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Water4gas manual HHO Hydrogen Generator










2008-06-19 (by ViciousOne)

Description: Book is in html format. Another go one is at

Files count:



7.28 Mb




stevekasian (2008-06-22)

Lots of idiots out there!

leo.mahesh (2008-06-22)

whats the hell is this????????

stevekasian (2008-06-22)


sparklysparks (2008-06-26)

For all doubting-Thomases out there, please do yourselves a favor and google things like "I installed water4gas and my vehicle broke". One Yahoo answer states some sort of stupidity like this (quoting here): "It's obviously a scam. They claim to put electricity (produced from your alternator using gasoline) into the water, and then burn the water to produce water + energy. It's a lie, but even if it were true, you still couldn't possibly get any energy other than what you put in to start with. It starts with water (liquid) and ends up with water (steam) so you'd actually lose at least the amount of energy required to boil water.". 100% uninformed opinions! There are many people using gas saving devices like this one as we discuss whether this is a hoax or not. Have you ever tried installing something like a hydrogen-on-demand system on your car? It takes a while to understand the "how's" and "why's" of such systems, but that doesn't mean they aren't achievable. Look for "HHO" or "Brown's Gas" even on Youtube and decide for yourself. In other words, do not believe a bunch of skeptic people who wouldn't dare thinking different. BTW, I'm not getting paid to say these things. I'm just a regular joe like you who downloads stuff for free and got the gift of open-mindness. Take your time to read the (FREE) material downloaded --> uploaded by this submitter and make your own decisions. Good luck with whatever you choose to do afterwards"

rellikzephyr (2008-06-27)

finally someone who thinks about stuff, instead of shunning and hating the unknown, there still are a few of us left thank you sparklysparks
i have yet to try this on my car but i understand the way this thing works and believe the technology
, quite simple if you do any research on it, so if im one of those 'suckers' so be it

sfacets (2008-07-01)

Please don't seed this - stop propagating the scam...

keyguy13 (2008-07-03)

It's not a scam. It works on sound scientific principles. And you're not burning water, morons. You are using electrolyzed hydrogen to boost the gas burning efficiency of your combustion engine. Try not to be so stupid.

mikeb2340 (2008-07-04)

It does make sense. I have only seen people fail at producing it. That doesn't mean it doesn't work it just means they failed at doing it.
Hydrogen is some pretty damn combustive stuff. Almost as much as our beloved push-water.
It is not unreasonable to suggest that separating hydrogen and oxygen from water could be fruitful for making fuel.
More people need to download this and test it so we can learn how to make it more practical. That is what is really needed.

pantera1103 (2008-07-05)

Adding electricity to water will produce hydrogen. I just dont think it would produce enough. Sounds kinda fun to try. I havnt heard of anyone getting this to work, but post it if you do.

jadd6810 (2008-07-06)

The world is flat dammit, I mean I aint stoopid nough to disprove it, heck ya might fall off the edge! Shooooot! This hydrogen thing sounds even stoopider! But heck if I try it...I cant read anywho!
Thanks for the upload ViciousOne!

turay_og (2008-07-07)

i would like to try this 1,..might help me. My problem is,...i can not connect to any seeders out here. Any idea? thanks

La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo (2008-07-08)

"Sound scientific principles" ??? =P LOL at you! I dun think anyone could trust someone called "Ozzie Freedom", or, like his Trucker counterpart, "Carter Blankenship III"...
The website looks so fake too! The device is a jar with fluorescent pink coloured plastic I made once in Tech Studies. He tells you to "ADD GLUE!" - Who would EVER fix something into a car engine with glue?!?!
The device supposedly uses a glass jar FFS!
You know they're faking it when they say you'll MAKE money, when you would actually SAVE money - That's IF it worked, which is DOES NOT!
AND, why do all the "HackerSafe" and "PayPal Verified" logos link, not to their respective origins IE the McAfee site and the PayPal site, but to his "Secure" online bookstore?!?!?!
Only in America...

lozory (2008-07-08)

lol rediculous people, sparklysparks is right!
this may not be the very best method to get hho from water, i think plates work better than this spiral system huh but it obviously works, theres many many poeple uploading their own designs & experiments on utube etc
thanks heaps for the upload it'd be a good read if i ever get the time!

lozory (2008-07-08)

ps heres a site set up by a smart old dude not askn for money or anything, just hobby/helpn kinda thing
theres heaps of others on youtube!

Fireworx_rock_dewdz (2008-07-12)

i think mythhbusters showed that its a bunch of bull already....

xKoldx (2008-07-21)

Mythbusters are retards because they couldn't get it to work. The thing is, it doesn't run ENTIRELY on hydrogen, it runs on a combination of hydrogen and gas, but using more hydrogen than gas. A friend of mine at work did it over the weekend and I even road in the car with him, he drove from sandwich IL to dekalb IL and still had over a full tank of gas (he has a chevy cavalier). It does work, and depending on how you set it up, you can decide how much of which gas to use. If you don't wanna believe it then fine, but don't bad mouth it because it does work and I'm going to do it to my '96 intrepid this weekend :/

cnycompguy (2008-07-22)

what this does is uses your vehicle's alternator to make electricity used to break water into hydrogen.
the hydrogen does burn, however you use more energy to break the water to hydrogen than you get by burning it.
Your car does not get magical free electricity.
This stuff makes you use more gas, to make more electricity.
It doesn't even make the car run better, because combustion chamber mixtures are computer controlled, and the computer doesn't take the little extra boom this makes into consideration. It slowly causes more wear on the piston rings and valves due to slightly higher ignition pressures than expected by the computer.
In short:
This will cause you to use more gas and shorten the life of your engine.

joshuakanaver88 (2008-07-23)

Oh man this is silly.
You start off with water, use electricity to break it into hydrogen and oxygen, and then combust it back to water again. And the theory here is:
Water--> Hydrogen + Oxygen --> Water + energy.
With such a brilliant formula it's a wonder why we don't have more water powered cars.
With a law like the one above, it's also a wonder that we still have the second law of thermodynamics.
This isn't just a perpetual motion machine, it's a perpetual acceleration machine. Also, it's an insidious lie.

joshuakanaver88 (2008-07-23)

ugh, there's even a lie included in the torrent to keep you from talking to you your mechanic (who would warn you from doing this stupid thing to your car) about this equipment:
"I've been told unofficially (i.e., by rumors) that some methods are illegal to use on public roads in the USA. Since I could not reconcile who's right (maybe both?), I'm giving it to you for off-road testing, as well as for experimentation outside the jurisdiction of the USA. IF it is illegal in your country, then don't ask a licensed mechanic because he will justly refuse installation in your vehicle since he may end up losing his license."

xsolarwindx (2008-07-24)

You guys are total idiots. Anyone who says its a hoax is a complete ignorant idiot. It doesn't BURN water, it burns HYDROGEN which water is mostly made of. Through the process of electrolysis, water is split into two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen and the hydrogen is burned. Go learn something before showing yourself to be a complete illiterate.

joshuakanaver88 (2008-07-25)

I must admit, I feel a bit silly for writing about this. It's like arguing with someone about the merits of a flat earth. Sure, it would make cartography a great deal easier, but that doesn't make a flat earth any more true. It's also a bit like trying to convince some South Koreans that fan death is an urban legend.
First off, I must compliment xsolarwindx on choosing to insult illiterate people in writing. That's a shrewd maneuver indeed.
And sorry xsolarwindx, this complete illiterate also knows some chemistry. So saying ?It doesn't BURN water, it burns HYDROGEN which water is mostly made of? tells me a fun fact is in order! Burning also uses oxygen. That?s what burning is.
I apologize though if I misinterpreted xsolarwindx?s omission of oxygen as a misunderstanding of what burning is. But both keyguy and xsolarwindx are guilty of what you call a straw man argument Nobody has talked about burning water but those two.
But now let?s look at the enthalpy of formation of water to see how much energy it takes to split 1 mole of water. It takes
H2O(g) --> H2(g) + ½O2(g) ?Hfo = 241.8 kJ/mol
This means that it takes 242 kilojoules per mole of water at standard temperature and pressure (25 degrees centigrade at 1 atmosphere) to convert 1 mole of gaseous water into one mole of H2 and ½ mole of O2(H2 and O2 because that?s how they naturally exist).
Now let?s look at the reverse reaction. Combining H2 and O2 (also known as combustion, or burning) will give give off 241.8 KJ/mol of energy (or take -241.8kJ/mol to happen)
H2(g) + ½O2(g) --> H2O(g) ?Hfo = -241.8 kJ/mol
And for water in its liquid state the enthalpies of formation are:
H2(g) + ½O2(g) --> H2O(l) ?Hfo = -285.8 kJ/mol
H2O(g) --> H2(g) + ½O2(l) ?Hfo = 285.8 kJ/mol
If you want to check these values,
is a great source.
So, some basic math shows the amount of energy gained from turning water into hydrogen and oxygen and then combining the hydrogen and oxygen will be at the very best 0. This is because 241.8-241.8=0. You will, however, not get 0 because some of the energy will turn into heat (which will dissipate into the air) rather than as a force to separate water into its component parts. And if you want to be sneaky about it, and say you can combine the equations using liquid and then gaseous water to get energy, don?t forget that the enthalpy of vaporization of water is 40.65kJ/mol. Since no net energy is released from this process, it seems it would be difficult to say a car could travel farther using it.
Most importantly though (I?m sorry I didn?t mention this earlier) this torrent is virus free.

free2rhymezone1 (2008-07-25)

whoa, solarwind got burned (pun totally intended)

Dirty_German (2008-07-28)

xKoldx - 1. How can a car have OVER a full tank of gas, and 2. IT'S A FUCKING CAVALIER! I've driven mine from Sacramento, CA to Los Angeles, CA ( +/- 450 miles) using just over half a tank! Sorry to say, but its the car, not the engine mod! 3. If this contraption even works, you'll be using more energy to separate the hydrogen, than to run the car - YOU'LL BE USING MORE GAS!

Dirty_German (2008-07-28)

I have no doubt that this concept could work - this particular system, however, is a SCAM.

Dbrick (2008-07-28)

Kineraxn,last time i checked lying about being on the better business bureau didn't have much to do with thermodynamics. And the water4gas website only said that this would help with mileage a bit, nothing hard to believe here...
waterfuelcell dot org for more info

YourdeadMother (2008-07-29)

You first use a HUMIDIFIER to vaporize the water into a gas, thus making conversion into hydrogen easier and more efficient.
I have seen this done on a motorcycle. It works

vrolok_1 (2008-08-03)

wow, people are stupid.
HHO generators are a sadistic marketing ploy to steal peoples money.
morons buy and install these systems, and then are too embarrassed to admit they got fucked in the ass.
also, you never actually hear 1st hand reports from people who have these. it's always a brother, cousin, sister, 11th neice twice removed...etc
the only people claiming this shit works is though with a vested interest...aka, they want your money

FuckCopyrights (2008-08-04)


FuckCopyrights (2008-08-04)


FuckCopyrights (2008-08-04)


lowcoup (2008-08-04)

you people are forgetting that the system is always running on GAS and generating some energy using the alternator as needed. By using this system you would be wasting the energy being generated by the alternator (that would normally be wasted) to generate HHO. Though this probably does not work because the HHO generated is not enough.

simba7777 (2008-08-11)

I can tell you from personal experience that this technology works. My friend has a moped that he has changed to run on hydrogen, oxygen and fuel mix.

About the technology:
Since the alternator is running all the time, most of the energy it creates goes to waste. instead of wasting that energy, we use it to split water into it's gas components: hydrogen and oxygen. We then feed the mix into the carborator, and the engine burns the new mix of hydrogen, oxygen and fuel. Because we are creating hydrogen for "free", the fuel economy improves by 30-50%.
I suggest you read the book and then decide for yourself who to believe:
the book
the comment writers, who seem to be working for the oil industry.
The only way we can change this world for the better, is by doing it ourselves. The oil industry controls the world governments and they will not do anything because of that. Just look at the USA: all the US cabinet members sit in the board of directors of oil companies... :(
Those oil industry bastards has killed more people then I can ever count.
Did you know that both world wars were really about oil?
Watch this:

Once we stop being dependant on oil, the whole power structure of the world will change for the better.

kidyubyub (2008-08-20)

Is not the baking soda an extra catalyst to help in the splitting of the water molecule? I could be wrong, but I know that I will be corrected, correctly or incorrectly.

noxajman (2008-08-31)

this concept work. infact it works well ive seen it work. the proces is caled hydrolysis. However the only way this can be acheved is by using a super effective solar cell. but, these dont exist so it takes a very large solar panel to actively do this.
This method is not a scam, just incorrect.
Keep trying boys.

BabyJesus666 (2008-09-03)

Man. My dad has his Intrepid getting about 50m/g, and running better than ever. I'm not sure if it's this method or not, but it works. Anyone who tried it success-less just did something wrong. The system he's using uses gas and and water. But the milage has more than doubled. Believe me or not, that's your choice. The gas money saved is worth more than your belief of it working.

nui01559 (2008-09-15)

Is it really a scam?
if you don't satisfy you can asked for more pain
You don't have to try something to understand that it works.I've seen facts on the news and all over the Internet, that running a car on water IS
Even that I haven't tried doing it, it doesn't mean that it's impossible.
Have you searched for other sites? Did you see it?
may be you should see this.... it's has review many sites like water4gas,runyourcaronwater etc.
You can truly get better mileage......

Beavernisse (2008-10-15)

this i a invention by Steve Meyers google his name, he´s the legend that got poisoned by gas companies in the US for knowing and spreading the secret of all energy in the world!

Beavernisse (2008-10-15)

sorry I meant to say google for stanley meyers! he´s the legend when it comes to hydrogen

antiguan (2009-08-13)

IT WORKS! I decided this wouldnt work by reading stupid comments(oil industry??) but skeptically bought a system on ebay. I got my mechanic to install in and suprisingly, with 2 bottles(hard to fit) I got 650-700km(full tank) with my 06 grand vitara. It was doing 400-450km on a full tank. I used a map sensor for more efficiency