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Off Your Knees Germany (Ernst Zundel 1983-2003) made 3-4-11






Off Your Knees Germany (Ernst Zundel 1983-2003) made 3-4-11




2011-03-10 (by Borzoi)


A summary of Ernst Zundel's political outreach struggling to restore the honor of his German people. This unique documentary explains in vivid detail how a powerful special interest Lobby masterminded a modern political kidnapping on American soil.., in a last ditch attempt to silence an inconvenient dissident. This video has been produced with the help of patriots all over the world. Join the struggle for freedom of Speech !!! PLEASE watch this video.., and then PASS IT ON... !!! Approximately 90 minutes

Files count:



680.62 Mb




Borzoi (2011-03-11)

This is really quite a revealing documentary about how "Political Correctness" has gone too far !!!
I don‘t know how much anyone knows about Ernst Zundel‘s life, but his wife Ingrid did a great job making this video.., despite having to use almost all old VHS video cassette material...
Other than that, I would rate the video and audio quality (for a home-made documentary) as A9 / V9

asc11 (2011-04-08)

Is that 2011-03-04, or 2011-04-03?
Use of the international standard of date notation would prevent this confusion.

sarsapil (2011-04-10)

The ideal way to deal with these nazi shitbags is to make videos of the sound them raving and ranting as usual and showing real movies of nazis shooting people into ditches and of the piles of skeletical corpses found in their extermination camps, that would prevent any misunderstandings....

audirob (2011-05-04)

Why can't I post a comment?

Borzoi (2011-05-05)

Ya know.., I find it quite amazing at times, how some people are so "biased" in their thoughts (and just resort to "name-calling").., that they seem to have an attitude that virtually says: "I've already got my mind made-up.., so PLEASE don't confuse me with the facts" !!
As it has been sooo correctly said by others in history.., "Truth does NOT fear investigation"...
Also another important point to consider is:
"He who wins the War.., also writes the History" !!
Yes / No ??

Borzoi (2011-05-05)

Oh.., and BTW.., the "scheme" that was used to deport AND imprison Mr. Zundel, was by way of a "bogus entrapment" arrest for violating one VERY small immigration law on Feb 5 2003. It was done in order to shut down the projects (a library of informational archives) that Mr. Zundel and his wife (Ingrid) were working on at their residence in Tennessee.
This "great and egregious violation" of the US immigration law, was nothing more than Mr. Zundel missing the very routine "2nd interview" (30 minutes maximum !) that was to be with his American wife. This interview is to prove that they had a "bona-fide marriage" (bank accounts, housing, insurance, photos, etc.) It's required approximately one year after an immigrant marries a US citizen (at which time is the 1st interview with an immigration agent). This 2nd interview is nothing more than a follow-up.
But, here's "the twist" !! What "they" did.., was to change his interview appointment to an earlier date, but without first notifying him !! So of course, when he didn't show up for his appointment, they just came to his home (multiple armed agents at that !) and arrested him. What an easy and cowardly "set-up" it was !!
That led to two years in a Canadian prison, and another 5 years in a German prison. FINALLY, as of March 1st, 2010, he's now living in the 400+ year old house of his ancestors (needing MUCH work) in south-western Germany.
The problem is.., he cannot come back to the USA for another 20 years because of his "violation", AND his wife cannot go to ANY of the European countries for fear of being arrested, just because she runs a web-site dealing with "Non-PC" subjects !!
So until they can win some kind of legal battle, on either of these two VERY controlled continents, these two VERY devoted and loving people can only on RARE occasions (and at GREAT expense) be with each other.., but it MUST be in a "neutral country" !!

jswalski (2012-10-25)

Thanks for the info Borzoi. Deutschland uber alles