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The Global Sovereign's Handbook - Johnny Liberty






The Global Sovereign's Handbook - Johnny Liberty




2008-09-19 (by CuriousGeorge )


Overview of Chapters Preface...........................................................7 Dangerous & Exciting Times The Liberty Story Begins Biography of Johnny Liberty Chapter One..................................................12 Truth is Stranger Than Fiction Truth is an Endangered Species Beyond Denial– Being Responsible Independence Day An Independent Press Media Literacy and Internet Activism Censorship and Security Issues Breakdown of the Family and Tribe Truth is Neither Left Nor Right Chapter Two.................................................26 The Big Picture Spiritual and Mental Sovereignty Herd Mentality Policing Ourselves Emotional Sovereignty Breaking Through Fears Self-Responsibility, Self-Government Anger and Blame is Not Taking Responsibility Power is the Name of the Game Sovereignty is the Source of Power Chapter Three...............................................34 Native Sovereignty and the Doctrine of Discovery Indigenous Treaty Rights Indigenous Sovereigns of North America News from Indigenous Nations Sovereignty in Hawai'i Today Lessons for Aspiring Sovereigns Chapter Four................................................46 Power Makes the Rules Special Knowledge is Power The Illuminati & Freemasons Power Doesn’t Play By the rules it Makes Global Power Structure United Nations NAFTA / GATT State of New Columbia American Power Structure Executive Orders & Management Agency (FEMA) Federal Government As Organized Crime National Security State and CIA Chapter Five.................................................64 Conspiracy vs. Fact: Who Benefits from Terrorism? Disinformation Agents & Hate Groups Crime Control and Domestic Terrorism Legislative History of the Clinton administration Anti-Terrorism Act of 1996 Government Protecting the People? Chapter Six...................................................76 Unveiling the New World Order War Against the American Sovereign Listen to the Drumbeat of Tyranny Police State Actions Expanded Police Powers and Foreign Military Forces War on Drugs - War on Human Rights Building Prisons Instead of Schools Health Freedom or Fascism? Outcome-Based Education Parental Rights Endangered Biochip Implants, Tracking & the Microchip Generation Genetic Vampires & Sovereign Rights Seizure Fever: The War on Property Rights Banking on the New World Order Chapter Seven..............................................98 Gold and Silver Money Paper Money Substitutes or Federal Reserve Notes (FRN’s) Introducing Debt Currency Circulation International Banking Cartel Federal Reserve Banking System Americans Asleep at the Economic Wheel of the World’s Largest Republic Irrelevant Economic Dialectic Exponentially Raising the Debt-Ceiling Investment Recommendations for Getting Out of Debt Chapter Eight..............................................112 The Federal, Corporate United States Government is Perpetually Bankrupt Reorganization of the Federal United States Inc. Sedition &Treason Against the United States Bankruptcy & American Sovereignty Balancing the Budget Fiasco Bankruptcy Strategies Economic Sovereignty Chapter Nine...............................................122 Government Without Taxes & Tyranny Social Insecurity Privacy Act & Freedom of Information Act What is the Internal Revenue Service? Delegation of Authority IRS is a Bizarre Scheme to Collect Taxes Individual Master File Short History of the “Income Tax?” Withholding Requirements Income Tax is Voluntary Sovereign Citizenship & the IRS Getting Lien and Judgment Proof Dealing With the Audit Performance Management & Recognition System Kickbacks Wages Are Not Income, But Property Notice of Intent to Lien Notice of Levy Chapter Ten................................................142 Toward A New World Order Republic Vs. Democracy Manufactured Wars, Revolutions & Conflict Who Won the American Revolution? Who Contrived the French Revolution? Who Makes the Money, Makes the Wars? Emancipation or Slavery for All? Original 13th Amendment 14th (or 15th) Amendment, “U.S. citizen” Titles of Nobility & 17th (or 18th) Amendment Corporations Born & Enthroned World War I: Foundation of New World Order Who Bought and Sold Out the Russian Revolution? Borrowing Forever from the Future: Your Children Will “Pay” for it War and Preparation for War: Your Children Will “Die” in it Prosperity and the Great Depression The New Deal: “Socialism” Stealing More Than Money World War II: The War That Won the World? Zionism and the Creation of Israel Chapter Eleven............................................164 Early America Church and State Colonization of North America America: The Brotherhood’s First Nation-State Fourteen Presidents Before Washington The Famous War Inevitable Speech Declaration of Independence Story of the Flag of the United States Articles of Confederation 1st Constitution “for” the united states of America 2nd Constitution of the united states of America Two Distinct Jurisdictions in America Sovereign Union states of the republic Corporate Federal States & the Buck Act 10th Amendment State’s Rights Sovereign, American Nationals AND Sovereign “state” Citizens Immigration and Naturalization in the sovereign state and Jural Societies Declaring Your Citizenship Chapter Twelve...........................................186 De Jure Nations Are Defined By Law Natural Law & Unalienable Sovereign Rights Basic Concepts of Law The Constitution is Controlling Jury Rights & Who Judges the Law? Whose Flag is Flying in America Today? Distinctions of American Law Due Process and the Bill of Rights 5th Amendment Rights State & Federal Court Systems Federal Law and United States Code Limits of Federal and Federal State Jurisdiction Sovereignty and Separation of Powers Venue and Jurisdiction Common Law Invoking Common Law Venue The Great Writs Underground Lawyers Constitutional Common Law Courts Chapter Thirteen........................................208 From Public Law to Public Policy Color of Law Adhesion Contracts Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Affirmative Defenses Attorneys or Title 42 Lawyers Chapter Fourteen........................................222 International Law of Nations Counter-Claims and Cross-Libels in Admiralty / Maritime Chapter Fifteen...........................................228 Introductory Tools for Freedom NON-CONFRONTATIONAL STRATEGY ADMINISTRATION BEFORE LITIGATION General Affidavits & Constructive Legal Notices Quiet Title Action Refusals for Fraud and Notices of Default Non-Statutory Abatements Police and the Traffic Stop False Arrest and Imprisonment Writ of Habeas Corpus Petition for Redress of Grievances Re-Declaration of Independence Chapter Sixteen..........................................240 Elements of a Court CHALLENGE JURISDICTION BEFORE PLEADING Challenging “Statutory” Jurisdiction Article I, Court Actions and Motions Counsel of Choice Challenging Oaths of Office Original 13th Amendment Arguments Article III, Court Actions and Motions American Flag of Peace Civil Rights Actions: Title 42 U.S.C. §1983 Commercial & Common Law Liens Chapter Seventeen......................................256 Virtues and Listening Problem Solving and Learning Visions for the Next Millennium A New Cosmology Teaching Preparedness Preparedness for Survival Changes Balanced View of the Environment Depolarization of Left and Right Breaking Through Victim Mentality Expanding Imagination Agenda 16 Creating A Paradise on Earth Restoring Sustainable Economics Gold and Silver, Local Scrip, Barter and a Breadbasket of Commodities Chapter Eighteen........................................274 Take Back Your Country Challenge Unlawful Activities of the Government Abolish the Federal Reserve System Emergency and War Powers Acts Restoring a Constitutional Money System Police and Military Against the New World Order Citizens Militia and Non-Violence Home Rule Jural Societies and Townships Restoring the Constitutional Republic Chapter Nineteen.......................................290 Alaska: An Irregular State Independence for the Hawai’i(an) People Short History of the Republic of Texas Provisional Governments Established in Kingdom of Hawai’i International Recognition for the American Sovereign Chapter Twenty..........................................302 Reclaiming Your Inherent American Sovereignty Getting Your Papers in Order Getting Your Affidavits in Order Getting Your Business in Order Right To Travel Posturing Yourself at a Traffic Stop Securing Your Right to Travel Restructuring Tax Liabilities Getting Your Taxes in Order Restructuring in Foreign Entities Foreign Trusts Explained Types of Trusts Allodial Titles and Land Patents Rediscovering America Index and info.............................................337 About this edition Words from the past


  1. Maritime Admiralty law
  2. Talmud
  3. Freemasonry
  4. Corporate
  5. Sovereign Person
  6. Natual person
  7. thinkfree
  8. Birth Certificate
  9. Social Security
  10. Social Insurance
  11. Judaism
  12. Illuminati
  13. New World Order

Files count:



3.49 Mb




Artilious (2010-06-02)

Thanks TT! I've been looking for this one for a while.

Artilious (2010-06-02)

""We can quantify the deaths caused by both communism and fascism, but we will never know how many deaths have been the result of capitalism; of nothing more noble than a rich man wanting to be even richer, and sacrificing the health and lives of millions of workers to achieve this. Don't even try to count how many people capitalism has killed, because not only will you not know where to begin, but also it will never end." "
Show us some proof! Until then, I'll dismiss this as Marxist/Communist propaganda--nothing more.