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The Passion of the Christ DVDRIP [ENG SUBS]






The Passion of the Christ KLAXXON DVDRIP [ENG SUBS]




2009-04-11 (by KLAXXON)





  2. dvd
  3. dvdrip
  4. avi
  5. divx
  6. xvid
  7. 2009
  8. 2008

Files count:



1289.81 Mb




PcConquerer1399 (2009-04-16)

this is a very powerful movie for all Believers, and non believers
Bless ya KLAXXON

PcConquerer1399 (2009-04-20)

zax08 is obviously a fuckin retard that probably gets raped by his father, and tries to fuck his mother but his dick is soo small you need an electron microscope to see it.

Callyc01 (2009-05-07)

don't download anything from seed peer unless you know klaxxon is genuiene

bernibuz (2009-05-15)

great film. v good really got me thinking about my life also!

stert (2009-05-24)

klaxxon hasn't uploaded lately. maybe it's because these little movie critic wannabe bitches have to talk shit instead of just saying thanks

stert (2009-05-25)

i guess i spoke too soon....carry on

topk (2009-05-27)

anti-semitic garbage
religion must die

Peanus (2009-07-14)

>> travr6
Piracy != Theft; Pirating != Stealing

here-am-i (2009-07-15)

its really a powerful movie.......

Playas (2009-07-24)

Honestly I'm not very religious but to all of you who call this a waste of time or in some cases bandwidth (zax808)... Keep those types of comments to yourselves, no one is forcing you to watch this film. I happen to think it was brilliantly done.
Thanks KLAXXON for the upload
Cheers Mate!

WinstonMan (2009-07-30)

Thou shalt not steal.

SemiBurge (2009-08-07)

I suppose most people who like this film are christians, as I am.

crook16 (2009-09-21)


cwg138 (2009-10-04)

Faith rules, yet religion is terrible... quite ironic really. Great quality vid/aud. Good download speed. Thank you very much. This movie is very violent so be advised people.

sychnant (2009-11-30)

I have tried to write 2 different Klaxxon Torrents with Nero Vision and both times i get no sound..:-( what am i doing wrong

muffinman95 (2009-12-05)

jews must die

MattCurlew (2009-12-11)

uh why do people comment on this while they dont like the movie..? Complain at a review-site about the movie or something. Djeez.. Americans.. pff..

wolamute (2009-12-12)

if you like this movie...
and you love Christ....
why would you be so hostile to your brother?
Mathew 5:43 - "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor[h] and hate your enemy.' (44) But I tell you: Love your enemies[i] and pray for those who persecute you, (45)that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. (46) If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? (47) And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? (48) Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
Klaxxon, anything done in the name of the Lord is justified.
Thank you for this torrent.

dantecry (2009-12-13)

Iam a muslim and i love this movie
any way
why all of your comments here is so full of hatred
christians or not ,this is not a war in here
can any one please just thank the uploader and comment about the release quality ?

SGT_Blades (2009-12-21)

wolamute at 2009-12-13 00:32 CET:
"Klaxxon, anything done in the name of the Lord is justified."
Not anything. Only that which is right in His eyes is justified, lol, because it's right in His sight.
And, those sayin why do self proclaimed Christians torrent stuff and then bless the uploader: yes, it's hypocritical and makes little or no sense. I call myself Christian, yet I have torrented MANY things. I see it as a problem and am slowly going away from it. Prayer yall. prayer.
topk at 2009-05-27 19:18 CET:
anti-semitic garbage
religion must die
How is a film which is meant to move people to think about their life and think about what God's done for us "anti-semitic garbage"? "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do." That was then. We know what we do now.
James 1:27 "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."
This must die?
@MattCurlew LOL true.
@Dantecry we're always at war. Since before creation we've been at war. But hah yeah I get your context usage. No need for flaming here

OrpheusDude (2010-01-03)

I just wanted to mention that the entire film is spoken in Aramaic, Latin, and Hebrew. The subtitles on this torrent are the "English for the Hard of Hearing," so each time there is a sound effect (i.e. "jovial conversation," "whips slashing," "screams," "chains," etc.) you get to read about it in addition to hearing it. Other parts - as it seems, parts which Mel Gibson thought which might give further fodder to those claiming the film to be anti-Semitic - are not translated at all, so buck up on your Aramaic!
I know this is a p2p site and not a place for film criticism, and while I will thank KLAXXON for yet another high quality transfer (well, the subs are a bit annoying), I have to call this two hours of slasher movie pornography. If you get off watching this, you'd probably enjoy watching an 8-year-old child being gang-raped and left for dead.
It is, quite simply, a movie which preaches (oh man, does it preach!) to the converted. I can't think of a more disgusting movie, including the final scene of "Pink Flamingos" in which Divine eats dog poo. At least that was funny. This is just pathetic propaganda, more opium for the Christian (especially Catholic) masses.

chavlification (2010-01-19)

is this movie in english or not?? i get the feeling that its not only subtitles are in english... can any one help me out with it... so i can download it... cant wait to see this movie... i will very much appreciate that!

TheGhost107 (2010-02-19)

To chavlification the movie is subbed English because the movie was made in the original language that was spoken at that time

kath3 (2010-02-23)

Great upload.
Audio 10/10 video 10/10
Just wish you would have put the sub-titles in a separate file.
But I thank you none the less.

kath3 (2010-02-23)

Sorry KLAXXON ... I made a goof comment about the sub-titles ... please disregard.
I realize now that the movie was spoken in old language.

xxnorthernlassxx (2010-03-23)

Regardless of whatever faith you have, and regardless of what gods you choose to believe in, we are all human!
Love, Dignity and Respect, my fellow Earthlings xXx
Gr8 upload Klaxxon, shame it was Mel Gibson tho lol

allrockedout (2010-04-15)

funny KLAXXON.. people making fake torrents released supposedly by you
no way NIGGA

FRivera (2010-05-07)

"I have to call this two hours of slasher movie pornography" word. i mean, the torture scene takes up HALF of the damn film, is that really the main point of christ's life?

summerHereKids (2010-05-14)

I would urge all believers, muslim, christian , jew or whatever, to get real and drop it. Your religion has brainwashed you. Please broaden your horizons.
Read Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, and others. And think about it.
Just downloading this movie because of the 'Passion Of the Jew' South Park episode

dave196 (2010-10-12)

good d/l speed 1.2 1.2Mbs thanks for d/l.

Mick1337 (2010-12-21)

laughing at the "Gr8 upload Klaxxon, shame it was Mel Gibson tho lol" from xxnorthernlassxx, some of Mel Gibson's productions are unreal, Apocalypto for example.. thanks for the torrent KLAXXON!

fongy74 (2010-12-25)

orpheusdude not at all like watching child abuse,a graphic portrayal of the life of Christ.

DQV0L (2010-12-28)

fuck..why is with built subs :@

Shellfire-Defense (2011-01-01)

Where's the fucking credits son of bitch?

josehndz3 (2011-03-19)

lmao MoonDookie

umarnawazkhan (2011-03-23)

Jesus Prophet of God..who believe in 1 God..
and he worship 1 God only...he fell on his face when praying to muslim do

Nickelbags (2011-04-22)

Yeah this is a slasher porn, because that is what REALLY happened. Maybe thats a little hard for some of you lesser minds to handle but I suggest you do. Would you make a 9/11 movie an leave out the people jumping to their death instead of burning alive? If you did it would be a pretty shitty film. The Idea was to make it as real as possible and Mel did a great job of that. Nobody enjoys watching this, but out of respect they do. It reminds people of what really happened that day and the price that was paid for us. This is not what Jesus' life was about, its about what his death was about, you fool. If you want a movie of Jesus' life watch "Jesus of Nazareth" As for reading Dawkins, Harris an the other assholes, You read the entire Bible through and think about it. I've read what Dawkins has to say, I've read the bible too. I have a feeling summerkids hasn't really read either.

Nickelbags (2011-04-22)

Yeah this is a slasher porn, because that is what REALLY happened. Maybe thats a little hard for some of you lesser minds to handle but I suggest you do. Would you make a 9/11 movie an leave out the people jumping to their death instead of burning alive? If you did it would be a pretty shitty film. The Idea was to make it as real as possible and Mel did a great job of that. Nobody enjoys watching this, but out of respect they do. It reminds people of what really happened that day and the price that was paid for us. This is not what Jesus' life was about, its about what his death was about, you fool. If you want a movie of Jesus' life watch "Jesus of Nazareth" As for reading Dawkins, Harris an the other assholes, You read the entire Bible through and think about it. I've read what Dawkins has to say, I've read the bible too. I have a feeling summerkids hasn't really read either.

Persian-boy (2011-05-06)

Software analyzed:
File Name...............: The Passion of the Christ_2004.avi
File Size.................: 1,352,466,432 bytes
Runtime.................: 1:54:01
Frames (Width x Height).............: 688 x 288 pixels
Display Aspect Ratio ("DAR").....: 2.389 (43:18)
Storage Aspect Ratio ("SAR").....: 2.389 (43:18)
Pixel Aspect Ratio ("PAR")..........: 1.000 (1:1)
Video Codec...............................: XviD ISO MPEG-4
Video Bitrate..............................: 1124 kbps
25.000 fps
Quality Factor............................: 0.227 (bits/pixel)/frame
Audio Codec...............................: 0x2000 (Dolby AC3) AC3
Audio Bitrate..............................: 448kbps 6ch CBR 48000Hz
Audio Info..................................: 48000Hz 448 kb/s tot , 6 chnls (3/2 .1)
My opinion:
Video: 9/10
Audio: 9/10
Music: 9/10
Great movie and worth to download
Thank you for sharing

Mosiah5 (2011-06-13)

I just saw the movie and this is one AWESOME movie! for those of you that deny Christ... you deny this film!
I rate this:
Audio= 10
Video= 10
Movie= 10
Thanks KLAXXON! another great upload from you!

DameGiggsy (2011-07-10)

Cheers mate. Subtitles are superb and so was this download.

mmedic (2011-10-02)

Saying movies like this is ant semitic is like saying schindlers list is anti nazi
oh, and there is no god, fuck all religious people for making this the world it is.

galvatron311 (2011-11-14)

Spoiler: Jesus dies in the end.

mzbrwn (2011-12-09)

mmedic i dislike when somebody has something bad 2 say about my god when he hasn't done anything but give us chance after chance and we just spit in his face for no reason...GOD is nothing but good and you have to be an evil person to say the things you said I LOVE MY GOD,JESUS CHRIST OUUUUR SAVIOR and pray that he'll show mercy on ur soul GOD BLESS

23gav (2011-12-10)

Don't be so quick "mmedic" to condemn all who are religious as religion is not alltogether bad. I agree that many things have been done and are being done in the name of God that are not at all godly. The crusades have many examples of that. But to say that religion is the cause of ALL the bad in the world I would have to disagree. A minor example would be to look at the apparent hatred you and so many, past and present, express towards religion and the people who follow. Is that hate and anger making the word better? It may seem miniscule but one heart full of hate is but a thorn and is easily ignored and endured, whereas many cause great pain.
Stand up for what you believe, but don't add to the pain.

Glock40clbr (2012-01-23)

mmedic, your daddy should have rolled over and shot you on the wall. do the world a favor and eat shit and die you pissant loser punk. go hide in your mammas closet and jack off to her stinking fat ass like you do every night then eat shit and die.

hackmo (2012-01-28)

@ galvatron311 LMFAO!

aarjcas (2012-02-18)

Thou shalt not steal !
But thou shalt share ;)

jimblah (2012-04-02)

Religion sucks just like racism. They're dragging us all towards destruction. Turn the entire middle east to glass before another american dies over there. Use neutron radiation so the rest of the world can use it when we're through and we can "put an end to this destructive conflict" and end time prophecies once and for all. Now I get to laugh my butt off while I watch 'christ' get the crap beat out of him. :)

jimblah (2012-04-02)

Religious minds are so infantile. They all need extensive deprogramming. They all remind me of David Koresh's followers. Even religious leaders are the product of sick minds or they are just rehashing/regurgitating the same twisted dogma used to control the masses belonging to the thousands of years before us. Religious leaders are motivated by greed and power, not the common good. Faith is a way of non-reason. Download 'Richard Dawkins' works here at tpb.

marekocska (2012-04-03)

Facts can not be racist!!! History can not be antisemitist!!! For dumbs religion is a stupid thing since they do not understand! For us, religion is a true and real!!! Take it as it is, and do not be so angry, love is for everyone!

Dagrio (2012-04-08)

No guys, don't thank him for the movie. Just argue about religion! That'll satisfy everyone. Fucking retards.
Thanks, KLAXXON.

Darko442 (2012-04-14)

The film is excellent, although I do not believe. all who do not believe do not have to watch this movie, and if you look at it let's keep the quality scores.
people should not judge by faith but by works. also no need to hate people of faith, but because of the work. history we see that religion only separates people and mislead them. to me everyone is human until we prove otherwise, or to my mother says everything is easy to be, but the hardest thing is to be human.
A/V 9/10
thank you uploader

itool (2012-06-21)

Thanks, KLAXXON!

moonj52 (2012-09-14)

thanks for the upload
and everyone is who bashing religion...yes we are all human...demons do posses people and the devil wants us to see religious leaders doing bad and horrible things to make us non believers! for everyone who is a believer I will see you all in heaven and just remember you will be judged in front of god!!!! this I cannot wait for because I know I am saved and blessed in so many ways

moonj52 (2012-09-14)

also everyone who is bashing the people who are bashing religion and cussing at them over the internet is this really what God wants from us? No it isnt so your not being any better then they are let them think what they want because you will not change their minds online and on judgement day they will learn the hard way!!!

iHeartaime (2012-10-01)

Hi! Please seeeeeddddd :( No seeders during this time. I'm stuck at 60.6% :( Thanks!! Godbless!

Starpass (2012-10-20)

a very emotional movie 10/10. very Spiritual.
You did a wonderful job on this movie Mel. You sure put the Jews in their place. Good for you.
We are to be led by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will 'talk' with us with thoughts not our own. This is the way to know the Lord. Not in bibles but by the Spirit.
Jesus never told us to read bibles or scriptures or anything like that. He told us to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He never told us to build churches where people pay money to support the man made church. Don't you people know He is the Church and he builds His church in each and everyone of the Elect.

Futuristic (2012-12-02)

God bless all you guys :)

NamelessR (2012-12-10)

Thanks for the upload. I saw it in theaters but I suddenly feel like watching it again.

styxcreek (2012-12-10)

thank you

UhOk (2012-12-14)

Honestly, only downloading this so I can make an rifftrax-style audio commentary for it. You can see gore-porn anywhere, but not Mel Gibson's gore-porn!

j5ize (2012-12-21)

Shit works good. Thanks KLAXXON

bogdanxxx2007 (2013-03-08)

God Bless you and thank you

bogdanxxx2007 (2013-03-08)

Only a fool lose his faith. Read 2 Timothy 3 1-5 about the signs and look at the people today

damyth (2013-03-23)

I've been looking for the 'Recut' version since it was released briefly in theaters in 2005. Can't find a torrent or even the dvd in any stores. Can someone point me in the right direction or upload it? I want my kids to be able to watch it with me this Easter. PLEASE! THANK YOU!

stijr (2013-08-04)

Thank you

humanati (2013-10-11)

Thank you KLAXXON

leafwater (2014-04-18)

Thank you

*reagan* (2014-04-19)

To all y'all blaming the Jews... you might want to look in the mirror for the reason why Jesus died.


1. The Passion of the Christ KLAXXON DVDRIP/KLAXXON.nfo 257 bytes
2. The Passion of the Christ KLAXXON DVDRIP/The Passion of the Christ KLAXXON.avi 1289.81 Mb