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Pinnacle studio 10 plus cd1+cd2+serial.rar
Software PC
Pinnacle studio 10 plus cd1+cd2+serial.rar
2006-01-11 (by mintaka)
Pinnacle studio 10 plus cd1+cd2+serial
Files count:
1213.30 Mb
cyclone7 (2006-01-14)
hi mintaka, please seed, a lot of us stuck on 4.6% - thanks -c7AirRaid666 (2006-01-24)
PLZ SEED!!!Robotcop (2006-01-24)
Pleease seed??Robotcop (2006-01-25)
seed please?Robotcop (2006-02-06)
Stuck at 4.6%... Please seed!Krullibull (2006-02-10)
Är tyvärr fast på 7.6 %didymos (2006-02-16)
Stack at 7.8%...seed goddamitbullorg (2006-03-01)
hi mintaka, please seed, a lot of us stuckbohjo (2006-05-12)
Seeda någon plstestosteron (2006-07-29)
Please someone seed, I'm stuck at 94% and I need this program because I'm gonna be without internet for two months!Snälla seeda någon, jag är fast på 94% och jag behöver det här programmet eftersom jag kommer vara utan internet i två månader!
Willcom (2006-08-01)
stuck at 94%!Did anyone got 100%?
synern (2006-08-15)
SEEDA! fastna på 94!!!!!!Rockjumala (2006-08-16)
Stuck at 94%....PLEASE SEED!Rockjumala (2006-08-16)
Come on, somebody! SEED!Mlhos (2006-08-24)
Hi Mintaka, I am from Slovak republic from Europe. Please seed, a lot of us stuck on 5,5 %. Thanks very much.mattias666 (2006-09-06)
Alltså...jag har lyckats att få hem hela prog men det fungerar inte när jag väl installerat det. Får felmedelande så fort jag försöker starta!!!! Någon som haft samma??erik642 (2006-09-17)
det är något fel på startfilen! för det står Application error!Apen Hans (2006-10-15)
is this for editing video?gogubbeigoteborg (2006-10-28)
Ladda fan inte ner denna skit det fugerar fan inte! rena skiten! Eller så är det jag som gör fet fel men jag har fan försökt nu 500 gånger och det går bara inte! Fuck this shit hole.Mvh // Gbg
spinnfinity (2006-11-07)
SEED FFS! PLZ....!eclipse321 (2006-12-08)
Skumt.. Jag får inte den att fungera..Drake BBNR (2006-12-27)
SEED PLEASE!!!!method007 (2007-01-16)
hi all. could any on reseed this cool tool. i see no one is seeding it.Thanksokviin (2007-01-17)
skiten går ju inte få att starta ju!det bara lägger ner när man försöker starta upp det
Nilsensteffen (2007-01-31)
Why does'nt it works? It cant find the program to open it! help?SlabbZter (2007-03-08)
Er det en iso fil?Jag92 (2007-03-29)
I can't find the serial, anyone help me?Jag92 (2007-03-29)
Sorry, stupid of me =P I found it! :)number 37 (2007-04-03)
Lame.I keep getting an Application Error when I try to start up the program.
In other words: it does not work.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
david5000 (2007-04-04)
Aa...hänger sig typ 3-4 ggr i kvarten.Väääldigt jobbigt att jobba med...
dj svamp (2007-04-06)
hmmm... this shit isn't working.. application error...semms I'm not the onlyone having this problem...markdolan (2007-04-10)
I can't find the serial number, I know I'm being a dumbass, Jag92 where did u find it?ollekol (2007-05-02)
My pinnacle is freezing at the end at the installation. Anyone have the same problem? Pliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiz helpmarkan1 (2007-05-10)
hur fan instalerar man skiten elr?Sigurd-JL (2007-05-30)
I don't know how I get the serialnumber, but I need so much!! Can someone please tell me how I get it? Jag92, you say that you have found it, but can you PLEASE say how?? Please, that would be so nice! Please...[email protected]
barbershoppen (2007-06-22)
Have anybody got this to work ? Errors at startup all the time.. #?%%"/¤Tigereyze (2007-07-29)
I can´t get this to work. It has downloaded as nrg file. I have burned it onto a cd but it will not open. It is just a nero disk.Can anyone please help.
BillHark (2007-07-31)
I dl'd OK, but can't get the compressed files to extract, just get nrg or iso. Info?TheCr4ckHuNt3R (2009-05-21)
Great program! Thnx man!G. Robert (2009-06-04)
Thank You Very Muchfreddyhfk (2009-11-03)
I had before some transitions such as "directional dissolves" "animated picture in picture"... after I reinstalled windows not know where I copied and installed, has anyone an idea. mention that they are not on any pack or bonus from pinnacle.yashiro2k9 (2010-11-25)
will mintaka i hope this worked i have mine but the disc is damage so i download your post of pinnacle 10 i hope it will not stuck i will seed if 100% workedFiles:
1. Pinnacle studio 10 plus cd1+cd2+serial.rar 1213.30 Mb