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Minecraft Beta 1.2 + server






Minecraft Beta 1.2 + server




2011-01-13 (by narfdude)


Minecraft Beta 1.2 + server The list of changes can be found on notch's blog: Donations can be given at The update files go in .minecraft\bin __________________________________________________________________________________ Lotsa new features. This is probably gonna be my last minecraft upload because enough people have found out about anjocaido's updater. And for the people who don't know how to make a server, I have also included the minecraft server jar and the properties file that makes it "cracked". It lets you play with friends even if they (or you) haven't bought the game. The easiest way to set it up is to install logmein's hamachi on your computer and all your friend's computers, create a network, have your friends join the network, and type in the sequence of four numbers of the computer that is hosting the game (5."number"."number"."number") into the multiplayer screen.


  1. minecraft
  2. 1.2

Files count:



1.43 Mb




Nojthebrat (2011-01-14)

Link to anjocaido's updater please i cant find it.

GMDFUCKU (2011-01-14)

yea me either

narfdude (2011-01-14)

Probably my last mc upload. Thanks everyone for all the nice comments on my other minecraft torrents. The minecraft updater is here:
Server admins will probably find this item list useful:

Also, Hey0 will not be making his server mod anymore. Read about it here:

louiehamper (2011-01-14)

hey narfdude thank you for so many uploads of minecraft, i love this game. but i have one problem my parents blocked the appdata folder and so i cant get to it but if i had an installer i could. so do you think you could do one last upload and make an installer.
P.S: the updater doesnt work either because of antivirus

yoep (2011-01-14)

try to upload the folder with cmd.exe

narfdude (2011-01-15)

@louiehamper yeah i guess i could. I dont really know how an installer would have access to the appdata folder either if it is blocked. did you try using the installer I included with it?

D4RKD0G (2011-01-15)

Please dont stop releasing updates! The auto updator is shit, really.. We really love your releases with our team, dont let us die!
At least release updates till Minecraft comes out of Beta. Cant you see? Look how many seeds your torrent has and now back to AnjoCaido auto updator.. Its obvious that you have better releases!
All best wishes!

D4RKD0G (2011-01-15)

Dont stop narfdude! Please! Your torrents are much better than AnjoCaidos torrents - You have much more seeds.. We even have a little gaming team and we are using your releases because these are much better.. Dont stop till Minecraft is coming out of Beta! Please!

louiehamper (2011-01-15)

thnx narfdude i didnt kniw this was a installer and now im downloading it so yippeee lol thnx anyway

SkillRs (2011-01-15)

Well... thanks for everything narfdude.
But I have to agree with D4RKDOG. I just love your ups...
I don't think anjoscaido's updator is a shit... but i definitely don't like it. It doesn't works very well, and doesn't download a "version" file, i'm not sure if it's really important, but the anjocaido's release is the only way to run minecraft without the file.
Please, keep uploading...

SkillRs (2011-01-15)

plz people, if you agree with me and D4RKD0G let narfdude know, post here.

lycanwarrior (2011-01-15)

i cant connect to the server i host plzz tell me what to do

narfdude (2011-01-16)

@D4RKD0G and SkillRs thanks, Im glad you guys like these uls. as long as the number of seeders stays above 10, I guess I could keep uploading these.
@louiehamper I forgot to mention this is just an update. If you dont already have minecraft, I did make an installer for all the files if you want that instead.
@lycanwarrior when I connect to my own server I usually type the number 0 and press enter. try that and tell me if it doesnt work.

Sergiul (2011-01-16)

who is anjocaido?

Sergiul (2011-01-16)

any1 , this is not working , it is shit

CagedHerridge (2011-01-16)

@narfdude Dude when i make a server, then type in the address why does it say User not premium all the time

narfdude (2011-01-17)

@CagedHerridge put the server properties file I included, in the same folder as the server.jar

disconsented (2011-01-17)

How do I change my character skins?

louiehamper (2011-01-17)

hey narf i would like the installer, but preferibly for 1.2_01 since it supposedly7 has less lag

narfdude (2011-01-18)

well, youre in luck louie. i uploaded the 1.2_01 update. it has an installer too. use the old installer to get the other necessary files then use the 1.2_01 update installer.
@disconsented there are a few ways to do it. i suggest getting a texture pack. its the easiest way. if you want to do it manually there are some tutorials on other sites like world of minecraft and the minecraft forums.

CagedHerridge (2011-01-18)

Thanks for the reply xD
Done that but come up with the same.

badela (2011-01-19)

It doesn't work for me. I unzipped the zip-file, but double clicking the .jar-file just gets me a bleep from windows and nothing more. Double clicking the update .bat file gets me some stuff in the cmd and nothing more. After that clicking the .jar-file still does nothing.
What am I doing wrong?

narfdude (2011-01-19)

@badela this is just an update for the game. get a different upload that is about 40mb to get the files needed to play the game. then use this update.

masterjew (2011-01-25)

Ok so i got the down load and all i started the server it loaded Now i dont know what to do the Icon MineCraft Just keeps making a DING nosie when i click it i just was wondering what to do

narfdude (2011-01-25)

@masterjew I dont really understand the problem. try restarting the server and minecraft, then try again.

PirateSince4192 (2011-01-29)

I got the server working but it says i don't have enough ram. I am running it on a 4GB RAM, windows 7 laptop. How can I increase the ram the server uses?

narfdude (2011-01-31)

@PirateSince4192 download the server.exe from and use that. or you can get the server.jar from there and follow the instructions underneath it. be sure to put the one you use, in its own folder along with

PirateSince4192 (2011-02-01)

thnx, that works. I thought we could only use the server you gave us. thanks again!!

Queerio (2011-02-12)

I downloaded the whole thing and extracted the server files (I already have Minecraft further than beta1.2 so I didn't extract the other file). Then I ran the server file and it seemed to work perfectly.
It said I didn't have enough RAM but it still completed at 100% and said it was successful.
Then after ages of searching for IP addresses I finally find some and it says that I'm not a premium user and doesn't let me online.
No shit. I want to play online but I can't possibly buy the game. Please help narfdude.

Queerio (2011-02-12)

I ran the server again. It read this after typing the question mark:
[INFO] Done! For help, type "help" or "?"
[INFO] To run the server without a gui, start it like this:
[INFO] java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui
What does that mean? Am supposed to open Minecraft in a certain way?

narfdude (2011-02-13)

@Queerio for the ram issues, download minecraft_server.exe from: and put it into the same folder as the other server files (the jar and properties files). use that to start your server so that others can play with you.
to play on somebody else's server you will need to find one that is set to allow players who havent bought the game. the tunngle network has some servers you could try.

krille09 (2011-02-20)

I have lil problem, I'm not premium but I'm trying to host a own server (everythings fine but I can't login since it's premium), is there any other server some guys of you know? I really want that, thanks :)

LazarusSharpe (2011-02-21)

It's possible that this is a stupid question, but I would love some help regardless.
I got everything to work perfectly, went through Hamachi with a friend and set up the server to work just fine. I was able to sign in using the fake IP Hamachi gave me, but when my friend tried using the same IP, it kicked me from the game and let him on.
Is there something I can do about this or are we just doomed to only have one sign in at a time?
Thanks in advance.

narfdude (2011-02-22)

@krille09 you should be able to login fine if you leave the properties file in the same folder as the server file. if you want a different server there is one called bukkit: I will probably upload an easy to setup/use craftbukkit server pack with plugins, etc if nanoentity doesnt soon.
@LazarusSharpe are you both using a name changer? if not, then you will both have the name "Player". the server kicks people when there are two who use the same name. anjocaido made a name changer updater thing. here it is: if that is not the case, then give me some more info and ill see whats wrong.

Imaloser2 (2011-02-26)

Does the server work with beta 1.2_2? If not does anybody know where I can find one? (the mod I want to play doesn't work with any other version lol)

Cyzzacle (2011-03-11)

Hey I got it to run, and I can log in with my friends, but it won't let us get any resources. When we dig a sand or dirt, it disappears, doesn't give us it, and replaces itself after three seconds, HELP NARFDUDE!!

tg23399 (2011-03-27)

i know this is a stupid question, but I don't understand how to install this thing. I got everything done, I was done doing whatever you call it on utorrent, then I got into the folder and I didn't have a clue on what to do even after I read the info. Can somebody please help me?

Tsuzuraohime (2011-03-29)

I'm not sure how to get this to work... What files do I put, where? I downloaded minecraft from the site, but it's only an application... I put it with the files and it still says "User not Premium". Also, where do I find .minecraft\bin? I can't find it. Dx