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(DVDRip-mp3-Eng-Ita-Deu-Fra-Esp+SUB)Love Is a Many by CR-EW(






[DVDRip-mp3-Eng-Ita-Deu-Fra-Esp+SUB]Love Is a Many by CR-EW[CR-B




2009-05-13 (by CR-Bt)


Maggiori Informazioni su: More Info at: In 1949, in the British Crown Colony of Hong Kong, Eurasian doctor Han Suyin is summoned to the hospital emergency ward to tend to a young Chinese girl. Suyin's friend, British doctor John Keith, places the dedicated Suyin in charge of the refugee, and soon after, invites her to attend a cocktail party with him. At the party, Suyin explains to Adeline Palmer-Jones, the snobbish wife of one of the hospital directors, that her mother was English and her father Chinese, and that she considers herself Chinese, even though she studied medicine in England. While discussing her intention to return to China to help her people, Suyin captures the attention of American newspaper correspondent Mark Elliott, who later asks her out. Intrigued but uncertain, Suyin tells Mark that he may call her, and later, as John drives her home, he informs her that Mark is married. Suyin shrugs off John's concern by speculating that Mark will not call her, but when she returns to her room, the phone is already ringing. Suyin agrees to dine with Mark, and as they talk, Mark learns that Suyin, who is surprisingly superstitious, is the widow of a murdered Chinese Nationalist general. Days later, Suyin tends to the little girl, who has been named Oh-No, and engages in a political debate with Chinese doctor Sen, who believes that the Communist takeover in China has benefited the people, even though Hong Kong is flooded with refugees fleeing the new government. Later, after speaking with Mark, who is going to Singapore on an assignment, Suyin goes into town, where she meets Suzanne, a childhood Eurasian friend. When Suzanne tells Suyin that she now passes for English and is having an affair with an important, married Englishman, Suyin scolds Suzanne for denying who she truly is. Later, John again warns Suyin to be discreet in her relationship with Mark, whose wife lives in Singapore. The next day, when Mark comes to find Suyin at the hospital, he is met by Adeline, who pointedly asks him about his wife in front of Suyin. Mark and Suyin then go to a beach, and there, Mark tells Suyin that he and his wife have been separated and have not spoken for six years. When Mark attempts to express his feelings for her, Suyin gently quiets him, stating that she does not want to complicate her life. Han Suyen è una dottoressa eurasiatica (cioè di sangue misto, europeo e cinese), che esercita la sua professione in un ospedale di Hong Kong. E' vedova di un generale cinese, fucilato dai comunisti: la sua dolorosa esperienza di vita le ha ispirato il proposito di rinunciare per sempre all'amore. Durante un ricevimento, Han Suyen conosce un giornalista americano, Mark Elliott. Apprende che Mark è sposato, benché sia da alcuni anni separato dalla moglie, che risiede a Macao: quando il giornalista le propone di pranzare insieme, Han accetta la proposta, giacché è sicura che si tratti soltanto di un incontro amichevole. Gli incontri però divengono frequenti e tra i due nasce un reciproco sentimento d'amore, al quale né la differenza di razza, né i pettegolezzi della gente possono opporre un efficace ostacolo. I due innamorati desiderano ardentemente di potersi sposare: Suyen ottiene il consenso dalla propria famiglia, ma la moglie di Mark non si lascia convincere a concedergli il divorzio. Mark e Han Suyen ne sono vivamente addolorati, ma continuano a vedersi e ad amarsi, finché a causa dei pettegolezzi provocati dalla loro relazione la dottoressa perde il suo posto di lavoro. Essendo scoppiata la guerra in Corea, Mark riceve l'ordine di recarvisi come corrispondente. Han Suyen apprenderà più tardi dai giornali la notizia della morte di Mark Elliott, avvenuta nel corso di un attacco aereo.

Files count:



1493.33 Mb

