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Nostalgic 70's and 80's Children's TV






Nostalgic 70


Video/TV shows


2008-09-23 (by tomrbd)


Lots of clips of television ... including ... Cartoon (e.g. Voltron!) Comic Relief Commercial Electric Company Movie Trailer Muppets PSA (Public Service Announcements) School House Rock Sesame St TV Intro I am in violation of the United States Code Section 17 for creating and distributing this DVD. None of the videos on this DVD were created by me. I did not obtain permission from the copyright holders to distribute them. These videos are important to me -- they're a formative part of my childhood and an influential part of my personality. I wanted to share that part of me with you. I have no liabilityless way of doing that. Today. The days of making money selling 1s and 0s are numbered. The new way of distributing art and artists being paid is not yet defined. The old guard is fighting hard and will fight even harder to preserve the existing methods and markets. The new era will not bring itself. Copyright, its advocates say, is necessary for without it, art-consumers will download all the art they want without fear of remuneration. The musicians, authors, photographers, journalists, actors, and any artist whose art can be represented, reproduced and redistributed digitally, will be out of luck. There will be no way to make a living as an artist. As such, there will be fewer artists and no professionals who are able to dedicate their career to art. Hence the quality and quantity of art will suffer. Hence there will be less and less inspiration. Hence the quality and quantity of art will suffer. To the spiralled point where we're a society of artless bastards. Copyright, opponents say, is outdated and prevents news, art, and culture from reaching enough of the population. Most notably the have-not-half. Inspiration is short of breath and is only for the relatively rich. Humanity, as a whole, suffers from the lowered quality and quantity of art that is the obvious byproduct of only inspiring a small percentage of the population. Updating copyright law to more accurately reflect and regulate the current technology and culture would be a step in the direction of equality for all. Which helps the home team (humanity). There are people who are dedicated to this revoltion. To overthrowing the current World Intellectual Property Organization regime - largely pushed by the US Recording Industry Association of America and the Motion Picture Associatin of America. These revolutionaries philosophize, they make software, they defend lawsuits. There are people who are part of this revolution who do nothing more than share files they've downloaded. That's bringing change. Any law that makes 70% of its society's citizens outlaws, is ridiculous and missing the point. One cannot realistically separate the art distribution issue from the economic issue. If artists do not get paid for making their art, they will need to wait tables. The current Napsterish system of simply downloading songs, movies, TV, magazines, photos, videos, etc is only half the solution. The new way will have some rules, guidelines, technologies and societal mindsets in place that will enable the artist to get paid. While still distributing their art for free. Change is hard. The existing business models work for the media distributors and they don't want to give them up. They don't know how to survive in the new as-yet-defined system. Have compassion for them -- it's scary. This benefit of helping humanity is hardly capitalist incentive for corporations to change. There are two choices for what will make capitalists change. Make it attractive enough for them to adopt some new way that that radically redefines what they do. Revolution whereby they have no choice but radically redefine what they do or die. Jack Valenti, the late head of the MPAA testified before congress in 1982, when the VCR was gaining traction, that "VCR is to the American film producer and the American public as the Boston Stranger is to the woman home alone." The movie and TV industries somehow managed to augment their business models to profit from the disruptive VCR technology. But it was scary for them before they figured it out. Such a solution exists with regard to the even more disruptive technology of downloading art. With even more potential for humanity and business' bottom line than the VCR. If enough of the population boycotts the major record labels and movie studios, and instead download gratis the music and movies they wish to consume, the labels and studios will either evolve or go extinct. As we are tearing down the current system, somebody will figure out how to fill that void and make money in a novel way. While that somebody could be you, it doesn't have to be in order for you to be justified in downloading art. It is not necessary to know the new system yet. We do not need to move TOWARD a new system as we move AWAY from the outdated system, new ways will crop up. To help that move, you can boycott the RIAA's records and the MPAA's movies. You can teach your friends and relatives to download art from Peer To Peer networks like BitTorrent, Freenet, DC++, gnutella/limewire. You can donate to the EFF. You can call your congressman and protest copyright extension and demand copyright reform. You can simply share the contents of this DVD. The coming new way will further the acceleration and connectedness of communication. Things along this time line are coming faster and faster -- the development is taking less and less time between steps. Life came into existence on this planet Language Writing Printing press Telegraph Telephone Email Cell phone ICQ (first popular Instant Message system) Peer to peer downloading of lots of people's ideas and art Google Movie, Music, Photo remixing software is good enough and cheap enough to do pro level work at home. Bluetooth Wireless headsets (external "implants" that instantly connect you to almost anybody on the planet)Cell phone cameras make it so nearly everybody in Western culture carries a camera all the time. Facebook It's getting there... we're moving toward an instantaneous and free way of communicating more and more of ourselves to any individual or everybody on the planet. Many teenagers know what their friends had for breakfast and what song they're hearing right now. They know what their friends' influential movies and music are and have seen most of the photos and movies their friends have recorded. Along with that is the coming remix culture (Remix and other books by Lawrence Lessig are excellent about an art creating culture instead of an art consuming culture). So many of us, times being what they are, grew up with so many of our memories and personality forming moments coming from the media. Moments from movies, music, tv and other media can sometimes be more powerful formative experiences because, unlike real life, they can engrain through repetition. How much do you know about someone if you can know their memory? The contents of this DVD are a lot of my memories -- I say you know me better than you did before watching this DVD. Did you find anything on this DVD that triggered some long-time-since-activated memories? Do you know yourself a little better too? What I've done here is an Album. a compilation. a playlist. a scrapbook of other peoples' records. I am merely the curator. Would you know me better if I'd RE-recorded the records on this DVD? Remixed them? Mashed them up with other records and added some of my own original stuff. Added more of me. The RIAA and MPAA don't want to let me do that. They're fighting tooth and nail to make that illegal and vulnerable to lawsuit. They're suing grandmas and dead people in the process. The free and instant remix culture of communication and information sharing is coming quick like a bunny. It will vault humanity in every endeavour. We'll be able to make artistic and technological Collaborations with greater and greater efficiency. Over more distance and less time. Involving exactly the collaborators whose respect you've earned -- who want to play your game. They'll have an easier time finding you. You'll have an easier time working with them. The art and technology that comes from these communications and collaborations will be the foundation of the 21st Century. -Burning dan


  1. sesame street
  2. voltron
  3. nostalgia

Files count:



1109.33 Mb

