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Former Illuminati Prince Comes Clean - WebArticle Archive 6-Dec






Former Illuminati Prince Comes Clean - WebArticle Archive 6-Dec-




2006-12-06 (by grinreaper_CCE)


This is a collection of articles on and, in some instances by, Leo Lyon Zagami who was being groomed to succeed the current head of the infamous Monte Carlo Propagande Due (P2) Masonic Lodge, the powerful Licio Gelli. Former 33rd degree freemason Zagami, who not only is of very esteemed aristocratic extraction but who is also an accomplished DJ, decided to defect from the Illuminati and is determined to expose the dark secrets of this organised crime meta-network. In doing so he knows he is risking a lot. His story and mission statement is contained in the articles presented here. Titles of articles are: -Inside Illuminati Lodge Skull and Bones 322 Yale University -Born Into Illuminati, Italian Aristocrat Goes Public About Opus Dei, Jesuits and Vatican NWO Connections -Taking Apart The Illuminati Piece By Piece -Former High Level Italian Illuminati Comes Clean -Madonna Another Slave of The Martinist Illuminati Working for Brother Rui Gabirro -More Satanic Worshipping in Vatican Verified -Former High Level Illuminati Responds To Critics -More High Level Illuminati Inside Info From Monte Carlo P2 Masonic Lodge Defector -Former High Level Illuminati on UFOs and Aliens -Who or What is -Pindar- -Bush And Blair 'Complete Satanists,' According To High-Level Illuminati Defector -Illuminati 13 Year Cycle of Rebellion Makes 2010 Important Year -Son of the Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England's Officially Submits to the Vatican Luciferian Powers -The Illuminati and Freemasonic Degree Systems Exposed -The Sovereign Military Order of Malta -Are Threats And Controversy Surrounding Pope Benedict Another Illuminati Show To Incite More Hatred And War -Illuminati Shuts Down Insider's Web Site To Protect New World Order Secrets All articles can be found either on or (this site also carries some radio interviews with Leo) search with keyword 'Zagami'. Should these sites happen to be brought down by the powers that be then you will still have the information. Until recently (12-4-06) I would've adviced this... { For more indepth information on the Illuminati/Jesuits/Zionist controlled NWO, visit: Leo's own website @ } But since squarespace has decided to discontinue Leo's website after allegedly receiving too many complaints and what squarespace considers inappropriate conduct on Leo's part, you have to wait for Leo to hopefully come up with a new internet provider so he can once again publish his Illuminati exposing writings. Latest update, Leo is trying real hard to have up and running a new site with contents of his former site carried over. The site's new URL is: =============================================================================== Learn the true nature of the world, come visit our huge dedicated e-library and forums @ ===============================================================================

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2.23 Mb

