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Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire 2005 SE Fi PAL DVDR-APOCALYP








Video/Movies DVDR


2007-07-14 (by He0n )



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Files count:



4474.73 Mb




fourreal (2007-07-14)

is it swedeish audio?

fourreal (2007-07-14)

it´s swedish audio`?

Kexbandit (2007-07-15)

Read the description, does it say that swedish audio is included? YES, it is! English audio is also included. Read the description before you ask something.

vickyk73 (2007-07-15)

Thanks a lot uploader.

92joli28 (2007-07-16)

I´ve burned down the movie and when i put it in my dvd i starts...
...but when it comes to the menu i cant press any buttons with my remote! And somehow i start the film but if I press the subtitle button on my control diffrent subtitles comes up such as german,frensh an so on. But they dont work!
Somone with the same prob?

Chemicalbeat (2007-07-17)

What the fuck is prob. with everybody? Read the fucking info!

calibra_nox (2007-07-19)

störtskön torrent :) tack så mycket!

xavier_self (2007-07-28)

i saw there are dutch subtitles...thnx...hope the kids are able to read and understand it now...thnx again. m XS

Pichter (2007-12-01)

Tackar så mycket :)

Ture_Sture (2007-12-21)

Thx :)

Volcomandy (2008-01-14)

i got stuck at 97.8% and it says "error - File missing from job" :S
Any suggestions?

LionSword (2009-01-06)

Med tanke på hur mycket DRAVEL som är inlagt istället för vettigt info är det inte så konstigt att flera undrar....
En del som kanske har en "bakgrund" som klottrare???