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The Legend of Three Trees (Animated Christian Movie)






The Legend of Three Trees (Animated Christian Movie)




2008-11-08 (by IndianChristian )


The Legend of Three Trees (Animated Christian Movie) Thoughtfully written and beautifully animated, The Legend of The Three Trees teaches children and adults alike the significance of their role in God's plan for the world. The Legend of The Three Trees is a timeless retelling of the classic folktale of three distinct trees, each with its own hopes, dreams and aspirations. We follow a beautiful olive tree blossoming in the valley, a knotty oak tree clinging to the shore and a strong pine standing high on the mountainside. They each dreamed of becoming great - a majestic treasure chest, a magnificent sailing ship and the tallest tree in the forest which would draw people to God. But their dreams didn't seem to come true. Disappointed and dejected, the trees despair about their existence until they each finally interact, in their own unique ways, with Jesus Christ in His birth, ministry and ultimate sacrifice. In these experiences, they learn that God has a special purpose for each of them in His kingdom. The central theme of this movie is God has a purpose for each one of us. "Don't ever give up on God for he will never ever give up on you". Language: English Subtitles: None Run Time: 24 minutes My Rating: 10/10 Quality: 9.5/10 (Dvdrip) If financially possible, please buy this CD/DVD to keep Christian films in business ...... Please seed. Let each one of us who call ourself Christians seed 2-3 movies each. So that these movies may become a blessing to all those who are hungry for God's word & grace. May Jesus bless all those who are seeding the christian torrents. "Don't ask me what Christ can do for you! He has done all he could. Tell me what you can do for Christ?" Uploaded by Indian Christian

Files count:



352.54 Mb




 IndianChristian (2008-11-09)

"But I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give an account of every careless word they have uttered" (Matthew 12:36)

 IndianChristian (2008-11-11)

Kruge, your talk reminds me of incidents from the life of a person who walked this planet 2000 years back. His opponents did not like the good he was doing to society ? healing the sick, moving with sinners and outcasts, promising heaven to the sinners on repentance, making the lame to walk, opening the mouths of persons born mute, making the deaf hear, blah blah. So his foes adopted a two prolonged approach. First they tried to dissuade this person and his disciples by inducing doubts into their minds as to why he, a holy man was moving with these scoundrels of society. (Mark 2:16-17). When this did not stop the person from helping the sinners and eating with them, they tried to counter this person claiming that he did all his miracles with the power of the king of demons. (Luke 11:15).
What were the person?s foes trying to accomplish over here? Why did they adopt such a drastic measure? The Truth is that it was not the people who were trying to stop Jesus, it was Satan and his demons. We see the same behavior from the people in Matthew 27:40-44. They were mocking Jesus saying that if he is the Christ, then come down from the cross.
What is the underlying principle behind these incidents? It is that Satan does not want people to repent and be saved. He will use all his tricks and cunning to make you stop doing these activities which will lead people out of his clutches and into the waiting hands of our redeemer God. Porn and evolution are two of his favorite and most successful lures. Others are making people successfully believe that there is no God, that Jesus never existed, that man is god, that man can become god through yoga and even putting in your head that you should not share Christian torrents so that other people will not get saved. The key to all this is that you should not get saved. We can see some examples of this even in out own Christian religion. The sect called Catholicism blatantly worships and prays to Mary. But Catholics will claim that they actually worship Jesus through Mary. Some Protestants claim that once saved always saved. These people would do well to read Matthew 7:16-21 and John 8:11.
Remember Satan does not want your wealth or your fame. He wants the only part that is eternal in you and that is your soul. But the people who are not covered by the redeeming blood of Christ and are thus perishing cannot see this. It is a typical case of fishing. When you go fishing you put the worm or shrimp at the end of the line as bait and carefully hide the hook. The unsuspecting fish thinking it is something good to eat grabs it and is hooked. So it is with people who walk in the ways of the world. The only difference is that Satan is the angler over here, you are the fish and above mentioned lures, his pet baits. Just like in fishing the fish cannot see the hook, so also in real life you cannot see the hooks in the baits laid by Satan for you. But there is a third agency, a book called the Bible which warns you of these hooks laid by Satan and councils you to stay away from them for your own good and salvation. It is upto you to abide by this advise or to reject it.
If you are one of those who has been hooked on one of the devil?s pet baits then Congratulations! The master deceiver has got you.
People look at all the War, disease, death, destruction, hunger, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption in the world and say there is no god. But who brought these into the earth? Is it man or God? I personally feel that giving free will to man was probably the only mistake God ever did. Man is a wild animal and does not deserve the love and affection showered on him by God. The great deceiver has won again this time in the battle for your soul.
All those who are working for the Lord, kindly continue doing so. Do not be misled by false and malicious words and propaganda. Know that every deed that you do for the Lord whether big or small counts in the Kingdom of heaven. All these deeds yield results even though you might not be able to see the results directly.

capcal (2009-02-05)

Kruge, why are you so offended???? Ur funny man! A natural born comedian. By the way indian, thanks a lot for the upload. Don't get distracted by peeps such as that. They're just playground bullies...FUNNNNNNYYYYY!!!!

flghtlss (2009-12-16)


flghtlss (2009-12-17)