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Alex Jones Exposes Copenhagen Carbonistas






Alex Jones Exposes Copenhagen Carbonistas


Video/HD - Movies


2009-12-10 (by SamN3Dat)


This HD Alex Jones video (part 1 of 2) breaks down what the carbon credit criminals and their minions are up to in Copenhagen. This is a concise analysis exposing the genocidal gnomes' terrorist plans to cull the world's population by any means necessary. The trick is to learn the coded language they use to hide their aims . Sarah Palin, like her or not, was instrumental in deconstructing a significant part of their lexicon when she correctly called their "end of life" scheme against the elderly "death panels." Friends and neighbors, a planet-wide death panel is meeting in Copenhagen as I write, and you can do your part to help stop them by propagating this video.


  1. Alex
  2. Jones
  3. Alex Jones
  4. infowars
  6. prisonplanet
  8. Copenhagen
  9. Copenhagen carbonistas
  10. ClimateGate
  11. climate
  12. gate
  13. carbon tax
  14. carbon agreement
  15. carbon
  16. Copenhagen carbon terrorists

Files count:



147.99 Mb




joeshmuck (2009-12-10)

Carbon is the base component of ALL LIFE on this planet. To "reduce carbon" means to reduce life.
Do I want a bunch of moronic bureaucrats screwing with life? NO!!!
Get your head out of your ass. Government SCREW UP EVERYTHING THEY TOUCH!
I want to be left alone, not "helped" by government.
BTW....Global warming is now a PROVEN FRAUD!
WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!

KainCole (2009-12-10)

thank you
v - 10
a - 10

CaptainMorgenstern (2009-12-10)

You know, I used to listen to and watch Alex Jones. But then I came to the conclusion that he is just a fucking wackjob. Heres the deal guys. You can say that "all life is carbon based" and all that, which is fundamentally true. But heres another fact that you are missing: "carbon" refers to carbone DIOXIDE you retards, which will fucking KILL us, DESPITE the fact that we are "carbon based lifeforms!" Carbon TRAPS HEAT, and the MORE OF IT THAT IS EXPELLED AND HELD WITHIN OUR ATMOSPHERE CAUSES THE TEMPERATURE OF THE EARTH TO SLOWLY INCREASE BEYOND NORMAL PARAMETERS OVER A SPAN OF YEARS! So, exactly WHERE do you guys who like to suck AJ off think the polar ice cap is going? Just disappearing for NO REASON after having been there for the better part of 3 MILLION YEARS?! No, couldnt have anything to do with the way HUMANS have been living for the past 100 years! Get a grip people. Alex Jones is a nutcase who had been claiming that the NWO is going to take over "any day now" for over a fucking decade. He doesnt know wtf he is talking about. Global warming exists. Fucking accept it. Or if you're so worried about it... kill yourself. Do the world a favor.

joeshmuck (2009-12-11)

1 word....brilliant!
I just came to see if any more "useful idiots" posted. You responded exactly (actually more precise) as I would have.
It AMAZES me how many people swallow propaganda and regurgitate it, without ONCE checking to see if it is true.

]eep (2009-12-12)

@ bodthedog:
i agree mostly BUT even you can make a mistake or 2. If the polar ice melts there is an increase in sealevel. Not all the ice is floating: most of it is on Greenland an the antarctic. And ever heard of thermic expansion? If the ocean water warms up, it expands, like all substances (only exception being water when it freezes), yielding even more rise in sealevel.
How is there carbon sinking to the ocean? In crustacia (CaCO3)? The only chalk that is stored is in reefs in a very slow process. Floating dead organisms are all recycled before they reach the bottom. The only sludge left over on the oceanbottom from "millions of years" is hardly a foot thick.
If there is more evaporation, there is more of that 100x water vapour blanket. The most direct result would be more warming, the second being more rain washing out CO2.
Clouds also reflect sunshine during the day causing cooling. Just as snow. Don't oversimplify to score a point. Means your not much different from Alex Jones. ;)
Even though Alex Jones jump on the bandwagon connecting several different conspiracies that do not necessarily need to be connected, that doesn't mean he is wrong all the time. The deciding question here is: is the global warming caused by human influence (and if so, how much). This also decides if it's any use trying to counteract it.
He's a loudmouth, sure, but don't let an ad hominem get in the way of proper argument. Listen, check and think.

]eep (2009-12-13)

Oh, and plz stop using allcaps.
If you would like to be taken serious: then STOP SHOUTING. You sound just like AJ this way.