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Steal This Film






Steal This Film


Video/HD - Movies


2007-12-28 (by stealthisfilm )


This is the 720p version of Steal This Film Part II. For other versions check The League of Noble Peers are delighted, after more than a year, to release Part II of STEAL THIS FILM. In this film, we have tried to go beyond the current discussions around file-sharing to look at what kinds of social change are precipitated by massive changes in our capacity to communicate. We think the changes wrought by networked, peer distribution are historical on the scale of the printing press and here we try to explain why. For many of you these argument will be familiar. These are strange times, in which to many of us the battle already seems to have been won. And yet we have to accept that all the time harsh laws are being enacted, lawsuits levied against innocent people, arrests made - all intended to destroy or delay what is an inevitable change in how we look at creative work. We hope STEAL THIS FILM II can be useful in bringing new people into the legions of those prepared to think creatively about the future of distribution, production and creativity. It has been an exciting and demanding year for us and we really hope you will enjoy the work we have done. It would not have been possible without the the thousands of donations you have given us. Thank you. The League Of Noble Peers December 2007

Files count:



1757.83 Mb




fluffyguts (2007-12-28)

Excellent, everyone should watch it!

CsmcDem (2007-12-29)

finally!!!!! and in hd :) thanks noble league of peers!

Cronnie (2007-12-29)

wa hey!

xjlm (2007-12-29)

Thanks much!

sweef (2007-12-29)

yeah man
data recycling --> for a cleaner world wide web

ragingranny (2007-12-30)

Thanks for the refreshing educational approach to sharing. everyone should watch this to get a better understanding of what we all do one way or another to communicate & educate.
To the Noble League of Peers.
Good Luck & Thank You

Kallell (2007-12-30)

swe sub???

badfeng (2007-12-31)

Nice production values, but largely dull. Lots of interviews with prominent neterati, but too little of substance.

michalisnik (2007-12-31)

Nice but the Proprietary Quicktime likes to crash my pc a lot... Next time use theora! ;)

pimme. (2007-12-31)

va i helvete handlar skiten om?

downloader2755 (2007-12-31)

vad handlar den om???

downloader2755 (2007-12-31)

what's it about??

Zephyroth21 (2007-12-31)

Does this appear choppy in quicktime for anyone else?

Zephyroth21 (2007-12-31)

Disable Direct3D video acceleration in QuickTime
1. On the Start menu, click Control Panel.
2. Open the QuickTime control panel.
3. Click the Advanced tab.
4. Deselect Enable Direct3D video acceleration in the Video section

death734 (2008-01-01)

its h264 and aac so just screw quicktime and play it in MPC with coreavc installed.

kardall (2008-01-01)

Ok, ya I have no doubt that the interviews are good. Definately persons that have things to say. But, uploaded 12-28 21:40 and a comment at 12-29 00:05 ... not saying he doesn't have a fast connection or anything, but did he just click the download button and immediately post a "must watch" comment?
Anyway. I will download and seed, cause that's what it's about.

Greytop (2008-01-05)

Great film. Seriously a must see. Anybody who doesn't know P2P will definately understand it after watching these two films. X3

rjodwyer (2008-01-17)

Stream link:

gayjim (2008-01-25)

if you like the rap music into the "Steal this Movie 2" film from Chipmunk, you may like the ReMix which can be found on
exact link to post:

ninjasource (2008-02-27)

this version have awesome picture quality :-)
can be played with VLC videolan player or perhaps quicktime as well
...btw... after watching this film i really got bad conscience for all stuff ive downloaded/copied (and its alot!)... so u could say this film had the opposite effect from what was intended... i couldnt associate with anything anyone said in this film... like, all the trashtalking about the movieindustry... and the "sketch" about the girl stealing the rabbit...
...sorry... if ure gonna bring down the movieindustries i wont give u any support unless it is with a hypocrasy-free agenda which in this case would mean that u as well will have to bring down the whole worldeconomy all togheter and make the whole planet a big welfare based union...
only targeting the movie/music/media/etc industries would be hypocrisy

Bloodiator (2008-08-12)

damn at last i find it

oriks (2008-10-05)

I thought it was pretty good and well thought out. Will Seed :D

PenIs404 (2009-01-30)

Go piratebay.ARG!! ;p

fruityloop7 (2010-04-22)

Thank god copyright laws were invented!! The world must have been so boring with writers, painters, musicians and filmmakers sitting around unwilling to create anything cus noone had invented copyright laws yet!
As soon as copyright laws were invented all those creative types started making interesting stuff - just so they could earn shit loads of money!!!

michaelrwatson (2011-05-14)

1.72 GB?! And this is only part 2!? What the hell is wrong with you? This should be, like, 350MB. I watched Part I--a 336MB file--and the quality was great. This is SIX TIMES that big?! W-T-F?!! Fuck you and your mom, you stupid dumbfucks.

hlcfocus (2011-07-15)


watson8252 (2012-01-02)

The Pirate Bay Banzai!

michaelrwatson (2012-04-10)

Wow, 1.72 GIGA bytes for only half the movie?
That's no way to get it to as wide an audience as possible, you morons.

metalkiwi (2012-07-04)

@michaelrwatson, dude, it's in HD 720p, loads of files with that resolution are that size. By the way dumbass, you posted twice, the second whinging about the same "issue" about a year after your first moan. GTFO!!

sephiclo (2012-12-31)

Is it homo to love you pirate guys, because if it is... I think... I think... yes, now I do believe I want pirate 01100010 01100001 01100010 01101001 01100101 01110011


1. Steal This Film 1757.83 Mb