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The Eastern Bride (Christian Movie)






The Eastern Bride (Christian Movie)




2009-01-09 (by IndianChristian )


The Eastern Bride (Christian Movie) It is an undisputed fact that islam is the worst religion in the world. It is the religion of Muhammad aka Satan, the father of terror. If Christianity was created by God through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ, then Islam was created by Satan through the death of several million unbelievers. Even today as seen from events in Mumbai, Chechanya, Jaipur, london, New York and quite a number of other places, Islam wants all unbelievers dead or converted to islam. And the method to get that done is ruthless persecutions and harassment. This movie will give you a few glimpses of it. Pete de Jaeger is a young globetrotting South African business consultant. Pete de Jaeger is also unaware. He is unaware of the pressure fellow Christians are under in the Middle East. He's unaware of the deception in China and how they appear to be open to Christianity. That is about to change. While on a business trip in the Middle East, Pete ends up in the middle of a family crisis. He is quickly awakened to the fact that Christians in both countries face real-life persecution for following the Lord, something Pete has taken for granted...until now. From the Producers of "Behind The Sun", this challenging and inspiring drama will open your eyes to the realities of life for Christians under pressure in the Middle East and China. Please pray for Christians in islamic & communist countries. Language: English Subtitles: None Run Time: 67 minutes My Rating: 10/10 Quality: 10/10 (Dvdrip) Year of Release: 2005 If financially possible, please buy this CD/DVD to keep Christian films in business. If Christians won't buy Christian films then who will? Please seed. Let each one of us who call ourself Christians seed 2-3 movies each. So that these movies may become a blessing to all those who are hungry for God's word & grace. May Jesus bless all those who are seeding the christian torrents. "Don't ask me what Christ can do for you! He has done all he could. Tell me what you can do for Christ?" Uploaded by Indian Christian

Files count:



663.92 Mb




ram22xd (2009-01-21)

A question to Indianchristian.
Was Adolf Hiler a moslem?
Were all the other dictators of the world muslems.
Embrace any religion you like, but respect the others' religions. What you wrote is clear evidence that u know absolutely nothing about Islam.
You also contradict yourself; u seem to hate terrorism but what expressed is sheer terrorism. it's people like u who fuse human bombs and add fuel to an already devastating fire. It's the misinterpretation of Islam that drove those fanatic to do what they did

 IndianChristian (2009-01-21)

Was Adolf Hitler a Moslem?
Adolf Hitler was born in a Catholic home. But as he grew up he began to reject the Church and Catholicism and after he left home, he never attended Catholic Mass or received the Sacraments.
But there is good news for you. Hitler regarded Islam itself very highly, because it was a warlike creed. Hitler was very much impressed by a scrap of history he had learned from a delegation of distinguished Arabs. When the Mohammedans attempted to penetrate beyond France into Central Europe during the eighth century, his visitors had told him, they had been driven back at the Battle of Tour. Had the Arabs won the battle, the world would be Mohammedan today. For theirs was a religion that believed in spreading the faith by the sword and subjugating all nations to that faith. The Germanic peoples would have become heirs to that religion. Such a creed was perfectly suited to the Germanic temperament. Hitler said that the conquering Arabs, because of their racial inferiority, would in the long run have been unable to contend with the harsher climate and conditions of the country. They could not have kept down the more vigorous natives, so that ultimately not Arabs but Islamized Germans could have stood at the head of this Mohammedan empire.
Hitler concluded this historical speculation by remarking: ?You see, it?s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn?t we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?
Adolf Hitler's role model was Muhammad, founder of Islam. His book, Mein Kampf was modelled on the Quran and other islamic teachings. Read "Prophet of Doom" chapter 24 (search in google) titled Mein Kampf to understand the excellent similarilty between Muhammad's teachings and Hitler's beliefs as expressed in Mein Kampf.
Misinterpretation of Islam????? What the terrorists are following is the true Islam. For lighter reading read, why I am not a Muslim by Ibn Warraq. For heavy dosage, read Prophet of Doom by Craig Winn. Muhammad started all this rot and rest of the Muslims are blindly following in his footsteps. I have stayed in Pakistan and I know what devlish people muslims are. Every week same story....some christian/hindu girl working in field....a mob of muslims comes and physically lifts the girl/s and takes here somewhere where they rape her repeatedly and then spread the story that she has converted to islam. the girl is never heard of again. no muslim policeman will be willing to take a complaint in this regard. The life of non-muslims in muslim countries is worse than that of swines.
look around you. muslims are fighting rest of the world in every damm country of the world. In India against hindus, in israel against jews, in sudan against christians, in thailand against buddhists, in phillipines against catholics, in Chechenya against Orthodox chistians...need i mention more? A tree is known by the fruit it bears. And as Craig Winn says, Islam is rotten to the core. A bad tree can bear only bad fruit.

ram22xd (2009-01-24)

Hitler??? Influenced by some Arabs???????
The lie of the century!!
The "cut and paste" technique you resorted to is not convincing at all.
The articles you copied are all lies. Reality is the best evidence that those claims are false teaching.
Just look at what has just happened in the Middle East and you'll see who the real terrorist is! first Iraq, then Palestine where babies, women and old men have been massacred in masses and you'll see who's the real terrorist. (Perhaps Bush and the Israeli leaders are Moslems, that's why they committed the biggest massacres of all the times)
Since its revelation to the Last Day the Quran and Islam have been challenged by disbelievers, yet thousands of people, including scientists convert to Islam. Whether you like it or not Islam, Christianity and other religions have become the World heritage

 IndianChristian (2009-02-02)

Muslims read the quran and think they have mastered the world's history, geography, geology and whatever you can think of. Anything that contradicts islamic theology is known as a lie in islam.
So Israelies are the terrorists? and the gun wielding innocent people killing allah hu akbar chanting bearded mercenaries are saints eh? Tell me how did Islam spread? Did mohammad and his disciples go around the settlements of mecca and medina pamphlets in hand ringing doorbells requesting people to turn to islam? I tell you. They went around sword in hand screaming "convert to islam or die" was death or conversion to islam. Muslim sultans attacked india numerous times, each time killing scores of infidel hindus and taking numerous hindu man and woman for sex and slavery. isn't it?
It does not come as a shock to me that the most devlish of all man who lived was a muslim..Genghis khan...the man who molested the most number of woman....but after reading prophet of doom i am forced to change my decision to the prophet of islam, mohammad as the most vile.....reason..there have been worse people than mohammad both before and after mohammad but none of them have done their evil deeds by claiming it to be a god given order and duty. That is why I am so much against this mohammad. If you think that mohammad was a prophet of god you are free to do so. but personally i would not trust a man as a prophet who displays some of the most perverted behavior possible, calls on believers to murder and molest the unbelievers and advocates the murder of believers who leave islam.

g41189 (2009-02-07)

thx a million 4 posting these torrents!

g41189 (2009-02-07)

there's a movie called 'Lay it down' i'd appreciate if u can find and upload!!!!

esabrieva (2009-03-26)

to ram22xd - if you really want to know the TRUTH - seek, ask and you shall find it. In the privacy of your bedroom, in the night, call HIM and HE will answer, because HE promised, and because HE is faithful. But for that you have to want to know the truth, and you have to want this more than everything else in the world. Do you understand - for me is not important to win the argument or to be the one on the top-the right one. If there is absolute truth, my desire is for everyone to know it 'cause I would rather see you in heaven.

capcal (2009-05-31)

To the "all-knowing" ram22xd:
I assume you're one of them bearded muslims bombing and raping for Allah's glory. And oh..please....can you share us just one torrent why the whole world must bow down to your Satanic influenced Mohammed.
And just before i forget, please emphasize to us, how glorious it is to be to die for an everlasting orgy in heaven, eh? nice...

donraphael1 (2011-01-04)

Bro IndianChristian,
You are doing a great job! Thanks a lot!

guest-qwerty (2011-08-18)

Where can I download English subtitles for this movie?