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Divinity II Ego Draconis-RELOADED(No Rars)--cgaurav™






Divinity II Ego Draconis-RELOADED(No Rars)




2009-11-03 (by cgaurav007)


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  1. Role-Playing

Files count:



5756.77 Mb




mikarus (2009-11-04)

Game videos:

DragonF.C.Porto (2009-11-04)

Great game!!

yaqwsx666 (2009-11-04)

Divinity II Ego Draconis System Requirements:

guenthar (2009-11-05)

This doesn't work correctly for me. The graphics are distorted when I set the graphics settings higher then medium. Also with certain resolutions everything except the ui elements are black. I can see things if I change the resolution to any other resolution and 800x600 never goes black.
I never had any of these problems when I tried the german version even after applying the english patch. The only thing that I think might be causing this is the crack.

kenor315 (2009-11-05)

it freeze on the loading screen for me right after choosing the name sex :(

basik77 (2009-11-05)

ONE FUCKING SEEDER??? what the fuck...thanx for the upload..

232323 (2009-11-05)

works ok. But can anyone tell me if this is not going to be fucked up after some time? I've heard about save problems, levelling points problems etc.

punkass44 (2009-11-06)

several glitches

punkass44 (2009-11-06)

I'm running 1280 X 800 resolution evrything on high and shadows on Medium and gameplay is great so far. Made to Broken Valley and I chose the path of the warrior.

punkass44 (2009-11-06)

I'm running AMD Phenom 9500 Quad-Core Processor, a 1GB Nvidia 9600GT DDR3, and 8GB of ram (no lagging but I can't run in native
resolution which is 1440 X 900. I'll wait for a patch. Oh and no problems saving game. I am using Windows 7 64-bit.

Comrade_Yuriy (2009-11-13)

Is it work? Thank you.

232323 (2009-11-13)

It works.

Grim_mAce69 (2009-11-13)

Ty for English version :D give speed plz :)

Kthullu (2009-11-14)

So is there a fix to the loading screen freeze? You can't use waypoints nor progress through the valley so its like a short demo.

punkass44 (2009-11-15)

I'm Level 15 and no problems other than quitting to desktop sometimes ctrl Alt Delete and end process-Divinity.exe No probs saving or using waypoints. I think main probs come with system requirements. this is the best RPG since Oblivion. New game but old school but phenomenal graphics and lanscape.

_handgranat (2009-11-16)

Same problem as guenthar. Graphics is a disaster no matter what i do.

RANDOMFURRIE (2009-11-17)

I'm sorry for being a newbie, but exactly where do i put the crack ? I tested to do it two ways the first one just says that it's not the correct disc. And the other one just starts a black screen like its going to load and then it fails. Any help would be REALLY appreciated. I will try to search forums and such but they never EVER provide as much help as everyone here with more experience. Thanks.

Mudget (2009-11-17)

Thanks for the English language up. Graphics are great for me, 1600x1050, everything at extreme, no probs (me with dual processor Athlon X64 6400, GeForce 9800 gtx, 5 gigs of RAM, yada yada) but I am experiencing a problem: once through the first little section, after training against goblins a bit in the first town, when it's time to hop on the flying contraption, the load screen is lasting forever. Like, literally forever. In fact I've alt-tabbed to come here to write about this problem. My guess is the next scene still hasn't loaded. Anyone experiencing this? Any workarounds? Thanks.

232323 (2009-11-17)

crack goes into the "bin" folder

RANDOMFURRIE (2009-11-17)

Thanks but I have a small problem .. when I do this it loads up a black screen aaand crashes. What I did exactly was that I copied over the divinity2.exe and rld.dll file to "bin" and it said that it already was a divinity2.exe file with the name so I overwrote it. I tried mounting the iso file while i tried to start it again. And it says that I have the wrong cd inserted. Any ideas ? this is just not working in some strange way help is allways appreciated.

Mudget (2009-11-17)

Hey I did find a workaround to the problem I posted above. Basically when the person is talking to you right before you leave the first town (to get on the flying ship), hit END conversation BEFORE she stops speaking. Then you will not encounter the neverending loading screen. This is a problem experienced by almost everybody so I hope it helps here. It is NOT related to this being a cracked copy.

punkass44 (2009-11-21)

in the beginning make sure you choose a path first magic, archery, or weapons/warrior then it will work and sometimes you need to ctrl Alt delete to quit then restart and load the next area again. I'm level 21 all settings on high and my resolution will run in 1280 X 800. I,ve accomplished many quests and finished many dungeons

punkass44 (2009-11-21)

By the way this game is awesome and full of the rpg content i was looking for. Dragon Age Origins doesn't hold a candle, because of point and click method.

232323 (2009-11-21)

so what's going to happen if you don't?

Chiva$ (2009-11-22)

just wanted to let you know, i had the same problem where the loading screen after character creation stuck, i downloaded a save game just after the game start (you can later change name and appearance at the village) and i've been playing for two days smoothly without any other problems...i must add i'm also playing with the game's image mounted at all times

punkass44 (2009-11-24)

Here's how to fix resolution.Go to any folder in Vista or Win 7. Goto Organize, Folder and Search Options, click view,then click show hidden files folders, and Drives, click apply and ok. Now goto Local C/Users/your name/AppData/Local/Divinity 2/Profile. Inside that folder is XML document. Right click and edit or open w/Notepad and scan for resolution and change it to your desired resolution. Mine is 1440X900 Native Reolution. Yours may be 1680X1050 or 1600X1050. Save the file as or replace or just save and exit. Start game!

punkass44 (2009-11-24)

This worked great for me I even changed the anistrophic filtering to 16 but not recommened if you don't have a beast of a computer. Need a Quad-Core and at least 4-8 gigs of ram and a DDR3 256MB-1GB graphics card Nvidia preferably. You'll notice once you change resolution and restart the game that under options, graphics it will say 640X480 but pay no mind you can visually see the difference in quality. And I would edit Anistrophic at 2-4 times.Good Luck I'm having a great time with this rpg.......plz comment if this helped.

Chiva$ (2009-11-24)

fuck what i said, i just got to the tower down the valley (level 7) and the game stuck again in a loading screen (cd check probably)...let's hope a solution is found, cause it seems like they implemented this in purpose, to fight piracy (just like batman)

EckoZd (2009-11-25)

punkass pls don t compare this game with Dragon Age!dragon age is far more away from this crap!if you wanna play something like this with better story and gameplay,then download The Witcher!

deadoverlord (2009-11-25)

Plz i'n stuck in the infinite loading screen. How i can pass that? I tried to left the image mounted in daemon tools, but the same hapens. Anyone know where i can find an mini image that let me play that game without the cracks??

punkass44 (2009-11-25)

I have the Witcher and you actually have to get somewhere in the game to appreciate it. I'm almost level 26 and can now take Dragon form and fly throgh the Valley. The forever loading screen is glitch. sometimes if there is an incomplete quest it will do this or ctrl+alt+delete and quit. Save Save Save!!! I save twice everytime on two different slots in case of corrupt file. Saving your game outside is best to avoid glitches.By the way point & click sucks doesn't show true skill in the game. My character is BEAST now and I've accomplished alot. You got to play the game for awhile before you make comparisons. This is old school RPG at its finest and challenging you can die really fast.Even my Dragon form has armor. So for all of you who are stuck sorry.

punkass44 (2009-11-25)

I also can summon a Demon to help or a creature that the Necromancer pieces together for you to have a fighting companion from Goblin and Dragon Elf parts which is pretty effective. I've managed to finally kill all the imps in Orobos Fjords and Deactivate half of the red dome barriers. Surpassed all glitches so far. If you have any questions just post....slater

s0undeffex (2009-11-28)

where did you guys get the cracks?

Cams999 (2009-11-29)

This is a fucking GOOD RPG.
Do yourself a favor and download it, save religiously though.

ascorius (2009-11-29)

This is by all means a good game. But when compared to flagship mmo's like dragon age its just okay. And the dragon form is just a horrible minigame that they should have dropped all together. I wish more people would understand that realtime combat kinda sucks in most rpg settings. Give us more CRPG. BG2 was the best for a reason.

Adius_Silver (2009-11-30)

I've got a problem with this, not necessarily the game, as Modern Warfare 2 wouldnt work either. But when i try to load it, the divinity2.exe (Yes, the crack) just wont run. no matter how times i click it. I checked the task manager to see if it was working, it appears for about 3 seconds and doesnt do anything else. Anyone know how i can solve this problem. Im running Windows 7.

punkass44 (2009-11-30)

ThE Dragon flight is nt a mini-game its part of the game so you can move about faster you have to destroy the fortresses to gain back the areas you can no longer reach. Dragon Age is point and click is it not? Flying the dragon is like flying an airplane it takes skill in this game unlike Dragon Age. It put me to sleep with 5 times moe talking than Divinity 2. It takes skill to survive. apparently someone didn't play Secret of Mana on Super Nintendo back in the day. A dragon picks you up and takes you where you need to go. Mini-game what a bunch of crap. When you leack level 30 in the game then you can give constructive criticism. I have Dragon Age and its not as addicting. Besides controlling 3-5 characters and their stats is a pain in the ass. Say what you will this ismy favorite game since Oblivion and Dungeon Lords. i've been gaming since the Atari days and I know a good game when I play it.

EckoZd (2009-11-30)

asscorius-well said!this game sucks,i tried to give it some chance so i reched 25 lv but still same shit!this is game more like hack and slash then rpg!Bioware is king of rpg!punkass i don t know about what skills are you talking!you even don t need to think to play this game!if you like dragons then you can play good old Drakan Order of Flame!

Chiva$ (2009-12-01)

i've been playing rpgs for many years, i must say i've been waiting for this with very high expectations, beyond the point of technical problems i did play untill i reached lvl 7 (where it got stuck again)...from the pointview of graphics and general world customization this game just reminded me of some Korean mmorpg...
about the controls...people RPGs and not ACTION games... definitelly i don't like fighting the fights myself with millions of mouse clicks per game...
punkass mentions old school rpgs, this by all means is not old school, old school is based on point n click since the early first games where the mouse had a wider function inside the game
divinity reminds of Gothic, (or even better of latest Risen witch itself reminds me of the Gothic series)
btw Dragon Age is one of the best RPGS EVER made and i expected nothing less from bioware (they have given us most of the best rpgs in the history of gaming)
in conclusion, i expected much more from this game, still i'm definitelly gonna play it like hell after the stucking problems are fixed (maybe with the january world release)

diamond-optic (2009-12-02)

im getting constant stuttering while moving around outdoors :-( fps is fine (60+) so thats not the issue.. could be driver related, idk.. but its almost annoying to play with the stuttering

punkass44 (2009-12-03)

You guys are too critical and a little unappreciative about a game thats free and not even released in the U.S. yet. I'm about to be level 34 and I'm experiencing no problems. When I Talk of old school I mean 3rd Person real-time battle. When you become a dragon the game gets exciting and now I can enter the Hall of Echoes. I've destroyed 2 Flying Fortresses. Well like I said I quit playing Dragon Age after I reached 3rd level so maybe its a great game. I'll try it next and give it a chance. Soul Reaver, Legacy of Kain, Zelda-Link to the past, etc.

trial2err (2009-12-05)

punkass, as far as DA Origins goes- it took about two hours for me to start getting into it... But drove me nuts when I realized I had beat it and didn't want to start over just yet. The game creeps up on you and gets you addicted. At times it is slow, but it jumps right back at you. Trust me, just try it when you get time in between. Either way, both are good games in their own right, and both damn free xD Appreciate it people.

krsticPOWER (2009-12-10)

Can this game be on english language?

saturnine4 (2009-12-12)

dude no one gives a fuck about how good your character is or how this game is compared to dragon age origins. if you wanna talk about that go to gamespot or some shit. what people want to know is how to fucking fix the infinite load screens so we can actually fucking play the damn game.

saturnine4 (2009-12-12)

okay can someone who got this fuckin game to work explain how the fuck they did it instead of arguing like a bunch of fucking retards how good this game is compared to other ones.

Zakafein (2009-12-13)

awesome game!!! a must have for any true rpg gamer!!! in my opinion, better than DA

saturnine4 (2009-12-13)

ive uninstalled and reinstalled this game like 3 times and ive done EXACTLY what reloaded said to do and im still getting the infinite load screens. ive also put the game in compatible mode for windows xp and disabled desktop composition(someone said this fixed the infinite load screen for them). this is the only game where im having this much damn trouble trying to play. is anyone else not able to play the game(and yes i used a premade save game but i still get a infinite load screen at one point)

saturnine4 (2009-12-13)

where did you people install your game? i installed it in my program files folder, was i supposed to install it in games?

saturnine4 (2009-12-13)

oh my fucking god this is so fucking annoying, the most fucking annoying game ive ever tried to install.

saturnine4 (2009-12-14)


thorsteinarg (2009-12-17)

AMAZING SPEED! started slow but went to about 400kb/s, Thanks Cgaurav007 and all seeders

antarezx (2009-12-19)

plz seed more people ... only run 10kbps here ... my speed is 3mbps actually here.... i miss the first series .... but im not gonna miss this one ... so plz seed more

loongear (2009-12-22)

ok people, I also experienced many problems with this game but I seem to have fixed it all. first of all, I advise disabling hdr. I remember having a lot of launching problems with fallout 3 too and disabling hdr fixed it (later patches solved the hdr problem and I am now able to play with hdr on).
also, because of stuttering issues 191 whql nvidia drivers, I switched back to a previous driver (184). I thought the problem could stem from this. and now that 195 driver series were available, I updated my drivers. shortly said, this worked for me. try it if you are using previous nvidia drivers too.

jabunk20 (2009-12-31)

i can not understand that this game still will bring out in the next year annnnd how does he get it before the realease date weird umm !!

zeno600w (2010-01-01)

can someone please post a save game file right after the SHIP
thank you happy new year..

mastaofdesasta (2010-01-02)

omg this game suckz and the graphics suck and there are many errors bugs etc......
most fucking game ever

Crook100 (2010-01-07)

Thanks for the upload im really enjoying the game!
To those with problems with blackscreen and can never get into the game try updateing your physx drivers for your graphics card. When i first tried to start the game it wouldnt boot and said my physx are out of date. I have XP but if you have a different OS then it might just not give you the error message so its worth a try.
I personally have a problem...
I am in the Fjords where i can fly my dragon etc.
When i try to enter 2 caves my whole PC just crashes. I get a black screens with streaks of colour in lines 1 pixel thick over my screen. Basically a graphics crash. All my drivers are up to date and my card can more than handle this game. I've tried turning settings down and no luck. Any idea's? could this be related to the crack? I really want to be able to enter the caves in question as they are the quest to upgrade my keep. Thanks in advance.

Zakafein (2010-01-08)

game is gr8 ppl don't know why u are fucking about something that's free.. I've just managed to become a dragon!! anyway, i can't patch to 1.03 for some reason... u guys got a fix?

Tolic (2010-01-08)

I am stuck on Senitel Island, cant talk 2 trainers to come to the Tower.
Any help plz ?

Tolic (2010-01-08)

or send me saved game after Senitel Island :)

zunartix (2010-01-08)

someone needs to crack the 1.03 patch , it doesnt seem to work at all

Zakafein (2010-01-09)

the 1.03 patch doesn't work, says it can't identify the install version...

ryanrf (2010-01-09)

Been stuck between 10 and 30 kB/s for a couple of days now. :*(

doomjack6 (2010-01-10)

well.. it works for me fine till now. i just installed it and but the carck in bin folder and there it was. And i havent got any errors, hope it stays so too lol

jigar7 (2010-01-11)

The game plays absolutely fine... lot of bugs though! Someone really really needs to come out with the v1.30 crack.
FYI... There is a glitch... if your game gets an endless loading screen after you finish level 1... try hitting one key at a time on your keyboard. I hit '8' and the game loaded perfect for me and a lot of other people.
How do I check what the default language of the game is? (Russian/German/English etc)
There is a v1.30 crack for the Russian version available on gamecopywrold, but might not work for this as I'm assuming this version to be German (as stated in the "installation" file in the "Divinity II- Ego Draconis" game folder)...

calvn (2010-01-11)

noo. i was just at 600 kb/s for about 10 minutes solely from the nice chap from hungary. back at 60-70 kb/s now :(
looks like theres a lot of bugs, if you could upload the patches + cracks that would be sweet. many thanks.

Zakafein (2010-01-11)

no it's not german it's in english... scroll down u will see all the other languages too
can u patch to 1.3? i tried and it says that it can't identify the install version.. tell me if u have any luck

seantheshark (2010-01-13)

im having a nightmare. ive put the cracked version into the bin folder and im getting the disc not in error... i know this is qutie a silyl question but any help please any1 ?

Oreo2996 (2010-01-13)

I did all the instructions, so which .exe do I start the game with? When I try to use StartUp I get no disc error but I might have just mounted it wrong unless I'm supposed to use a different .exe.

EuROp3An1SLanDer (2010-01-13)

I tried to install this game twice, without success.
I have Vista32bit.
All drivers uptodate. Specifications adequate. For Eg.: Dirt2 runs fine. DA Origins aswell.
But!.....This game install round about upto 2 1/3 of the way then appears a failiure script: File missing/ file corrupt.
Any awnsers?!. Any Tips, or peeps with the same problem.
Cheers in Advance

EuROp3An1SLanDer (2010-01-14)

okay...dont chu worry. got it sorted....

Oreo2996 (2010-01-14)

Is it just me, or can anyone else not view comments?

Oreo2996 (2010-01-14)

Okay, my problem was the fact I didn't copy the crack to the directory, I just coped it to the torrent folder, lol, anyways, I still can't view comments so I can't review to see if there's any tips in them, but when I launch it goes black for a few seconds, and then a popup says "Divinity 2 has stopped working" and then I am forced to close it, I am running Windows 7 if it helps, please help =/

vfrocketman (2010-01-14)

I have windows 7 and i couldnt get it to work. i kept getting a wrong cd window. to fix it i opened the iso with magiciso and in the crack folder there are two files. i extracted those two files to the "bin" folder in the game file. the exe file replaced the original and now the game works fine!

Oreo2996 (2010-01-14)

Woah, lol, vrocketman's comment is true, worked for me :)

Oreo2996 (2010-01-15)

The graphics ruined this game for me.

skullunk (2010-01-16)

It works fine if you read the directions. But unfortunately for my my single core sucks and will allow me to play it but its like moving like a droid. Even though i cant play it, Ill still keep seeding in the future. thanks RELOADED, and thanks guys for seeding.

Lil George (2010-01-16)

thnx for the upload!
the game worked fine for me but only after i updated my graphics drivers
before that it kept shutting down unexpectedly when i tried to enter Fanglow, so be sure to update them everybody.
also, no corrupted saves so far and no loading screen problems

Apiala (2010-01-17)

I got a problem. I putted the Divinity2 from bin to main folder and it still says i need a cd?? Please help me

dragan4e (2010-01-17)

@jigar7 & Zakafein
I have installed the game and succesfuly patched to 1.03 version (via game official site, 406Mb patch) and then I used russian no-dvd crack for 1.03 from gamecopyworld (no need to use reloaded crack, use that one instead). It works for me, I have no problems. Cheers.

Apiala (2010-01-17)

Can anyone tell me where i can find a 1.03 crack?

nooberoid (2010-01-19)

i did what you said and it worked fine until i restarted now its back to lagging again :/
hmm... i wonder how this could be fixed??
wb plz :)

Cullix (2010-01-19)

i have windows 7 ultimate 64bit and it works great!
this game is new, of course there will be problems because the developers haven't tested the game on every combination of hardware..... duh

Valmarith (2010-01-19)

Is this a proper full english version?

dragan4e (2010-01-20)

Man, I'm sorry to hear that. Really dunno what's happening with your game, but I am still playing and having no problems at all. Game is patched ( and running so smooth.
Yep, it is.

kungfumonkey (2010-01-21)

Which patch version works with this? Whenever I try the 1.03 EN patch, it fails to recognize the version I'm using (tried both with original .exe and cracked .exe)

doesavasiri (2010-01-25)

kungfumonkey, LOL read the comment about an inch above yours.

rftarp (2010-01-26)

game has a very very stupid ending, waste of time. No matter what you will lose in the end...

reddeath41 (2010-01-29)

Anyone else having an issue with downloading the Russian crack from gamecopyworld. Every time I try and download it from there it turns out to be a text file instead of an exe file

divad498 (2010-01-29)

my pointer in the game is a black box and i cant clik anything

divad498 (2010-01-30)

search on google. download the pach from the game website

albertc2005 (2010-02-10)

i can't play this game because it says i need at least 128 MB of video memory is there anyway to bypass that??? any help is greatly appreciated!!!

jloct (2010-02-13)

works good so far thank you uploader

FTL3 (2010-02-18)

Patch 1.03 brings new features for Divinity II: Ego Draconis and fixes some bugs in the German, French, English, Italian and Spanish version.
New features:
- Added a crosshair option for better targeting/item interaction
- Physics improvement. Easier to walk forward when running into objects.
- Melee attacks now hit multiple targets in a cone
- Greatly improved both sword and bow targeting
- Turned down homing of enemy projectiles on lower difficulties
- Added waypoint shrines to map
- Shorter animations for certain skills

sinisa96 (2010-02-20)

Could some one tell me why the fuck it appears that fucking stupidity with don't send and errors?

FTL3 (2010-02-21)


Patch 1.03 brings new features for Divinity II: Ego Draconis and fixes some bugs in the German, French, English, Italian and Spanish version.
New features:
- Added a crosshair option for better targeting/item interaction
- Physics improvement. Easier to walk forward when running into objects.
- Melee attacks now hit multiple targets in a cone
- Greatly improved both sword and bow targeting
- Turned down homing of enemy projectiles on lower difficulties
- Added waypoint shrines to map
- Shorter animations for certain skills

 matimike (2010-02-23)

works perfectly, thank you

manmoo (2010-02-24)

ok i im a super newbie at this i just started cracking game and im a little lost on how to make this one work i have a mounting program and i installed it ok then it say that i have the worng cd in when i tri to run it if anyone that has some more exp can give me a heads up that would be great

Xarri (2010-02-25)

if you explore the mounted image there is usually a folder labeled crack. you need to drag/copy the contents of that folder into the games folder (ex. C/programs/divinityII) or where ever you have stored the game.
sometimes the files that need to be replaced are inside one of the folders in the games folder. you will know its the right place when windows asks if you want to replace the files. to which you respond yes.
hope this helps and is not to long

theebook (2010-02-27)

I'm having a problem. I'm currently at Broken Valley and the game crashes everytime I open a door. What's going on? I'm patched/cracked at v1.3 currently.

metalkam (2010-03-10)

okay people read this i know how to get it patched to 1.03 and working. I have windows 7 x64 btw. I went to gamecopyworld (google it) and got a 1.03 crack in english that worked perfectly. DON"T DO THAT YET. Install the game DO NOT CRACK YET. Go to the folder you put it in. There's a folder called "autoupdate" run that BEFORE CRACKING and it'll patch it for you to 1.03. THEN apply the crack for version 1.03 from gamecopyworld. If you don't autoupdate first, you'll get the "can't identify version" error.
I'm runnin alienware m15x (older silver one) with 2.0ghz core 2 duo, 4gb ram, 9800mgt and it runs OK, not perfect (which is weird since I run crysis on almost max). Haven't got to play it much hardly at all, but so far no problems.

Metalprofi (2010-03-10)

I have a problem! The moment i enter the game the SCREEN TURNS BLACK, i can here evrythin, even the map i can see but all in black. Anyone else is facing the same problem? help:(

Metalprofi (2010-03-11)

Thank you mate...i did as u siggested and now i can play it :)

metalkam (2010-03-11)

you're very welcome metalprofi (:
And for people starting the game and getting a black screen, "have you tried turning it off and on again?" I had it working then when i play again i got black screen. Rebooted, works like a charm now
I do see a future of more errors though.. when they patch it again, we'll no longer have the original exe unless you saved it. Or just keep the iso so you can put the original back and patch it then find new crack :P

AgentFour (2010-03-17)

I can't wait for this to finish updating. I played the demo and wanted to customize my character, but was fun anyway. This is gonna be sweet.

rimokeros (2010-03-21)

is it the release version or the other one with the shitty graphics??

rohan11 (2010-03-22)

Fuck after 10 % and uploading with 80 kB/ps all i am getting now is a message "TORRENT ERROR - the file or directory is corrupted or unreadable..." fuck it... :-(

merary (2010-03-27)

its multilenguaje???

btbam006 (2010-04-09)

Downloaded, installed perfectly. Starts up fine, changed graphics to all max settings, the intro video looks great but as soon as I get to the character creation screen it shows the different options I have to choose from but nothing behind it, just blank. Also when the gameplay starts, I see the talking and the options to selct, also see the mini map in the upper left corner. but again, blank screen otherwise. Seems to work fine in low graphics settings. Possibly a Windows 7 x64 problem???
my specs are AMD Athlon 64 x2 3.0GHz, 6GB DDR2 800MHz, 1GB MSI Twin Frozr Graphics. I know I got the right spec so im assuming its a 64 bit issue... can anyone else confirm this?

ismellfunny67 (2010-04-11)

Had to use an outside patch. Runs great otherwise but i cant seem to get it out of German. Any help would be appreciated.

Radrayena (2010-04-20)

Seed please

skyflat (2010-05-07)

I did a complete install and I put the crack but when I am trying to run the game it says me Windows Explorer has Stop Woking.. WHY????

_Metal_Guitar_ (2010-05-15)

@metalkam, the trouble with people comparing how a game runs to Crysis is that even at like 25fps Crysis still feels relatively smooth, whereas any other game at that FPS would be laggy as hell.

eriks14042 (2010-05-16)

@metalkam can you tell the exact page of where to find the crack? i quite dont understand the copyworld cause i never used it before :<
Thanks in advance.

eriks14042 (2010-05-16)

nevermind, i got this to work without i found the file my comp was missing --> nxcharacter.dll (thats maybe a prob why editors dont work) in bin and copied it to main folder , applied autoupdate(after installing) and then i applied the crack that was given already.(dont forget to thank the uploader) this didnt work for me cause of the shader version. :/

og10000 (2010-05-23)

Question: is anyone else having a porblem connecting to this torrent? my firewall has been disabled and i can download from another torrent. any suggestions would be useful. thanks!

Yenrock7 (2010-05-31)

It must be really fun turning into a dragon. @og10000 why would you turn off your firewall? My firewall's on and i can download just fine. What torrent downloader are u using right now? Go and try Vuze.

Yenrock7 (2010-06-03)

Is there anyway i could change the fonts size of the letters? it's so small that it gives me eye strains. changing the resolution doesn't change the fonts. any ideas?

Yenrock7 (2010-06-04)

After playing this game, i can safely say that this game is full of crap!
The quests lacks directions, and you'll find yourself just wondering aimlessly in the map. Also, the story is not that good either.
There is no problem with this torrent. Game works fine.

lllsnowlll (2010-06-30)

I am having the same problem I keep getting a "Divinity 2 has stopped working" error upon startup and ive tried running in xp service pack 3, gave it administrative permission, i installed the crack and everything properly, and fixed the missing nxcharacter.dll just took it from bin directory but still no luck -_-

p1ng (2010-07-17)

Seed please.

Dragona88 (2010-10-05)

Does anyone else get this random freezing/hang thing? Sometimes I can play for an hour then it freezes up and I have to use ctrl-alt-del and end the Divinity2.exe process, other times it only lasts 2 minutes?
If you know of a fix for this problem please respond, even with this bug I use quick save all the time and am still playing I rather enjoy this game. Would love to buy it but bills come before new games =/
OS: Windows XP 64-bit
CPU: AMD x2 64 5600+
GPU: 8800GT Alpha Dog
RAM: 8 Gigs (Corsair XMS2 Dominator)

bobby493 (2010-10-12)

The game seemed to work fine but when I changed the resolution and graphics quality in the option menu, it began to crash at startup. I use winXP. what can I do? help!

toasti3d (2010-10-13)

Uh good torrent but how do I make it English its only given me German?

StarPhishPrime (2010-11-08)

I wouldn't recommend dling this torrent. Game just stops working as soon as I try and open it. Yes it all is installed and cracked correctly. I'm not surprised given all the problems everyone else is experiencing.

2ndSight (2010-11-14)

Where is the crack? WTF?

josh1003 (2010-11-28)

Wheres the auto update folder? I cant find it!
And also, exactly where do I put the rdl.dll file?

dearghoul (2010-12-20)

@josh 1003 (or anyone else with this question)
Put the rld.dll file in the [c:/program files/divinity II.../bin] folder along with the .exe. It's not replacing anything, but it's needed. The .exe does replace a file.
If you need a copy of the original .exe to do a patch at any time, just open the game .iso with winrar or something, and you'll find it there in the [data/! base/bin] folder.

dearghoul (2010-12-20)

OK, This fecker locks up so hard I need to reboot either at the character creation menu or right when that blonde chick starts yapping at me when I first arrive at the game's beginning. The screen is frozen in place but the game is still going on behind it, somehow. I can run and jump and hear my character, mr. bigglesworth, grunting and all.
I'm using 1.03 and the russian crack.
I read all previous comments, still no idea what to do?
It did let me get a bit further once, but only once.
WTF is with this thing?

dearghoul (2010-12-20)

Well, the english 1.03 crack from gamecopyworld is a loser too, but I'm having better luck with the one posted a few pages back here - the torrent at TPB. Did crash once, but I could ctrl-alt-del out at least, this time. Going back in to try again. Got a save game under my belt at least. Feck sake, 2 hours of this shit!

dearghoul (2010-12-21)

Sorry for the epic string of posts.
This crack sucks too, maybe something to do with my PC, it's robust, can handle this game easily - so could be some driver or such, who knows.

dearghoul (2010-12-21)

Well, more reading led me to try installing the amd processor dual core optimizer and driver and it actually seems to have done the trick. No crash or freeze for over an hour so far!

ale3-13 (2010-12-25)

uploader the game is super!ty !:DDD

Sairin (2011-02-11)

Its german or english ?

Tributes06 (2011-05-04)

Everyone who have problems entering the buildings just turn off Render Light shafts from the Option menu under Graphics tab. Thanks for the upload!

cooldudsk (2011-10-13)

ok so im new to torrents but i have daemon tools lite and power iso and i downloaded it and ran settup.exe and installed the game but wher i run startup.exe it says i have to insert the game disc what am i doing wrong?

RockDeviI (2012-02-11)

It crashes right after the first cutscene.. i can see the bald guy with the amulet, and then the guy running after the dragon and thats it

mineativ (2012-06-03)


TBear420 (2012-12-17)

despite the many skeptic posts, game works fine (so far only just out of farglow) and is in english. crack goes in "Bin" folder in installation folder.. thanks for the up man!

SirDomaX (2013-05-31)

I would apreceate some seeds, Thank you :)


1. Divinity.II.Ego.Draconis-RELOADED/rld-div2.iso 5756.76 Mb
2. Divinity.II.Ego.Draconis-RELOADED/reloaded.nfo 3.96 Kb