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The Soul Travelers-Illuminati & Occult documentary




Video Movies


The Soul Travelers-Illuminati & Occult documentary




2011-01-01 (by goingetheric)

Description: Michael Wynn's "The Soul Travelers" [5hours, 1.8GB AVI] reveals the truth about mythology, the spirit world, magic, Satanism, and the Illuminati. This documentary reviews repeating themes in mythology and tales of ancient man. Then the video discusses the details of the spirit world, chakras, demons, and angels. It continues by delving into the details of magic, the occult, and Satanic Illuminati symbolism. The Soul Travelers is surely among the most revealing documentaries on the subject of magic and the occult, as it takes a revisionist look at the symbols of secret societies like the Freemasons. It concludes by examining the characters like Satan, Jesus, Babylon, and more from the perspective of the occult. *Feel free to repost The Soul Travelers wherever you wish - documentary illuminati satanic secret society mythology video conspiracy nwo satanism black magic gods freemasonry world government new freemasonic symbols messages subliminal control order freemason members exposed disney 911 trade center globalism obama rituals alex jones barack york aliens ufo antichrist devil economic dollar collapse vampire magick ritual 2012 mayan calander david icke reptilian shapeshifter 666 mark beast bank cia movies music television nsa federal reserve patriot act fema camp bilderberg aleister crowley vatican israel catholic church jesuit zionism zionist nuclear bush wtc wtc7 jeff rense tsarion witchcraft tyranny martial lawamerica iraq iran war ghost paranormal false flag loose change terrorstorm terrorist attack internet2 tampa florida alan watt washington jordan mawell cooper haarp chicago mythological religion bible stories folklore story flood ancient spirit demon vampires demons egypt giza pyramids great aztec fallen angel satan jinn islam muslim nephilim giants genesis alien grey holy guardian abyss evil astral chakra life force energy etheric body history map michael wynn telepathy mind reading communication telepathic maya calender transformation initiation work revealed occult man sabbat baphomet gog magog babylon whore greek egyptian hindu indian talisman dajjal revelation end


  1. illuminati
  2. nwo
  3. occult
  4. new
  5. world
  6. order
  7. magic
  8. conspiracy

Files count:



1825.92 Mb




leecox1000 (2011-05-19)

F**king AMAZING i recommend downloading this thanks goingetheric.

gilli100 (2011-05-19)

some 1 stole my crack pipe

thespiderbiter (2011-06-30)

this is a piece of crap. dont bother DL-ing. he (the narrator) makes appeals to authority after admitting he himself has no credentials, denounces evolution, claims there are no archeological findings for how the pyramids were built (a flat out lie), and makes other baseless/misinformed assertions.
if you are a rational, sane person with even a standard high school education and have a standard for accepting claims as true based on honest skepticism, and an independently verifiable method based on empirical data, then this film will either piss you off or make you shake your head in shame for even being classified in the same genus as this f**k face.
see what i just did? i took the ugliest word in the english language and associated it with his identity. he deserves it..... FAIL!!!

allgoodnameswheretaken (2011-07-23)

I found this very interesting. I also encourage anyone looking through the comments for reviews to dl it and base their own opinion.

Aim_To_Maim (2011-10-31)

You think fuck is the ugliest word in the English language?

iamhelix (2012-01-14)

i think cunt face would have been better.

betengan (2012-03-11)

Well, thanks, if this dude is dismissing the biggest pseudo-scientific hoax in the history of mankind, aka evolution, then he's A-Freakin'-OK in my book! Thumbs up to him.
How do you like that, fanatic evolutionist f***s, huh? Hehehe. Evolution is a belief, darwinism is a religion, and Darwin is its deity; admit it, turds. Face your sad reality; you're as much of a believer as any religious person, just unaware of it. And the proof is that nobody ever or could ever show you evolution in a lab, or prove it to you using the scientific method; you're simply "believing" that it happened, based on what someone wearing a a white coat (instead of a black coat) is telling you. Hmm...that does remind me of a little thing in life we call..."religion". Hah. =)

warefox (2012-06-09)

I found it very interesting. I don't think you have to agree or disagree to learn something. For not having credentials, he did a very decent job of putting it together in a broad sense. Organized enough to make a decent college paper in my opinion. I did learn some things.

nowbehere (2012-12-13)

Why do people like 'spiderbiter' get so damned threatened? Relax fool, no one's out to rob you of your 'high school' beliefs. It's all there for personal dissemination. Take it or leave it, but leave it with grace. Open that mind of yours instead of getting so angry. You might learn something.