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Fall of the Republic - The Presidency Of Barak H Obama (DVD Mast






Fall of the Republic:The Presidency Of Barack Obama (DVD Master)


Video/Movies DVDR


2009-10-24 (by brainphreak)


WARNING: IF YOU BELIEVE THAT RIGHTWING OR REPUBLICANS ARE RIGHT, MOVE ON.. IF YOU BELIEVE THAT LEFTWING OR DEMOCRATS ARE RIGHT, MOVE ON... Worship Bush or Obama and the outcome is the same. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally DVD9 - DVD Shrink Used to shrink the EXTRAS more than main movie so this will fit on a DVD5, FULL DVD (NTSC) with menus etc. -------- In my opinion this is the best Alex Jones film of late, much better than ENDGAME, Obama Deception, etc. etc. This dives into a wealth of topics from economy, to televisions effect on the brainwaves. Great film to spread to others to help wake them up! -------- "Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama" Original Release: Oct. 21, 2009 Duration: 02:24:18 About Fall of the Republic Fall of the Republic documents how an offshore corporate cartel is bankrupting the U.S. economy by design. Leaders are now declaring that world government has arrived and that the dollar will be replaced with a new global currency. President Obama has brazenly violated Article I Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution by seating himself at the head of United Nation’s Security Council, thus becoming the first U.S. President to chair the world body. A scientific dictatorship is in its final stages of completion, and laws protecting basic human rights are being abolished worldwide; an iron curtain of high-tech tyranny is now descending over the planet. A worldwide regime controlled by an unelected corporate elite is implementing a planetary carbon tax system that will dominate all human activity and establish a system of neo-feudal slavery. The image makers have carefully packaged Obama as the world’s savior; he is the Trojan Horse manufactured to pacify the people just long enough for the globalists to complete their master plan. This film reveals the architecture of the New World Order and what the power elite have in store for humanity. More importantly it communicates how We the People can retake control of our government, turn the criminal tide and bring the tyrants to justice. MAKE THE CHOICE: LIBERTY OR TYRANNY ----------- Please visit if you like this upload, plenty of other alternative documentaries and life saving information. Thanks and be sure to purchase a copy of this film to support the cause, and make as many copies as you can for others!


  1. barack
  2. barak
  3. obama
  4. fall
  5. the
  6. republic
  7. alex
  8. jones
  9. psychology
  10. conspiracy
  11. economy
  12. debt
  13. crash
  14. boom
  15. corruption
  16. treason
  17. lies
  18. 911
  19. 9/11
  20. september 11th
  21. alan watt
  22. john perkins

Files count:



4464.20 Mb




lapis2 (2009-10-25)

what a load of shit lol

brainphreak (2009-10-25)

Thanks for clarifying, I had always wondered what the defintion of "lapis2" was.
lapsi2 = "what a load of shit"
interesting fact :)
Thanks, and enjoy the movie!

encore8800 (2009-10-25)

Screw you brainfreak and crawl back into that degenerated rightwing cespool you crawled out of! Lapis2 is right - What kind of whining Republican dribble are you trying to peddle here?
Scientific dictatorship?? high-tech tyranny???
neo-feudal slavery???? Sounds awfully alot like the agenda of your old boy Cheney and his little born-again-christian-ex-drunk sockpuppet bushyboy.
Face it, you GOP morons your reign of uselessness is OVER! The PEOPLE of AMERICA kicked your lying, twofaced corrupt asses out of the White House! And this vicious spew pulled out of Rush Limbaugh's butthole is the best you can come up with?? Come again you little girlies!

brainphreak (2009-10-25)

HAHAH encore8800... not sure if you are truly as ignorant and uneducated as you sound, but Im guessing your just talking shit about a movie you never watched, and were too stupid to read the description...
Ill take you on one stupid comment at a time....
RE: "Screw you brainfreak and crawl back into that degenerated rightwing cespool you crawled out of!"
HAHAH Nice, so you are one of those "left and right" idiots who think that there is a left and right and they have two separate agendas, when in fact as always, both left and right both have the same agenda, to support corporate greed and screw the hard working citizens.
RE: "Lapis2 is right - What kind of whining Republican dribble are you trying to peddle here?"
Exactly, you dont even know what this is about? the entire movie explains how the left and right are greed.. and Republicans are as bad as democrats, as well as all my other uploads... Republican dribble? I can only assume you think this is Republican because of the word "republic" in the title... just shows how ignorant and pathetic you are... America is a REPUBLIC, it has nothing to do with being REPUBLICAN! Just like a Democracy, has nothing to do with being a DEMOCRAT... A Democracy and Republic are forms of government and voting, a Republican and a Democrat, are illusions of choice that give you the same options presented in different gift wrap... simple as that, you are very stupid to think its "democrats" or "republicans" at fault of ANYTHING...
RE: "Scientific dictatorship?? high-tech tyranny???
neo-feudal slavery???? Sounds awfully alot like the agenda of your old boy Cheney and his little born-again-christian-ex-drunk sockpuppet bushyboy."
Exactly, that's why you should watch the movie, and see that this is the current agenda of Obama and his administration as well. Your idea that Cheney and Bush are the big bad men, and now everything is ok because a Democrat or Liberal or whatever you want to call the current dictator is in power... Sad, simple minded way at looking at life. Go root for the home team, is it Democrat or Republican? haha, either way you are just a spectator and listening to dictators sell you fear. Go kiss Obama's ass if you think it was only Bush and Cheney who are evil. You have some growing up to do.
RE: "Face it, you GOP morons your reign of uselessness is OVER! The PEOPLE of AMERICA kicked your lying, twofaced corrupt asses out of the White House! And this vicious spew pulled out of Rush Limbaugh's butthole is the best you can come up with?? Come again you little girlies!"
HAAHH yep, this comment seals the deal. You are truly a brainwashed idiot who thinks that just as soon as Bush and Cheney left the white house, you suddenly have a saint running things. Obama is the master and chief and makes all the decisions in America, he is honest and true and will bring you to salvation! right? hahahahahah!!
You kicked the Republicans out, so now you can rest easy...
oh wait... the patriot act still exists...
oh wait... the military commissions act still exists..
oh wait... the troops were doubled in Afghanistan by Obomba...
oh wait... Now they are working to make mandatory vaccines..
oh wait... Now he gives bailouts to the wealthy CEO's and forces pay cuts to the companies underpaid stafff
oh wait... he gives BILLIONS of our and our childrens tax money so that companies can close up shop in the US and open up facilities in foreign land
oh wait... he has been repeatedly caught in direct lies on stage, great speaker, great liar.
oh wait... there is still torture going on, and his only goal is to close a single facility, and that isnt even done...
oh wait... he wants to force every single person into a health care system they may or may not agree with, yet more government, yet more failed government programs.. are any successful to date?
So yeah. Go back and watch Jon Stewart for your news, and beleive that Obama will lead you to salvation as he is the hero... Thats what the media likes you to believe. Meanwhile all the same exact things occur tha

brainphreak (2009-10-25)

also its brainphreak not brainfreak, but I dont expect you to pay attention to detail when you are stupid enough to think that a Republic has ANYTHING to do with being republican... Really, you looked at the title and thought it was about Republicans? mwahahah
if you are over 14 years of age, you should really think about taking some classes so your IQ is no longer lower than your age. The only thing you accomplish with your misinformed posts is making yourself look like a bratty child who failed social studies.

GlobalNWO (2009-10-25)

Will more people seed plz? phreak is stupid..

brainphreak (2009-10-25)

RE: "GlobalNWO at 2009-10-25 01:33 CET:
Will more people seed plz? phreak is stupid.."
WTH is the matter with you people? You are pro NWO? you don't agree with this film, but you want to download it? Strange society we live in... WAKE THE FUCK UP, there is mass corruption in the white house and you are foolish if you think Obama or any president will save you.

encore8800 (2009-10-25)

Oh fuck this troll. obviously he's just lurking around here to see if somebody want's to bite on his crap. Brainfart, you are a loosing cunt and so are all the fucking republicans. You and your ilk should be hurled against the sun without a lunchbox!
Over and out

brainphreak (2009-10-25)

Dude "encore8800", learn to read. I am the uploader. This movie is not a Republican movie. Simple as that. How can I troll my own upload? you people are seriously retarded here...

lsnicket (2009-10-25)

We are basically having Bush's third term with Barrack Obama.
This isn't Republican propaganda this is what is really going on.
Also not covered in the movie but super important. . Research the COPENHAGEN CLIMATE TREATY.. In December, if OBAMA signs it we lose everything!
Thanks brainphreak. I've been seeding the version since it came out. Now I can burn the full version and hand them out!

lordmichael (2009-10-25)

Excellent work, uploader!

brainphreak (2009-10-25)

RE: powerman5000ca
Your right, I was just super shocked at the comments. I believe they are truly just idiots who were confused thinking this is Republican stuff. Your right though, Ill ignore those morons now they are worse than TV when it comes to killing brain cells :o)

brainphreak (2009-10-25)

RE: " lsnicket:
Thanks brainphreak. I've been seeding the version since it came out. Now I can burn the full version and hand them out!"
Glad you find it useful, check out my other uploads, and stay tuned as I put up more great informational uploads!

bobtheman (2009-10-25)

brainphreak: you've got my wote!

666Loke (2009-10-25)

Well, it was interesting. I downloaded it because I was bored and expected some Bush fans.
But it was about the Illuminati instead. Some of it was utter crap but not everything, it is worrying that corporations are getting more and more political influence over the world as time goes by, and that goverments all over the world spend more and more money to spy on their citizens.
I wouldn't say that Obama is like Bush but I am not impressed of what he did so far. The fact is that the US foreign debts are totaly out of hand now.
When I am low on cash I lower my spendings, I don't go out and borrow a lot of money. That only worked in the 30s and that worked because of the war. Giving away money to corporations that goes badly is counter productive in the long run.
Still, I rather vote for Penn Gillette than any of these guys.

soulfried (2009-10-26)

Good upload. Also, ignore those trying to get a rise. If people are to blind to accept the reality that our government is neither republican or democratic but a mess to confuse the public then let them die off in their dream world. As for those of us with some balls who will stand for our rights, spreading the word is most appreciated.

sothcott (2009-10-26)

Politics, Left, Right, Left, Right, LEFT!
Sounds like the marching of the Police State to me.
Alex Jones is not saying that the solution to the mistakes of the Right is to vote for the Left any more than he is saying the solution to the mistakes of the the Left is to vote for the Right.

homebrewdub (2009-10-27)

Thanks for the upload, brainphreak!

brainphreak (2009-10-27)

My pleasure! If you enjoy this film, be sure you dont miss CAMP FEMA - American Lockdown

Hegelian.Dialectic (2009-10-28)

I liked you long reply. Maybe more zombies will understand now.
Most trolls only post their comments in a way to discourage zombies from daring to take a chance at grasping the REALITIES we need to deal with.

botanybay1 (2009-10-28)

Wait until the legislation passes to shut the internet down whenever they feel like it like they do in China. Then all the naysayers will be scratching their moronic heads. Blow up the federal reserve now!

re0n (2009-10-29)

Thanks for the upload, bought another burner so i can make lots of copies and send em to family and friends. also +1 on the long comment ;)

moribundz (2009-10-29)

thanks for the upload brainphreak.
the brainwashed noobs with the negative comments got pwned by the phreak who speaks the truth.

brainphreak (2009-10-29)

Thanks for the supportl and thanks for seeding! The more seeders the better, even if you have to limit your speed, seed anyways! The more seeders, the higher the rankings in search and the better odds that newcomers will download. Help spread the word by seeding!

janmarsh (2009-10-30)

Many thanks brainphreak. Same problem in UK with retards not understanding what's happening. Ron Paul for president 2012. Best of luck to all you enlightened ones.

GlobalNWO (2009-10-30)

brainphreak idk why i said that b4 may have ment to someone else. w/e 30K IS TO SLOW I NEED THIS FILM TO PUT ON DVDS TO SPREAD SEED PLEASE I KNOW I WILL!!!!

brainphreak (2009-11-01)

You will have a video_ts folder full of the video files. Any DVD burning program will allow you to burn the files as a video DVD. If you dont already have nero or something, then you can follow these directions:

It also has a link to a free program for burning them. Let me know if you have any troubles! Good luck!

brainphreak (2009-11-02)

cxwxb777 it is my pleasure! Glad to hear it is working now, I have other full length DVD's you may be interested in as well and more to come. All very important topics such as this.
Take care!

mordredbas (2009-11-02)

Oh MY GOD you confused Bush and Obama Bush and his cronies were corporate fatcats Obama is just a career politician Thank God you are too stupid to brees.

brainphreak (2009-11-03)

Career politician, Corporate Fatcat... whats the difference in American politics? They are both one and the same... Look into Obama's 'corporate interests' and you will not run out of material for a while.

maksimsi (2009-12-01)

1. In my opinion earth is overpopulated. But it shouldn't be reduce in the way they plan to.
2. Monetary economic system should be thrown away becasue it is bad for most people anyway.
Competition is not good because natural resources are wasted every day because of cheap stuff we buy every day and throw away in a week like various "Mister Tool" equipement...Made in China things etc.
I think VenusProject is better future fo mankind.
3. Very good documentary. Hope it will make a lot of people to start thinking.

brainphreak (2009-12-08)

Thanks for the comments! I think the idea that Earth is overpopulated is completely fiction. The problem is the waste of resources on each individual which amounts to a HUGE number. If you look at most overcrowded areas, there is an area with almost no population nearby. Nature has a HUGE amount of resources, and the problem of overcrowding is mostly caused by the abuse of those resources, not the amount of people. Even if the population was reduced, the waste will just grow as it does now until the earth supports less and less people.
this of course is just my opinion, I just feel its overplayed like global warming. The earth will be completely polluted and poisoned to the point that we all die, probably long before the temperature kills us due to mans effect. The suns effect on the Earth is so great that our effect on global temperature is basically non existent. Yet we are having trouble breathing and there is an island of garbage in the sea... so why must we prove global warming in order to start cleaning up? we dont have to... we shouldnt focus on it... but high places, the powers that be, big corporations etc. and those who are in charge, they will pay big money to fly someone like gore around, and be sure his movie gets great ratings in order to push a global tax... and people will believe that we dont have enough resources to go around so that they can push the population control agenda. In reality this is a very small factor, and while it DOES have some effect on resources due to number of people, and the global temp CAN be effected by humans and their waste.. this is by no means the source and merely a symptom of the real problem.. The problem being that there is waste, and corporations in control. There is politicians out to push the "green" agenda now, only to make more money and rob you through "pollution" or "green" taxes.
OK end rant. :) Thanks again for the comments, and glad you enjoyed it, I will soon upload many more great dvd's on the topics!

free____ (2009-12-21)

I have tried that imgburn program with no luck now 5 times trying different ways and twice exactly how you said. I think it is still a mattter of labels? I tried 123copy and still cant get it. Should i just buy dual layered disks and do it right? My patience is running out. I want infoweapons!

djakarta (2010-01-07)

Thanks for the UP brainprheak and thanks for shouting down the losers, even though they're not worth it. It's amazing how many people are born without brains.

Damyan29Damyan29 (2010-01-13)

Amazing Documentary!
The PEOPLE SHOULD know the truth!
I'm from Czech Republic, I'm gonna tell all my friends about it!

watcher293 (2010-03-19)

Help! I am new at this...
I got the torrent file downloaded to my desktop, and I can see the various files if I check them in ImageBurn.
I need to get the torrent files converted and burnt to disc, how can I do this?
I have Nero 9 software and I was unable to dragndrop the files to Nero.
So, Now what?

panteranegra (2010-06-14)

Thank you. Left, Right, Republican, Democrat, Liberal.
In Canada that is: Liberal, Progressive Conservative, New Democratic Party .... etc. They are ALL the SAME; merely different aspects or PRESENTATIONS of the same element. Did any of US (You and Me) come up with these moronic classifications or definitions?
Who put these definitions (limit-setting positionalities) in place? Think about it. It is the wish (and in-place programs) of the "controlling elite" "agenda setters" that
You classify/categorize Yourself according to the [thought]-limiting definitions/categories that You had no hand in creating. You LEARNED all that bullshit in "school"... and "school" is still (contantly) in session. Well that's my extemporanteous blast. I had to let that out.
Thanks again to brainphreak and all the seeders and the to those yet awakening.

shroomblood (2012-01-27)

Alex Jones is right about most of the stuff and I support him, but...
Our population has already exceeded the earth's natural bio capacity. We should be limiting our reproduction, its just common sense... Any other thinking is selfish and will diminish if not destroy the quality of life for the coming generations.
Regardless, most of the issues he talks about are more important at the moment anyway, vote Ron Paul 2012 if hes able to run.

 bill_214 (2012-10-15)

I'll take a look but if there's a VIALBLE alternative to the Democrats, I haven't seen it.
You probably need to read "Beyond Outrage" by Robert Reich.... it's in the swarm.
The only thing stupider than a Republican is a ron Paul supporter.