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Windows 8 - Start screen - SWITCH BETWEEN W8 and W7






Windows 8 - Start screen - SWITCH BETWEEN W8 and W7




2011-09-30 (by skyeagle7)


September 30 11 11-10-54 AM To shut down windows 8 go to start / Settings / Power / Shut Down To Log off go to --- the Icon of the user \" Your name \" and click on it to log off. You can install programs made for W 7 on W 8. For the record Vmware version 8 does work very very well with Windows 8. ------- Use these free tools --------- - - They allows you to toggle between the Metro Start screen and the Classic start menu in Windows 8 Developer Preview. - Get Windows 7 Start Menu, Explorer And Task Manager In Windows 8 ...... and go back to ___ W 8 ___ style in a seconds: - OR use - 2-Windows 8 Start Menu Toggle .rar so so easy to use. it is IMMEDIATE WITH NO LOG OFF NECESSARY. --------Done....... - - - Windows 8 Developer Preview 8102: - - - A- To Download direct, and install on your Physical drive, click on the URL file in the folder Download Windows 8 Developer Preview D-I-R-E-C-T... OR use the address: - - if you are a developer then you will get the first one, and if you are a user then you will get the second X32 --OR-- the Third X64 - - - - B- To use Windows 8 Developer Preview 8102 in a virtual machine like VMware version 8, You will need 2 things ... the Virtual program -- and the Windows 8 Developer Preview 8102 file. - - You do not have to install W 8 on your Physical drive on your computer, you can get it ready working, and all you have to do is to guide the Vmware program to the folder in which has the installation of W 8. 1-Get the Vmware program from this torrent ( Torrent is attached just load it in your Bittorent program). - - - - After you install it ... run Vmware program, and click on --- File ---- then click on --- Open ---, guided to the FOLDER that has the file of Windows 8 Developer Preview 8102 so the program can load Windows 8 Developer Preview 8102 for you and start using W 8. .... - I can not teach you Vmware in a second but I can get you to stand on your feet: - When you run Vmware for the first time, do what I just mentioned above. Now you open the file of W8. - - It will ask you if you did..... Move it ..... or Copy it .... choose Move it. - -Now you will see on your \"left\" all the settings. The one you change are: - _____ Memory click on it and on the right top side, change it according to your system. Mine is a Laptop has 4G, ---------------- for my system to be stable I choose to make it 1024 which it will show as 1G. - _____ Processors click on it and on the right top side, change it according to your system. Mine has 2 processors ---------------- so on the first line to top right I choose 2 ... \" if you do not know then leave it as it is \" - ____ CD/DVD(IDE) click on it and on the right top side .. Use the Physical Drive letter of your ---------------- Physical --- CD/DVD. - ____Network Adapter click on it and on the right top side change to --- Nat --- I always use ---- Nat ---- ---------------- do this with all the 4 Network. - That\'s IT LEAVE THE REST ALONE. - - Must do this after you adjust your settings: AS THE MACHINE IS OFF, AND DOWN.......go to THE menu / VM / Snap shot / Take Snap shot / and - give it a name ..... NOW YOU HAVE JUST BACKED UP YOUR VIRTUAL MACHINE ( do what I just said and see if you really did back it up ... Now CLICK ON THE \"PLAY ARROW \" TO START THE Windows 8 use the icon on the menu bar with FOUR corners to maximize the window-- WITH CONFIDENCE GO AND click --- any where and mess up things so bad as you like ----------------- open any software and try it... really mess it up as you like... ..... ... Then after you finish click on ----------------- the menu --- / VM / Snap shot / ---- the last line is your Backed up W 8 machine, click on it, choose yes ----------------- you are back to the original machine. - ----------------- I wish I can teach you so so much more, but this is to get U going right away. 2-How to get this folder that has Windows 8 Developer Preview 8102 - built already as a file ( ONLY X32) go and download this Torrent file:- - - ( Torrent is attached just load it in your Bittorent program) Please do leave a comment, and for you to help others, do SEED SEED SEED.


  1. windows 8
  2. Start screen
  3. start button
  4. switch windows 8 Developer Pre

Files count:



343.72 Kb

