryes to point Gandhi as a stupid person, Till date there is no great man than him not even your pope.
Please hence I request you to remove this torrent ASAP.

Evil_Ducky (2008-10-19)

I guess it should be simple then ... DON'T follow christ if you live in India!

 IndianChristian (2008-10-19)

Indian666, I am surprised that you are only worried about the countries image being tarnished. What about the image of the people who are raped, murdered, becoming orphans, losing their all source of livelihood? What would you advise them?
Would you advise the nuns who were raped not to bring out their agony because the country image would be tarnished by such reportings? Would you do the same thing if such a thing had happened to your sister, wife, mother, daughter? Or your parents, brothers were murdered?
Remember that the Bible says that the most important thing on earth is human life. Humans have been created in God's image. And God values this image very much. So much so that he himself became man to save mankind. A human life counts for more than the country's image.
Secondly the comment (?Many westerners remember MK Ghandhi and think that hinduism is a very serene religion. But it is not so.?)
does not point to Ghandhi as a stupid person. It is a comparison statement which means Ghandhi was a very serene person and he was a Hindu, so people have this wrong notion that all Hindus are like Ghandhi, advocates of non-violence. In actual reality the average Hindu is very much unlike Ghandhi.

stallstar (2008-10-20)

Dear Indian Christian,
I empathize yor agony and of so many fello brethren and sisters. I only will remember this verse my dad told me to remember.
Romans 12:19
"Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord."
So God is going to repay. And how do you think God is going to repay???? Is he going to kill them, torture them, rape them or whatever they had done....???
Answer is here....Psalm 103:8.
"The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. "
The Lord just forgives the sins committed by our brothers knowingly or unknowingly. Such great is our Lord.
God bless you and God bless our country India.

phantomshadowxv (2008-10-21)

Although I'm an intellectual and I consider racial violence as stupid worthless shit, I must say christians and catholics deserve being treted like that.

drrenfield (2008-11-30)

Most of Ghandi's flaws have been ignored by his admirers. At times they even misrepresent his most appalling actions as noble (though it must be understood that most who do that kind of thing simply don't know the entire story themselves) - for example, Ghandi has been portrayed in film and print as standing up against segregation by race on the South African Railways...unfortunately, he did not actually suggest that people of all creeds and colours should be allowed to share the same compartments...he demanded equal rights for Asians, but agreed that Blacks should be kept apart from the 'higher races'.
Ghandi often slept with young virgins - supposedly to 'test his purity'. Anybody who thinks that it is OK for the leader of a cult/social group to sleep with other people's children just because he can, should check his brain in at the reception desk and join the Moonies.
Of course, all organised religions are merely exercises in control and power, so I would not lose any sleep if the Christians and Hindus in India wiped each other out.

new boy (2009-02-02)

"With more than a billion citizens, India is a world within the world. India is a land of stark contrasts: urban and rural, rich and poor, educated and illiterate, mountain and delta, monsoon and desert. Add to these, the contrasts of lostness and Church Planting Movements.
India's enormity invites comparison with its Asian neighbor, China. Like China, India possesses about 17 percent of the world's population, but India differs in many important ways. Where China converges around a shared Han Chinese civilization, India is a prism of hundreds of diverse peoples and languages.
Beneath its myriad languages and dialects, India further divides itself with invisible boundaries of religion, caste, economic status, education, and racial origin. Over the millennia, waves of immigrants have washed over the subcontinent each one leaving a residue of language and ethnicity, from the earliest immigrants, Negritos, and Australoid peoples to the Dravidian, Tibeto-Burman, and finally Aryan conquerors.
India features a smorgasbord of religions. A thin veneer of Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism. Christianity, Jainism, Sikhism or Animism glosses over a range of beliefs as individual as the people themselves. Perhaps the most accurate description of Indian religion comes from the common Hindu boast that "India is home to 330 million gods."
Within this great human cauldron, God is at work.
In Madhya Pradesh State a Church Planting Movement produces 4,000 new churches in less than seven years.
In the 1990s, nearly 1,000 new churches are planted in Orissa with another 1,000 new outreach points. By 2001, a new church was being started every 24 hours.
A Church Planting Movement among Bhojpuri-speaking peoples results in more than 4,000 new churches and some 300,000 new believers."

 IndianChristian (2009-02-09)

Though I respect hindus, i personally have no respect for hinduism. it is a sheer nonsensical religion. hinduism is a racist religion which divides its own people into castes based on skin color considering the black skinned hindus (called harijans or dalits), people worse then animals. non-hindus like christians and muslims are considered worse then the harijans. imagine such nonsense and that too from a idolatrous religion which worships "erect penis" (called lingam) of an imaginative god for sexual strength.
There is no difference between hinduism and african religions. they are one and the indulgences in vodoo the other in tantra. both depend heavily on the occultic powers. Between the two, Hinduism fares far worse. There are many hindus who are doctors, engineers, professors, but all of them...I repeat ALL of them do not see anything wrong in worshipping myths, monkeys, elephants, rats, cobras and donkeys...there are many doctors and engineers in India married to (would you believe it)....dogs, monkeys, cows, is common practice here in in google and you will find some reported examples...
And the worse is this. Just like how americans and europeans drink coke, pepsi & milk shakes, devout hindus in India drink cow piss called Gowmutra. (If you visit India anytime, ask for bottle of Gowmutra to quench your thirst). Not only that, cow dung cookies are a favorite of many in Hindus in India. Search in google for "cow piss sale india" to get some insight into India's favorite drink. If you are in India do not be suprised to see many hindus running after a pissing cow. They are running just to have a sip of the heavenly nectar....Gowmutra. (Gowmutra means cow urine - Gai is cow, mutra is urine in hindi language).

 IndianChristian (2009-02-12)

Mantravid, Gowmutra really must be making your mouth water isn't it? And what about the sweet smell of cow dung cakes and cookies.....Mmmm....muh mein pani aah gaya naa (your mouth has started to water isn't it?)
krishna? Indeed! Indeed! From when did myths & mythological figures start answering queries?
Why only krishna? why not superman, he-man, batman, catwoman, tintin, asterix, sherlock holmes & Hercules? why don't you quote what they said about caste system?
There is a very nice book called as the myth of hinduism written by rashid alamir. don't know where i misplaced it. it explains clearly how the hindu caste system was introduced by the aryans to keep the brown colored indians in check. wait till i get it. i will post it as soon as i get it.
Yes, I agree Hinduism is greatly misunderstood in the West. There are many westerners converting to it without actually understanding its demonic nature. But those of us from India know how satanic it is. Read the book, "death of a guru" to really understand the true nature of hinduism. Hindus think there is nothing wrong with it. But the Bible says otherwise. Three thousand years back the ancient canaanites practised child sacrifice, wealth worship and sexual perversion. God destroyed them totally. Three thousand years later the hindus of india still practise these occultic ways. The main centres of hindu pilgrimages like khajuraho, ajanta & varanasi are also the perversion centres of india. even the temple carvings show priest engaged in immoral activity with cows & woman.

snowbirds (2009-02-20)

Dear Indian Christian
I hear your distress at the horrible, inhuman treatment some Christians have suffered at the hands of some Hindus. I am deeply saddened when I hear of any human being acting that way towards another human being. Unfortunately, through history, and up to the present day, Christians have also committed rapes, murders, theft, adultery, worship of self, worship of money, etc. In fact, it would be hard to count how many young boys have been raped by the priests they once trusted wholeheartedly.
I know you are aware of the truth of my words, IndianChristian, and I know you are a very intelligent person. So, my question for you is this: how can you call this a problem with Hinduism when Christians do it also?
You write about Hindus mistreating Christians, but with your harsh, judgmental words you are mistreating all Hindus, even the one's who treat you kindly in your daily life.
Give up your hate and judgement of others, and practice forgiveness, like the Master Jesus Christ did, and asked us all to do.
I am sorry you have been hurt. Unfortunately, you can never control whether others will love you. The good news is that you can always choose to love and forgive others...

dr_anger (2009-02-24)

"the demonic caste system" seems kind of biased.
Well, if it sucks so bad, then GET THE HELL OUT OF THAT SHITHOLE COUNTRY!!!

 IndianChristian (2009-02-25)

@dr_anger, I am a christian, so I do not come under the "demonic caste system".
Thanks to the British, it has largely got neutralized, yet in large parts of India it still exerts enough influence resulting in dalits and other lower caste hindus being slaughtered for no fault of theirs.
Secondly Hindus worship money as God and are prepared to do anything for it. So if you dangle a few notes before them they are prepared to lick your feet also. (pardon the expression).

 IndianChristian (2009-03-01)

"Krishna was no God. He was greatest perverts who ever lived. If he was a Christian, he would have been considerd as a sex addict. But because he was a hindu, he added up being a god." (Dr Sanjay Anand ex-hindu and present day evangelist)

kokujin (2009-05-30)

Thank you for furthering and deepening my resentment of evangelical christianity. Now go baaaa yourself like a good little sheep.

stinglikeme (2009-06-24)

as regards the cowpiss thing
cow urine has been found to have medicinal properties.READ THE PAPER SOMETIMES U MORON.
and who discovered this??yeah..the americans.
there was an attempt to gain a patent on that.
being christian in india may seem tough to you,but being hindu is even tougher.especially when we have fake indians like you who r interested more in religion,in spreading the goshitpel of whoknows among the poor in india.

stinglikeme (2009-06-24)

oh and in his blind hatred towards hindus and hinduism,this guy seems to be making extremely specious statements.
cow dung cakes are not eaten anywhere in india.
except if this guy himself consumes those.
they are used as fuel,or for the flooring.

manworthwatching (2009-07-03)

indianchristian ,, you are nothing but a traitor ,, spoiling the image of the nation which you live in, if your christ is so great , why do the bastard christians kill others, you are just like muslims ,, traitors to the nation where you live, christians robbed the world for 500 years and now trying to be saints ,, and how people like you are converted to christianity is well known to others , Shame on you and your christ ,,

turnpikesurfer (2009-08-04)

Perhaps this is a distorted version of reality. What happened in kandamal? The sparks were ignited by ruthless conversion mongering criminal minded missionaries. I am half christian and sometimes i feel ridiculous to see innocent and sometimes dumb hindus being forcibly converted or blackmailed. Mind you, this has happened right infront of my eyes in a busy locality.
These people not only destroyed the good work of christ but made him a political domination based god. Trust me man, anyday i would like to take my final breadth being a hindu even if my father is a religious christian. I dont want to even inherit the christian surname because i know what christianity has done to millions of cultures across the world. Culture vultures.
You name it, africa, asia and even antartica. Peaceful cultures have become war torn. I love christ sir but not his people.

asdqw (2009-11-28)


Iamworld (2009-12-13)

First of all you are son or daughter of Indian and Hindu. If you say Hindus are evil that means you are a child of an evil. lol Simple thing which you should understand. I study religion and i think you should read little bit unbiased literature. You work with Hindus and live with them in your daily life. If Hindus are evil then how can you be there living like a human(which is hard in most of the evil places) and pretending you know religion. Hinduism never suppress any religion practice thats why you can practice Christianity in India. Hinduism never brainwash people to convert them. Ya but i do know Christians who all the time tell me to follow Christianity.
Real life incident: Christmas holiday - Two people came to me and told me directly you are Hindu and you worship fake God. I started laughing like a crazy and then i asked them do you know anything about Hinduism. They had no answer. Those 2 young man work with local Church in Pittsburgh, USA and was trying to tell other people to follow Jesus. I go to Church and other holy places also. But all the time Christians try to convince me to follow Jesus and I believe they do less about Christianity than me. :)
My Hindu Friend Christian GF told him you will go to hell because of your fake God. She teaches in local Church and believe she will also go to hell because of sleeping with Hindu. lol
What I understand, Jesus never had that much time to tell people about all these nonsense. Please understand things first then pretend to be expert. I believe if Hinduism is fake than Christianity has nothing in it. Jesus origin is still unknown(Who was the father). I think may be it's just a mythical creature.
Be a nice human not a Christian dick..
Peace out..

Sheji (2009-12-26)

Fact Check ---
Hinduism - No such religion...Hindi or Hindu - name given to people from the Indian subcontinent, basically a region-related name, not religion-related...agreed upon and professed by Scholars of the religion, who say that if any name be given it should be Vedantism, and if so the Vedas and Upanishads, the basis of the religion, should be followed...if followed - idol worship to be banned, strict monotheism to be the order of the day, no image of God to be known or imagined, only God's rules to be known & followed. More to come...

Sheji (2009-12-26)

Fact Check ---
Christianity - No relation to the man you call Jesus Christ or his teachings...Modern-day Christianity - Teachings mainly of Paul - a Pharisee - initially a persecutor and murderer of the original disciples and followers of Christ...later one day, out of the blues, he comes out and says he had a vision of Jesus of which there are no becomes the self-proclaimed 'Disciple' of Jesus, although he has never seen Jesus (apart from his claims, though)...immediately starts preaching about Jesus and his resurrection (which supposedly never happened according to History) without even consulting the original disciples of Jesus, elevates Jesus, a man, to the position of 'son of God', changes all the Original teachings of Jesus to suit the then in power Roman pagan culture...the rules which originally came for confirming the law of Moses to the Jews, and setting the Jews back to order since they had misunderstood, misinterpreted and changed the laws over time, now get changed and become the laws for the gentiles for whom it was not meant, thanks to Paul...St.Paul the politician becomes famous and the main man of Christianity now, and the newly formulated Christianity (no relation to the original teachings of the man they call Jesus) spreads to the world, which was not meant to happen...Please also read about Constantine and the Council of Nicea, where the Roman-pagan-culture-injected new Christianity was declared the religion of the kingdom which is today the Roman Catholic church and the Pope, and the rest were brutally murdered....too much to write & too little space...

Sheji (2009-12-26)

P.S. - All info provided is based on material from authentic sources, so if anybody is going to try and refute it, you better do your homework, and be ready to back yourself up with sound proof, not some quotation from somebody, or some excerpt from some passage of some book of which you know nothing about. If you have to argue, argue with Honesty and decency. Be good in character, and read more. May our Creator show us all the right way...

Sheji (2009-12-27)

Also Jesus Christ - a name the man wouldn't recognize if he were here among us today. His real name - Eesaa or Eeshaw (from Hebrew) became Jesus after it travelled to the western world. Christ, originally derived from Christos (Greek) - translation of the original el-masih (Hebrew), which means the anointed one, meaning the one appointed for a particular task, in this case appointed by God as a Message-Deliverer or Messenger. Root word 'Masaha' (to rub, to massage, to anoint) - it was a practice to anoint priests or kings before they were consecrated to their position or office. The folly here is that the name is translated which is not allowed, which means if you have a name which has a meaning in your language, your name doesn't change to what your name means in another language when you go the midst of people who speak that other language. Your name is your name ... is your name, plain and simple. Just to make it clearer - Mr. Joe Black from England doesn't become Mr. Joe Aswad when he goes to the Middle East, or Mr. Joe Kaalaa when he goes to India, or Mr. Joe Swart when he goes to Africa. Its always going to be Mr. Joe Black wherever he goes. You simply cannot translate a name. Get it Joe ;) ?
Bottom line, you neither call the man you call Jesus by his original name, nor are you following his original teachings, as I have pointed out in the previous post.
So what do you have....? Definitely something worth thinking about, don't you think?
If anybody is planning to write back, please refer to my previous post about authenticity first

pravhot (2010-02-14)

Much of this has been misrepresented , misquoted or misunderstood. The main cause of the Kandhmal riots was not conversion. The 'caste' hindus had a problem of allowing the dalits (who converted to christianity, and therefore supposedly got elevated in society form their dalit status) to have any more acceptance than they used to have. They could not accept the fact that they were actually equals. There was a similar problem in Karnataka as well that was answered by a rally of dalits in Davangere.
To the dalits, Christianity was attractive because of the fact that they were accepted as brothers rather than as being cast off as outcast like they have been used to. The root of the violence was in the social evil called the caste system!
The reality of conversion is not an issue of religion at all. The Bible is about God wanting to have man back to Himself from his sinful ways, not about changing religion. Jesus came to 'seek and to save those that were lost', not to start the christian religion! So for all those that have a problem with conversion, I suggest you read the Bible and see for yourselves. Every day many people embrace Christ, not to change religion, but because their lives are being totally changed - transformed - by His Word.
The wars fought and the people killed for or resisting conversion were all in the excuse of religion, NOT in the ways the Lord Jesus Christ taught.

theone-11 (2010-04-30)

Emperor Constantine invented a Unified Roman Religion to unite his Western and Eastern Roman empires.It was based on Persian ,Egptian monotheistic sun worship with Druidic and Greek philosophy .Its book was the New Testament ,its capital Constantinople.The Bi-ble (2 books or 2 bulls) and messianic Judaism is a later Byzantine invention
I actually worry about abrahamic monotheism mixed with nuclear arsenals and an End of Days philosophy. It could just become a self-fullfilling prophecy and mankind ends and Jesus is a no show.Which is definite as Jesus Christ was voted into existance at the First Council of Niceae ,its Hesus and Krishna ,East and West Empire United into ONE!
I think you for your concern about missing the love of god which more than a few have mentioned.
IMHO I too have these same overwhelming feelings about the universe and its makeup. I too understand unconditional love every time I look at my children. I too believe in immortality and being part of a greater entity. All that I am now was hear before I was born and will be long after I am gone. Matter is energy and it is indestructable ,you can only convert its form , ?which it does perfectly. Every atom has been hear as long as time itself and will be hear until time ends, we are star children LITERALLY!!! The elements that make us where made in the heart of exploding stars. The electrons themselves also seem to know if they are being observed and change behaviour accordingly?. truly mindblowing FACTS for me this is the path of TRUTH.

theone-11 (2010-04-30)

In the beginning man created god in his image.
As intelligence appears in man ,he sees the rocks and trees and water that influence his life and environment.He believes that they have an energy too. ?we know with modern science and this is a correct assumption. To make his life better ,he tries to bribe and placate these tree and rock energies. He believes that these energies have the same desires as we do? so offerings are made to bribe and gain favor. This belief then becomes a rock or tree personification,an early god or spirit. These personifications become more human as they are given human desires and weaknesses to give reasons for their inscrutable actions.
Please read the Golden Bough for a very good explanation of this process.The ?words of Jesus? can be traced to previous pagan authors , Eusebuis Pamphilius of Ceaserea , the MAN that wrote the New Testament for Constantine gives very clear reference to this. Constantine was a monotheistic sun worshiper and head of Sol Invictus cult.
Constantine then instructed Eusebius to organise the compilation of a uniform collection of new writings ,his instructions were: ?Search ye these books, and whatever is good in them, that retain; but whatsoever is evil, that cast away. What is good in one book, unite ye with that which is good in another book. And whatsoever is thus brought together shall be called The Book of B o o k s. And it shall be the doctrine of my people, which I will recommend unto all nations, that there shall be no more war for religions? sake.? (God?s Book of Eskra, op. cit., chapter xlviii, paragraph 31) ?Make them to astonish? said Constantine, and ?the books were written accordingly? Eusebius amalgamated the ?legendary tales of all the religious doctrines of the world together as one?, using the standard god myths from the presbyters? manuscripts as his exemplars.(Life of Constantine , vol. iv, pp. 36-39).Merging the supernatural ?god? stories of Mithra and Krishna with Druidic Culdean beliefs effectively joined the orations of Eastern and Western presbyters together ?to form a new universal belief?.
They were the ?New Testimonies?, and this is the first mention (c. 331) of the New Testament in the historical record. With his instructions fulfilled, Constantine then decreed that the New Testimonies would thereafter be called the ?word of the Roman Saviour God? (Life of Constantine, vol. iii, p. 29) and official to all presbyters sermonizing in the Roman Empire. He then ordered earlier presbyterial manuscripts and the records of the council ?burnt? and declared that ?any man found concealing writings should be stricken off from his shoulders? (beheaded)
Before religious tolerance was the norm, people would compare beliefs and find similarities. Even merging gods in some cases. (This is how Jesus Christ came to be , Hesus and Krishna ,the joining of East and West Roman empires.)
Constantine's idea was a New Unified Roman Saviour god , his book ,the New Testimonies ,his city Constantinople was to be for Constantine the Great what Alexandria was to Alexander the Great. It failed and was usurped by messianic Judaism?. Set Worshipers ,who added the Old Testament,the Book of Set , to make the bi-ble (2 books or 2 bulls). Today Jews , Christians and Muslims still bow down to SET!!! and send their prayers to AMEN
Abrahamic monotheism spread through Europe via targeted mass murder , and convert or die policies , witch burnings ,inquistions,book burnings and it spread disease as well, with the closing of bathhouses and burning wise women and healers. EXACTLY the same thing happened in the ?New World? when Abrahamic monotheism arrives there.The same thing happened to the natives of North America and Australia. Just a COINCIDENCE? THESE ARE ACTIONS IN THE REAL WORLD ,ALL DONE IN THE NAME OF ABRAHAMIC MONOTHEISM!!!! ITS WORDS ARE LIES, but ITS DEED ARE REAL, but what would you expect from Satan? and you would expect Satan's followers to justify these heinous actions? and support the ?End of the World? in

pirateing (2012-09-15)

christians claim they love others but in reality they spread hate
convert to Xtianity or i will make your life hell is the true message of this desert cult