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Glenn Beck TV 3-10-2010






Glenn Beck TV 3-10-2010


Video/TV shows


2010-03-14 (by cbair79)

Description:,2933,588789,00.html Land Grab By the Federal Government? The reason I got so frustrated Tuesday night is because the house in on fire — it's an inferno. We need firefighters! Eric Massa told me he was going to help make a difference. Instead we got tickle fights and valuable advice like get out and vote — enough about him. Government is staging a full-fledged control assault on this country and, as much as I wish this weren't true, we are the ones left to fight it. Because apparently there aren't enough on the inside willing to do so. Look at this: It's a map of how much land is owned in America by the federal government. They own nearly 650 million acres of land — almost 30 percent of the land area of the United States. But look at how it's distributed: It's overwhelmingly in the West. Nevada is almost 90 percent federally owned land. Alaska is nearly three quarters federally owned. Compare that to the East. States are in the single digits. Even Texas is only 2 percent federally owned land. Why isn't government rushing to "protect" land in, say, Connecticut or New Jersey? Let me show you this: our national resources in comparison to federally owned land. It seems the land we are protecting is also the most oil and natural resource rich land. Here's another map: Shale oil is found around the world but the largest deposits by far are in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. Last year, government went after 9 million acres of land in the West in the name of saving the wild horses and stopping any activities that "would destroy the area's special character." Right. If we tapped these areas, we could be closer to energy independence. You want to pay off the debt? The West is Fort Knox. The house is on fire! Why wouldn't they drill there instead of crossing their fingers and hoping someone creates a car that runs on magic fairy dust? I'm not even saying for oil — natural gas! Natural gas. We are going to go down in the world history books as a suicidal nation. When we lose everything, do you think Russia won't come over here and protect this land and resources better than we do? It's a suicide mission. We as citizens must stop hoping for change. We must pray for it and demand change. This course is unsustainable. Here's the latest land grab and we only know this because of a memo that was leaked: The Obama administration is pursuing 13 million acres through 11 states in the West in the name of "national monuments." Maybe we'll get one of Chairman Mao? How about Stalin? He was good at controlling the lands, I hear. And they are doing this without telling anyone. It's executive order. They don't care about what you think about it. Here's another one: Do you like to fish? Well, enjoy it while you can because it looks like special interests once again are trumping common sense and the voice of the people. A new report says it's a move to appease environmental groups and, just like before, without the consent of the people and by executive order. We told you he would do this. Heck, The New York Times said he'd do it. The report claims that Obama will "no longer listen to the public" as he tries to prohibit U.S. citizens from fishing on some of the nation's oceans, coastal areas, Great Lakes and even some inland waters. So, because a couple of environmentalists want to save the fish, people could lose rights. Do you remember the song, "This Land Is Your Land"? Here are the last couple of verses: As I went walking I saw a sign there And on the sign it said "No Trespassing." But on the other side it didn't say nothing, That side was made for you and me. In the shadow of the steeple I saw my people, By the relief office I seen my people; As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking Is this land made for you and me? The song was originally written in 1940, by the way, by Woody Guthrie — communist. It's a song about a progressive utopia land with no ownership of property. Because some have it and some don't. And we all think of this as an American song. The song goes to indoctrination, but that's another story — land grabs are where we are at. It's grab all the rights you can. Health care — the Soviets used to call it maintenance. It sounds so tender, so loving that way, doesn't it? I can almost picture the caring hospitals in the Soviet Union, where they perform "maintenance" on the human body. It's like a Jiffy Lube for people. You don't have a right to a commodity. What you do have a right for is life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness. Oh, but you are just too stupid to understand all the benefits you will receive from health care. It's not going to be Jiffy Lube for people, it'll be great! How great? It's futuristic and it's a surprise: (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF.: But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it. (END VIDEO CLIP) Now, I'm not a salesman, but usually the old "buy it first, then look what's in the box" tactic doesn't work. That's the Pelosi clip everyone will be focusing on today, but here's the real clip that deserves attention: (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) PELOSI: I don't know if you have heard that it is legislation for the future. Not just about health care for America, but about a healthier America. Where preventive care is not... is not something you have to pay a deductible for or out of pocket. Prevention, prevention, prevention. It's about diet, not diabetes. (END VIDEO CLIP) It's about diet not diabetes? No, that is not very exciting — that's very frightening. That is about the future that Orwell used to write about. I don't want government controlling my diet. I like being able to decide whether or not I stuff my face with Doritos. And how does a health care bill help me eat right? Will there be food police ready to cuff me if I take an extra doughnut? Here in New York they have proposed a salt ban. Look, government cannot make people healthy. If I want to stuff my face, I am going to stuff my face. If I'm going to have a heart attack it's my fault. And if the firemen have to lift me on a crane from my house, I should be billed. There's a place in New York City that makes twice-fried cherry pie. It was banned because it had trans-fats. This pie was made for you and me. Want fatty-fat fat pie? Go to the ChipShop in Brooklyn: 383 5th Ave. You could drop dead of a heart attack, but you'll have a smile on your face. Eat one while you still can! Because progressives know you will make the wrong choice for the collective, they have to either guide you to it or drag you to it. We'll all be healthier if they pick our menus every night. You are being bypassed. Do you see what's happening here? The president can't achieve what he wants by going through the proper channels — so he's just going through the backdoor: reconciliation; executive power. One man, taking it on himself — no Congress, no process, just him and his pen: • Health care reform has been debated; America doesn't want it. But President Obama is just using reconciliation to jam it through. And this isn't just some meaningless bill. We are talking about something you'll never get rid of — ever. • A fishing ban would put people's jobs at risk in the middle of an economic crisis — done through executive powers without consulting the public. • A 13 million acre land grab for monuments in the West. We only find out through a leak. And Obama's using the Antiquities Act of 1906, which is supposed to be "confined to the smallest area compatible with proper care." No one but progressives want this. No problem, just use executive order. It's an all out assault for power and it doesn't stop with just land or even health care. There's more.


  1. Glenn Beck
  2. Conservative

Files count:



347.66 Mb




thunderbum (2010-03-15)

Thank you!