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Games PC






2010-08-26 (by thenoobish)


Eboy S K i D R O W - T H E L E A D i N G F O R C E - proudly presents Ship Simulator: Extremes / Paradox Interactive RELEASE DATE : 25-08-2010 PROTECTION : Steam + cgr + Serial GAME TYPE : Ship Simulator DISKS : 1 DVD Release Notes: The Skid Rowdies are looking new blood to fill up the ranks. Were a professional team of dedicated sceners with big mark under sceners. We believe on the ground idealism of the root of the real old school scene. We do all this for fun and nothing else. We dont earn anything on our hobby, as we do this for the competition and the heart of what got the scene started in the mid eighties. If you think you got something to offer, then dont hold back on contacting us as soon as possible. twice the fun / double the trouble On with the game release information: Ever wonder how it feels to sail a half-million-ton supertanker through the perfect storm? To take on illegal whale hunters in the Antarctic? Or to feel the rush of being part of the Coast Guard as you evacuate a cruise liner in distress? Ship Simulator Extremes has players take on exciting missions all over the world as they pilot an impressive array of vessels and live the stories of real ship captains. With missions based on actual events in realistic environments at locations all over the world, the new Ship Simulator game is sure to take you to extremes! From the very hot to the very cold, sail to the most enchanted regions in the world. Explore the Antarctic or take in beautiful Bora Bora. Includes famous harbors and locations from around the world Wide range of vessels to captain, including hovercraft, Coast Guard interceptors, mammoth tankers, tugs, cruise liners, and many others Includes exciting storylines and missions from all over the world Official Greenpeace license: sail famous Greenpeace ships and take on ecological missions based on real events! Realistic water and weather system. Sail calm waters or take on the most extreme weather ever witnessed at sea Online multiplayer mode. Sail online with your friends Install Notes: 1. Unpack release 2. Mount image or burn it 3. Install 4. Copy the content from the SKIDROW folder on the DVD to your installation directory and overwrite 5. Type anything at the serial check screen (only needed once) 6. Play the game Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy! Greetings: Salutes to our old Amiga friends from: FAIRLIGHT - RAZOR 1911 - VISION FACTORY - PARADOX - QUARTEX DCS - CRYSTAL - ZENITH - ACCESSION - ALPHA FLIGHT - PRODIGY THE COMPANY - LEGEND - TRSI - ORACLE - ANTHROX - CLASSIC Salutes to our new friends in: UNLEASHED - TiNYiSO - BReWErS - RADIKAL - POSTMORTEM - SHOCK FAIRLIGHT - CRUDE - VACE - ReUnion - OUTLAWS - GENESIS Logo and layout by: Eboy/SAE Last updated 21/07/2007 by [XXX]

Files count:



1586.05 Mb




jenstt (2010-08-27)

I keep getting dll errors :s and i thought release was today?

RDCMrT (2010-08-27)

Fuck dude, what is this.
When starting the game i had to set my resolution at 1024 x 768 cause of the " run windowd" setting.
When setting to fullscreen and 1028 x 1024, it locks up the screen whatever you click, resulting in a system crash.
Physx install doesn't work either.
Yes i copied EVERYTHING !

Angerfist_DJ (2010-08-27)

Physx install doesn't work

LColCAF (2010-08-29)

Works fine for me...Takes a he.. of a long time to load but it works!!!

Moonbootsfc (2010-08-30)

If your getting the dlll errors its beacuse you didn't install physX and microsoft redistributable Visual C++ just after ship sim installs. It gives you 3 boxes to tick. Make sure you tick them all and install them.

wazaanl (2010-08-31)

downloaded and installed the game the way i should of.. didn't get a serial key request but when I start the game now it says: " your language setting is not supported" does this have something to do with the fact that I didn't enter a serial key somewhere?

wazaanl (2010-08-31)

Error: "Language setting is not supported" could use some help here :) cheers

Sensation90 (2010-09-03)

Don't worry if you can't install PhysX and DirectX
if you go to your Ship Simulator Extremes installation folder (where you installed the Sim(mostly it's C:\Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Ship Simulator Extremes)) and then go to the tools map, there you will find the .exe's for the PhysX and DirectX. Hope this helps for you!
Thanks for uploading btw! Works perfectly!

Guuru5 (2010-09-03)

Having the same problem as you, Coolguy. Was not able to install dx or Physx. Think it was caused by that admin. rights shit. Physx was already intalled on my computer too. I went to tools in the installation directory " Paradox interactive " as sensation90 describes. I only had to install Physx to get the game running. GL

paramilitaire (2010-09-20)

Tuto des différents problèmes :
Si vous rencontrez le problème suivant : le jeu ne se lance pas et vous avez une multitude de problème "DLL" qui s'affiche :
Merci de mettre à jour vos PC avec le DirectX et le Physx via les liens suivants :


Si le jeu se lance est que vous avez un problème de "patch languages". Merci de désinstaller et de ré-installer en Anglais.
Si le jeu se lance et que l'on vous demande un mot de passe merci de mettre des zéro partout.
Si le jeu se lance est une page noir reste afficher merci de rajouter le fichier se trouvant dans le fichier ZIP se trouvant à cette adresse :

Merci de mettre ces fichiers dans vos documents ( pour XP mes documents; pour Win 7 Bibliothèques/Documents ) dans les deux cas vous me mettez le fichier complet s'appelant ShipSimExtremes Userdata dans les documents.
Voilà, Merci de votre patience.
Chez moi cela fonctionner parfaitement mais avec les alertes de certaines problématiques, j'ai décidé de passer chez des collègues pour tester le jeu sur d'autres tours. Finalement 2 tours sur 3 fonctionnent et pour les autres voiciensemble des problématiques solutionnés. Vous souhaitant bonne réception et bon divertissement.
Uploader Smartorrent.

P@r@ For P@r@milit@ir€.

paramilitaire (2010-09-20)

Pour un problème, merci de consulter cette page.

remali9004 (2010-11-05)

Here is the solution:
Well. the game need to install (It's better to find from your own the latest DirectX, Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable anf the latest FhysX from Nvidia.
And other way is to download the demo version
from the original website of the game.
It contains correctly all the above programs.
Also you have to be sure that you have the latest vga graphic drivers.
Well, the game can be install fine on win7.
WinXp needs to go to program folder and right click to file QuestViewer.
Set compatibility to win98/winMe2000.
That was the cause the game crashed after setup
Hope I helped.
It's a good game with GreenPeace missions.

108703 (2010-12-22)

Error: "Language setting is not supported," does anyone have a solution? please?

Viper426 (2011-01-26)

Wow is this game ever buggy as hell. Not only did I have to go out on my own to get the VC++ redist, DirectX update and physX (because the installer was apparently made by rabid monkeys), but there's a 60% chance that the entire thing will crash when loading a mission. From what I've read it's not an issue with this torrent - every torrent I've found has similar issues described. Boy I'm glad I didn't shell out money for this 3rd-rate software. Props to SKiDROW for the rip, mad hate to VStep for shoddy work.

Mr.8ball (2011-04-23)

What about Update 5
and the Ferry Pack DLC ?

geeksquad101 (2011-06-08)

can you please make the ferry pack, PLEASE

JoJoJanella (2012-03-10)

Hey @thenoobish! I have noticed that your torrents are kick ass :D Also, yesterday DW7withXL was released for PC. Its a hell of a game but its only for JP. So, if you can, plz upload it. If you do so, send me a email here: [email protected]

mrohjeey (2012-10-04)

To all of you guys saying, i "allready" have physX, Dx, and visuals. Some games need it installed over to register them. they wont install, just validate, if you allready have them. but it updates the registry so your game recognises them. or whatnot, realy high while writing this, hope it came out clearly.

Tenraku (2013-02-15)

In my case The Game install good and everything but when it opens it open in the window down left and i can see just the upper left from the game ............

HR1954 (2013-05-11)

Fantastic game. Thanks very much Mr.Noobish.Got game working on my Macbook White with no problem! I used a wineskin wrapper i got from "PaulTheTall" website and walla!!!Running game on 13 inch Macbook,, Processor: 2.13 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo,,,Memory 2 GB 800 MHz DDR2 SDRAM ,,,Graphics NVIDIA GeForce 9400M 256MB Software OS X 10.8.3