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The Truth and Lies About 911 (Sept 11th Conspiracy)






The Truth and Lies About 911 (Sept 11th Conspiracy)




2007-01-09 (by lkobescak )


The Truth and Lies About 9-11: ----------------------------- Michael Ruppert is a former narcotics officer for the L.A. Police Department who discovered CIA drug trafficking in 1977 and who was fired when he tried to expose it. Since then he has been the publisher of From the Wilderness, a newsletter dedicated to exposing corruption in government. This is a video of a presentation he made at Portland State University on Nov. 28, 2001. It has been updated with commentary by numerous experts, including Congressmen, Professors, and a former Wall Street investment banker, all of whom confirm his thesis, which is that the war on terrorism and the war on drugs are not what they appear to be. He produces documents proving that the real objectives are to subsidize a stock market boom, gain control over oil resources in the Middle East, and establish U.S. global dominance on the road to world government. The recording suffers from not being professionally produced, but the message is there; and what a message it is. Run Time 2+ hours Note: Check the website, apparently Mike Ruppert has suffered a 'mystery illness' and has fled the United States due to his claims of harrasment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Additional information on September 11th, NWO and the great threat to you can be found at or ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Files count:



702.79 Mb




 SCORPION2000 (2007-01-09)

Thanks! :D

thelefty (2007-01-10)

i am trying to get it now..... it looks very interesting.......
thanx for the seed.

imizrahi (2007-01-10)

let me explain how it works...
the 'conspiracy nuts' are, supposedly, uncovering what the govt plans or are doing...
not the other way around...
i remember all the crazies that thought there was more than one assassin that killed kennedy.
in case you don't understand this, it's facetious.
how could kennedy have an exit wound in the back of his head when he was supposed to've been shot from behind...
if these conspiracies are too hard for you to accept, maybe it's b/c the truth would be too hard to handle/take responsibility for...
americans don't want to give up their comfortable lives. even though they KNOW they've been lied to, time and again, by the bushes.
bush never won an election. it was so obvious that this was true AND repressed that other 'conspiracy theories' become a little bit more believable...
but most people just stand around and watch in horror while someone is being mugged, robbed, beaten. right?
i'm not blaming them. we all have to live with the consequences of our inactions...just like the germans who hated nazism but never did anything.
and then it was too late...
you REALLY believe that with all the technology and money(remember? sr bush was head of the c.i.a.)available to these people, with their control over the media, that some of what's being proposed here might not be true?
all i'm saying is keep an open mind.
unless that scares you like it does most people.

imizrahi (2007-01-10)

boy am EYE red faced...
i just noticed that lkobescak is the person that uploaded this file...
i must have misunderstood your comment about the uniting n and s america and conspiracy nuts...

 Roys (2007-01-10)

Truly worth SEEDING!!!

tomtomx (2007-08-25)

Don't miss this one. Alex Jones hates it.

 lkobescak (2007-11-09)

For more movies/music and files like this, check out my other torrents at:

ejputz (2008-07-28)

Yeah... I can see how an ex- L.A. cop might be mistaken for a political analyst... yeah... silly me!

449 (2009-01-16)

Thank you very much for the upload. I'm gonna show my dad this video.

ejputz (2009-03-08)

I have to apologize for my previous sarcasm. I checked this guy's story out. Seems he's the real deal... death threats, and all! Sorry, Mike!