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Minecraft 1 2 2 125 & SMP LAN SERVER & NAME SPOOFER (NanoEntity)










2010-11-19 (by NanoEntity)


################################################## # MINECRAFT ALPHA # ################################################## Custom server Build I dont do this for fun, I did it for you guys. ################################################## # DONATE # ################################################## DONATE: Click Paypal at bottom of the page. ################################################## ################################################## INSTALL NOTES: ################################################## 1. Go to Start > Run 2. Type in %appdata% 3. Extract "Minecraft." to "appdata\roaming" (You already should be there when running %appdata%, if not verify location.) Example: Win7/Vista "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\" .minecraft .minecraft server XP "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Application Data\" .minecraft .minecraft server 4. Go to ".minecraft" folder and run "minecraft_name.jar" (When you open the game, just press login, it will fail, but prompt you with an offline option. Click on that and play the game!) ################################################## LAN: ################################################## 1. Go to and Download and install Tunngle. 2. Log into Tunngle 3. In "Network Search" type "minecraft" 4. Join "minecraft" Channel 5. Ask for Server IP in channel, or host your own server. 6. Run "minecraft_name.jar" in ".minecraft" folder 7. Connect to LAN server. ################################################## HOSTING SERVER: SERVER NOTE: SERVER MIGHT NOT WORK ON WINDOWS XP ################################################## 1. Go to ".minecraft server" folder 2. Go to "BIN" Folder 3. Open users.txt 4. Add YOURNAMEHERE:admins 5. Save "users.txt" and EXIT 6. Run "launch.bat" in "BIN" folder to start SERVER. ################################################## # LAUNCH.BAT STARTS SERVER # ################################################## 7. Go to Multiplayer and enter server IP "" or "". 8. You should be connected to your own server. 9. If you want other people to join your server (GO to "" it will say on top "Your IP Address is" Copy "" IP address and give it to the people that you wish to join your server.) ################################################## CANT BUILD WHAT TO DO? ################################################## All new users have to /register then /login All new users cant build, or interact with world. YOU as the ADMIN have to manually promote users and give them proper rights. All new users have to be promoted with this command. IN GAME /modify [player] groups [group] Example: /modify Jeff groups admins SERVER CONSOLE modify [player] groups [group] Example: modify Jeff groups admins There are 5 Ranks admins / administrators, people that you think there your family, else server will go BOOM, FIRE, DEAD.... mods / Moderators, people you really really trust 200%, else kiss your server good bye. builders / Builders, people you trust 100%, people that been with the server for a while, builrders get fire,water... blocks. vip / Normal users that can build stuff, all users should be promoted to this rank first. ban / Users that cant do anything but walk around the world as a zombie, this is Default. ################################################## SERVER NOTES: ################################################## ################################################## ANTIGRIEF PACK: ################################################## (Fire, Lava, TNT, Adminium, Lighter) The server has ANTIGRIEF pre installed, if you DONT WANT that. Go to .minecraft server \bin \minecraft_server_original Copy all files And Paste them into .minecraft server \bin minecraft_server.jar You can open "minecraft_server.jar" with WinZIP or WInRAR. ################################################## GENERATE NEW WORLD: ################################################## Go to .minecraft server \bin Delete "world" folder. ################################################## NOTES: ################################################## minecraft_name.jar - Works now in offline mode, no internet connection required. minecraft_name_alt.jar - Diffrent moded version, if minecraft_name.jar dose not work for you. Server - Has tons of new commands, also alot of anti-grief commands, and items. :) Server - /item command converted to /kit now, only mods and up can use /item. Server - Has registration now, no need to bind users to IP's. Server - /kit TOOLS_MODS will give all the new tools for BUILDERS/MODS/ADMINS can use. Server - Stick - removes any/all blocks Server - !lock & !unlock / locks and unlocks chests, can only have 1 locked chest per user, dose not work on duble chests. ################################################## # BANIP NOTE # ################################################## Server - "/banip user" dose not work, if you use it, it will ban your server ip and lock the server, to unlock server delete banned-ips.txt Server - To ban a user by IP / please use "!banip user" command, that will ban there IP. To access !banip command add your name into member-list.txt .minecraft server \bin \simpleserver member-list.txt NanoEntity=5 / will set as Owner of server. -1=Guest 0=Default 1=Vip 2=Builder 3=Mod 4=Admin 5=Owner ################################################## # TNT TNT TNT TNT # ################################################## Server - TNT is enabled only MODS/ADMINS can use, please remember do no turn MONSTERS on else people will be able to make TNT. ################################################## # COMMANDS # ################################################## #Color # 0 = black # 1 = dark blue # 2 = dark green # 3 = light blue # 4 = dark red # 5 = purple # 6 = orange # 7 = gray # 8 = dark gray # 9 = blue # A = bright green # B = teal # C = red # D = pink # E = yellow # F = white #Commands # /help [Page] - Shows a list of commands. 7 per page. # /playerlist - Shows a list of players # /reload - Reloads config # /listbans - Gives a list of bans # /banip [Player] - Bans the player's IP # /unbanip [IP] - Unbans the IP # /ban [Player] - Bans the player # /unban [Player] - Unbans the player # /mute [Player] - Toggles mute on player. # /tp [Player] - Teleports to player. Credits to Zet from SA # /tphere [Player] - Teleports the player to you # /kick [Player] - Kicks player # /item [ID] [Amount] - Gives items # /kit [Kit] - Gives a kit. To get a list of kits type /kit # /listwarps - Gives a list of available warps # /home - Teleports you home # /sethome - Sets your home # /setspawn - Sets the spawn point to your position. # /me [Message] - * hey0 says hi! # /msg [Player] [Message] - Sends a message to player # /spawn - Teleports you to spawn # /warp [Warp] - Warps to the specified warp. # /setwarp [Warp] - Sets the warp to your current position. # /removewarp [Warp] - Removes the specified warp. # /getpos - Displays your current position. # /compass - Gives you a compass reading. # /time [Time|day|night] - Changes time # /lighter - Gives you a lighter for lighting furnaces # /motd - Displays the MOTD # /modify [player] [key] [value] - Type /modify for more info # /whitelist [operation (add or remove)] [player] # /reservelist [operation (add or remove)] [player] #Time Rift # # /rift [Time|day|night] - Loops time, /time disables timerift #iStick # # /is - Dose give items back # /isn - Dose not give items back #WorldEdit # #Selection commands: # # //wand - Gives you a wand that lets you define a cuboid region # //pos1 - Set position one of the selection to the block you are in # //pos2 - Set position two of the selection to the block you are in # //hpos1 - Set position one of the selection to the block that you are looking at # //hpos2 - Set position two of the selection to the block that you are looking at # //chunk - Select all the blocks in the chunk that you are in # //expand - Expand your selection in any direction # //contract - Contract your selection # //size - Find out how big your selection is # #Clipboard commands: # # //copy - Copy to your clipboard # //cut - Copy and delete # //paste - Paste your selection # //pasteair - Paste, air included # //rotate - Rotate your clipboard # //load - Load a .schematic # //save - Save a .schematic # //clearclipboard # #History commands: # # //undo # //redo # //clearhistory # #Region operations: # # //set - Set all the blocks inside a region to a block type, OR to a definable random mix of blocks (i.e only 1% diamond ore) # //stack - Stack the region (i.e. repeat a section of a bridge) # //stackair - Also copies air # //move - Move the region # //moveair - Also moves air # //outline - Draw faces # //walls - Draw walls # //replace - Replace one block type with another, OR several block types with another, OR replace non-air blocks with another # /replacenear - Shortcut //replace that works on nearby blocks # //overlay - Overlay a block over the selected region # #Point operations: # # //fill - Fill holes with something # //drain - Drains water and lava pools # //cyl - Generate filled cylinders # //hcyl - Generate hollow cylinders # //sphere - Generate spheres # //hsphere - Generate hollow spheres # /fixwater - Level water and turns flowing water into stationary water # /fixlava - Level lava and turns flowing lava into stationary lava # /removeabove - Remove blocks directly above # /removebelow - Remove blocks directly below # /removenear - Remove blocks near you of a certain type (i.e. TNT) # /forestgen - Generate a forest (with Notch's tree algorithm) # /pinegen - Generate a pine tree forest # /snow - Generate snow cover and freeze over lakes near you # #Restoring from backups: # # /listsnapshots - List the backups available to use # //use - Select the backup to use # //restore - Restore the selection region from a backup # #Tools: # # // or /, - Toggle super pickaxe mode to remove any block instantly # //mode - Super-super pickaxe modes with area and recursive effects # //tool - Lets you use extra tools, like insta-tree! # /unstuck - Frees you if you are stuck inside some blocks # /ascend - Go up to the level above you # /descend - Go down a level # /ceil - Get access to the ceiling above you # /thru - Go through the wall that you are looking at # /up - Go upwards some distance # /jumpto - Go to the block that you are looking at # /chunkinfo - Get the coordinates and path of the chunk that you are in currently in # /listchunks - Get a list of chunks # /delchunks - Generate a shell script to delete chunks # /ex - Fire extinguisher # #Per-player preferences: # # //limit - Set a maximum block change limit for operations # /toggleeditwand - Toggles use of the edit wand # /toggleplace - Rather than use your feet, use position 1 for point commands HAVE FUN! - NanoEntity


  1. minecraft alpha
  2. minecraft 1.2.2
  3. minecraft server

Files count:



44.49 Mb




GarrydePineut (2010-11-20)

Thanks alot NanoEntity, it works! But i was wondering if you might have any idea why, when i try to make a costom char, i always get a white head. Anyway, thanks alot that you do this for us, i really appreciate it.

Rodef2099 (2010-11-20)

This is the buggy version that has lag issues and block regeneration bug... :(

King1ak (2010-11-21)

Ok, I have a question. I downloaded an earlier version of minecraft (1.015 I believe) and I was wondering how I would be able to use the world I made while using that one on this version.

King1ak (2010-11-21)

Nvm, figured it out.

NanoEntity (2010-11-21)

This bug is in all 1.2.2 versions of the game, no matter which one you download its gonna be there, the developer of the game made the bug, there is nothing you can do about that.
"Most of you know that the recent update has cause some new bugs. The most annoying of which, is the block regeneration. When you're holding down the "break" button with a tool, the blocks can regenerate up to like 5 times before dispersing entirely. Annoying huh!
Well to fix this, break blocks without holding down the "break" button. So hold down the button just long enough for the block to break, then let go."

r.yu (2010-11-21)


r.yu (2010-11-21)


Theres a ddl

csoffos (2010-11-22)

Hi, I'm using your older version of this(couldn't find the other page) and I don't really want to upgrade, considering the glitches. Can you tell me how to get LAN to work on the old one?
I open Minecraft_Mod.jar, then I run minecraft_name and type in a name. I try to log in and it says Login Failed, so I choose play offline, Multiplayer, type in my IP Address, and then it times out connecting to the server. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?

GarrydePineut (2010-11-22)

Hey, NanoEntity
I was wondering how you could turn on monsters because there is not a single monster in my world even with difficulty on hard.

NanoEntity (2010-11-22)

server IP "" or "" or ""
To connect to your own server.

NanoEntity (2010-11-22)

To turn monsters on SMP

GarrydePineut (2010-11-22)

me again, thanks it worked, i switched monsters from false to true, i understand why you had it turned off tho. here are a few more questions that are bugging me i hope you find the time to answere them.
1) You can't create obisidian, lava and water changes into cobblestone, how can i fix this.
2) Can you find redstone rocks at all, because i didnt encounter one yet.
3) And the last question is, why can't i create hell gates. I tried to light my *admin made* obsidian and it didnt work. Any idea how to change this? Also i tried to turn hellgates from false to true but after that it didn't let me into my own server, So i had to turn it back to false.

Mwtwplyr (2010-11-22)

I recently downloaded this because my friend has it and it just looked awesome. I tried launching the launch.bat file as it says in the instructions, but I get an error saying "Java is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Sorry, kinda noob. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?

csoffos (2010-11-22)

When I enter the IP, I try enter into the box and when that fails,
Then, let's say my IP is 94.265.353.54
I try entering that into the box, and it doesn't work, so I try
No matter what I try, it tells me:
Failed to connect to the server
Connection timed out: connect

csoffos (2010-11-22)

lol I figured out the problem. Thanks for the releases :)

NanoEntity (2010-11-22)

open launch.bat with notepad and edit java location on your computer
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -Xms512M -Xmx512M......

NanoEntity (2010-11-22)

GarrydePineut READ what it says for
To remove the changes.

GarrydePineut (2010-11-23)

I've read it and had it done before i made the server but all it changes is that lava flows and it still makes cobblestone instead of obsidian

NanoEntity (2010-11-23)

Only source lava blocks make obsidian in the game XD
Not regular lava.
Find the source block!

GarrydePineut (2010-11-23)

It worked! I got a nethergate! Only one more question, can you actually go to the nether in multiplayer, or is it not yet a feature that the makers of the game have added. because i can't enter.

Lostmarine (2010-11-23)

Great! Works fine, thanks! The only problem is that every time i try to start my own server it says "IP banned" and I thought i did everything right. Any help?

Lostmarine (2010-11-23)

Sorry i forgot, you can't join other servers with this, can you?

NanoEntity (2010-11-23)


NanoEntity (2010-11-23)

You can only play on cracked servers
AKA tunngle
And no you cant play on real retail servers.

Lostmarine (2010-11-23)

I dunno maybe i messed something up? i deleted those files but keep getting banned from server.

HamSammich (2010-11-23)

I got server Up and running but when I try to login
It says
Disconnected by server
Outdated Client!
Its Installed exactly like the previous version and all 3 Minecraft(name and name_alt) have the same problem.

HamSammich (2010-11-23)

NVM figured it out for some reason was trying to run 2.1 server instead of 2.4
Now to figure out setting admin powers afain so I can create blocks...
Thanks again for the DL!

xtrender (2010-11-23)

mine says that I have to register...
what do i have to do?

Lostmarine (2010-11-23)

Hey i fixed my mistake and entered my own server but then i can't move, and it spams me with /register

NanoEntity (2010-11-24)

then /register password
enter into chat.

Lostmarine (2010-11-24)

Sorry for my noobness, works fine. Thanks again!

Lostmarine (2010-11-24)

Okay, I'm really sorry about my total noobness. Why can't i break blocks, build etc? and i gave my IP but they get error messages with "time out" and "failed to connect", would router affect that? Also thanks for all your help.

NanoEntity (2010-11-24)

Read the readme lol
Do people ever read what i posted?

All new users have to /register then /login
All new users cant build, or interact with world.
YOU as the ADMIN have to manually promote users and give them proper rights.
All new users have to be promoted with this command.
/modify [player] groups [group]
Example: /modify Jeff groups admins
modify [player] groups [group]
Example: modify Jeff groups admins
There are 5 Ranks
admins / administrators, people that you think there your family, else server will go BOOM, FIRE, DEAD....
mods / Moderators, people you really really trust 200%, else kiss your server good bye.
builders / Builders, people you trust 100%, people that been with the server for a while, builrders get fire,water... blocks.
vip / Normal users that can build stuff, all users should be promoted to this rank first.
ban / Users that cant do anything but walk around the world as a zombie, this is Default.

NanoEntity (2010-11-24)

3. Open users.txt
4. Add YOURNAMEHERE:admins
5. Save "users.txt" and EXIT

Lostmarine (2010-11-24)

okay yea sorry -.-' but why is it that people can't join my server?

NanoEntity (2010-11-24)

That is your problem, not the server.
Firewall, router, not open ports, many things.
Giving people wrong ip.... etc...

NanoEntity (2010-11-24)

This update breaks mostly all mods, plus has tons of bugs in SMP and SP.
I suggest you wait for more stable version as NOTCH is updating it like every few hours, by tomorrow you might see v1.2.4 lol
"The Word of Notch
I’m expecting bugs on this one, so I’m monitoring the usual channels (irc, twitter, email) extra carefully.
Basically everything I talked about in the last post is done, with some extras such as visible hurt animations (how did I forget that?) and visible fire on burning mobs.
The lighting still isn’t right, I need to rewrite it. I think I know what the problem is now, though. Or rather, I know what ONE problem is. You know when you’re traveling by boat, and you see weird strips of light on the ocean floor in multiplayer? That.
Also needed is visible armor on players and mobs (sheep!), and some tweaks to reduce laggy moving mobs. And bows and arrows.
There are a couple of new settings for the server:
pvp. True by default. If this is set to false, players can’t hurt other players.
spawn-monsters. True by default. Set to false to remove all monsters.
spawn-animals. Also true by default. Set to false to remove all animals.
Wow, that broke the game. Hold on while I try to fix stuff.
I’ve uploaded a new server and a new client, fixing the two major bugs I heard about.
I had to disable leaves decaying again (sorry!) because it caused infinite loops in certain situations.
Keep me posted, and I’ll keep fixing!"

NanoEntity (2010-11-25)

if he gets connection time out and you dont and you can log into the server.
1) your firewall is on
2) you didn't open ports if you have router
3) his firewall is on
4) he didn't open ports if he has router
5) he dose something to his PC that dose not connect to server.

dragonphire7 (2010-11-25)

i have 2 questions that may be linked, when i try to connect to the server i get "end of stream". the second question is in the server property file, i can't change the server-ip, when i launch it gets changed. what file do i need to edit to set the right server ip?

NanoEntity (2010-11-25)

Your not so post to change the server IP
Never change the default IP in the con fig files.
go to
And there is your server IP if your hosting server from your PC.

NanoEntity (2010-11-25)

End of stream Error
- Update your Java
- Update the drivers of your network card
- Turn down render distance in the options
Start Button -> Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Device Manager -> Network Adapters
Right Click the YOUR NETWORK Card -> Properties -> Advanced
***Select Each of the things with "Checksum Offload" and disable them.
Click Okay

GonnaCreepOnYou (2010-11-25)

Hi NanoEntity! Thanks for this release!
I've been trying to make the server work for quite some time now. Here's my problem:
I know you recommended using Tunngle, but I went with Hamachi instead since the free version requires no registration etc., reasons like that.
But that's not the problem. This far I only managed to connect the server and the clients with Hamachi in a way I'm not supposed to. Others can join the server when I start with "minecraft_server.jar". This way I can change the server's IP in "" to the my computer's Hamachi IP. But this way the game is horribly buggy.
By starting the server with "launch.bat" (like I should, according to the instructions) I can join my own server from the same machine and the whole thing seems more stable, but the server's IP cannot be changed, it will use the default So others can't connect through Hamachi.
What can I do?
(Also, by running "launch.bat" there's no server GUI. Can I bring it forth somehow?)

GonnaCreepOnYou (2010-11-25)

Oh and I forgot to mention that portforwarding doesn't work on my network. The reason is complicated, let's not get into that. That's why I chose Hamachi in the first place, because I knew I couldn't forward ports.
As I said, others can connect without any problem when I change the server IP to the Hamachi virtual LAN IP and run "minecraft_server.jar", but "launch.bat" will start the server with, no matter what.

dragonphire7 (2010-11-25)

thanks for the response. end of stream, did all that, still get error.
as for server ip, i have the same type of issue as Creep, in the fact that the server is using for the ip which is not the internal or external ip of the server. i don't have hamachi.

NanoEntity (2010-11-26)

Has a Server Console
Just type "help" for list of commands. - is Local Host/ is your own computer, is, ITS YOUR OWN IP ADDRESS! ITS YOUR SERVER ADDRESS, ITS TUNNGLE IP, ITS HAMACHI IP, don't make no difference.
That is your server IP, changing it dose not matter at all, it dose nothing, becomes for example 65.789.345.890, there the same IP, get it?
Only thing that matters is PORT, if the PORT is not open no one will be able to connect.
And Minecraft uses :25565 or :25566 or TUNNGLE 11155 or HAMACHI no idea what port it uses.
1) Run Server
2) Go to
3) Look for Custom Port Test
4) enter 1 of the ports listed above
5) if 1 of them is open your good.
6) if there all closed you can not host a server.
And I strongly recommend tunngle, it supports over 255 users on same network and it works.

free666free (2010-11-27)

Want free premium account?

Nomederster (2010-11-29)

Thanks for the upload!
How can I change my name from "Player" to something else?

sadist14 (2010-11-30)

I did every single step in the instructions. But i still cant promote my friend, I write /modify in game and modify in server console, it says modifed or smth, but they still cant interact with world. HELP HELP HELP HELP :(((

Nomederster (2010-11-30)

Figured out how to change the name, that was idiotic.
Thanks again for the release!

lolled14 (2010-12-01)

i have that problem with java iwe updated it now and im not sure did i do rigth with the path...

lolled14 (2010-12-01)

i mean when i try to play with my brother with lan ill create the server and it says that error always pls help me and sorry im pretty noob in this...

lolled14 (2010-12-02)

sorry about my comments before i did got it working but when i go play it loads the map all the fking time the same damn spots and it lags like hell and sometimes i try to take sand or somthing but it just dissapears for few seconds and comes back pls help me

narfdude (2010-12-02)

You gonna upload a new server pack sometime soon? I know its still a bit unstable, but the new features are nice.

GarrydePineut (2010-12-04)

Hey, NanoEntity,
Would you mind posting the newly patched minecraft soon please? It seems to me that its pretty much playable! Would be much appriciated!

NanoEntity (2010-12-04)

The new BUILD is very un stable, there is a patch like every day.
Also every server is broken right now, and yes that means even the premium users that payed for minecraft cant play on there SMP servers.
Because NOTCH released so many changed the mods/plugin developers having hard time updating there stuff.

NanoEntity (2010-12-04)

I will release a Server BUILD when we get something more stable.

Jomppane (2010-12-05)

Java Virtual Machine Launcher: Fatal exception occurred. Program will exit. so i cant play Minecraft and i tried all versions and still the same problem

Tiwill (2010-12-08)

Hey, I got a little problem... for some reason, I can't take any damage from the monsters and from falling. Everything works fine, except I can't die... is there a way to fix that?

Pordycus (2010-12-09)

When come the 1.2.6. LAN privat server version?

thesancezzz (2010-12-09)

All join to mine minecraft hamachi server
Owner Paulius-Cpu
When i'm on then server is on
minecraft ltu
minecraft ltu1
minecraft ltu2
minecraft ltu3
minecraft ltu4
minecraft ltu5
minecraft ltu6
minecraft ltu7
minecraft ltu8
minecraft ltu9
minecraft ltu10
All password 123

thesancezzz (2010-12-09)

join to mine minecraft hamachi server***
**minecraft ltu goes from 1-10***************
****E.G minecraft ltu1,minecraft ltu2*********

sadist14 (2010-12-11)

It would be nice if you could update the version because I heard that in newest the health system is working. Is that truth?

BulletBill22 (2010-12-11)

Thanks for your hard work, NanoEntity, very fun. However, when I try playing multiplayer, mien and my friends' avatars spawn in a weird place with no blocks around. We have registered and logged in, and the server confirms this, but we do not find ourselves in any coherent setting. wat do?

Pordycus (2010-12-12)

Yes new healt system working...
i search very much time in internet about the 1.2.6. client and 0.2.8. server version crack but i dont find:(
PLs nano make this crack my friends and me cannot wait more long:(
greating from hungary

BulletBill22 (2010-12-12)

never mind, it stopped doing it. I don't know what the problem was but its been fixed.

Mwtwplyr (2010-12-13)

So I'm still getting the Outdated Client shit. What the hell is going on? Besides Notch screwing everything up.

SirRudolph (2010-12-16)

Thanks for the upload NanoEntity, However I do have one question concerning the slip gate.
I took out the AntiGrief pack for the server, and managed to build the slip gate, however it seems I cannot enter it, When I stand inside it the portal never actually activates.
Can this be fixed?

killer274 (2010-12-18)

I get everything except when in join my server it says I have to /register. So I read the Readme but it doesnt explain how to do it, which means im probably doing something else wrong. if not the how do i access the console in game.

bwtw10 (2010-12-29)

hey guys, once again i'm trying to run online on this file, and all these people are talking about a hamachi server, i have hamachi but..... now what?

bwtw10 (2010-12-29)

also, need help, my chat wont work in sp

SmegMaster (2010-12-30)

When i try to run the "launch" batch file in .minecraft server/bin it says:'Java' is not recognized as an internal or external commend, operable program or batch file press any key to continue . . . And when i press something the program just closes. Does anybody know a solution for this? An answer would be very much appreciated!

SmegMaster (2010-12-30)

Ok figured it out on my own.... sorry for double post. And thanks for the torrent! :D

GSMine (2011-01-09)

Hi, I had the same problem as the guy above me, trying to run launch.bat just comes up with the message of: "'java' does not register as an internal or external command'. How can I fix this? Thanks in advance... I have followed all instructions.

GSMine (2011-01-09)

Well, it works, but how do I get my own server? I don't really know how to set one up using Tunngle, and I'm using launch.bat. I don't know how to get my own server ip to work! works perfectly (although it is a little laggy) but it has a pre-made world. How can I make it so that I have my own?

bwtw10 (2011-01-10)

none of the commands work on my computer

acido121 (2011-02-23)

If you started your own server but your friend can't connect you might have to port forward. Now I have no clue what the fuck this means but I managed to do it and now I can play with my friends =D
This site tells you exactly how to do it (STEP BY STEP):
This also helped:

Any additional help:

If you some how accomplish this (which I doubt because the majority of you are idiots) use this TO SEE IF YOUR PORT IS OPEN:

(trust me. use this instead of or whatever the fuck websites. its a program but it worked when the sites i used didnt.)
p.s. great torrent nano
p.s.s. im not coming back to answer questions so figure it out mother fuckers

Tapparasfy (2011-02-28)

PLEASE help me i've tried to get this work so bad but NO... I mean the problem is that I just cant be host, and i cant build anything, also i cant die.!? what is the problem
you said
''4. Add YOURNAMEHERE:admins''
BUT WHERE?! I have copied everywhere in the users txt file but it still doesnt work.. fuck

JoinIn (2011-03-01)

Please!!!! Make a torrent for beta 1.3_01 with NameSpoofer!!!

TobiaSSss (2011-05-07)

How do get creeps on my multiplay lan server? And it is night but nothing comes and i can only kill animals with tnt, Help me plz