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Climate Confusion - Roy W Spencer (Global Warming)
Climate Confusion - Roy W. Spencer - (Global Warming Hysteria)
2008-04-15 (by xofokim)
Climate Confusion: How Global Warming Hysteria Leads to Bad Science, Pandering Politicians and Misguided Policies that Hurt the Poor
Book Description
If you listen to the media, you would think that man-made environmental catastrophe was about to engulf the world and imperil civilization. From Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth to nightly jeremiads about CO2 emissions and carbon footprints, we are bombarded around the clock with alarmist reports that disasterous global warming is on the rise and that it's our fault. In Climate Confusion, noted climatologist Roy Spencer shows that fears about global warming are vastly exaggerated and are driven by politics, not truth. He shows that a global superstorm has already arrived-but it is a storm of hype and hysteria. Climate Confusion is a ground-breaking book that combines impeccable scientific authority with great wit and literary panache to expose the hysteria surrounding the myths of global warming and climate change. Spencer shows that the earth is far more resilient than exopessimists pretend and that increasing wealth and technology ingenuity, far from being the enemies of the environment, are the only means we possess to solve environmental problems as they arise.
From the Author
I wrote Climate Confusion for several reasons. In contrast to other works, I wanted it to be an entertaining and easily understood primer on how weather and climate works, showing why manmade global warming is unlikely to be a serious problem for humanity. Furthermore, I wanted to explore the political, philosophical, and religious underpinnings of beliefs in catastrophic global warming, helping the reader to better appreciate why scientific research in this area has become tainted and untrustworthy. Finally, and possibly most importantly, by using basic economic concepts I wanted to counter currently proposed policy "solutions" to global warming that will have devastating effects on the world's poor.
Files count:
74.78 Mb
sistromo (2008-04-15)
Mr. Spencer also claims that intelligent design is a solid scientific theory. I find it disturbing that many in the global warming skeptical camp (where I find myself) also espouse kooky ideas like intelligent design.RTT2 (2012-11-17)
I hope you've realized by now that the reason that there are so many fellow 'skeptics' with other 'kooky ideas' is that AGW denialism IS a kooky idea - in fact, a paranoid and ridiculous conspiracy theory.ThePiratesParrot (2014-03-08)
Mr. Spencer believes the book of Genesis is real stating it has more scientific proof than evolution: nough' said about rodeo clowns.Files:
1. Climate Confusion - Roy W. Spencer (Global Warming)/scan001.jpg 588.45 Kb
2. Climate Confusion - Roy W. Spencer (Global Warming)/scan002.jpg 723.75 Kb
3. Climate Confusion - Roy W. Spencer (Global Warming)/scan003.pdf 5.50 Mb
4. Climate Confusion - Roy W. Spencer (Global Warming)/scan004.pdf 8.90 Mb
5. Climate Confusion - Roy W. Spencer (Global Warming)/scan005.pdf 3.98 Mb
6. Climate Confusion - Roy W. Spencer (Global Warming)/scan006.pdf 6.38 Mb
7. Climate Confusion - Roy W. Spencer (Global Warming)/scan007.pdf 8.79 Mb
8. Climate Confusion - Roy W. Spencer (Global Warming)/scan008.pdf 7.17 Mb
9. Climate Confusion - Roy W. Spencer (Global Warming)/scan009.pdf 7.86 Mb
10. Climate Confusion - Roy W. Spencer (Global Warming)/scan010.pdf 5.78 Mb
11. Climate Confusion - Roy W. Spencer (Global Warming)/scan011.pdf 7.77 Mb
12. Climate Confusion - Roy W. Spencer (Global Warming)/scan012.pdf 4.11 Mb
13. Climate Confusion - Roy W. Spencer (Global Warming)/scan013.pdf 6.39 Mb
14. Climate Confusion - Roy W. Spencer (Global Warming)/scan014.jpg 872.64 Kb