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The Root of All Evil




Video Movies


The Root of all Evil - Richard Dawkins (2006)


Video/TV shows


2009-08-23 (by eddie1969)


TV : Documentary : DVD quality : English "The Root of All Evil?" is a television documentary, written and presented by Richard Dawkins, in which he argues that the world would be better off without religion. The documentary was first broadcast in January 2006, in the form of two 45 minute episodes (excluding advertisement breaks), on Channel 4 in the UK. Dawkins said that the title "The Root of All Evil?" was not his prefered choice, but that Channel 4 had insisted on it to create controversy. The documentary is in two parts: Part 1: The God Delusion The God Delusion explores the unproven traditions that are treated as fact by religious faiths, and the extremes to which some followers have taken them. Dawkins opens the programme by describing the "would-be murderers . . . who want to kill you and me, and themselves, because they're motivated by what they think is the highest ideal." Dawkins argues that "the process of non-thinking called faith" is not a way of understanding the world, but instead lies in fundamental opposition to modern science and the scientific method. Part 2: The Virus of Faith In The Virus of Faith, Dawkins makes a more emotional appeal. He examines the moral framework that religions are often cited as providing, and argues against the religious indoctrination of children. The title of this episode comes from his prize-winning books, "The Selfish Gene", in which Dawkins first introduced the concept of the meme, a self-replicating unit of cultural evolution, of which he would say religions are largely composed. Quotes from the film: * 'The time has come for people of reason to say: enough is enough. Religious faith discourages independent thought, it's divisive, and it's dangerous.' * 'For many people, part of growing up is killing off the virus of faith with a good strong dose of rational thinking. But if an individual doesn't succeed in shaking it off, his mind is stuck in a permanent state of infancy, and there is a real danger that he will infect the next generation.' * 'The god of the Old Testament has got to be the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it, petty, vindictive, unjust, unforgiving, racist, an ethnic-cleanser urging his people on to acts of genocide.' * 'Fundamentalist Christianity is on the rise among the electorate of the world's only super power, right up to and including the President. If you believe the surveys, 45 percent of Americans, that's about 135 million people, believe the universe is less than ten thousand years old'. * 'We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die, because they are never going to be born. We are privileged to be alive, and we should make the most of our time on this world.' * 'We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.' Enjoy and Seed!!

Files count:



848.10 Mb




DevilPrez (2009-08-24)

Religion IS the root of all's a bunch of fairytales trying to scare you about hell....well, heaven is a place on earth, IF we can get rid of religion......fuck jesus, fuck mohammed, fuck jaweh

 jmb2012 (2009-09-18)

Jesus Christ!!! talk too much.

 jmb2012 (2009-09-18)

There is no God but Allah and Muhammad(pboh)is his messenger.
I was born a Catholic. After years of trying to understand it all, I figured it out.
If you believe the words in the Bible as I do, you know also. Here a short explaination.
In the Torah(ols testament) is this
Isaiah 7:14
14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.
Prophecy of JC's coming when Jesus started his ministry the Jews who knew better converted, and followed him
Now the interesting part
In the New Testament
Mark 1:7-11
Jesus says ?The one who is more powerful than I is coming after me; I am not worthy to stoop down and untie the thong of his sandals. I have baptized you with water; but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.?
There is much more info on the but my bitch of a girlfriend is driving me nuts so go see for yourself.

Phavonic (2009-09-25)

If you believe religion is the root of all evil your no more intelligent than the Nazis, its a scape-goat psychology. As much as I respect Dawkins and science he's basically calling a Jihad in his tireless obsession with Christianity and infantilism. He should just stick to research and stop making himself look like a fascist.
If you say Christianity is the root of ALL evil what other evils does that leave? I'd love to live in a world where a gospel negro (the only type of Christian in the UK) handing me a leaflet on Jesus is the worst evil that could happen. An innate hatred of infantilism does not make it evil.

Mikaoj12345 (2009-10-23)

I just want to say something to Phavonic
for his retarded and i quote: If you believe religion is the root of all evil your no more intelligent than the Nazis, its a scape-goat psychology. As much as I respect Dawkins and science he's basically calling a Jihad in his tireless obsession with Christianity and infantilism. He should just stick to research and stop making himself look like a fascist.
If you say Christianity is the root of ALL evil what other evils does that leave? I'd love to live in a world where a gospel negro (the only type of Christian in the UK) handing me a leaflet on Jesus is the worst evil that could happen. An innate hatred of infantilism does not make it evil. LEARN TO READ BEFORE YOU WRITE!!!
the title was choosen by channel 4 and WAS not Richard Dawkins idea or personal belief, it was made to piss of moronic religious people like yourself

Rastapapulus (2009-10-25)

hey DevilPrez ... my name is mohammad, be carefull!! lol

Rastapapulus (2009-10-25)

RRRrrreligion or whatever is a way to live better, if it makes life harder then it's not the right one or is a fake
however i read so much about religion and i born as a Muslim, i love Buddha and Christ and all the people who talk right and leads me (us) to a good life. that's all i think without any one asked my thoughts!!
as a 1ONE1 person of billions people living on the earth i say ur religion isn't important to me but ur personality and behavior ... don't waste ur breath to yell and to call others bad and don't be selfish ... i love you all and thanks for sharing ur files and ur thoughts :)

Pastafarian101 (2009-11-22)

There is no God but Allah and Muhammad(pboh)is his messenger.
There is no monster but the Flying Spaghetti Monster and pirates are his messengers (ship - Shower Him/Her In Pasta).
1st Commandment of Pastafarianism:
Thoust shall eat pasta (the body of the lord) and drink rum (the blood of the lord) at least once every month in rememberence to him
The fool says in his heart, "there is no Flying Spaghetti Monster". Gospels of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Chapter 5 page 54
Disbelievers will mock and laugh at you. Worry not for they have not seen the wonders of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. They will laugh and mock no more when they are tickled in the bowls of hell, alongside with those virgins (oh lord have mercy on them!). Gospels Chapter 4 page 30

dudius (2009-12-14)

Dawkins needs to get more organised. In "The God Delusion", he likened organising athiests to herding cats. We're just too independently-minded. We need to end this tyranny once and for all.
If there has to be religion, it should be the One True Religion of Pastafarianism (as mentioned above). All hail His Noodly Appendage.
I find it interesting that religious children grow out of believing in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, but never seem to carry the logic through ...

riisaam (2010-01-03)

u are insane. mind ur lang.if u dont believe in any thing so plz dont abuse any one..

kneebutt (2010-04-18)

Quality is okay. A9 V8.
What's up with all the vacant religious rambings people have left here? It would be a pretty safe assumption that people coming to download this doco are not really interested in your dubious ramblings about Jebus. But then again, I was blessed with an open mind whilst yours has been crippled by pretend friends and such. Religion may not be the root of ALL evils, but it sure does inspire alot of stupid remarks from people who are old enough to know better.
Aaaaanyway, I'm guessing you guys have enough to deal with, what with your figurehead being directly involved in protecthing men who fuck kids. That's what you get for being a gullible idiot though, really.
Jesus never lived. Deal with it. :-P.
PS. Baa Baa you stupid sheep.

kneebutt (2010-04-18)

Oh, and to Riisaam - did someone have the nerve to swear while you were just standing innocently by stealing free downloads. How fucking thoughless of that vulgar cunt.
We're all adults (apparently). If people can't swear then you can't come in defending your right to misinform and hate strangers. Fairs fair (bitch).

crazysoccerman14 (2010-04-26)

What kneebutt said!

IceHandFancyPants (2010-05-13)

Thank you very much for the up

digdog10 (2010-06-21)

This is great! Thank you so much.

Croix1979 (2010-10-30)

Thanks a lot for this. I am his greatest fan

Blood4Blood (2011-01-03)

Boooo to all the religious preachers.. Dawkins is a great man. Read his books. Starting with the Selfish Gene. ^_^

joejohnson1236 (2011-05-24)

to jmb2012 - your quote is from John the Baptist talking about Jesus, not what Jesus said. Just proving that Muslims like jmb2012 are full of shit too...

SoundBarber (2011-07-07)

Religion induces a dogmatic belief that we have knowledge where we have none. It creates a narcissic view of our place in reality.
This authoritarian idea displays in politics as a belief that the best state will be one that most nearly copies a model of heaven. Minimal change and max unchanging perfection, the 'leaders' being those who best understand whatever god or eternal fairy tale.
p.s. jmb2012 et all
Quotes are not a proof or a descriptive truth. Like the failure of Euclidian geometry to describe reality, dogmatic axioms are falliable.

saikfawl (2011-08-12)

Jesus did exist. He was a damn good illusionist.

enyv (2011-09-04)

Shut the fuck up, morons.

DrtMnbt (2011-09-20)

Any comment as to the quality of the audio/video?

ScribbleMonster666 (2011-11-16)

A - 10
V - 9
P.S.Calm down, people. You're not going to change anyone's mind by a comment, no matter how right you think you are.

noklpd (2011-12-19)

Thanks eddie1969 and scribblemonster666

Milkman000 (2012-09-15)

Thank you

najor66 (2013-04-25)

LOL.. Luckily I don't have imaginary friends but I do thank you for sharing this great documentary!

Swamppony (2013-10-30)

Thanks so much!

TheRock30 (2014-03-02)

I thought money was the root of all evil? Looking forward to seeing this, praise our Lord and Saviour Ron Jeremy.

nfsking (2014-05-16)

If you read The God Delusion you would know what RD thinks about this title of the show.
No need to argue.


1. The Root of All Evil/The Root of All Evil - The God Delusion (1 of 2).avi 500.01 Mb
2. The Root of All Evil/The_Root_of_All_Evil_-_The_Virus_of_Faith_-_Part_2.avi 348.08 Mb
3. The Root of All Evil/Torrent downloaded from 47 bytes