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Obama Deception 2009 - by Alex Jones






Alex Jones - The Obama Deception - DivX




2009-03-12 (by LuckAddict)

Description: The Obama Deception is not about Left or Right politics, but about taking a stand against the offshore bankers who have seized control of the country from the shadows. The film aims to expose that Barack Obama is a puppet– a mere front man– for the globalists’ agenda who will help to loot the Treasury, bankrupt the U.S.A. and seize assets from the American people, all while pretending to represent the people of the nation. Make as many copies as possible, make this video go supernova. If everyone that downloads this video burns 100 DVD's I'm sure we will have distributed several million total with just this one torrent.


  1. alex jones
  2. obama
  3. obama deception
  4. fraud
  5. banksters
  6. bankers bailout
  7. barack
  8. northcom takeover
  9. carbon
  10. credit obamanoid
  11. infowars
  12. prisonplanet
  13. alex jones
  14. fema
  15. fema camps
  16. soviet socialist
  17. national socialist

Files count:



697.36 Mb




LuckAddict (2009-03-12)

DIVX codec required to play the movie, visit to download the codec

GoldStandard (2009-03-12)

Don't believe in the NWO yet?
Well this should get the hairs in your neck to stand and see what mainstream media goes for;
Baxter International has been caught mixing LIVE birdflu in normal flu vaccine.
Mixing viruses like this can when injected form a new strain (that is one out of two ways new pandemics come about) for instance an airborn deadly flu virus.
Almost ALL mainstream news are quiet about this. (Remember Rockefeller thanking the media for being discrete about the globalists agenda)
http://www.torontosun dot com/news/canada/2009/02/27/8560781.html
Look up the Georgia guidstones where the luciferians ask for a world with a population of just 500 million.
http://www.radioliberty dot com/stones.htm
So far Obama hasn't shown to bring any change for the better.
Iraq was might be scaled down but Afghanistan upped and probably spillover to Pakistan.
Gold/Silver price manipulation remains and strong dollar policies/dollar hedgemony.
Gitmo might close but a dozen other more secret sites ready to take over.
Massive inflation building up and bankers get all the benefits.
All his advisors are the usual international banking elite and Israel supporters like Larry Summers, Geithner, Rahm.
How can that lead to change for the better?
And what did Rahm say in a recent speach?
If you are on a no-fly list you KNOWN maybe to be a possible terrorist and are not part of the american family and should therefore not have right to own a gun. dot com/watch?v=uJBZZKlvrP4
How sick is that? A million people have nilly willy been added to the no fly list.
Even 90% of the Gitmo terrorists were for frickin sake completely innocent of any terrorism, yet the administration wants to have the right to hold such enemy combatant for any time without trial and using torture.
The country is hijacked and the only peaceful solution seems to be for the states to break out from the union.

Why? Becasue they are afraid of the fascist/socialist tendencies and total ignorance for the constitution shown by the whitehouse puppets.
Listen to some good interviews with statelegistlators;
NH: dot com/watch?v=pH6z1n1q5h0
OK: dot com/watch?v=ORcHJS0FLSo
WA: dot com/watch?v=Y05s3ua8EFM
Missouri: dot com/watch?v=gnQ4J9TUlbQ

LuckAddict (2009-03-13)


garbagebag (2009-03-15)

Of course it?s not about black or white or left and right. Mr Jones was one of the biggest opponents of the Bush regime. The whole left / right black and white political paradigm thing is as real as WWE wrestling where one guy plays the baddy one week and another plays the baddy the other - meanwhile they all go out for a meal together after the show.
Obama is nothing but a puppet - just like Bush WAS and McCain or Hitlary (sorry Hillary) would have been!

GeenStaat (2009-03-24)

The FourCC of this file reads "xvid" instead of "XVID", causing a regular software XviD-decoder to fail. Change the FourCC to fix it. Koepi's Xvid comes with Nic's FourCC changer. software and FFDShow based codec packs, such as K-Lite and Combined Community don't need the file to be fixed, but they don't fit on a CD with the file. (Hardware decoders don't have a problem either.) Also: After fixing the file, you can't seed it anymore with this torrent.