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2008-11-27 (by SysManOne)


Course Title: OpenVMS System Troubleshooting for System Managers EY-T445-L0 FORMAT: Lecture/Lab OVERVIEW OF PRODUCT: This course presents problem prevention and troubleshooting techniques to improve system availability. A troubleshooting methodology is presented that can be used to diagnose and correct problems in any circumstance. The course discusses tools that can be useful in OpenVMS system troubleshooting situations and how to make sure the system is properly prepared for troubleshooting when problems occur. COURSE ABSTRACT: This course features: • Advanced concepts to enhance the student's understanding of how OpenVMS works in several areas relevant to system troubleshooting. • Case studies to allow the student to apply the troubleshooting methodology to resolving problems in these areas. The areas of emphasis are: system initialization (boot), print queues, and OpenVMS Cluster systems. • Tools to diagnose and isolate problems COURSE OUTLINE: DEPENDABLE SYSTEMS OVERVIEW System Dependability Categories Categories of Dependability Conventional Computing Systems Highly Available Computing Systems Mission-Critical Computing Systems Disaster-Tolerant Computing Systems System Problems Classifying System Problems Environmental Problems Hardware Problems Software Problems Human Errors Handling Problems Troubleshooting Methodology Overview Step 1: Define the Problem Step 2: Gather Information Step 3: Analyze and Interpret Information Step 4: Formulate and Apply a Proposed Solution Step 5: Verify the Solution Step 6: Clean Up Step 7: Reverify the Solution Step 8: Document the Problem Step 9: Plan to Avoid or Handle Future Occurrences OpenVMS System Messages Overview Format of OpenVMS System Messages Example: Error Message Severity Levels Accessing Message Descriptions from Online Help Example: Message Description OpenVMS Troubleshooting Tools Overview Error Logging Facility Components Events Recorded Hardware Types Error Log Buffers Error Log File Example: Displaying Device Errors Error Log Utility Reporting Example: Display from DIAGNOSE/FULL (Alpha) Operator Log File Location Messages Recorded in the Operator Log File Searching the Operator Log System Bugchecks Types of Bugchecks System Dump File Contents of the System Dump File Uses for the System Dump File Enabling the System Dump File Example: Directory Listing of System Dump File Where Is the Dump File Written? Saving the System Dump File SDA Commands at System Startup Example: SDA Commands at System Startup Procedure Calculating the Correct Size for the System Dump File Capturing Dump Files on Systems with Limited Disk Space Using the Paging File for the System Dump How to Copy the System Dump File from SYS$SYSTEM: PAGEFILE.SYS Systems with Large Memory and Small Disk Space Using the System Dump Analyzer (SDA) to Analyze a Crash Overview Accessing SDA (Alpha) Example: Displaying Crash Information Example Notes: Displaying Crash Information Example: SDA Command SHOW SUMMARY/IMAGE Crash Log Utility Extractor (CLUE) Overview Accessing CLUE Example: Accessing CLUE Displaying CLUE History Entries Displaying Crash Information Using CLUE (OpenVMS VAX) Displaying Crash Information Using CLUE (Alpha) System Dump Analyzer Features New Features for Existing Commands Other SDA Command Changes New SDA Command SET FETCH SDA Display Changes VAX Dump File Process Summary Concepts Dependable Systems Troubleshooting Methodology OpenVMS System Messages OpenVMS Troubleshooting Tools Commands OpenVMS System Messages OpenVMS Troubleshooting Tools Chapter Terms SYSTEM INITIALIZATION PROBLEMS Phases of OpenVMS System Initialization Initialization Steps Sequence of Initialization Events Site-Specific Startup Command Procedures Site-Specific Startup Dependencies Emergency System Initialization Overview Performing a Conversational Boot When to Use Conversational Boot Conversational Boot Options Processor-Specific Procedures Examples Using SYSGEN Commands During System Initialization SYSBOOT>Prompt SYSGEN Commands Commonly Used at the SYSBOOT> Prompt Performing a Minimum System Initialization How to Perform a Minimum System Initialization Minimum Initialization Operations System Processes at Minimum Boot Resetting STARTUP_P1 Using the AUTOGEN.PAR File for System Parameters Using the Default System Parameters Defining the Console as the Startup Procedure Overview Defining the Console as the Startup Procedure Restoring the System Startup Using a Full-Screen Editor Using EDT from the Console Handling a Missing System Account Password Using the Full Backup Utility at OPA0: Using an Alternative Site-Independent Startup File Displaying the Site-Independent Startup Command Procedure Using Standalone Backup to Save and Restore the System Disk Standalone Backup Booting Standalone Backup Backing Up the System Disk to Tape Restoring the System Disk from Tape Handling System Disk Problems Handling System Disk Hardware Problems Handling System Disk Software Problems Alternative Method for Handling System Disk Software Problems Resolving System Booting Problems Overview Isolating and Resolving System Initialization Problems System Initialization Landmarks Steps to Follow When a System Does Not Initialize Using Standalone Backup in an Emergency Case Study: A Late Night Call Case Study Solution: A Late Night Call Avoiding System Initialization Problems Overview Change Management Procedures Questions to Ask Before You Schedule Changes Designing a Standard Procedure to Control Changes Training and Enforcement Summary System Initialization Concepts Emergency Initialization Procedures Resolving System Booting Problems Avoiding System Initialization Problems Chapter Terms TROUBLESHOOTING PRINTING PROBLEMS OpenVMS Batch and Print Queue System Concepts Overview OpenVMS Batch and Print Queuing System Print Queuing Process Software Components Figure: OpenVMS Batch and Print Queuing System Queue Manager Process Queue Manager Process in an OpenVMS Cluster System Starting the Queue Manager and Creating the Queue Database Queue Manager Failover Job Controller Process Job Controller Process on Each Node in an OpenVMS Cluster System Job Controller Queue Management Functions Events That Cause the Job Controller to Perform Queue Functions Queue Database Purpose Files Queue Master File Queue Definition File Queue Journal File In-Memory Queue Manager Database Default Queue Database Location Alternate Location for the Queue Database Performance Considerations Moving Queue and Journal Files Moving the Master File Backup and Restore of the Queue Database Obtaining Information on Queue System Processes Displaying Queuing System Processes Using the Operator Log File Print Symbiont Function of the Print Symbiont Standard OpenVMS Print Symbionts System Resources for the Print Symbiont Displaying the Symbiont Process Customizing Print Queues Queue Options How to Set Options on a Print Queue Displaying Print Queue Options Autostart Queues Initializing Autostart Execution Queues Making an Autostart Queue Inactive Disabling All Autostart Execution Queues Queue Access Restricting Access to a Queue Types of Queue Access Default Queue Protection Displaying Queue Protection Remote Print Queue Concepts Overview LAT Network Concepts Overview Service Nodes Terminal Server Node Sample LAT Network Service Advertisements Types of Service Requests Terminal Server Concepts Terminal Servers Terminal Server Operating Modes Terminal Server Differences Terminal Server Databases Troubleshooting Terminal Servers Displaying Server Characteristics Testing a Terminal Server Port Example: Terminal Server Port Test LAT Management Tools LAT Control Program Uses for the LATCP How To Invoke LATCP Sample LATCP Commands LATCP DCL Command Line Interface Troubleshooting Printer Queue Problems Overview Some Troubleshooting Tips Questions to Ask Where to Start the Investigation Isolating the Point of Failure Using the COPY Command to Test a Printer Obtaining Information About the Queue Checking Mapping to Port on the Server Getting a Test Sheet from the Printer Checking the Hardware Print Job in Pending or Holding State Example: Print Job Submitted with /AFTER Qualifier How OpenVMS Formats a Print Job Overview How a Print File Is Formatted Print Symbiont Driver Reformats the File Printer How to Manage Printer Settings Troubleshooting File Output Problems Problem Definition Getting More Information Summary OpenVMS Batch and Print Queue System Concepts Remote Print Queue Concepts Troubleshooting Print Queue Problems How OpenVMS Formats a Print Job Chapter Terms TROUBLESHOOTING OPENVMS CLUSTER SYSTEMS OpenVMS Cluster System Software Components Software Components Types of OpenVMS Cluster System Nodes Satellite Node Boot Node Participating Node Cluster Communication Overview Cluster Group Number Cluster Password Cluster Formation Overview OpenVMS Cluster System Diagnostic Messages Software Sources of Diagnostic Messages Connection Manager Messages Sample Connection Manager Messages VAXport Error Messages Example: VAXport Error Messages Error Log Entries for Cluster-Available Devices HSC Diagnostic Messages and Fault Codes Using NCP in an OpenVMS Cluster System NCP Information Available NCP SHOW Commands Example: Displaying Node Characteristics Example Note: Displaying Node Characteristics Example: Displaying Circuit Characteristics Example Notes: Displaying Circuit Characteristics Example: Displaying Line Characteristics Example: Displaying Executor Characteristics OpenVMS Cluster System Bugchecks Bugchecks CLUEXIT Bugchecks Common CLUEXIT Bugcheck Conditions Failure of Nodes to Boot or Join the Cluster Overview OpenVMS Cluster System Initialization Concepts Normal Cluster Node Initialization Node Boots Node Attempts to Form or Join Cluster Node Joins Cluster CI Node Boot Problems Cluster-Related System Initialization Problems CI Node Fails to Join the Cluster Satellite Node Initialization Problems Satellite Initialization Landmarks Message from Load Host Not Displayed Is DECnet Software Running? Enabling Event Logging Is the Ethernet Boot Request Received and Sent? Verifying the Satellite Information in the Load Host DECnet Database Verifying the Circuit Service on the Load Host Handling OpenVMS Cluster System Hangs Overview Recognizing and Handling OpenVMS Cluster System Hangs Be Sure the OpenVMS Cluster System Is Hung Cluster Quorum Is Lost Handling Loss of Quorum Shared Resource Inaccessible Conditions That Cause Shared Resource Problems Case Studies Overview Case Study Problem: OpenVMS Cluster System Booting Problem Problem Statement Example: Console Errors Example: SHOW CLUSTER /CONTINUOUS Output Example: SHOW SYSTEM Output Example: Satellite Boot Errors Example: SHOW CLUSTER /CONTINUOUS Output Example: SHOW SYSTEM Output Example: Displaying VAXCLUSTER Parameter Case Study Solution: OpenVMS Cluster System Booting Problem Solution How to Configure a Boot Server How to Restore a Cluster Member Case Study Problem: OpenVMS Cluster System Communication Problem Problem Statement Example: Console Errors Example: SHOW CLUSTER /CONTINUOUS Output Case Study Solution: OpenVMS Cluster System Communication Problem Solution Summary Concepts OpenVMS Cluster System Concepts Failure of Nodes to Boot or Join the Cluster Handling OpenVMS Cluster System Hangs Chapter Terms APPENDIX: SETTING UP A REMOTE PRINT QUEUE Obtaining Printer Information Printer Test Sheet Step 1: Set Up the Terminal Server Specify a Terminal Server Name Step 2: Set Up the Printer Port on the Server Display Port Characteristics Set the Printer Port Example: Low-End Server Example: High-End Server Step 3: Set Up the Application Port on the OpenVMS System Application Port Steps to Set Up the Application Port Example: Create and Map an Application Port Verify the Port Mapping Step 4: Set Up the Print Queue Special Steps for Remote Print Queues Set the Printer Characteristics SET TERMINAL Command Set the Device Protection Set the Device Spooled Initialize the Queue Test the Printer TARGET AUDIENCE: The target audience for this course is the system and network manager who has already taken OpenVMS System and Network Management I, II, and Internals for System Managers, gained at least three months of experience. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of the course, the student should be able to: • Apply a troubleshooting methodology to isolate and define system problems in a clustered, networked environment. • Use appropriate OpenVMS tools and utilities to troubleshoot the OpenVMS environment. • Use controls to prevent problems and prepare the system for troubleshooting unexpected problems. PREREQUISITES: Before taking this course, students should be able to: • Perform system startup for a single node or a VMScluster node • Use OpenVMS utilities such as: Backup, Install, SYSGEN • Set up a print queue • Write and understand DCL command procedures • Install OpenVMS • Add and remove nodes DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS FOR INSTRUCTOR-LED TRAINING: Instructor: Projection unit for use with laptop Each Student: Hardware: • Alpha system with CD Reader • 64+MB of memory • 2 disks (2+GB) • Networked and/or clustered Software: • OpenVMS V7.2 • Documentation CD (QA-MT3AE-G87.2) • C compiler COURSE FILES: Instructor Guide File Contents 01-cover.pdf Cover graphic, including copyright page 02-contents.pdf Table of contents 03-overview.pdf Course overview, including course description 04-M1-Dependable_systems.pdf Dependable systems overview 05-M2-System-init-prob.pdf System initialization problems 06-M3-Printing-problems.pdf Troubleshooting printing problems 07-M4-Troubleshooting-cluster.pdf Troubleshooting OpenVMS cluster systems (08-Exercises) Extracted and moved to Instructor Lab Guide 09-Learning-check.pdf Learning Check 10-Answers.pdf Learning Check answers 11-Appendix-A.pdf Setting up a Remote Print Queue Troubleshooting Instructor Guide.pdf Entire Instructor Guide Student Guide File Contents 01-cover.pdf Cover graphic, including copyright page 02_contents.pdf Table of contents 03-Overview.pdf Course overview, including course description 04-M1-Dependable-systems.pdf Dependable systems overview 05-M2-System-init-prob.pdf System initialization problems 06-M3-Printing-problems.pdf Troubleshooting printing problems 07-M4-Troubleshooting-cluster.pdf Troubleshooting OpenVMS cluster systems (08-Exercises) Extracted and moved to Student Lab Guide 09-M6-Learning-check.pdf Learning Check 10-Learning-check-answers.pdf Learning Check answers 11-Acronym_List.pdf Acronym List 12-Appendix-a.pdf Setting up a Remote Print Queue Troubleshooting Student Guide.pdf Entire Student Guide Instructor Lab Guide File Contents Instructor_Lab_Guide.pdf Student Lab Guide File Contents Student_Lab_Guide.pdf Course slides File Contents 01_COVER.ppt Cover graphic 02-M1-Dependable-systems.ppt Dependable systems overview 03-M2-System-init-prob.ppt System initialization problems 04-M3-Printing-problems.ppt Troubleshooting printing problems 05-M4-Troubleshoooting-cluster.ppt Troubleshooting OpenVMS cluster systems 06-Appendix-a.ppt Setting up a Remote Print Queue


  1. DEC
  2. Digital
  3. VMS
  4. OpenVMS

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8.97 Mb




Canoe171 (2009-08-06)

It's a rare topic,