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Charlie Wilsons War DVDSCR XViD-bald






Charlie Wilsons War DVDSCR XViD-bald




2007-12-30 (by aitb )


Files count:



701.80 Mb




ggbaird (2007-12-30)

BaLD have left a note in their 'nfo' saying there is a glitch in the movie credits and there is also the annoying screener messages we get from time to time.

ggbaird (2007-12-30)

IMDb = 7.8
RottonTomatos = 83%
A drama based on a Texas congressman Charlie Wilson's covert dealings in Afghanistan, where his efforts to assist rebels in their war with the Soviets have some unforeseen and long-reaching effects.
Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts

freddiep4 (2007-12-30)

ONE SEEDER, C'mon people, at least seed until your ratio is 3.00. It's the least we can do to "pass it forward" I seed until at least 6.00

freddiep4 (2007-12-30)

Excuse me for my error. There isn't one seeder, there are NO SEEDERS. It's a Damn shame

rrrrrrrrrpirate (2007-12-31)

could someone please seed? there are no seeders and the entire file isn't available right now...
If you aren't going to bother seeding don't bother uploading :-(

bentdoc (2007-12-31)

Excellent quality.
Very good movie.

teesy (2007-12-31)

You Guys Want A FREE Xbox360???
GO fucking DIE
COMMENT ON THE DOWNload and stop fucking spamming every one
by the way-go fucking die

 toxicjuggalo (2008-01-02)

much thanx to the uploader..

rc71 (2008-01-02)

Not everyone can seed that much. normally I set mine to 5, but right now my upload is 10k and I can't even browse two webpages, so I'm barely doing 1. I know that sucks, but so does my isp. :(

dan6550 (2008-01-03)

DVD quality vid sound is great thanks baldie !!

Art_Vendelay (2008-01-03)

wow this thing is like a dvd, its too good of quality. if torrens this good keep poppin up on here they are gonna find a way to shut this site down

terry306uk (2008-01-03)

Excellent Quality, Thanks for sharing, and a BIG THANKS to aitb for the upload, will seed for a while.

maureen.w (2008-01-03)

1st off thank you 4 the upload pic and sound quality 10/10 movie 10 well worth download

kelvin01 (2008-01-03)

100% VIDEO,
100% AUDIO.

fritobean (2008-01-04)

not a bad torrent at all have just skimmed thru it and it looks good thanks for the download

soup100 (2008-01-05)

video looks great but there is an error during the opening credits. It appears to skip right into the film

arsebiscuit67 (2008-01-05)

props for the upload, btw seeders are important but so are the comments, no one likes to wait for a download only to find it's shit and unwatchable, so keep up the good work with the comments on quality
#free tibet#

RevolutioN2012 (2008-01-06)

Great Quality 5/5

FilboidStudge (2008-01-09)

Relatively boring. This film is not half as clever as it think it is. Only watch it if you've seriously got nothing else to do.

FTW2000 (2008-01-10)

the nobel art of mixing a cocktail with stingers, talibans, implicit 11/9 , a feel good movie and it worked very well for me.

duhprane (2008-01-13)

Charlie Wilson trained the mujhadeen AKA 'Al Qaeda', you can thank that drunken cock sucker for 9/11........... that is if you believe the official US Govt story on the subject......

biggast_dj (2008-01-14)

????? english, swedish

HaXXaW (2008-01-15)

the mujahedeen were fighting for their country, they were honorable warriors.
Al Qaeda does not fight for a country, they fight for worldwide theocratic enslavement.
They are not honorable and they are not warriors, they are nothing but cowardly sacks of shit.
duhprane I hope you choke to death and go straight to hell.

Vashist (2008-01-15)

Calm down man!
He might not have known what that word means!
Dont take it so close to your heart.

okultus (2008-01-15)

You are actually very wrong about Al Queda. There was nothing wrong with the previous statement you flamed, do some research between showing the world your ignorance First of all it was indeed comprised of the mujahedeen (sp?) after the Afghan war; second you have no idea what the strategic objectives of this organization is other than what's been fed to you since 9/11. How can you possibly even claim to know the thinking of an organization so covert, so secretive that (as you claim) brought down two skyscrapers in NY and continues to elude the most powerful army on earth. Get a clue man..

Mads0ul (2008-01-16)

plz seed

The-milkyway_Golum (2008-01-17)

ellinikoys ipotitlous

mortalis (2008-01-18)

not that i'm an expert or anything, but Okultus, you have a great argument but citing your info. as being from wiki just kills any credibility that it had. Any good researcher knows that wiki is not a credible source, although it is very often a good starting place to get some background information on a subject. SEED!!

dr.anonym (2008-01-18)

jaymanvid (2008-01-19)

great quality.
please seed.
thanks again aitb

dalun_87 (2008-01-20)


FTW2000 (2008-01-23)

9/11? A good method is to ask who is the winner after the deed is done. The talibans, Iraq (Iran is next man for shave) or Bush? And what nice things you could do with all that tax money instead of frag towelheads and playing indian and cowboys with the world.

necrocide (2008-01-25)

Thats all fine and dandy folks, but I was kind of curious for some strange reason as to the quality of this flick- both graphically and story wise

carpenacci (2008-01-27)

Maybe you ought to consider your choice of words. For indeed it makes you seem "less smart"...

phatcat74 (2008-01-27)

for fuck sake who cares they are all the same those turban goat bangin fucks.
bytheway all muslims, Ive got pictures of mohammed
and i draw pictures every day, and my child draws pictures of him as well. then we fold these
pictures to airplanes and crash them. ha ha.
Were i come from we draw pictures of muhammed to tease the muslims.
muhammed and the muslim faith is just a copy of the true faith.
And god was belonging to the jews before
the muslims could even wright.
Just becuse some arab fuck with no dignity
stumbles around the desert and calls him self mohammed and take some fuck magic ladder to
heaven so he can rape 40 virgins, dosnt mean you can call it a religon.
bytheway all muslim gentle men your women are
great... Ive had four of them and of course if their brothers found out they would be killed.
so the muslim fucks that marries those poor girls
will have to throw goat blood on the bedsheets
on their wedding night before they showe it to their families. ha ha ha.
hopefully there will be a new hitler that will exterminate all muslim men like cockroaches
they are.
We will of course keep and take care of their women, and of course we will abort all male
fetuses for 6 generations so the women are free
from the retarded gens.
Remember all muslim fucks, a muslim woman can still get a orgasm with the clitoris cut of.
How?... just pump more than 3 minutes and poke around a little and you will find out.
you lazy gelous fucks... ha ha ha
why? just read a fucking book and find out
All muslim women dream of sucking cristian balls
becuse their muslim men are lack of them.

raditony (2008-01-29)

What is true faith? God? There is no god. It's imagination like every other believe of higher forces. All religions are for suckers who can't deal the reality.

Neasdown (2008-01-29)

Phatcat74 you are an absolute dickhead - and an extremley racist one at that too!
How bout you go have a cry to your useless God (there is no god) about all the big mean muslims that have upset you.
honestly people wonder why some muslims hate westerners - the answer is you!
howabout you go pray to Jesus for some balls before you have a cry about muslims
id like to see you dropped into the middle of downtown Baghdad so we can see if you can be liberal with your views there and not only while being the coward you are on the net
and for any christian homophobes either
christians shouldnt hate gays
Christ was crucified on a faggot!
- sorry hate to add to this completly unrelated topic but i had to after that guys post
- Peace :D

Flopis (2008-01-30)

Thanks uploader...

phatcat74 (2008-01-31)

Hey asskhan or is it ass-can.
Give me your address and I'll mail you a ticket to sweden. then well see who shits in whos mouth.
About the spelling I'm so sorry I'm just a swede.
So lame to pick on my spelling and then want to beat me up.
But at least I can spell sandnigger.....
C'mon this was just the reaction I was looking for.
Ive been to places like bahgdad not bahgdad
but still very fucked up places for a western guy.
So no thanks i wouldnt set my foot in bahgdad.
even people that has had the right intensions
has been killed in these areas, For no reason other than to please some low life towelheads
They get to kill some western persons but not the right ones.
Hey Ass-can.
why dont you go down on you knees and lick my Balls.
Ass-can it is called piece of shit
peace of shit you dumb-ass arab.

KonVekT (2008-02-03)

fucking jew arab niggers... xD

terroraxe (2008-02-03)

Nice now ppl are even using sites like this for they're religous bullshit kill all religons and we would have less wars start with that stupid muslim shit and then bomb the pope with hie medievil way of live

The_Chaos_Seer (2008-02-04)

Way to go hypocrite. Anti-religious fanaticism is still fanaticism.
Oh, and phatcat74, it's okay. You can talk about such things so blatantly racist and offensive because you're Swiss and not American. Anyone who isn't American is obviously immune to the flaws they're normally associated with.
Like murder. God damned Americans and their gun deaths.
Oops, the Swiss have guns in almost every house and have quite the comparable death-by-gun rate.
Oops, Swiss men are inducted into militia at 20 until they're 30.
I don't know, I might just be a humble Canadian living in an only somewhat racist country (yeah, the whole black school thing is gay but what can you do) but I must say that assholes seem to spawn everywhere... regardless of nationality, technological advancements and religion.
Fuck off with your religious zealotist hypocracies you racist piece of shit.

insomniacin (2008-02-04)

English subtitle here:

j-acob (2008-02-05)

dear phatcat74, you are the kind of swedish person that makes me sad that I have to live in the same f*cking country as you. I hope you die (slowly and painful).

rashonmybutt (2008-02-05)

Unfortunately phatcat74 is swedish not swiss, although I bet that all the other swedes reading the comments wish he was, I sure as hell do. I grew up in Saudi Arabia (I am a blond and blue eyed swede), so I do know something about the socio political problems affecting the region, and it's people like phatcat74 who just keep on making a bad situation worse. So give me your address phatpussy74, so I can get some of my "towelhead" friends and put you in the hospital

phatcat74 (2008-02-05)

Dear chaos seer!
To my knowledge I wrote Sweden and not Switzerland? well well.
This is a quit common thing with you guys from the North American continent.
I?m a Swede, Sweden is in Europe, up in Scandinavia and no my friend we got no polar bears
Our neighbor country isn?t Italy its Norway.
Sweden is the 4th in count of weapons among people in the world, every 4th person has got a
Weapon. There are about slightly over 2 million of weapons in Sweden.
The murder rate in Sweden is about 100-115 a year and has been so since 1978.
Kills by guns evolving murders including accidents are about 10 persons each year.
The Swedish population is right now 9.2 million people, that would mean if U.S.A
Had the same death-by-gun rate as you call it, they wouldn?t have more than 300
Deaths a year instead of (if Moore is right) 11000 deaths.
We have a military service that last from 8-15 months and of course we have the regulars.
Last year we had 5000 in the service? psst don?t tell anyone or the Russians will find out
And rape the shit out of us some night.
So dear chaos seer what the fuck are you talking about?
I can?t call myself a racist or anti nothing I?m just a person who sees the world in a totally clear HDTV color.
And by that I don?t mean racial colors.
The acts done by certain groups towards others are very often done by lack of tolerance and of course don?t forget desperation, ignorance and low self-esteem.
The Middle East is by far one of the most fucked up places you can visit.
Different languages, different clans, variations of the Muslim religion etc you name it, and that could be in the
Same country.
For example Iraq.
And of course here the bush administration thought was a good idea to get involved in.
I don?t say Americans because the most I?ve been talking to has not been very happy with the idea of
The involvement in Iraq.
But still Bush won an other term.
I might seem to be an asshole with an opinion, but if being an asshole means that you think the people
In the Middle East and other Muslims has
Very little tolerance against other religions
Very low equal value of women
Very slow and low factor of solving crises within their own groups
They are pretty god racists

And don?t think
That a woman should wrap herself in towels
A raped woman should get killed by her family so they protect their petty little honesty
It?s right to cut some help workers throat
Yea then I am an asshole A SUPER BIG ASSHOLE.
Rather that than being understanding and naive.
Man the list can get so fuckin long.
Never the less there are Muslims that are good, on the other side they are just an accident ready to happen.
If they live in the west and do not succeed in what they are doing then we are racists.
Instead of wondering if not they probably could have a very fucked up idea of running things and fix it.
My answer is this; go home if you can?t stand it.
And if you got no money here it is, its going to be cheaper for us.
Last year we had 30 000 Iraqis that tried to get refuge here in Sweden, 15000 got it.
You could ask yourself what makes them to seek refuge in Sweden since sadams fall.
Many of these will of course get work here but too many will bleed our social security system.
And hate us at the same time.
It?s like giving someone a shelter, food, medicine, education and a safe environment and the thank you
Is a rape fuck right up your ass.
Dear chaos seer!
If you want to get really rape fucked stay understanding and naive.
You could join some help organization and go to Iraq, the risk of getting your throat cut while you help
Might not happen but the risks are pretty high and it would be learning it the hard way.
Dear chaos seer!
Lick my balls

phatcat74 (2008-02-05)

Why don?t you grow up.
If you would come here with your towel head goat fucking friends I would just break your fingers and stick them up your butt.
You probably should check with your so called friends that they don?t fuel up their bmw or mercedes from the 80: s diesel instead of petrol.
I just love this! Here we got some new born blond Muslim talking about Saudi Arabia and what
he knows about socio political problems.
Man could you tell me why they can?t figure the math out and get civilized?
You seem to know so much with all friends and so.
I can help you with an answer.
There is no fuckin way to solve their problems.
Why don?t you date one of your friend?s sisters?
you could get online and tell us what happened.
The girls as I said before are great.
If your friends don't bother I would be surprised
and say that they truly are Swedish in their sharing
If I would talk like you I would say
-Im going to go Jigsaw on you man.
But that would be so retarded now wouldn't it.
rashonmybutt why dont you go and give one of your friends a rimjob in his bmw, so mohammed
the prophet can sweet talk Allah in to saving you a hotspot in some suicide bombers harem in heaven.

goofy113 (2008-02-07)

since i'm swedish dont even bother to complain about my spelling, i just don't care :P
if you want to reply/comment, go ahead!
but i dare you too come up with grown-up,
mature, realistic and REAL arguments!!!??
THE most dangerous people in this worlds are religious people!
thus we should make it illegal to worship religion
and such totally fictional nonsence.

religion is made up by someone scared of dying and beeing dead,
too cumfort his own WEAK and childish mind becouse he could not handle the truth/reality about biology...
You live, and then you die. there is nothing more to it, and no fantasy will ever change that!
it's just the simple way of nature.
yes, there is crime and such that is dangerous
but that is allready illegal.
so lets concentrate on making the rest of the
war and vilence-mungoring feble minded religious idiots and thier beleifs ILLEGAL
becouse religious people are the most dangerous and rasist kind of people there is,
and allmost all really big war and crusades began becouse of religion!
that is all you really need too understand
this is my point of wiew, and you cant change it becouse i know i'm right on the money with this idea.

phatcat74 (2008-02-07)

Very well said.

Vetra_Langdon (2008-02-09)

Shouldn't we forbid politics too then? Right now more people die because of politics... Think about it...

leon001 (2008-02-11)

Don't pray in my school, and I won't think in your church.

FTW2000 (2008-02-11)

phatcat74: Hey!! Dont mess up the old swedish heirloom! Of course there are polar bears walking the streets (I just saw one or whas it just a large dog?). And the blond girls with those huge knockers. Or the horror with all those swedish bikiniteams in heat. My advice to all you american tourist is just skip the chitchat and ask for a fuck right away.

Shenchi (2008-02-11)

I have always been amazed at how the human animal will try anything to separate itself. Religion is looked up to because it satisfies this desire to divide humans apart. The funny thing is that we humans have done this for thousands and thousands of years and it hasn't worked out in any of the past attempts. Maybe someday we humans will try something along the lines of WE instead of the I mentality that we can see in our past has never worked. Or the other option would be for humans to kill each other off through infighting over beliefs......

tantheon (2008-02-13)

I Always find it amazing that people use these forums as a Bitch fest towards each other why not take it to a forum where you do not spoil the real raeson for posting on this torrent no body really cares what you Fucks think anyways (except where this Torrent is concerned)Thanks for the up AITB

g_tonttu (2008-02-13)

@ goofy113
I dare to question that...even though religion would be illegal there would be wars, just for other reasons (Japan attacked China in the 1930 because of the need to expand, there wasn't enough land for the Japanese people)

DevLcL (2008-02-15)

Phatcat74, you say there are 100 deaths per 9 million people in Sweden? Well there are well over 300 million people in America so with that ratio the number would be more like well over 3000 deaths per year, not 300.

DevLcL (2008-02-15)

rashonmybutt... how can you say that? Phatcat is absolutely right about Islam and its not people like him causing the problem. The ones causing the problem are the ones blowing people up for no good reason.

FTW2000 (2008-02-16)

tantheon: Well spoken. I did love the movie and aitb thanks for the share. Just lazy and drunk again.
And just seeing red on those inbreed redneck ##¤"#(re: you support Bush and you have furnish your house with a flagg only too show some poor bugger wich country he currenlty visits or like rock bands. Hello .... Man! Im so fuck up! Im in the city of ......!! ). Just say no! You dont fuck your own relatives!. And the evil empire that threaten the world peace by seeing its foreign policy like a game of playing cowboys and indians.

phatcat74 (2008-02-16)

By 100 deaths i meant the total murder rate.
Deaths by gun rate are about 10 deaths/year.
Read it again and you will understand what i mean.
The ratio of deaths by guns are 10 per 9.2 million in Sweden.
so USA ratio would have been 300 kills by guns a year.
In fact that might just be half the avarage kills by guns/year in a large American city.
Have got no facts for that but if the normal deaths by gun rate in the USA is 11000/year it wouldn't suprise me.

Neoventa (2008-02-18)

so much to sy, but still nothing....phatcat74 is a f**king idiot.....he gives os swedish persons bad rep....

maxsw3 (2008-02-21)

USA are a country built on hypocrits. In some states its easyer to get your hands on a weapon then Alcohol and i agree with goofy113 it would be much better with out religions!

morgueNfreeman (2008-02-23)

hello people,
i want to tell something to people who doesnt know anything about Middle East and about Muslims.
Here we go. i am a turkish guy from istanbul. i know much about arabic people, turkish guys and kurdhish guys. you say when a raped woman is killed by her family, the family think they saved their reputation and honer in middle east. thats totally bullshit, because its not about middle east or müslims, its about clan thing. the clan rules still remains because of you. you dont let them read, write argu. gues how? you stick them being potantial terorists. you use them to fuck up your opponents. when the job is done, you say: yo mother fucker cock sucker fucked up people you dont have tolarence about religions but yours. the iraq people are hungry, afraid of dying, women are raped by the soldiers, who have given their words to get there democrasy. again gues what, somehow, one of the müslim fraction scafolded saddam, then civil war has begun. its your game. rape them, stick them, name them whatever you want. the absuluth truth is, you never help them. so dont let yourself to dream about tolerations. the world is fucked up and you are the part of it.

_Proppi (2008-02-23)

Sooo how is the movie?

gveloz (2008-02-23)

Great question, _Proppi! lol
I'd like to know too - not about the content, but the quality.

kennkenniff (2008-02-24)

fcuk u u stupid fuk rashonmybutt i hate reading this crap it should be illegal and all you sandn_ggers should be sent to china and turned into pet food and fed to the dogs and cats you hate so much , oh yeh fuk all-------------ah and there are no virgins when you die cause snoopdogg pimped them out for 5$and had to give refunds cause they smellsobad

Kaosdemonen (2008-03-01)

Okey becouse it seems Everey ine here is complaining and nagging about my country i get little mad... Phatcat/rat the hell i care about you fucking names... Sweden is a great Country (sometimes) And i well listen to this There IS an Rebel force in sweden There is a "unoffical Millitary force" There is a swedeish Mob a russian mob theres is Unbelivenly A School that semms to be a madhouse. Now moe here you Sons of bitches that talk bad about Swden and i will Kick you asses. i promise..

kennkenniff (2008-03-22)

fuck you justpoo may you burn in Muslim hell and have to smell their stank women for eternity you fucking jew loving kike fagot this torrent is tainted because a god damn Muslim terrorists have downloaded it fuck you fucku fucku fucku fucku fucku fucku fucku fucku fucku fucku fucku fucku fuckc fucku fucku fucku fucku

noel_d (2008-03-22)

its not about hate rallies "just poo" it is about equality of life. this film is perpetuating a lie, making the general public incrementally less informed. It was actually Jimmy Carter that initially funded 500m to the mujahadeen in july 1979 prior to the Soviet invasion in the following september. they funded the Mujahadeedn to (successfully) draw in the Soviets to Afganistan. For more facts see John Pilger's excellent documentary "breaking the silence" (available on youtube). These are facts, not opinions

mattbaker101 (2008-04-24)

wtf is goin on here? not bcaus som1 is israeli or even iraqui hes a terrorist u dumb people?!

dolphane (2008-05-03)

is it just me or is kenkenniff hilarious? he has no idea that he is an absolute retard. im not talking about mental retardation, im talking about so completely moronic that even though he (and people like him) are disliked by everyone and everything (i wont say hate, thats reserved for him), they still think they are not retarded, as if they are in a delusional state of retard.
the best part about kenkenniff? he is either a fan of eminem, a rapper who would fuck him up if he was anywhere near him and would rather die than acknowledge him, or he's a homosexual which is what ken kaniff is in eminem's skits, a made up homosexual, in which case he's the wors case of self-loather there is.
kennif, why dont i post your answer to this for you:
'fuck you you &(&(&*R^%$%&%&&%^&gger and your mom is a &$## S@%^%$^&&ew!'

MissyKG35 (2008-07-19)

this is my first time doing the utorrent..i downloaded this and burned it to a dvd to watch in the player with my family..well it doesnt play and advice for a utorrent newbie ty

MohawkMitch (2008-08-24)

cant we all just get along?! lmao, since when has trying to share files and good movies become grounds for racist and immature remarks for people who couldnt even give a "sandnigger" a dirty look in real life, grow a pair people! sheesh! oh, great movie btw ;)